SECCIÓN ESPAÑOLA The Morning Timos' Clwuhulon YrwtrrdMy. 19,853 PAGINAS 8 y 9 Printed and Dlstribnted , METAL MAMOCTS. AiiriiM Averagr-- 81 Hays' Bauds, Mew York silver....'' stíe Dálly l,8M St. Loula lesa s.7S y Atigmat Average for Sundays, St. Louis spelter 18.10 i jija SnmUy 35.71 35TH YEAR f EL PASO. TEXAS, FRIDAY. SEPT. 4, 1914. TWELVE PAGES PRICE 5 CENTS ait;: UNES AROUND PARIS TIGHTEN; AN FORCES DRAW CLOSER THE OFFICIAL STATEMENTS BBHISnlsflaL.BBAS3 BaMifl BRV SlKs9 BcBsMnKyxSrtJEKsiv VHPJH B2I rfl GROW BRIEFER AND SHORTER ON DETAILS. NEWEST PICTURES FROM THE EUROPEAN CONT4JCT At left, ruins of the village of Huy. destroyed by the German artillery fire. Center, French infantrymen with guns THE FRENCH WAR OFFICE trained on a German Zeppelin. At right, the French army in retreat before the advancing Germans, resting before renewing its flight. claims no Contact with german troops Ity to disagree wlih him. made his entire man's liluit. winch .the pope returned lo immediately nllam herself with the itHies in cabinet resign In a body, Ylmiatatmi' Damico to have engraved with against Turkey ir the latter declares war. Motions, under the nresent regime, his name. The expcrtallons also aro growing that region of compieque said he speaker, are grim farre. cm ITALIAN POPE The pontirr proceeded from the Mstlne Italy Is preparing to side with the allies, AND Q6RE60N LEAVE sens wno to vote as or chapel to the Masilles oí Hi. Peter's, where ir she Intended lo stand by Uerniany VILLA ran tne niciator and wed-nesda- y his minions direst, are threatened with he gave a benediction. He returned to the Austria, they believe, notirtratlon would and senlis since Imprisonment and even death. In one SIMIne chapel, where second act or have already been sent to Italian ships lo Instance In n district where Yuan homage bv the cardinals was accorded i.i'. in neutral ports and avoid in in h war turkey mobil- failed to receive any votes, lie at once hint. vessels. ordered a new election. On the second When the pope was aakml to present izing ballot he saw to It every man In the IS THE CHOICE Ininseir to the people lor the rirsl benedic- slowly on that tion, he turned to caminal Merry Del Val, the district was supplied with the desired or to papal secretary state, ami said: FOR DURANGO CITY ballot and made cast it. "1 pope l shall have strength lo over- Hi thr asséelated Prem persian boundary. HAY Masses Look on' Dr. sun as Savior, come sy emotion." London. Sept. :), A dispatch to the Ron The great masaes or the people of China, Outside t rimip Clamored. ter Telegram company rrom Amsterdam the Imping snit new says:' according to speaker, are Crowds, outsltlei clamored to see the As praying for government under which the OF CARDINALS ponilfr. and several or the cardinals. In- The bombardment of Mallnes .yesterday the Hoes around Paris tighten rights of the people will be respected, and cluding Cardinals Gibbons, Farley end lasted two hours. Nearly .Tjo shrapnel and Ihe l.rnnan forces draw closer lo GENERALS PROPOSE TO PACIFY OR SUPPRESS THE they look Jo Sun Yat Sen as the only man H'Coiimi. tried to calm Ihe assemblage and In lbe town. The church, (the fa mI..J'r""'h P!- - Ihe official powerful enough to bring It about. Yuan nbtaln silence. mous cathriiral or sit. Ilombold), In ruins mi, i, the limaren 0f the TURBULENT ARRIETAS AND REINSTATE was described ,ss a reactionary of the The excitement reached a climax when and its gateway. Its beautirul stained glass war grew briefer and are more aad worst type, a man who had received his the pope finally emerged, lie was alone winnows aim us ramous chillies were do more larking la details. CONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNOR. training under the late dowager empress AS SUCCESSOR and a husb fell over the multitude. All slroyed. nml i'r V 'J1 I" oescemeil Tal An, of evil memory, and whose only knelt and the pontiff raised his hands, "Fortunately, many of the works or art aetnallj kununP" a. lo how (lie object in participating In the revolt against with three fingers outstretched, and im- were saved." armies In the flelil are raring. Most thp tpossollc J Infi.rrneilon Improvement In the at Mexico not. however, escape the unofficial ele- the monarchy rol lowing his mist reta' death parled with a tiwiodlous voice in public from situation A rang s he officialJ uuarlpis Is City na caused Oeneral Obregon to abandon ment which was anxious to place beforv was the desire for greater power than he blessing. great cheer out IIM.TIMOHK PLATFORM, of a negative monarchy. to withdraw. character, as, n.r Instame, the his plan or proceeding; al once to the na- him evidence of conditions in the country ever could hope ror under the turned or ,r no accompanied his Even In the conclave ihe election Ihe Declaring the French war office tional capital. Instead tile commander of Several priests called on him and related Tick Tuck is by lar elnole Presltfrntlal Term. that Chi- chl You. Both are highly TO POPE X new pope caiisi'd much cxii lenient. Thu Read In Semite (here has hern no contact with 1he division or the northwest will leave some of the more harrowing experiences secretary, Font PHIS him addressed Hie (.crinan In nr huahua Monday General Villa lor prlvsts and nuns at the men and graduates rrom Ameri- cardinals surrounded and fnrrr. Ihe with underwent hands educated 10 lilm then' greetings and congratulations iii.ii, i. Coinpir and Senlln Durango City, where the two generals will or the can universities. They speak English per- Washington, Sept. 3. at since Wesnea constitutionalists. in Latin. All wished to be the first to kiss Roran. dav. mili tun tne siiuaUon In the endeavor to bring; about a peaceful settle- fectly. Both were fauIUessly attired In Republican, read into the senate record or existing- - In cut. Ins hand. northeast has nal changed. ment the differences that WASHINGTON EXPLAINS STATUS American made garments of the latest Gibbons and o'Connell. who tne declaration rrom the Hnltlmgre plat resneellvelv state. OF CARRANZA IN MEXICO CITY. cardinal the towns are Predicts Victory for Germana ....i,- iirwi it. on,, hhoi'ilv heron, mmti lu rortii for a single presidential term. The lomiles aud fhlriy-tw- mile Kncouraged by the success of their By (Ac Attoctnted Secretary Fung Chl You Is great ad CARDINAL GIACOMQ DELLA das, expressed their gratlfVatloii at lictng senator mads no eminent, but Republi northeast ol the capital in ending a similar situation in Sonora. Prrtt t can French and Washington, sepi. a. so rar as mo mirer of Kaiser Wtlhelm and predicted thu first cardinals not participating in the senators viowrii ins anion as supple inrj appear to mars me points nrar-es- t Obregon anticipate little dirriculty - Villa and Untied stales Is concerned. General Venus- that Germany would finally trtuntoh in tin conclave, to render homage. The pontirr inentary to vice President Marshall's dec Paris to which Ike German ad- in ramrjostns the Durango difficulty. They CHIESA, OF BOLOGNE, JS anil said he ai liiiunon llano Carranza it not provisional president great war now raging m Europe. The lis iiiwii yestfrdiiy lhal President Wilson vance ffiiards have approached. expect to return to Chihuahua in lime ror tl : they bail made lo conic should to pre. lilted forts he nominated uinvscir . With the removal .of Ihe. ooiera-le- nl r SaUStiSB mw supreme pontl? WMmirat VsBliola.VailMtSfissreesAtf in isn. onti wuum m tne lutatuawnl choleo lo Hóriieaiis, all errurls around -i - or mm party. i,i imc oantjiiiisc fwwn ui wo i ni muí II IKTirr jmrms ine ' ii inn on discomfort. Perls hare hern directed to prepara-lío- s According to advices received in Juarez Wilson so explained the r.nau Conslslorj Next Tuesday. the plan is to In office President himself neighbors in neo man tne apáñese AND. First for threatened Investment yesterday, the reinstate stains or the Mexican executive In dis who are now attempting 10 seize, posses ASSUMING THE NAME The pope has decided to hold his first Slll.Elt SEEKS OFFICE. of the capital by the Ornaos. In Pastor Rouatx, constitutional governor of today. Chinese, ac consistory next Tuesday, when he will Ihe now a In cussing Mexican affairs with callers slon of the stronghold. The Jddltlon, Frenrh antborltlrs have tmrango, who is refugee Torreón, Mr. Wilson said so rar as he cording; to the have In the red hat on Cardinal AnthMiy Menries Would Be Nominated by Manv aeroplane patrols to puarrt having, the state capital that bad visitor, little faith OF BENEDICT XV, HIS COR- and- Cardinal Illfferenl been driven from been informed, did not style him protestations Of the Japanese that Bollo, patriarch or Lisbon, Parties. anainst aa.v further raids by Herman hv the Arrletas. In the.event the Carranta the y or mutinous self "provisional president," retaining the tney propose to naca ilulsasola Nenendoz, archbishop BV aviators. A number of French aero- Arríelas submit gracefully It Is not unlikely turn tne territory Hotli were created cardinals thr Aasorleferf Prtsa title he liad used since Madero was over- to China, once tbey gain possession of It. ONATION WILL TAKE Toledo, Spain. Albany. N. Y. Sept. X Win planes are continually flylna In Ihe that one of the brothers will be Installed bv i'ope Plus X at the consistory last May. suiter neighborhood or Paris In thrown A similar promise, he said, wax made in Tuesday his posed governor or New York, will and others are as military commander of the forces the or the ex Ma- The pope will deliver on kepi In readiness, with irana to state, any to the plans or The slmiricancc president's connection with Port Arthur and PLACE ON SUNDAY, R give Ihe nils rail as a candidate or the attark but ir resistance planation In the thai General Villa first gflocirilon, which will lo any of the Grrmaus who appear In the the peace envoys la offered, both brothers lies fact nchuria at the time of the program Ids pontifical.
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