
r ■■ i ; !■ A^''. U ' ‘ !* '> - FRIDAY, MAT », 1»B| “tfr; ■ ' !/< ' •:T Blopdnwbile J^its Center Church Monday^ 12:4S to $:3Qu,m, Mra. Anna Hobb, 71 Haynea St.. ----- ------------------------------- --------— ----- ------------- :--------------------^ ^ —--------------------------------------------------- :---------______ ---- -------- ------ Md Mm. Edwin D. Foater, 358 A l ? * c 4 a ; Woodbrfdcadbrfd St.,‘ are attending the Average Daily Net Preae Ran Thf'Wiather ' eeaaion of the Whiter }Shrine of For |lM Weeic Ended Foraeast of O. S. Waather Bariaa Jeniaalem in Atlantic' City thia Gift Idem from Hdle^s Domestic Dept* Mayv8.T9B8' If ® week. ' Oeel taalght. liqw 88-84. Sanday. Chatham-Summer Weight ' BeailtifiS Fluffy Richard'E. Wihaibt. .aon ’($f Mr. eloady. milder, ehaaoe of eeiattdi*: and Mra. tSeorge Winjstier, 73 Hack­ 12,701 . ed light ehewere late In day or at | ‘V“ •ttend' matack St., will sing Vith the BLANKET 100^ Nylon Rugs - 6 ' MeialMr of the Abdit pight. ngh ee-«5. Isnu*^ 1:30 Chapel Choir of Boatoii IJntveraity , BureM of Cl reals tlon Siinday when it presenis its n"* In aolid colors or d u tifu l floral prints. Soft and Luxurious. M qnchester^A City of Village Charm ■re r«|u^^61 f'a tV nual spring concert at the UniveT- 21 X 36 i .1 •' elty. He is a junior in the Colle^ 72 n, M Solid color “SundoWh** . I'lng carda. of Liberal Arts. 27 X 48 >'....................... .... .m .9 8 VOL. LXXVit iip . 184 (TWELVE PACES) , MANCftiSSTEk CONN., SAYUBDAY, MAY 10. 1958 (Claaatflcd Adrcraeing eh. Page 10) J PRICE FIVE CENTS 7 ^ . 80- Solid colorJ'Mlami" . , Lid Covers . aseseeesete a-tp $1.98 What luxury, so soft and long wearing, ^ Z 72 X 90 Printed "Petal Polka" . .f5,98 washes and dries so quickly. Gorgeous 72 X 90 Printed "Sumroer^ase’’ . .iS,98n- colors in pink, white, light gt^n, dus^ Optimism Not General •.y rose, charcoal, maiae and aqnd. For bed­ • z . iProbeTWd 72 X 90 Printed "E^rdn^ong” rooms and bathrooms. NewHoosts wti rx Reported in Stdcl^ Sol jfv .V ' Costume Recession■■ -- t on 'Why Not Give MoiiierMWph^0ified IS, Sales At CuJRafe 'S, JEWELRY Y Some Leaders Say ■ ■ ‘ Washlhi^n, May 10 (/P)— @ ■ --------- — Washirfikton,' May 10 ()P)— Gift from Hidefs Houki^mires 0 el Fresh gov^m ent reports re­ Senate rackets investigaioH Nfw pastel colors in bibs, govemr Hot fiprihgs, Va.. May lOfmendation touched off debate tbit called today for an immediate ropes and earrings. Also flect improvelnent last month t/P)—Some- ^ ■Business ■ ’ •leaders • ——I*,.rcvealed .a -pllt.spilt. Some members V In employment^ home building called for a qM^k 10 per cent. 87 FBI investigation of asserted largeajfsortment of stone have told Sectary of (Com­ blilion tax cut. Others protested cut rate stock dealings be­ ' set jewelry p'us pearls 8-CUP PYRiX COFFEE CARAI^.^^....... SPECIAL S2.95 ■ retail sales, x*: . merce Weeks of'./aint, signs that tax reducation ^ s s unneces­ tween some labor union of­ and .rhinestones. With black wrought iron candla^^fti^eiyIdeal for coffee, tea, nqt chocolate, soups. f«d*ml agbiicim .«a- that April may hav^e Brought sary: that It wouM be--inlUtlonary ».unoM yesterday thgt; X. and damaging to the federal fiscal ficials andxBome East Coast 1. Fsnk employment inCMSMid a tunning point in the reces­ atructure. \ employers. LOCK «Md LIFT C>M(rC0YER,ilEO. $2.98 v..... SPECIAL $1.98 mom then wSiaJ* 1: lets April, to sion ‘ for several key in^hi?.- WeSks told newsmen he would Robert F, Kennedy, chief coun- ‘Spade Hop’ Communist sj.oo Plastic cake dish' wljJriock and-'carry cover. pink, turquoise. •, eom^ within r>«r ieemt of the num­ tries. - ask the committee—headed by T. el of the Rackets Investigating ber employed tlw<aaA:e time leer X But optimism Wss far from V. Houser, board ohairmah of k>mmiUee, said the Justioe De-. yGGi*. y- Uhanimous among the 100 top Sears, Roebuck ’ and Co.—to keep Tparrineht ti being asked to at Nears Half Plot JBared HANDCIIAFfED WOODEN STOOL .......... ..... .n98c Z Unemplo^«it eidiiqg wortt- nin)Lcorporation executives meet­ working and report back in June conahvittee- testimony for possible \om l*W. Gift o go Carefulty.^nded.‘Ready *b stain or paint. ' em covered by jobleea imemnee ing hbM ss the Commerce Secre­ because, Weeks said, "by June 30 violation of federal antiracketeer, each dropped by 86,900 during the week tary's Bqsiness Advisory Council there will have to be aome kind of Ing and labor laws, Y\ Always Appr^emted! ended April 28 — the ,..(BAC). X Ux bUl." , ■ The committee yesterday called Way Mark In Colombia STAINLESS StEEL TABLEWARE, REG. $10.95 . .; $7.95 I for enr we^tli.nce July 1957,• ■ 'X tn d the mistness leaders did not On that date, unless there ti a tentative halt- in its own inquiry 28 pie<%8. Boxed. Service for six. ’ Fortl^iMMie riM^e reported jeduc-- tgfae on whether the govemmerit rictenslon legislation, tha corpora­ ihto these deals after a Philadeir By STANFORi^RADBHAW phia groeery vchain ekecutive testi­ Norfolk, Va., May 10 (/P)— tlone. , ehouKfsstand P*psKon taxes, or ask tion tax rate will drop, to 47 per Qilito, Ecuador, May 10 Howeyer, tSK^eek’e toUl of ?c:ongres8'^!« h - cut ome tu f rates cent from 52 p<r cent, and some fied his firm let certain i^ion offi­ “Space flight” volunteer Lt- DAZEY W AU CAN OPEMR, REG, $3.95 ..... SPECIAL $2.9$ 1.285,780 in liwured'Tw^ployment as a booate^Tor buatnm. excise (sales)' rates will be re­ cials' and their relatives buy. stocks, Cm(ir. Jack Neiman Jr, doz^ —Vice President Nixoa HANDKERCHIEFS Powerful msgttet to lift lid. Bdked enamel finish. wee more then double theLj>f the A spsclal 'DiqemberXmxtl-reces- duced automatically. ^ and bonds at bargain basm ent for more than an hour during planned a breather in his eorrmponding period leeL ,, aion committee aH he BA€!,naiTied Reporters were b af red from rates. • South American tourtoday by 8. Housing ectivlty picked up iflApril at Weeks* re n u e st^ rec- Louis 'Stein, president -of Food' the night and wrote two let­ PYREX CINDERELLA BOWL SET .......................... .......$4.95 the BAC aeasions. bOt Weeks gave Fair Stores, said this was done to ters to his wife and five Chil- going to a soccer game. Police Always Set of lour—asabrtied colors. Boxed. , - itfo tfe e i aerverel flelds, slightly exceeding omfn^d a - peeecriptfoq for\ re­ a partial report and Roger M. April 1967 in the number of hew covery. 'capje up yesterday. wUh\a Boiicb, board chairman of U.S. avoid il) will, but not to ciirry fa- dren.- He then told watchful were ^erted for a possible unitsJxjt under oonjtriictioh. report propobtag: . x . ' (Steel Cofp„ provided highlights of 'vor. , . scientikta. outside his sealed demonstration at th^/8iadium. 1 . 'That President Elaeiihower He denied that Food Fkir re­ Nixon received % Warm recep­ . B—Pc. ^J^^XE BET . $4.*S' Has 4. sales increased 2 per uie council's semiannual "econom- ceived softer contracts with the low-pressure chamber he felt Weiepmed Large cake dish with cake server. Six beautiful plates; Floral pattern. cent duriM the month, with the call on Industry snd-^RUfpr for k Hc (bjindup.” Other details were capable of making the rest of tion from geherally friendly reri- biggeet ifippwement in durable voluntary, one year morktofium repotted priVafely by council men\- unions than compe'titors did. But dents when he'arrived yesterday on both wage boosts and price baL. committee Chalrinan John L. Mc­ the 48-hour experiment. after hostile ■N„. / goods. ' > Clellan (D-Ark) - called Uiat a In reporting on term employ­ rreeees, \ ' said April brought k Neiman, who ia being subjected Lima, Peru', Choose from a wide as­ SLIPS ment, the Agrtcultora Department 2. Thqt hP tax reduction be number'bfckncouraging signs snd point subject to debate.. to conditions si close os possible said if rumored i asked now, but that "if the decline 21 Buy Stbeks to those of flight in a satellite, was currad here, they probably'^ eaid the number of far. lly ahd in general consumption continues." "was consldrivd. by several- in- ' Stein took the stknd after sortment of lovely -Popular makes in all nylon or blend of hired workera on fanUs climbed dastrles as po8atlbly-4ndicatlng a sealed into his chamber at the edipb at the match between two ; dacron, cotton, nylon or all cottort; beauti- ' ^ 7,388.000 the last week of April a oat percentage cut be .made in George Kopecky, a committee in­ Norfolk naval air .station here at' .Quito soccer learns. hankies. Many styles all nersonal inceine tax fates.. turning point." X ^^ ..., . vestigator. testified that 21 union­ 3;.10 p.m, yesterday. The test is The Communists,' who . were Toiletries^ Etc* fuBy lace trimmed at bodi(;e and hem. Half incraase cf 2t j>er cent ovgr The moratorium idea provoked ists of union officials paid $42,100 scheduled to end at the same mo­ the iMt week of March. Tha nor- (Conttnued an Page E l^en) blamed.for sparking the Peruvian in allover prints. Also or alt around panel in ifioat styles. White i)a] gaiq for the period is 18 per no diacusaion. But/tne .tax recom- ;far securities worth $90,400 on the ment tomorrow afternoon. hostility, reportedly number leas FrtenJfhip.Garden BofK Powder opdr-,-tnarket. No one challenged As 'the 18-hour point was than 3,000 out of 800,000 voters in ........ $1.50 sizes 32 tf) 44. Priee, nylons' $2.98 $5.98. tWs., reached torfiy, Cipdr. A..L. Hall, all white with em­ Blends $3.98 to $ 6 .0 0 .
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