PARTNER SCHOOLS: OSNOVNA ŠOLA MIKLAVŽ NA DRAVSKEM POLJU, SLOVENIA ISTITUTO COMPRENSIVO DELLA VAL NURE, ITALY C.E.I.P. "MIGUEL ZUBELDIA”, SPAIN 40 PRIMARY SCHOOL OF THESSALONIKI, GREECE KAUTTUAN KOULU, FINLAND PUBLICZNA SZKOŁA PODSTAWOWA NR 15 IM. KRÓLOWEJ JADWIGI W OPOLU, POLAND CONTENTS SLOVENIA BUCKWHEAT SPOONBREAD WITH MUSHROOM SOUP (AJDOVI ŽGANCI Z GOBOVO JUHO) IDRIJA DUMPLINGS (IDRIJSKI ŽLIKROFI) CARNIOLAN SAUSAGE WITH CABBAGE (KISLO ZELJE S KRANJSKO KLOBASO) POTICA-WALLNUT ROLL (OREHOVA POTICA) SKUTINI ŠTRUKLJI ITALY BORTELLINA BETTOLESE POTATO CAKE (TORTA DI PATATE) PIZZA TORTELLI PISAREI E FASÖ SPAIN SIGH OF ALMOND (SUSPIROS DE ALMENDRA) VEGETABLE SOUP (SALMOREJO) FLOUR MIGAS (MIGAS DE HARINA) ATASCABURRAS PAELLA GREECE ZUCCHINI CROQUETTES (ΚΟΛΟΚΥΘΟΚΕΦΤΈΔΕΣ) BEAN SOUP (ΦΑΣΟΛΆΔΑ) HORIATIKI SALAD (ΧΩΡΙΆΤΙΚΗ ΣΑΛΆΤΑ) TSATZIKI (ΤΣΑΤΖΊΚΙ) MELOMAKARONA (ΜΕΛΟΜΑΚΆΡΟΝΑ) FINLAND FINNISH CHRISTMAS TART (JOULUTORTTU) KARELIAN PASTY (KAJALANPIIRAKAT) REINDEER STEW EASTER PUDDING (MÄMMI AKA) POLAND THE DUMPLINGS WITH SAUERKRAUT AND MUSHROOMS (OF THREE GENERATIONS) (TRZYPOKOLENIOWE PIEROGI Z KAPUSTĄ I GRZYBAMI) SOUR RYE SOUP (ŻUREK) GRANDMA’S HOMEMADE CHRISTMAS CRUMPETS WITH MUSHROOMS (DOMOWY PRZEPIS BABCI PLACKI Z GRZYBAMI-WIGILIJNE) CHRISTMAS BORSCHT WITH ”LITTLE EARS” DUMPLINGS (ŚWIĄTECZNY BARSZCZ Z USZKAMI) SZARLOTKA-PYCHOTKA (THE APPLE CAKE) OSNOVNA ŠOLA MIKLAVŽ NA DRAVSKEM POLJU AJDOVI ŽGANCI BUCKWHEAT SPOONBREAD Z GOBOVO JUHO WITH MUSHROOM SOUP Mushroom soup: Gobova juha: 2 onions 2 čebuli 2 strokes of garlic 2 stroka česna 2 potatoes 2 krompirja 500 g of any mushrooms 500 g poljubnih gob 2 tablespoons of dried mushrooms 2 žlici sušenih gob 1-1.5 l soup bases 1-1,5 l jušne osnove bay leaves lovorjev list thyme timijan marjoram majaron 3-4 tablespoons of flour 3-4 žlice moke cream and cracklings to taste smetana in ocvirki po okusu oil olje POSTOPEK INSTRUCTIONS Najprej z vročo vodo prelijemo suhe gobe, da First pour hot water on dried mushrooms to obtain dobimo močno osnovo. Čebulo na drobno a strong base. Cut onion on small pieces and fry it sesekljamo in jo prepražimo na vročem olju v in hot oil in a large pot. Add chopped garlic and fry večjem loncu. Dodamo še nasekljan česen in it. We can clean selected mushrooms if its needed popražimo. Izbrane gobice po potrebi očistimo s with a brush (do not wash it), after that we cut čopičem (nikar jih ne umivajte!), jih them into small pieces and add them to the onions. natrgamo/narežemo na manjše koščke in jih We cut potatoes into cubes and add them to the dodamo k čebuli. Krompir narežemo na kocke in pot. dodamo v lonec. Pour fried onion, garlic and mushrooms with dry Popraženo čebulo, česen in gobice prelijemo s mushrooms and water in which they are soaked. We suhimi gobami in tekočino v kateri so se add approximately a litter of soup. Season and cook namakale. Dodamo še približno liter jušne for about half an hour. osnove, začinimo in kuhamo približno pol ure. Ob koncu jed po potrebi zgostimo s podmetom At the end we thicken the dish with flour fried on (na olju prepražimo moko in vse skupaj vmešano the oil and pour it in the soup. If you like you can v juho) in po okusu oddamo še kislo smetano. Po add sour cream. Following the recipe on the navodilu iz embalaže skuhamo žgance in package we cook the buckwheat spoonbread and serviramo: na sredo juhe nadevamo nekaj serve them in the middle of soup, a spoon sour žgancev, jih obložimo z žlico kisle smetane, cream and a teaspoon of cracklings and sprinkle dodamo še žličko ocvirkov in potresemo s with parsley peteršiljem. IDRIJSKI ŽLIKROFI IDRIJA DUMPLINGS Testo: The dough: 300 g bele moke 300 g wheat flour 2 - 3 jajca 1-2 eggs olje 1 table spoon of oil sol salt voda ali mleko water or milk Nadev: The filling: 500 g krompirja 500 g potatoes 50 g ocvirkove masti (zaseke) ali 50 g fat (zaseka or smoked bacon cut prekajene sesekljane slanine in pieces) 50 g čebule 50 g onions začimbe (drobnjak, črni poper, sol, chives (Black pepper, salt, Sweet majaron) marjoram) SLOVENIA POSTOPEK INSTRUCTIONS Iz moke, jajc, soli in vode zamesimo testo. Knead soft dough (softer than the dough you would Gnetemo ga tako dolgo, da postane prožno in se make for noodles) from flour, eggs and water (or milk). ne oprijemlje rok. Če ga prerežemo, mora biti Knead the dough until it becomes elastic and does not gosto in brez luknjic. Ugneteno testo oblikujemo v stick to your hands or your working surface anymore. hlebček, ki ga po površini premažemo z oljem, If you cut it, it should be thick and without any small pokrijemo in pustimo počivati. holes or bubbles. Make a small loaf, apply oil on the surface, and cover to prevent it from getting dry. Let the dough rest for at least half an hour. Medtem ko testo počiva, pripravimo nadev. Še topel kuhan krompir pretlačimo. Na zaseki ali To prepare the filling, boil the potatoes first and mash slanini prepražimo sesekljano čebulo. Popraženo them when still warm. Add onions fried in fat, herbs, mešanico skupaj z začimbami vmešamo v and spices. Mix well to get a soft mixture. Shape it pretlačen krompir. Iz nadeva oblikujemo onto small hazelnut-sized balls (1 – 1.5 cm in diameter). enakomerne, za lešnik velike kroglice. nastanejo ušesca. Zgoraj se vtisne vdolbinica, Roll the dough thinly (1 – 2 mm), and place the filling onto the dough evenly with same distance between Spočito testo razvaljamo na debelino enega do the filling balls. Roll the dough over the filling – first to dveh milimetrov in nanj polagamo kroglice cover the balls and once more to close them, and nadeva (med njimi naj bo za en prst razmaka). pinch it together. Press the edges firmly, so they stick. Testo okoli kroglic premažemo z razžvrkljanim Press each one down in the middle, to get the a small jajcem. Testo se nato zaviha in med kroglicami hole on the top of the "hat", but be careful not to stisne, da se sprime in pri tem pa se pazi, da se break the dough. This is how they get their typical testo ne pretrga. Tako dobijo idrijski žlikrofi shape. A proper Idrija-style žlikrof should not be značilno obliko klobuka. longer than 3 cm, and higher than 2 cm. SLOVENIA Testo se nato zaviha in med kroglicami Cooking method: stisne, da se sprime in nastanejo ušesca. Put žlikrofi in salty boiling water, and cover Zgoraj se vtisne vdolbinica, pri tem pa se with a lid. They are cooked when they start pazi, da se testo ne pretrga. Tako dobijo to float and water starts boiling again. Drain idrijski žlikrofi značilno obliko klobuka. carefully, and serve hot. Traditionally they Pripravljene žlikrofe stresemo v vrelo slano used to be served with a special mutton and vodo, premešamo in pokrijemo. Ko se vegetable sauce. They can also be served dvignejo in ponovno zavrejo, so kuhani. S alone as a main dish. In that case we can penavko jih poberemo iz kropa in takoj use different dressings - stir-fried bacon, serviramo. pork cracklings, bread crumbs with butter and serve them with salad. SLOVENIA KISLO ZELJE S KRANJSKO CARNIOLAN SAUSAGE KLOBASO WITH CABBAGE 1 žlica rastlinskega olja 1 spoon of vegetable oil 100 g prekajene slanine 100 g of smoked bacon 1 manjša čebula 1 smaller onion 700 g kislega zelja 700 g of cabbage 4 brinove jagode 4 brine strawberries 2 dl vode 2 dl of water 2 ščepca soli 2 pinches of salt 1 ščepec sveže mletega črnega popra 1 pinch of freshly ground black pepper POSTOPEK INSTRUCTIONS Čebulo olupimo in drobno sesekljamo. Slanino First we peel an onion and chop finely. Then we cut narežemo na tanjše rezine, ki jih zrežemo na the bacon into thinner slices, which are cuted into manjše kocke. Poskusimo zelje. Če se nam zdi smaller cubes. Try cabbage and if it seems to us too prekislo, ga na hitro speremo v cedilu pod tekočo acidic, we will rinse it quickly under cold water. hladno vodo. Heat the oil in the shrimp, add bacon and fry it V kozici segrejemo olje, dodamo slanino in jo med quickly while stirring. Then add the onion and cook mešanjem na hitro prepražimo. Nato dodamo it till it doesn‘t change color. Add cabbage and čebulo in jo pražimo toliko časa, da postekleni. juniper berries and mix well together. Pour water Dodamo zelje in brinove jagode ter vse skupaj into it. dobro premešamo. Zalijemo z vodo. When the cabbage is boiling, we lower the Ko zelje zavre, znižamo temperaturo, kozico temperature, cover the shrimp and stew it until the pokrijemo in dušimo toliko časa, da se zelje cabbage is completely soft. Then we try it and by povsem zmehča. Zelje poskusimo in po okusu feeling we add salt and pepper. začinimo s soljo in mletim poprom. We put the Carniolan sausage in cold water and Kranjsko klobaso položimo v mrzlo vodo in cook until boiled. Then, remove the shrimp and kuhamo do vretja. Nato kozico odstavimo in leave the sausage in the water for another 10 klobaso pustimo v vodi še 10 minut. minutes. Toplo klobaso postrežemo s kislim (praženim) We serve sausages with roasted cabbage or turnips, zeljem ali repo, z žemljo, gorčico in nastrganim with bun, mustard, grated horseradish. hrenom. OREHOVA POTICA POTICA (WALLNUT ROLL) Testo: The dough: 60 dag moke 60 dag flour 1/2 žličke soli 1/2 teaspoon of salt 4 rumenjake 4 egg yolks 5 dag sladkorja 5 dag of sugar 1 jedilna žlica ruma 1 tablespoon rum 3 dcl toplega (ne vročega!) mleka 3 dcl warm (not hot!) milk 5 dag masla 5 dag butter 3 dag kvasa 3 dag of yeast 1 zavitek vanilijevega sladkorja 1 pack of vanilla sugar limonina lupina lemon peel OREHOVA POTICA POTICA (WALLNUT ROLL) Nadev: The filling: 40 dag mletih orehov 40 dag of ground walnuts 15 dag sladkorja 15 dag of sugar 2 dcl mleka (lahko je mlačno) ali sladke 2 dcl of milk (it can be lukewarm) or smetane sweet cream 2 žlici ruma 2 tablespoons rum 1/2 čajne žličke cimeta 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 1/2 čajne žličke drobno mlete 1/2 teaspoons finely ground coffee POSTOPEK INSTRUCTIONS Kvas z malo sladkorja raztopimo v manjši količini Dissolve yeast with a little sugar in a small amount of toplega mleka, posujemo z malo moke in pustimo warm milk, sprinkle with a little flour and let it rise.
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