I) OrderNowll 1989 Girl Scout Wall Calendar& Pocket Planner The theme of the 1989 32 page wall calender features ••• Companion pocket planner ... ideal Girl Scout wall calendar is • fulk:olor photoQraphs of Girl Scouts of au for pocket or purse features .. age levelS whiclt illustrate ac1ivitie$ that • a fuUpage of 1989 key holidays "outdoor education" reflecting enhance a Girl ScOut's understanding of • mtni calendar verstOnS of the years 1989 GSUSA's commitment to the world around her and 1990 • a full page of 1989 key holidays outdoor and environmental • 2 fuUpages of names. addresses and • an area code and time zone map phone numbers education. • 1989 and 1990 mini calendars • an area code and tune zone map QUANTITIES AND PRICES WALL CALENDAR - 100 PER CARTON WALL CALENDAR & Girl Scout Calendar Ca• No 30-089 Minimum order 2 cartons POCKET PLANNER G1rl Scout Poo<.et Pla.nr:efCa:. No 30-189 200 to 1.400 coptes . .45c each Allow 4 weeks for delivery 1,500 to 2,500 copies . ... ..•. ..•.. .44c each Council Junsdoct>011 Numoer _____ _ ___ 2.600 to 5,000 copies .. , . •.... • .....42¢ each Send Orders To Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. Counc 11 5, 100 to 15 ,000 copies . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .40c each National Equipment Service G '# Charge#--- --- 15,100 to 30,000 cop1es • .. .. .. .. ..39c each 830 Third Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10022 ~der# ____ __________ 30,100 to 75,000 coptes . • . ....37c each 75,100 to 150.000 copies .. .. ........ .34.5e each 150, 100 copies and over ... .... ..... .. .33.5e each Outside the continental U.S.A. including Alaska and l89 Hawaii . .46c each Please shop ___ copies of the 1989 Girl Seoul WaHCaenda r a, _ ______ _ each International addresses . .49c each Please sh1p ___ copies of the 1989 Girl Scout Pocket Planner@, _ _ ____ __ each POCKET PLANNER- 200 PER CARTON to amve by (circle one) the (15th}, the (30th) of or (ASAP) 200 to 1,400 cop1es .. .. .. .. .. .. ..36c each ~ :::J I have permiSSion from my counc11 to hold a 1989 Calendar Sa e 1,600 to 5,000 copies ......•..•.. ..34c each 5.200 to 15,000 copies . • • . .32c each ""' (CounciiName)l------------ ---- --- --­ 15,200 to 30,000 cop1es . ... ...........29e each ~ D I have permission from my tone troop committee to hold a 1989 Calenclar Sale 30,200 copies and over . .. .. ......... ..28¢ each u (Name of lone troop committee ch8Jrman}1---- --------- - - - Outside the continental U.S.A includtng Alaska and D FULL PAYMENT IS ENCLOSED Maa! cneck or money order payable to Hawaii..... .. .. .. .. ..37e each ·. G1rl Scouts of the U.S.A. Do not send partial payment Do not sena cash InternatiOnal addresses . .39c each § 0 Bill me. Our sale Will end on (date) I WI remit the ORDERING INFORMATION ~ full amount 30 days later. All orders in excess of $250.00 must be subrrutteo through the Counc11 office. Check w1th your council. If your council is havmg a G Approved by - ------- calendar sale. orders must be placed w1th your council Name Trte Council office. Orders for this ad w1ll be accepted only from Bill to: lone troop leaders and leaders in councils which are Name (pnnt)•- --------- - Signature _ _______ ___ _ not having a calendar sale: please fill In council name. No & Street City· _ ____ _ _ ___ _ _ _ USA G1ri Scouts Overseas, APO. FPO and interna· t•onal addresses must tnclude full rem•ttance with th1s State _________County·-- ----- --ZIP•---- -- order. Draw checks on U.S banks only. Calendars Will Shlp to: be ready to shrp June 15th. Order now• We will sh1p Name(Pieaseprint)1--- - --------------- - - - ­ any time you specify after June 15th. We will fill orders Street (No box# please)'---------------------- as long as the supply of calendars lasts. Shipping C~·-----------------------Countyr___ _ ______ _____ __ charges prepa·d on all calendar orders. Wall Calen· dars are packed 100 per carton. Minimum order 2 (do not abbreviate) cartons. Order 1n carton lots only. Pocket Planners State•---- ----------------Z•P•------ are packed 200 per carton. Minimum order 1 car· Date·------ -------Daytime Phone Number ________ ton. Order 1n carton lots only. Unsold calendars may not be returned. Res1dents of CA. MD and GA add GSUSAINES 4 88 the appropnate sales tax. Add S1 .00 per carton. PAL Clear ell money-earning plans with your Council Finance Committee or Lone Troop Committee charge, for all overseas dellvenes. Girl Scout SUMMER 1988 er g: <= ~ !n '< g ~ 0 § Q. 12 20 FEATURES ~ 8 Playing the Game GIRL SCOUTS President Betty F. Pilsbury 10 The Significance of Child's Play National Executive Director Frances Hesselbein 12 GSUSA's Annual Report Director, Communications Rhoda Pauley 14 The Winner's Circle (quiz) ~anaging Editor carolyn caggine Graphics and Design Director Ready-Set-Go!: The 1988 Summer Olympic '1ichael Chanwick 15 Senior Editor '1arianne llaw Games (centerfold) Associate F:ditor Deborah Craven ContribuUng l:dltors Patricia Stoddard. Janet Lombardi 19 Promoting Personal Safety Editorial A5si~tant5 Colleen Floyd. Marie Kary Circulation Assistant Millie Freeman 20 Sailing the Tall Ship Eagle 22 The End of the Age of Innocence: Teen Suicide Girl Scout Leader <ISSN 0017·0~771 ~ published quarterly by Girl Scouts of the U.S.A., 8.30 Third A\enue. Nc"' York. N.Y. t0022. ~· 1988 by Oirl Scouts of the Lmlcd States of America. All rights reserved. This pub· 24 Behind the Scenes: Careers in Sports llcatlon mal not b<!: reproduced. stored In a retrieval S)$tc:m. or rra~ilted in "hote or in pan. •n an) form. or b) an) mean• dcctronic. mechanicaL photoco~· ing, recording, or othe,.,ise without the prior .,.,,.lllen 28 USA Girl Scouts Overseas: A Comfort Zone away permission of Olrl Scouts of the United States of A mer· 1ca. Send stamped self·addressed emelope with un· from Home .solicited manuscriet~ phot~. or art. Girl Scoullcad<er cannot be respon••bte for such material In I"> Offices or in trans>L Thtrd·class postage pa1d at l'lc~< Yorll Cit} and lldditional mailing ornces 30 Girl Scout Leader Index 1987 SubKtlpllons. ss )earl} H ls~ues; $7.~ ror all des· tlnatlons outside U.S.A. and possessions, $2 Senior Oirl Scouts. Change ofaddress : Write Girl Scout ~eader. 8JO Third Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10022. Include old and new address. as well as councJI, troop. and idcmifica· tlon number. Allow 8 weeks ror change. Vol. 65. No. 2. Summer 1988. DEPARTMENTS Cover: Roller skating is a fun-filled. merry outing for these Brownie Girl SCouts from President's Message 6 In the News Girl SCouts, San Diego·lmperial Council, 4 Inc. (San Diego, Calir. ). Photographed on location for GSUSA by Terri Cluck. 2 7 Re: Sources 29 Near and Far L President's Message hat an inspiring year this is for ing at summer camps and for the Red women in sports! The 1988 Cross, the YWCA, and the YMCA. WWinter Olympics brought new canoeing and lifesaving are 1:\.vo other recognition of American women­ long-time interests. Bonnie Blair winning a gold medal in The variety of experiences offered to the thrill of playing the game, any the 500-meter and a bronze in the in sports in Girl Scouting is every bit game. Just as there is teamwork in 1000-meter speed skating competi­ as wide as my own personal back­ sports, there is teamwork in Girl tion; former Girl Scout Bonnie Warner ground. Wider opportunities, badge­ Scouting. And how marvelous it is to and Girl Scout Cammy Myler scoring work, sports days such as the one I know that a support group exists to sixth and ninth respectively in luging; attended last summer at Penn's Woods help you to help the girls. and another former Girl Scout Debi Girl Scout Council in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Sports, of course, are not just for Thomas taking the bronze medal in and other informal sports events allow girls; we began by speaking of young figure skating. As if that weren't girls of all ages to begin a new sport, adults who excelled in competition. enough, the Summer Olympics this become proficient in one of their Adults not only participate in sports, September will see Jackie Joyner-Ker­ choice, and join other Girl Scouts for they compete as well-against each see a strong contender for the gold in a fun-filled and exhilarating experi­ other in social groupings, or in local the heptathlon (track and field). ence on the field or court. events. But, do adults get as much en­ The winner's circle may be out of At the same time, adults are the joyment out of sports as they might? reach for most of us (as a youngster, role models for girls, the guiders, if Are we too engrossed in "getting ex­ I dreamed of becoming an Olympic you will, for youngsters to understand ercise to keep fit" or scoring a birdie swimmer!), but participating in sports that playing the game is just that. A on the golf course to really enjoy the can provide many pleasurable memo­ game, any game, is fun only if it re­ game we are playing? Are we taking ries and many valuable life skills. The mains a game. Deemphasizing com­ up tennis because our neighbors are discipline required to learn and prac­ petition for competition's sake is one into the game? tice any sport, the healthful results of way we can help girls enjoy sports and Play is not only for children; adults training and playing, and the lessons learn the rules of fair play. In other need time to unwind and replenish to be learned from competition are words, winning is great but it's not all tired spirits, overworked minds, and among the pluses of any sports activ­ that counts.
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