\ MONDAY, 1, 1968 r -E K w r . fflsnrlrfiitfr Enttrttts VifraUi Most Manchester Stores Are'Open Tonight Until 9 0*Clock I ^ , Army Spec. 5 Bruce A. About Town BMooka, <(jnn o f Mr. aM- Mrs. Harold F. Brooks Sr. of 94 lOnUy Net PNM Ron The W eather tO m Whlam P. P1«*r 1, <|aug;h-' Broad ER., recently waa award­ » ct Mr. and Ite. Loon A. ed the rating of gas turbine »W The W M i BMal an] generator epeoUlist, upon Fair with aaaeonaMe tempoim. ipMDt taUMify of liutclMriUr, Bate Ig. 19M turae tonight end Wedmeday. k ttM d a n ’a Mat for th« aec- oompMlng a gm tuxMne ahd genMuitor aourae- in the Dapoait- Toidght’e low In 4ne 60c. Wed- « t B u ry OoUAge itMNlay'e high Id the 80e. Mlamt Sh(Mraa, Bla. ment at Meobantoal and Tech­ 15405 nical Bquliment at the U.S. • . U Manehett«r— A CUy of VtUmge Charm Anne DeOtaccio, Army Brigineer School, Ft. Bel- ^ . ' ’fTS. o ( Mr. and M l«. voir, Va. He waa formerly etn- VtM i. LX X X V n, NO. 2S8 (TWENTY PA6E&-TW0 8E(NTONS) BfANCHESTER, (X)NN., TUESDAY, JULY 2, 1968 «• r a c e ID PRICE TEN CENTS IkMMt DtOhsoodo o f 127 Bia- ployad i t the Mai Tool. Bn- MK WL, b w tMcn named to the gineecing 06. * aaoDod aanMatar dean’s Ust at < ■ . -■ OkNHmMcut CoMege, New Um- Da'vtd Mehen of 36 Fallovor Dr., is one of 300 undergiadu- aite membeiB of PM Khiipr Thu fraternity who win attend ‘Tm- SlLF-SfRVICf DEPT STORE U.S. Makes Oapgr Owiiet pact,” the iratendty's fM t an­ nual leaderahtp aohool, to be Extradition Ordered, held starting Aug- 22 at Indi­ ana Unlventty, Bfoomlngtim. Big Raid Ronald BarracUffe, son of $hop with t6iifidiac$i!jl2/, Deiiii Mr. and Mrs. Bdgar Bama- oMfTe of 96 W. MkkSe TpV«„ is On North BAIOON (AP) — U « . Air Ray Will File Appeal teMiig a six-we^ aununer course in guidance and counsel­ Force B62 bom ben attacked the ing at the Utalveralty of Ha­ aoutbenanoat part o f North waii. Honolulu. Vtetaem with the beavlaat aa- HOUSE turation raida of the war Mon­ LONDON (A P ) — A The dvttan Club of Manches­ day end today. British court today want­ ter win have an Informal meet­ Wiave attar wave of AmeHoa’a ed extradition of James ing tomorrow at 12:10 p.m. at Ugfaat bombare—76 planae in Cuba Gives Earl Ray, wanted in the &HALE Wnie’a Steak House. aH flying from beeaa in OMna- United States as the ac­ TOmt STOKE FOR wa, Thailand and Quam—un- cused assassin of Dr. Mnr- VOW, uom FBIOB8 Stories of “ Our Oountiy's leaaiiad more than four mUUon tin Luther King Jr. pbunda of eocploalvea on enemy Its Yersion Birthday'' wfll be told tomorrow The extt%ditIon' order at 10:30 a-m. at a story hour 10Lb.Bog iargate juot above South Vtet- Misses' and Women's nun’s border. was granted by Chief Mag­ tor cMMren from 4 to 8 yean Of Qie Diary istrate Frank Milton. in the Junkr Room at Mary Saoh B62 carried about 84,000 Cheney Uhraty. pounds of 600-and 760-poimd Legal sources said Ray bomba. HAVANA (AP) — FUel Cas­ would appeal the decision. , CHARCOAL vNbtie mioaioM of five planes tro ssya BoUvla’a pcettdent and The magistrate granted Ray COM C 0 ^ V ‘ each hit juat inalda North Vtet- • the oommander of Its omed nam. Another six miaaiana legal aid to piKSue Ms appeal in CHARBE YOUR struck the northern half at the farces srdared Cuban revoiu- a hlglMr court within the re- . damlUterised aone. tteoary toader Bmeato “ Oha’ ’ qulred 18-day deadline. PRESCRIPTION c The inain targets ware North Guevara aaaaailitotBd after be Ray received the maglstrate’a Vietnamese storage areas, was oeqAured and that two decision without any outward caves, bunkers and artillery Northwest Orient Airiines Cafxtain Richard Simon­ drunken aoldtom did the job. show of emotlMi. altos. One aim was to wipe out In an introduotioa to the Cu­ He was Immediately led from enemy big guru Jthat have .been son flanked by the four stewardesses that were on' ban vecaten of Ouevara’a Bolivi­ court, still aurrounded by a-cM’- steadily hairanerlng U.S. com­ his jet plane when it was hijacked to Cuba last an war dtety, GBaIro also dem of Scotland Yard detecUves, bed baaas and supply Uiws just USSR Shows claimed that BolM a’ top Clom- and taken back to his maximum AT below the eeatem flaidc of the night tells of the fliffht to Cuba today after return­ muolat, Mario Monje, sabotaged security Jail at Wandsworth 0MZ and firing at allied war- ing to Miami, Hie atewardesBes from left are Bar­ O uaven’S guerrilla canfipalgn Prlarni In south London. /, PINE PHARMAGY ahlpa ottahora. Another objec­ N o H u rry by IntaroepUng “ well trained There was no reaction from _ 24" Barbecue <^ill bara Schlosser, Marguerite Schmidt, Nancy I«e mtlitant Oonununteta who were ■peotators In the crowded court-' •M Center O t OIKAOld 5.99 tive waa to stem the Increeaing going in to join the guerrilUa.’’ Felds For flow of war materials to enemy Stevenson and Margaret Burt. (AP Photofax) room. to troppa in South Vtetnam. , Over Liner Guevara’s diary waa selaed The magistrate, sitting at Ms Easy Storage Surii heavy B62 strikes scene- by BoUvtan aimy autborittea benrit atached with law boMcs, REVLON ttmes have signaled a maaatve B ulletin after fate oafttae laot October addresaed Ray directly and told American grtmnd sweep. It is during an abortive campaign to Cubans Say Runway Short WASHINOTON (AP) — Tlie Mm: “You will be committed to I i ; n M \ II iriost. unlUtely that 'Amarloan areata what he daacribsd as a White Houee annoimoed today prison to await extradMlon to tro(^ I^an a sweep into the “new'Vietnam’’ in Lattn Ameri­ that the Soviet govenunent the United Statea." nor&em half of the DMZ or ca, with Bolivia an the ataiOiig WELDON DRUG CO. has acted to release a troop­ He then granted him legal aid TiiT M\IN S'l. 9.57 above I t But tlte B52s could be point -y Hijacked Plane Back laden Amerioan alrUner aftm softening up the enemy's artil- Oiban otflclala said they got for his appeal. ' Adjiutable tory to limit their reaction to receiving an official U.S, ex-, Aa Milton delivered Ms decl- - A smashing collection that fea­ preeeloa of regret that the hold of photoatetlc ooptoe of the tures the season’s most flatter­ chrome-plated other U.S. offensives akxig the slon, he glanced at notes and oc­ grUl, 1 in. craft violated Soviet air apace dioiy without paying tor them RANGE ing one and two piece styles in frontter. x. But Passengers Left but did not explain bow." Ttiece casionally reterred to the one of a host of flattering colors! tubular steel over file Kurile lelande. the law volumes. legs with U.S. eouross. said the storage was spaciflatlan that photostats Modified blkinU, nauUcal styles areas—oaves and bunkens—sup­ He dealt at some length with . , . some with half skirts or wheels. Bulletin ^ p j n . , EDT, and the pMoen might have baen obtained FUEL OIL ply both North Ifietnamese Infil­ gera ware taken Into a quar­ WASHINaTON (AP) — There through Bolivian anny sources. the contention of defense attor­ matching coveb-upa. Sizes 80 wore no signs today that toe So­ to 38. trators headed south and the ar­ MIAMI, FU. (AP) — antine building for queettbB- Oarizos' govemmant begna ney Roger Friaby that Ray GASOLINE tillery crews attacking South Eighty-olx passengers of on ing and clearance. ' viet Union (dans the quick re­ dtotrihuOng Its venton o f the could not be eoctradlted because Vietnam’s frorrtter.. American Jetliner hijacked to lease of a U.S. alrUner that was dtary free Monday. the alaytag of the civil righto “these are targets of oppor- Cuba returned to th e' United '^MIAMI, Fla. (AP)-nA hi­ forced to land by Russian MTQs In La Pas, Bolivian President leader, shot In. Memphis, Tenn., " tunlty,” one source said. “The States today aboard a mercy jacked Noithweet Orient Alr- during a troop-carrying flight to Rene Bairientos charged that April 4, was a political offense. Vietnam. B A N T L Y OIL Misses Nylon B62 bomber can blonlMt an area plane nomudly used on “ free­ Mnes jet returned here from the Cubtm book was flotional The judge agreed It was cotn- Tiki Ha­ The State Department said better than tacUoal fighter- dom fllghto” to fesry Cuban vana todoy but 86 paoneogen and fatee. He aatd It waa oon- ipon knowledge that King was a Misses' ond Womens bombers. We found a go(^ num­ refugees to Miami. The chart­ Monday that Soviet Premier Al­ trived by Ouba’a Oommunlat re­ controversial figure in the Unit­ remained etznnded in OUba. exei Kosygin told U.S. Ambaa- ber of logteUoa apols. We Just ered plane landed at Miami Cuban authorittee refuaed to gime to bolrter pubOo morale. ed Statea. But he refuaed to a c­ International Airport at 12:28 aador Llewellyn Thompson In TONGA bad a bunch ^ good targets and allow tbs pasamgsrs to return The Cuban -pubUcaitlon ap- cept the defence contention that B62a were going to get them Moscow merely that the matter Boating on the -thres-englns 727 jet, peam to hinder further etto^ fiila atom - would make the JAMAICA and while they had a oharme.
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