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Kummings / Companion to Walt Whitman 1405120932_3_index Final Proof page 588 29.11.2005 9:13pm Index Note: Page references in bold type indicate major chapter-length references Aarnes, William, 563 Antoinette, Marie, 378 Abbott, Berenice, 288 Arad, Michael, 562 Abbott, Dr Henry, 203, 226, 240, 241 Arendt, Hannah, 546 abolitionism, see slavery and race Argento, Dominick, 564 Abrams, M.H., 79, 485, 510 Aristidean, The,14 Achilles, Jochen, 132 Arkhurst, Mr, 241 Adams, John (composer), 270 Arnold, Matthew, 77, 541, 547 Adams, John (President), 143 art and daguerreotype galleries, see adhesiveness, 508–521 photography and other forms of visual Adrian, Chris, 555 culture Agassiz, Louis, 219–20 Arvin, Newton, 217, 449 Aiken, Major William A., 353, 354 Ashbery, John, 314, 315, Alboni, Marietta, 262, 264, 452, 471 500, 554 Ashton, J. Hubley, 561 Alcott, Amos Bronson, 17, Aspiz, Harold, 519, 562 395, 396, 397 Asselineau, Roger, 87, 92, 449 Alcott, Louisa May, 396, 397, 555 astronomy, see science and pseudoscience Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 17 Atlantic Monthly, The, 416–17, Alexander, John W., 25, 285 423, 525 Allen, Gay Wilson,COPYRIGHTED 195, 313, 422, 423, 425, Auden, MATERIAL W.H., 439 449, 502, 549 Austin, J.L., 374, 492 amativeness, 508–521 autoeroticism, see sexuality American Phrenological Journal, 171, 218, Azarnoff, Roy S., 92 228, 414 Ammons, A. R., 446 Bachman, John, 51, 52 Anderson, Benedict, 292 Bacon, Francis, 219 Anderson, Quentin, 486 Badiali, Cesare, 262, 554 Andrews, Malcolm, 56 Baez, Joan, 345, 346 Andrews, William, 110 Bakhtin, M.M., 299 Kummings / Companion to Walt Whitman 1405120932_3_index Final Proof page 589 29.11.2005 9:13pm Index 589 Banvard, John, 252 Bloomer, Amelia, 396 Baraka, Amiri (LeRoi Jones), 451 Bly, Robert, 452 Barnum, P. T., 239, 240, 241, 242–3, 244, Bohan, Ruth, 288, 444 245, 246, 247, 248–9, 254 Bolcom, William, 269 Barthes, Roland, 283 Booth, John Wilkes, 20 Baudelaire, Charles, 43, 487 Booth, Junius Brutus, 66, 554 Bauerlein, Mark, 87, 88, 89, 93, 375, 490, Booth, Mary L., 297 493, 505 Borges, Jorge Luis, 450, 451 Bazalgette, Leon, 443 Boston Commonwealth, 421 Beach, Christopher, 111 Boston Daily Evening Transcript, 419, 524 Beaver, Joseph, 217, 223, 225 Boston Daily Globe, 424 Beecher, Henry Ward, 381 Boston, Massachusetts, 17, 42, 105, 416, Beethoven, Ludwig von, 262, 498 424, 459 Belden, E. Porter, 51 Bowen, Charles, 556 Bellini, Vincenzo, 262 Bowers, Fredson, 508–9, 511 Bellows, George, 443–4 Boym, Svetlana, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, Belsey, Catherine, 180 301, 303, 309 Bene´t, Stephen Vincent, 447, 448, 451 Bradbury, Ray, 349 Benjamin, Park, 13, 31 Bradley, Sculley, 177, 193 Benjamin, Walter, 45 Bradstreet, Anne, 398 Bennett, James Gordon, 31, 238 Brady, Mathew, 280, 282, 284 Bergman, Herbert, 40 Bragg, Billy and Wilco, 346, 347 Berman, Morris, 96–7 Brand, Dana, 43, 45, 57 Bernstein, Leonard, 269 Brasher, Thomas L., 38, 171 Berrigan, Ted, 452 Brenton, James, 13 Berryman, John, 452 Bridge, Frank, 269 Bertolini, Vincent J., 90, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98 Bright, John, 269 Bettini, Alessandro, 262–3 Brignoli, Pasquale, 262, 267 B’hoy figure, 67–8 Broadway Journal, 14, 259, 393 bibliography (Whitman’s prose works), Brooklyn Daily Advertiser,37 566–87 Brooklyn Daily Eagle, 14, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, biography (Whitman’s life and work), 11–26 60, 94, 103, 104, 153, 171, 203, 218, birthplace, Whitman’s (West Hills, Long 234, 235, 236, 240, 243, 244, 249, Island), 11 250, 251, 258, 260, 261, 262, 399, Bishop, Elizabeth, 443 413, 522, 524, 541 Black, James Wallace, 284 Brooklyn Daily Evening Star, 36, 38, 258 Black, John, 36 Brooklyn Daily Times, 17, 36, 114, 414 Black, Stephen A., 505 Brooklyn Freeman, 15, 36, 37, 104 Blackwell, Thomas, 199 Brooklyn, New York, 11, 12, 14, 15, 19, Blackwood’s Magazine, 218 34–5, 37, 38, 42, 48, 51, 52, 110, 132, Blair, Jayson, 555 192, 251, 258, 291, 293, 294, 296–7, Blake, William, 53, 101, 345 298, 303, 319, 325, 378, 410, 411, Bliss, Arthur, 269 485, 487, 489, 490, 522 Blodgett, Harold W., 177, 193 Brooklyn Standard, 293 Blondheim, Menahem, 34 Brown, Calvin, 266 Bloom, Harold, 79, 81, 88 Brown, Charles H., 37–8 Kummings / Companion to Walt Whitman 1405120932_3_index Final Proof page 590 29.11.2005 9:13pm 590 Index Brown, Henry Kirke, 279 Catherwood, Frederick, 250 Brown, John, 371, 397, 478, 528 Catlin, George, 228, 246, 247, 279, 280, 284 Brown, Lewis K., 19, 540, 542, 547 Cavell, Stanley, 79 Browning, Robert, 405 Cavitch, David, 176 Bryant, William Cullen, 31, 35, 49, 50, 313, Certeau, Michel de, 45, 51 393–4, 397, 398, 564 Chambers, Robert, 225 Buber, Martin, 493, 494 Channing, Reverend William Ellery, 234, Buchanan, Robert, 174 235, 236, 254, 392 Bucke, Richard Maurice, 23, 24, 25, 218, Chapin, Edwin Hubbell, 466, 467, 468 401, 402, 403, 441, 442, 443, 446, Chapin, William E., 419 496, 553, 563, 564 Chase, Richard, 544 Buckingham, Lindsey, 346 Cheneys, the, 258, 259 Buddha, 199, 202 Chicago Defender, The, 450 Buell, Lawrence, 312, 314 Chopin, Kate, 444 Bunker, Chang and Eng, 242 Christ, 199, 203, 204 Bunsen, Christian C. J., 363, 366 Christian Examiner, The, 414–15 Burkhardt, Edward, 51 Cincinnati Daily Commercial,497 Burns, Anthony, 105 city, Whitman and the, 42–59 Burns, Ken, 357, 448, 555 Civil War, the American, 290–310, 522–37 Burroughs, John, 19, 20, 22, 60, 216, 217, Clapp, Henry, 17, 420, 496 222, 313, 314, 319, 401, 402, 415, Clare, Ada, 17 441, 442, 556, 561 Clare, John, 314, 315 Bush, George W., 153, 453 Clark, Edward, 12 Bush, Laura, 453 Clark, Gregory, 88 Butler, Judith, 178, 308 Clark, James, 12 Butsch, Richard, 248 Clay, Henry, 31, 381 Clemens, Samuel Langhorne, 154, 155, 394, Cady, Joseph, 172 407, 424, 441 Camden Courier-Post, 342 Clements, Samuel E., 29 Camden, New Jersey, 22–5, 42, 132, 342–3, Clias, Phokion Heinrich (Peter Henry), 237 361, 407, 441–2, 450, 560 Clifford, William Kingdon, 216 Canby, Henry Seidel, 354, 449 Clinton, William Jefferson, 357, 452, 561 Cardona-Hine, Alvaro, 348 Colbert, Charles, 223 Carlisle, E. Fred, 493, 494 Cole, Thomas, 50, 228 Carlyle, Thomas, 21, 117, 144, 200, 201, Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 49, 101, 200, 219, 203, 219, 261, 541, 542, 543, 544, 364, 486, 493, 530–1 545, 546, 547, 564 Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel, 269 Carnegie, Andrew, 73, 441 Collins, Wilkie, 326 Carpenter, Edward, 23, 164, 172, 406, 442 Columbian Magazine,14 Carroll, Charles, 556 Columbus, Christopher, 161, 388, 389 Carroll, Grant, 556 Combe, George, 218, 227 Carroll, Obediah, 556 Confucius, 199 Carter, Elliott, 269 Conner, Frederick William, 217 Cass, Lewis, 36 Constant, Benjamin, 81 catalogues, see style and technique(s) contemporary authors, Whitman and, Cather, Willa, 444 392–408 Kummings / Companion to Walt Whitman 1405120932_3_index Final Proof page 591 29.11.2005 9:13pm Index 591 Conway, Moncure, 20, 404 Dimock, Wai Chee, 123, 127, 479, 480 Corso, Gregory, 451 Disraeli, Benjamin, 541 Coviello, Peter, 166 Dixon, Dr. Edward H., 223, 226, 229 Cowley, Malcolm, 166, 463 Dodge, Dr. Jonathan W., 64 Cox, George C., 284 Donaldson, Thomas, 24 Crane, Hart, 444, 445, 446, 451, 471 Donizetti, Gaetano, 14, 262 Crane, Stephen, 56 Donne, John, 345 Crawford, Nelson Antrim, 352 Doudna, Martin K., 312, 313 Crawley, Thomas, 412 Dougherty, James, 251, 252, 288 Creston, Paul, 269 Douglass, Frederick, 109–10, 111, 381, Criterion, 16, 413 462–3, 478 Critic, The,25 Dowden, Edward, 405, 406, 442, 564 Crumb, George, 269 Doyle, Peter, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 65, 253, Cullen, Countee, 345 403, 439, 503, 558, 561 cummings, e.e., 345 Duckett, Bill, 24 Cummings, Glenn N., 312 Dujardin, Edouard, 443 Cunningham, Oscar, 540, 542 Dunbar, Paul Laurence, 450 Currier and Ives, 272 Duncan, Isadora, 288, 444 Cushman, Charlotte, 554 Duncan, Robert, 452 Cushman, Stephen, 527 Dylan, Bob, 448 Daguerre, Louis, 273 Eakins, Thomas, 25, 286, 287, 443 Daily Whig,31 Eckler, Peter, 20, 534 Daniel, Lewis C., 447 Edinburgh Review, 218 Darwin, Charles, 217, 231 Edwards, John W., 327 Davis, Andrew Jackson, 339 Eggleston, Edward, 441 Davis, Mary, 24 Einstein, Albert, 218 Davis, Paulina Wright, 182 Eliade, Mircea, 205 Davis, Robert Leigh, 299, 301, 303 Eliot, T.S., 443, 444, 445, 446, 452, 487, Day, Benjamin Henry, 30 489, 493 death, 325–40 Ellis, Joseph, 102 Debs, Eugene, 74, 442, 447 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 42, 78, 79, 96, 98, deism, 198–9 133, 174, 198, 212, 219, 229, 230, De La Grange, Anna, 262 261, 312, 313, 314, 339, 366, 379, Deleuze, Gilles, 313 381, 385, 392, 393, 396, 397, 398, Delius, Frederick, 269, 444 399, 407, 412, 418, 423, 466, 473, democracy, 76–86, 136–50 486, 555, 564 Dennis, Matthew, 465 influence on Whitman, 87–8, 203, 278, Denver, Colorado (and the Rocky 363–4, 365, 368, 377–8, 394–5 Mountains), 23, 389, 563 letter to Whitman, 16, 39, 40, 362, 395, De Selincourt, Basil, 99 410, 414–15, 441, 504, 554 Dewey, John, 76, 80 equality, 471–83 Diamond, David, 269 Erkkila, Betsy, 94, 129, 152–3, 165–6, 174, Dickens, Charles, 43, 326 175, 190, 463, 488, 514–15 Dickinson, Emily, 101, 399, 400, 401, Evart, William, 561 471 evolution, see science and pseudoscience Kummings / Companion to Walt Whitman 1405120932_3_index Final Proof page 592 29.11.2005 9:13pm 592 Index Faner, Robert, 260, 261, 267, 499 Gardner, Alexander, 280, 281, 282, 284 Faulkner, William, 322 Gardner, Thomas, 452 Fausset, Hugh l’Anson, 38, 40 Garman, Bryan K., 346, 448 Fellows, Colonel John, 202 Garrison, William Lloyd, 462 Ferguson, David, 532 Geertz, Clifford, 548, 550 Fern, Fanny, see Parton, Sarah Payson Willis Geffen, Arthur, 319, 322 Fichte, Johann, 80, 200 gender, 180–96 Fields, James T., 525 G’hal figure, 67–8 Fillmore,

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