Mycologia, 97(2), 2005, pp. 433±443. q 2005 by The Mycological Society of America, Lawrence, KS 66044-8897 The genus Podocrella and its nematode-killing anamorph Harposporium Priscila Chaverri1 INTRODUCTION Department of Plant Pathology, Cornell University, 334 Plant Science Building, Ithaca, New York 14853 The genus Podocrella Seaver was erected based on the single species P. poronioides Seaver (1928). Although Gary J. Samuels it was described originally from wood in Trinidad, its USDA-ARS, Systematic Botany and Mycology typically clavicipitacean asci and stroma led Rossman Laboratory, Room 304, B-011A, 10300 Baltimore et al (1999) to suspect that the true host might be Ave., Beltsville, Maryland 20705 an arthropod overlooked by the collector; it has not been reported since its original description. Wake®el- Kathie T. Hodge diomyces Kobayasi (1981) and Atricordyceps Samuels Department of Plant Pathology, Cornell University, (1983) resemble Podocrella in their dark, peltate stro- 334 Plant Science Building, Ithaca, New York 14853 mata and other features, and we suggest they should be considered synonyms of Podocrella. Wake®eldiomy- ces is based on Cordyceps peltata E.M. Wake®eld Abstract: Several genera are described in the liter- (Wake®eld and Groves 1916), which was described ature as having morphology similar to the clavicipi- from St Vincent, an island in the Lesser Antilles; taceous genus Podocrella, viz. Atricordyceps, Ophiocor- monotypic Atricordyceps was described from New Zea- dyceps, Wake®eldiomyces and ``Cordyceps'' peltata. land. Petch (1931) included C. peltata in the genus These genera have capitate-stipitate stromata that Ophiocordyceps Petch, along with three other species. gradually expand into a horizontally ¯attened fertile Ophiocordyceps blattae, the type of the genus, is mor- head that is dark, has strongly protruding perithecia phologically distinct from Podocrella, therefore we do and asci containing eight multiseptate ®liform asco- not consider Ophiocordyceps to be congeneric with Po- spores. These ascospores disarticulate at the middle docrella. septum to form two lanceolate multiseptate part-as- Of the several species that we can consider for in- cospores. In this study several specimens of the clusion in Podocrella, an anamorph is known for only above-mentioned genera, including the types, were one, Atricordyceps harposporifera Samuels, which was examined to determine whether they are congeneric reported to have an anamorph attributable to H. an- with Podocrella. This study also reveals the connection guillulae Lohde, the type of the genus Harposporium of Podocrella to its anamorph genus, Harposporium, (Samuels 1983). Molecular data reported by Sung et and its relationship to several other clavicipitaceous al (2001) con®rmed the relationship of A. harpospor- genera, based on cultural data and large subunit nu- ifera and another Harposporium species, H. helicoides clear ribosomal DNA (LSU) sequences. Nematode Drechsler. The Harposporium anamorph of Cordyceps predation of the Harposporium anamorph of P. pel- peltata is described here based on a collection from tata is demonstrated. The results show Podocrella and Costa Rica. selected Harposporium LSU sequences form a mono- Harposporium species are fungi common in soil; phyletic group and that this clade is closely related many have been found infecting various nematodes, to Aschersonia. A new species of Podocrella from Costa rotifers or tardigrades, including Prismatolaimus spp. Rica, P. fusca, is described, new combinations made and Rhabditis spp., among others (Barron 1977, for P. peltata and P. harposporifera, and a key to the Drechsler 1968, Viaene 1996). Although Harpospor- known species is presented. ium species generally are not known to infect insects, Key words: Anamorph-teleomorph connection, their possible teleomorph species have been report- Ascomycota, Clavicipitaceae, Hirsutella, Hypocreales, ed only from arthropods. Atricordyceps harposporifera large subunit nuclear ribosomal DNA, molecular phy- was isolated from a centipede, and Cordyceps peltata logenetics, synanamorphs, systematics was found on infected larvae of Cryptorhynchus sp. (Coleoptera). The host of the type specimen of Po- Accepted for publication 7 Oct 2004. docrella poronioides was not apparent, but Rossman et 1 Corresponding author. Current address: USDA-ARS, Systematic Botany and Mycology Laboratory, Room 304, B-011A, 10300 Balti- al (1999) hypothesized that it possibly developed more Ave., Beltsville, Maryland 20705. Email: [email protected] from an insect larva buried in the wood. Harpospor- 433 434 MYCOLOGIA ium janus Shimazu & Glockling, which has the ability ware (Scion Corp., Frederick, Maryland). Con®dence inter- to infect beetle larvae and nematodes, exhibited a vals (a50.05), minimum and maximum values for 10±30 gradual change from a synnematous form on the anamorph and teleomorph measurements (except where beetle larva to a typical Harposporium form on the indicated) were calculated with Systat 8.0 (SPSS Inc., Chi- nematode (Shimazu and Glockling 1997). cago, Illinois). In this study we evaluate the synonymy of several Nematode bioassay.ÐThe ability of the C. peltata isolate AR- Cordyceps-like genera with dark, peltate stromata and SEF 5410 to infect and kill nematodes was assessed in vitro Harposporium anamorphs, use partial LSU sequences using the method described in Hodge et al (1997). A few to investigate their relationships with other clavicipi- drops of a culture of an unidenti®ed rhabditid nematode taceous fungi including selected Harposporium spp. isolated from New York turf samples were applied to a 2 and describe a new species in this group from Costa mo old culture of ARSEF 5410 on MEA. The dishes were Rica. A key to known species of Podocrella is present- incubated at room temperature and observed 10 d for in- fection. Infection was con®rmed by picking nematodes with ed. Keys to described Harposporium species were pub- a ®ne needle, mounting them in lactic acid-cotton blue and lished by Esser and El-Gholl (1992) and Gams and observing them with a compound microscope. Zare (2003). DNA extraction, PCR and sequencing.ÐCultures of H. an- guillulae (ARSEF 5407 and 5593), H. cycloides Drechsler MATERIALS AND METHODS (ARSEF 5599) and C. peltata (ARSEF 5410) were grown on Difco potato-dextrose agar ca. 2 wk. Mycelium was harvest- Morphological examination.ÐType specimens of Cordyceps ed in a laminar ¯ow hood by scraping, then suspended in peltata, Atricordyceps harposporifera and Podocrella poronioi- extraction buffer and frozen. Extraction of genomic DNA des were obtained respectively from the Herbarium of the and PCR ampli®cation was done using methods similar to Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (K), the New Zealand Fungal those described by Sung et al (1999). The large subunit Herbarium (PDD) and the William and Lynda Steere Her- nuclear ribosomal DNA (LSU) primers used were LR0R (59- barium (NY). The two specimens from Costa Rica were ob- ACCCGCTGAACTTAAGC-39) and LR5 (59-TCCTGA- tained from the U.S. National Fungus Collection (BPI) (C. GGGAAACTTCG-39), which produced a sequence of ca. peltata, specimen BPI 749196) and the Botany Department 800 nucleotides (Vilgalys and Hester 1990). The resulting Herbarium of the National Biodiversity Institute of Costa products were puri®ed with the QIAquicky PCR Puri®ca- Rica (INB) (Podocrella sp., specimen INB 3835871). Cul- tion Kit (Qiagen Inc., Valencia, California). Sequencing of tures were obtained from Agricultural Research Service Col- forward and reverse strands was performed at the Bio- lections of Entomopathogenic Fungi, U.S. Plant, Soil and Resource Center, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Se- Nutrition Lab, Ithaca, New York (ARSEF). quences were edited and assembled with Sequencher 4.1 Herbarium specimens were rehydrated brie¯y in distilled (Gene Codes, Madison, Wisconsin) and SeqEd (Applied t water with a trace of Tween 80 ( J.T. Baker Chemical Co., Biosystems, Branchburg, New Jersey). Sequences have been Phillipsburg, New Jersey). Rehydrated stromata were sup- deposited in GenBank (TABLE I) and the alignment in ported by Tissue-Tek O.C.T. Compound 4583 (Miles Inc., TreeBase (study number S 1115, http://treebase.bio. m Elkhart, Indiana) and sectioned at a thickness ca. 15 m buffalo.edu/treebase/). with a freezing microtome to observe and measure the char- acteristics of the stroma tissue and perithecia. Asci and as- Phylogenetic analysis.ÐHarposporium anguillulae (ARSEF cospores also were characterized. Color terminology is from 5407 and 5593), H. cycloides (ARSEF 5599) and C. peltata Kornerup and Wanscher (1978). (ARSEF 5410) LSU sequences were aligned to several se- A culture from C. peltata BPI 749196 (culture G.J.S. 96- quences downloaded from GenBank (TABLE I). Clustal X 242 5 ARSEF 5410) was obtained from single-ascospore iso- 1.81 (Thompson et al 1997) was used to align the sequenc- lations made with a micromanipulator. The ascospores were es, and alignment was re®ned by hand. Maximum parsi- germinated and grown on CMD (Difco cornmeal agar [Dif- mony (MP), neighbor-joining (NJ), and Bayesian analyses co Laboratories, Detroit, Michigan] 1 2% dextrose 1 1% were carried out with all sequences. MP analysis was done antibiotic solution (0.2% Sigma Streptomycin Sulfate [Sig- in PAUP* version b8 (Swofford 1999) using a heuristic ma-Aldrich Corp., St Louis, Missouri] 1 0.2% Sigma Neo- search, with a starting tree obtained via 1000 random step- mycin Sulfate 1 distilled water). Morphological observa-
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