1 THINK BEFORE YOU DRINK: A BEVERAGE MAP FOR EINSTEIN CAFETERIAS Category Size Calories Sugars (g) Total Carbs (fiber) Sodium (mg) Green fl. oz. ≤ 110 ≤ 5 no artificial sweeteners < 150 Poland Spring 1 QT 0 0 0 0 Poland Spring 1.5 L 0 0 0 0 Aquafina 20 fl. oz. 0 0 0 0 Pure Leaf 18.5 fl. oz. 0 0 0 0 Unsweetened Yellow Fl. oz. <150 6‐12 may contain artificial < 200 sweeteners Amp Energy 16 fl. oz. 10 0 <1 150 Boost Sugar HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN Free SYRUP Amp Energy 16 fl. oz. 10 0 <1 150 Boost Sugar HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN Free SYRUP Aquafina 16.9 fl. oz. 0 0 SUCRALOSE 135 FlavorSplash ACESULFAME POTASSIUM Strawberry Kiwi Aquafina 16.9 fl. oz. 5 0 SUCRALOSE 140 FlavorSplash Raspberry Aquafina 16.9 fl. oz. 5 0 SUCRALOSE 140 FlavorSplash Wild Berry Aquafina 16.9 fl. oz. 5 0 SUCRALOSE 180 FlavorSplash Grape Coca Cola Zero 20 fl. oz. 0 0 ASPARTAME 70 ACESULFAME POTASSIUM Diet Coke 20 fl. oz. 0 0 ASPARTAME 70 ACESULFAME POTASSIUM Diet Dr Pepper 20 fl. oz. 0 0 ASPARTAME 100 Diet Pepsi 20 fl. oz. 0 0 ASPARTAME 60 Diet Pepsi 20 fl. oz. 0 0 ASPARTAME (295 mg) 60 Caffeine Free Diet Pepsi Wild 20 fl. oz. 0 0 ASPARTAME 60 Cherry Diet Rockstar 16 fl. oz. 20 0 SUCRALOSE 250 Double ACESULFAME POTASSIUM Strength Diet Sierra 20 fl. oz. 0 0 ASPARTAME 60 Mist ACESULFAME POTASSIUM 1 Beverages by Category in Alphabetical Order Sold at Einstein 2 THINK BEFORE YOU DRINK: A BEVERAGE MAP FOR EINSTEIN CAFETERIAS Category Size Calories Sugars (g) Total Carbs (fiber) Sodium (mg) G2 Fruit Punch 20 fl. oz. 45 12 12 270 SUCROSE SUCRALOSE ACESULFAME POTASSIUM G2 Orange 20 fl. oz. 24 12 12 270 SUCROSE SUCRALOSE ACESULFAME POTASSIUM Lipton Diet 20 fl. oz. 5 0 0 60 Green Tea with SUCRALOSE Citrus ACESULFAME POTASSIUM Pepsi Max 20 fl. oz. 0 0 ASPARTAME 65 ACESULFAME POTASSIUM Pepsi Next 20 fl. oz. 35 10 10 35 HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP ACESULFAME POTASSIUM, SUCRALOSE Propel Zero 16.9 fl oz 0 0 SUCRALOSE 170 Berry ACESULFAME POTASSIUM, Propel Zero 16.9 fl oz. 0 0 SUCRALOSE 170 Kiwi ACESULFAME POTASSIUM Strawberry Pure Leaf Diet 18.5 fl oz 10 0 SUCRALOSE 0 Lemon ACESULFAME POTASSIUM Pure Leaf Diet 18.5 fl. oz. 0 0 SUCRALOSE 0 Peach ACESULFAME POTASSIUM Sobe Lifewater 20 fl. oz. 10 0 15 60 B energy ERYTHRITOL Strawberry REB A (PURIFIED STEVIA Apricot EXTRACT) Sobe Lifewater 20 fl. oz. 10 0 19 60 B energy Black ERYTHRITOL Cherry REB A (PURIFIED STEVIA Dragonfruit EXTRACT) Sobe Lifewater 20 fl. oz. 0 0 8 60 Black and Blue ERYTHRITOL Berry REB A (PURIFIED STEVIA EXTRACT) Sobe Lifewater 20 fl. oz. 0 0 9 60 Fugi Apple ERYTHRITOL Pear REB A (PURIFIED STEVIA EXTRACT) 2 Beverages by Category in Alphabetical Order Sold at Einstein 3 THINK BEFORE YOU DRINK: A BEVERAGE MAP FOR EINSTEIN CAFETERIAS Category Size Calories Sugars (g) Total Carbs (fiber) Sodium (mg) Sobe Lifewater 20 fl. oz. 0 0 8 75 Strawberry ERYTHRITOL Dragonfruit REB A (PURIFIED STEVIA EXTRACT) Sobe 20 fl. oz. 0 0 8 60 Lifewater ERYTHRITOL Yumberry REB A (PURIFIED STEVIA Pomegranate EXTRACT) Trop 50 Peach 12 fl. oz. 50 11 12 15 with White Tea REB A (PURIFIED STEVIA EXTRACT) Trop 50 12 fl. oz. 60 12 14 15 Raspberry REB A (PURIFIED STEVIA Green Tea EXTRACT) Wawa Diet 16 fl. oz 10 0 2 10 Green Tea Wawa Diet 16 fl. oz. 10 1 2 40 Lemonade Wawa Diet 16 fl. oz. 10 2 4 20 Lemonade Tea Wawa Diet 16 fl. oz. 10 0 4 45 Peach Tea Red fl. oz. >150 > 12 >200 Amp Energy 16 fl. oz. 130 31 31 150 Boost Cherry (7 teaspoons) HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP, SUCRALOSE Amp Energy 16 fl. oz. 220 58 58 140 Boost Original (13 teaspoons) HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP Coke 20 fl. oz. 240 65 65 75 (15 teaspoons) HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP Dr. Pepper 20 fl. oz. 250 64 66 100 (15 teaspoons) HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP Gatorade Fruit 20 fl. oz. 130 34 34 270 Punch (8 teaspoons) SUCROSE DEXTROSE Gatorade 20 fl. oz. 130 34 34 270 Lemon Lime (8 teaspoons) SUCROSE DEXTROSE 3 Beverages by Category in Alphabetical Order Sold at Einstein 4 THINK BEFORE YOU DRINK: A BEVERAGE MAP FOR EINSTEIN CAFETERIAS Category Size Calories Sugars (g) Total Carbs (fiber) Sodium (mg) Lipton Brisk 20 fl. oz. 180 46 47 135 Fruit Punch (11 teaspoons) HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP ACESULFAME POTASSIUM SUCRALOSE Lipton Brisk 20 fl. oz. 210 55 55 170 Lemonade (13 teaspoons) HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP Lipton Brisk 20 fl. oz. 210 55 55 170 Lemon Iced (13 teaspoons) HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN Tea SYRUP Lipton Brisk 20 fl. oz. 170 45 46 160 Pink Lemonade (11 teaspoons) HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP ACESULFAME POTASSIUM Lipton Brisk 20 fl. oz. 180 48 48 130 Strawberry (11 teaspoons) HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN Melon SYRUP ACESULFAME POTASSIUM SUCRALOSE Lipton Green 20 fl. oz. 130 33 33 55 Tea Passion (8 teaspoons) SUGAR Fruit Mango REB A (PUREVIA BRAND) Lipton Green 20 fl. oz. 130 33 34 180 Tea with Citrus (8 teaspoons) HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP ACESULFAME POTASSIUM HONEY Lipton Iced Tea 20 fl. oz. 130 33 33 120 ‐ Lemon (8 teaspoons) SUGAR REB A (PUREVIA BRAND) Lipton Iced Tea 20 fl. oz. 130 33 33 135 – Pomegranate (8 teaspoons) SUGAR Blueberry REB A (PUREVIA BRAND) Mountain Dew 20 fl. oz. 290 77 77 100 (18 teaspoons) HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP Mountain Dew 20 fl. oz. 280 73 73 105 Throwback (17 teaspoons) SUGAR Mountain Dew 20 fl. oz. 280 76 76 105 White Out (18 teaspoons) HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP Mug Root Beer 20 fl. oz. 260 71 71 105 (17 teaspoons) HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP 4 Beverages by Category in Alphabetical Order Sold at Einstein 5 THINK BEFORE YOU DRINK: A BEVERAGE MAP FOR EINSTEIN CAFETERIAS Category Size Calories Sugars (g) Total Carbs (fiber) Sodium (mg) Ocean Spray 15.2 fl. oz. 240 53 58 70 Cranberry (13 teaspoons) SUGAR Ocean Spray 15.2 fl. oz. 240 56 60 150 Cran Grape (13 teaspoons) SUGAR Juice Drink Ocean Spray 15.2 fl. oz. 230 47 57 80 Strawberry (11 teaspoons) Kiwi Cocktail Pepsi 20 fl. oz. 250 69 69 55 (16 teaspoons) HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP Pepsi Caffeine 20 fl. oz. 250 67.5 67.5 63 Free (16 teaspoons) HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP SUGAR Pepsi 20 fl. oz. 260 67 67 65 Throwback (16 teaspoons) SUGAR Pepsi Wild 20 fl. oz. 260 70 70 50 Cherry (17 teaspoons) HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP SUGAR Pure Leaf 20 fl. oz. 140 36 37 0 Green Tea with (9 teaspoons) Honey Pure Leaf Extra 20 fl. oz. 250 65 65 0 Sweet Tea (15 teaspoons) SUGAR Pure Leaf 20 fl. oz. 160 41 41 160 Lemon (10 teaspoons) Pure Leaf 18.5 fl. oz. 180 46 46 0 Peach (11 teaspoons) SUGAR Pure Leaf 18.5 fl. oz. 180 46 46 0 Raspberry (11 teaspoons) SUGAR Rockstar 16 fl. oz. 220 54 58 70 Double (13 teaspoons) HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN Strength SYRUP Double Size Energy Drink Rockstar 16 fl. oz. 280 62 62 80 Energy Drink (15 teaspoons) SUCRALOSE Original ACESULFAME POTASSIUM Sierra Mist 20 fl. oz. 240 62 62 55 Natural (15 teaspoons) SUGAR 5 Beverages by Category in Alphabetical Order Sold at Einstein 6 THINK BEFORE YOU DRINK: A BEVERAGE MAP FOR EINSTEIN CAFETERIAS Category Size Calories Sugars (g) Total Carbs (fiber) Sodium (mg) Sobe Citrus 20 fl. oz. 250 63 64 55 Energy (15 teaspoons) SUGAR REB A (PURIFIED STEVIA EXTRACT) Sobe Energize 20 fl. oz. 250 64 65 55 Mango Melon (15 teaspoons) SUGAR Sobe Lifewater 20 fl. oz. 80 20 21 115 Mango (5 teaspoons) SUGAR Mandarin w/ REB A (PURIFIED STEVIA coconut water EXTRACT) Sobe Lifewater 20 fl. oz. 80 20 21 110 Pacific Coconut (5 teaspoons) SUGAR with Coconut REB A (PURIFIED STEVIA water EXTRACT) Sobe Lifewater 20 fl. oz. 100 24 42 55 Pomegranate (6 teaspoons) SUGAR Cherry ERYTHRITOL Sobe Pina 20 fl. oz. 250 62 63 140 Colado (15 teaspoons) SUGAR REB A (PURIFIED STEVIA EXTRACT) Schweppes 20 fl. oz. 200 55 58 100 Ginger Ale (13 teaspoons) HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP AND/OR SUGAR Trop 50 Orange 12 fl. oz. 80 15 20 20 No Pulp w/ (4 teaspoons) REB A (PUREVIA BRAND) Calcium and Vitamin D Trop50 12 fl. oz. 80 17 20 15 Promegranate (4 teaspoons) REB A (PUREVIA BRAND) Blueberry Trop50 12 fl. oz. 70 18 18 20 Raspberry (4 teaspoons) SUCROSE Lemonade REB A (PUREVIA BRAND) Tropicana 12 fl. oz 170 37 40 10 Apple Orchard (9 teaspoons) Style Tropicana 12 fl. oz. 210 51 51 50 Cranberry (12 teaspoons) HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN Cocktail SYRUP 6 Beverages by Category in Alphabetical Order Sold at Einstein 7 THINK BEFORE YOU DRINK: A BEVERAGE MAP FOR EINSTEIN CAFETERIAS Category Size Calories Sugars (g) Total Carbs (fiber) Sodium (mg) Tropicana 12 fl. oz 170 34 39 0 Orange Juice, (8 teaspoons) No Pulp or Some Pulp Tropicana Pure 12 fl. oz. 180 42 44 25 Lemonade (10 teaspoons) SUGAR Tropicana 15.2 fl. oz. 230 49 58 50 Strawberry (12 teaspoons) Kiwi Juice Plus Tropicana Ruby 12 fl. oz. 140 27 34 0 Red Grapefruit (6 teaspoons) Juice Tropicana Ruby 15.2 fl. oz. 250 55 59 30 Red Grapefruit (13 teaspoons) HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN Juice Drink SYRUP Tropicana 12 fl. oz.
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