NB: The Library does not hold the copyright to the microfilms of manuscripts in its collection. Accordingly, the Library does not loan, and cannot provide copies of, microfilms in its collection. PONTIFICAL INSTITUTE OF MEDIAEVAL STUDIES LIBRARY CHECKLIST OF MANUSCRIPTS ON MICROFILM REVISED LIST PREPARED BY NANCY KOVACS (1997) FOLLOWING AN INVENTORY TAKEN WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF CLAUDIA ABBONDANZA EDITED AND UPDATED BY JONATHAN BLACK (1999) AND WILLIAM EDWARDS (TO PRESENT) cf. preliminary list in Mediaeval Studies 4 (1942), p.126 - 138 (shelf marks) + 5 (1943) p.51 – 74 (authors) RER = Roger Reynolds RBT = Ron B. Thomson A Aberystwyth, NLW, B/BR/2 Vacancy, 1633–34 AARAU, Argauische Kantonsbibliothek Edmund Griffith, 1634–37 Wettingen 14 BISHOPS’ REGISTERS, LLANDAFF (w/ Bangor): Wettingen 15 (w/ Wettingen 14) Cambridge, UL, Ee.5.31 ABERDEEN, University Library Llandaff vacancy business, Apr.-Sept. 1294 3 (ff. 1-16*) (Gilchr) ADMONT, Stiftsbibliothek 106 7 161 (ff.1-101*) (Gilchr) 22 missing 14.iii.2008 ABERYSTWYTH, National Library of Wales 142 Peniarth 11 164 Peniarth 15 (w/ Peniarth 11) 178 missing 17.iii.2008 Mostin 11 (w/ Peniarth 11) 253 330A 257 (ff. 1 – 221* Gilchr) digital scan: 390C (w/ 330A) 276 (ff. 153v–154; copy 2, ff. 154–154v) 395D 383 733B 434 735C 478: see Philadelphia, Univ. Penn. Lat. 26 21587D (ff. 1 – 212*) 593 (copy 2, ff. 9–55v) BISHOPS’ REGISTERS, ST DAVIDS (all on one reel): 678 MS Hereford, CL, 0.8.ii (Vacancy, 1389) 756 Aberystwyth, NLW, SD/BR/1 ALBI, Bibliothèque Municipale Guy Mone, 1397–1407 42 (w/ Tours, B.M. 136) Vacancy, 1407–8 43 (microfiche) Henry Chichele, 1408–14 Richard Martin, 1482–83 ALENÇON, Bibliothèque Municipale Hugh Pavy, 1485–96 22 (ff. 136–166; copy 2, ff. 1–166) John Morgan, 1496–1504 24 (ff. 91–122) Edward Vaughan, 1509–22 133 (ff. 1–135) Aberystwyth, NLW, SD/BR/2 136 Henry Morgan, 1554–59 ALEXANDRIA, Greek Patriarchal Library Thomas Young, 1560–61 131 [Greek] Richard Davies, 1561–81 Aberystwyth, NLW, SD/BR/3 AMIENS, Bibliothèque Municipale Roger Mainwaring, 1636–53 376 (and master) William Lucy, 1660–77 406 (ff. 129–155) William Thomas, 1678–83 Laurence Womack, 1683–86 AMPLEFORTH Abbey Suspension of Bp Watson/vacancy, 1694–1705 50 Aberystwyth, NLW, SD/BR/3a (19th century) 60 (w/ 50) Index to above 86 (w/ 50) BISHOPS’ REGISTERS, ST ASAPH (all on one reel): 113 Aberystwyth, NLW, SA/BR/1 118 (w/ 113) Robert Wharton, 1536–54 119 Thomas Goldwell, 1555–59 125 Aberystwyth, NLW, SA/MB/15 143 (w/ 113) John Owen, 1629–51 149 George Griffith, 1660–66 AMSTERDAM, Universiteit Bibliotheek Henry Glenham, 1667–70 206 Aberystwyth, NLW, SA/MB/14 I.G.34 An exhibit book containing materials relating to the VI.B.14 episcopal visitation of 1561, and misc. administra- VI.B.15 (w/ VI.B.14) tive business, 1506–71 Aberystwyth, NLW, SA/MB/21 ANDROS, Hagia monastery Extracts from Llyfr Coch Asaph and misc. grants of 43 [Greek] land, advowsons, tithes, patents of office,etc., ANGERS, Archives départementales de Maine et Loire 1534–1605 H: Prieuré de Lespinasse (ff. 1r-56v) BISHOPS’ REGISTERS, BANGOR (all on one reel): Aberystwyth, NLW, B/BR/1 ANGERS, Bibliothèque Municipale Benedict Nicholls, 1408–18 250 (241) Thomas Skevington, 1509–33 277 (268) (ff. 1–87) (w/ Trier, Stadtbibl. 1736) Aberystwyth, NLW, B/misc. vol. 27 544 (509) (ff. 1–33) John Salcot, 1534–39 819 (735) (f. 122v) (Gilchr) ANN ARBOR, University of Michigan Library ATHENS, Ethnik Bibliothk (National Library) 52 (ff. 1–41) (Gilchr) 377 [Greek] 472 (181) [Greek] ANTWERPEN, Museum Plantin-Moretus 884 [Greek] 82 (66) (copy 2 damaged) 895 [Greek] AREZZO, Biblioteca della Città 917 [Greek] 363 (w/ 405) 2092 [Greek] 405 2636 [Greek] ARRAS, Bibliothèque Municipale ATHENS, Bibliothèque de la Chambre des Deputés Hellenique (Quicherat/Catalogue nos. in parentheses) 83 [Greek] 184 (254) ATHENS, Benaki Museum 224 (897) 72 [Greek] missing 14.iii.2008 425 (1009) (microfiche) 570 (457) (two copies) ATHOS, Mount. Chilandar monastery 741 (685) (ff. 124v–141) (w/ Tours, B.M. 136) 8 [Greek] (microfiche) 759 (691) ATHOS, Mount. Dionysiou monastery 907 (581) 120 [Greek] 952 (721) (copy 2, ff. 22–46) 163 [Greek] 981 (399) 167 [Greek] 998 (397) (ff. 1–70) 174 [Greek] ASSISI, Biblioteca Comunale 192 [Greek] 51 (and old master) 200 [Greek] 103 (and old master) 218 [Greek] 124 (and old master) 306 [Greek] 130 (ff.77v-97v) 398 [Greek], Lamb 3714 (selections) 131 (ff.75r-92v) ATHOS, Mount. Docheiariou monastery 132 (two copies, and old master) 268 (Greek; ff. 280–344) 133 (and old master) 138 (three copies and old master) ATHOS, Mount. Gregoriou monastery 152 (ff. 1–62) 39 [Greek] (microfiche) 154 (and old master) 155 (ff. 2–104, two copies) ATHOS, Mount. Iveron monastery 157 (ff. 2–125, and old master) 58 [Greek] 158 (ff. 7–360, and old master) 192 [Greek] 160 (and old master) 265 [Greek] 161 (ff. 2–121, and old master) 266 [Greek] 162 (ff. 1–143v, two copies and old master) 286 [Greek] 172 (and old master) 386 [Greek] (and old master) 176 (two copies) 675 (ff. 1–471*) [Greek] 179 (ff. 1–79, two copies) 812 [Greek] 182 (two copies) ATHOS, Mount. Karakallou monastery 183 (two copies) 72 (Lambros 1585) [Greek] 186 (ff. 2–131, two copies) 187 (ff. 1–62; copy 2 entire) ATHOS, Mount. Konstamonitou monastery 198 (two copies) 25 (lambros 461) [Greek] missing 14.iii.2008 199 (two copies) ATHOS, Mount. Lavra 227 (ff. 1 – 236* Gilchr) digital scan: 294 (two copies) Beta 89 (Greg. 1506) [Greek] 302 Beta 108 (Greg. 228) [Greek] (two copies) 304 Kappa 196 (1483) [Greek] 309 Lambda 135 (1626) [Greek] 322 Lambda 198 355 (two copies, and old master) Mu 54 (1745) [Greek] missing 14.iii.2008 417 (ff.33v-37v) Mu 88 (1779) [Greek] 576 (ff. 2–13, 69–157; copy 2 entire and old master; Omega 95 copy 3, ff. 1–84) Omega 126 (Spyr. 1938) [Greek] 587 (ff. 1–202) ATHOS, Mount. Panteleimon monastery 607 (ff. 1–84) 173 [Greek] missing 14.iii.2008 643 (two copies, and old master) 215 (Athon. 5722) [Greek] 647 (and old master) 666 (and old master) ATHOS, Mount. Stavronikita monastery 690 (two copies) 8 [Greek] 706 2 ATHOS, Mount. Vatopedi monastery 124 (ff. 1–84, 99–100) 36 [Greek] (ff. 110– ) (w/ Docheiariou monastery 268) 135 61 [Greek] 142 ATHOS, Mount. Vatopedi monastery (cont.) 226 (ff. 96–131) 134 [Greek] 230 (copies 1 and 2, ff. 174–186; copy 3 entire) 214 [Greek] AYLSBURY (Bucks.), Arch. deeds 253 [Greek] 9544, 9538, 9772, 9732, 8338, 9779, 9777, 9783 254 [Greek] 255 [Greek] B 286 [Greek] 1034 [Greek] BALTIMORE, Walters Art Gallery W. 6 AUCKLAND, Public library W. 733 G. Mss. M. 2 (ff. 1–126) W. 734 AUGSBURG, Staats- und Stadtbibliothek BAMBERG, Staatsbibliothek 1 (ff. 1–139) Msc. Astr. 1 (H.J.V.1) Msc. Canon. 1 (P.III.20) AUGSBURG, Stadtarchiv Canon 5 (P.I.12) Schatze 202 Canon. 10 (P.I.4) (ff. 1–82) AUGSBURG, Universitätsbibliothek. Fürstlich Oettingen- Canon. 23 (P.I.18) missing 14.iii.2008 Wallerstein’sche Bibliothek (Schloß Harburg / Maihingen) Canon. 28 (P.I.6) I.2.4o 19 Canon. 29 (P.I.7) (w/ Canon. 28) II.1.4o 6 (ff. 1–62; copy 2, ff. 23–59) Canon. 36 (P.II. 26, ff. 1–101v) III.1.8o 22 (ff. 12v–18, two copies) Canon. 38 (D.II.20) Canon. 39 (D.II.17, ff. 13–144) AUTUN, Bibliothèque Municipale Canon. 45 (P.II.4) 21 (S. 21 bis) Canon. 80 (P.III.22) (ff. 131–169v) (w/ Canon. 28) 67 (S. 58) Msc. Class. 7 (ff. 65r - 79r) (copy 2 ff. 1 – 57* w/ Class 7) 68 (S. 59) Msc. Class. 40 (H.J.IV.21) pdf available 75 (S. 62) Msc. Hist. 6 (E.III.4) 89 (S. 70) Msc. Lit. 131 (A.II.53) 94 (S. 113) Lit. 134 (Ed.V.13, ff. 37v–126, and old master) 98 (S. 117) Msc. Patr. 41 (B.V.3) (two copies) 109 (S. 89) Patr. 47 (Q.VI.30, ff. 166–156) 110 (S. 90) Patr. 61 (H.J.IV.15) AUXERRE, Bibliothèque Municipale Patr. 132 (Q.VI.42, ff. 1–74) 43 (ff. 1–49) Patr. 136 (Q.VI.50) (ff. 1–196, two copies) 70 Msc. Phil. 2/1 (H.J.IV.5) (copy 2 w/ Phil. 2/2) 243 (ff. 20v – 8r, 88 – 199) Msc. Phil. 2/2 (H.J.IV.6) Msc. Theol. 207 (Q.VI.28) AVIGNON, Médiathèque Ceccano (Bibliothèque Municipale; Bibliothèque de la Ville; Musée Calvet) BARCELONA, Archivo diocesano 40 (ff. 1–117) Causas pias 2 (testamentos) 88 Collationes 8 100 (ff. 1–284) Collationes 9 175 Communium 1 237 (and old master) missing 14.iii.2008 Communium 14 243 missing 14.iii.2008 Communium 15 299 (154) (ff. 1–179, and master) Communium 16 305 Communium 17 306 (w/ 305) Communium 18 314 (117) (and master) Communium 19 missing 14.iii.2008 316 Communium 20 324 (111) (ff. 1–312) Communium 21 333 (ff. 1–166) Communium 22 1071 (ff. 1–156) Registra verbalium 2 1078 Registra verbalium 3 1087 (342) (ff. 134–275v) Registra Ordinatorum 3 1089 (w/ 1078) Registra Ordinatorum 4 1091 (ff. 1–286, and master) Registra Ordinatorum 5 Taxae Beneficiorum 1 (1344–1349) AVRANCHES, Bibliothèque Municipale Visitationes 7 17 86 BARCELONA, Arxiu de la Corona de Aragón Real patrimonio, Regs. 620–23 3 Real patrimonio, Regs. 624, 627 8 Real patrimonio, Regs. 628, 629, 631 (Accounts albarans 9 annos 1320–28) 10 (=IV.10) (w/ 7) Ripoll 13 missing 14.iii.2008 11 (=IV.11) (w/ 7) Ripoll 40 12 (=IV.12) (w/ 7) Ripoll 56 13 (=IV.13) (w/ 7) Ripoll 90 14 (=IV.14) Ripoll 190 [Talon 62D] (ff.
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