Np 053 56.Pdf

Np 053 56.Pdf

LIBR RY 0 IVERSITY OF DELAWARE Since 19 ...... FEB 21 1964 Newark's For N ws of Home Town POST E~WARE People YOU Know Newspaper T N Heat I ' OL. 53, 0. 56 /)et e looers ReJJly To Cr i tic~ 1 :~ - Yc :w-Oitl Saves Conn -dot·s l)f "tlill CrPek Hon:inp: 1" I..ifc Of~ oma n I(Jil In h-m·t Attack llnu>;e-'I'o- llouRl' Call~ Planned Thi" Sund;l\ in l, arJ, , Throu!rJtnuf • '.tfion For Con!rihutiou.._ Tu \ id I' · •·trch ]n Fi 1~ ht \gain..,f l\u. 1 Health Em•my-lll•arf l>i l'' • Two .,, Creek Hundred News .1\¥0 TC\V<:u·k 1cu morning \\ith :\Irs. Robe!•l Hnll. ''We mu<t lot>k beyond hund!,tl 1 MI 1 ~ ll ml>L'rs o! thi. church nn• rl'· Lu'h,•l !:"a is. D<•lnwan• g•··m L'l'' I~----- ltr.::::I!J>~=::. • 1 knu\\' thl') l\Ul ;.:row that nmuunt 'ar Fenntngton Evaru~, Correspondent 1l•'Jv To OJ · inawa ~V,\'; 1 ,',~·<1 t~;,,~ri:~,.' ~;;~::~;~s ~~ '~~;~~ ,r th"· fullow c·u·ta•n "l'll pro"n Rohl. T. ,lotH"' Phon!' C:E 9-7798 J ' .4 , }i' , , , • . , S.n·1or i'l Wilmington on • Inr~h 6-7. , 1 racltc<' nntl l!•'t l'nough molstu•·e." I hi l'11te A •datirm E·1rh \f'tk U c ·o will b<' n ~:uct ll i 1.llllY .., X(JCJS .Jr. ChtrlLo H. Wuodwni'd rf I 1 1 •or Future I lit'' HI tht•y 11111<1 bL•!!IIl !Junkin• and .... nt Ill ~~~ w~·t .n..! .I.~ l JH' klt', Tlli. Suncl.Jy, lht• Hev. l - Lmuslunl' Ho~Jd, has Ut'l.'ll a patJtnl and "urklll!l to\\ tll'd 150 Ln' l'\ l'n ~()() • \ 111 • •t l.u u L•lll•· H<~lph ll Fllwt uf Cruzicr 'J1woln•i- Two Ann\ ml'n Jrom !'lewnrk - in · h·n~<H'tnl Hospital. 1 'MuCte Yl' tl'S nt•o, Dl'hw-:.lrc cnz·n. l>u.,.hel ) kids. '1\ """' o~ry otrll·ers havP S<·m1111r,\' will di eu s Chri ·t 7t'l r l ..John z. : fill•·•· .11·. :>11d Pfc David :I lure• thnn 2uU (l<•rsons attend I 1 1 n..>Wl'rs pruducl!d a .state tl\"l'l'.:l 'C :\l1lt·hl 11 H'purh d n test:-; ('01\· lu t l • ltclr d as f<•llow . C V. :•nd at• dL·Inic fr··••dt>!ll, Tla· public K . t'ulnw y, nlon.<: with ~Oilll' :J,OOO the \ .ll~ntme dance ht•lcl in Har- GR0\\'1_' G OI 0 , I of GO bu:lwl Jl<'r acre. anrl tlwy ductcd at the uniYL'rSity's G L'<>rge-~ JI.t t 1 c,t 1·.:~ ·tlJurn F .. trm. JH t•;:,i· t::; 111\'IlL·<I. sold it. r ,,f the :?3th lufanh·)• bt.•gun lr.On) . tnlll e II all ln st Saturct n~·l \\'hen is nn indi\ iriudl old') Do \\'(' M'emcd plc·1•ed with thL'IllSL' h ·• <. town Substation aimt'd al pn>ducin~ dt ut 1 d J .Jllt s S,~,Ylt', ~e<'H·lary- , . llt n·in;.: IInwnii by :1it· un Jan. 23, r_tt ht ~~~r the ._~c\'u·Jy C annon Salt."' • ,,kt' up 'tll'llt' morning nn t Mtddt•n- I F'mnlly Yll'ld< W<'r() vqual tu or at ~00-bushcl yil•ltls. Under th<> bL•o>t lr<·a II r. Thirty l'l ·.dtnts uttendl-d ~IIIO.n G r:~n):t• ~~~('~·1111~ ICI ~ l Wt•d- lor Ok l ~l ' IWil tu pnl'licipate in Exer- llll~d .•. lhc· 'tdl.ur was sponson·d by 1:" lint. I Olii'St:l \'t·S old'' or COUI'Sl' not. DIRECTOU'\ . nt.d<l~ wnh :111. .md :Ills. Paul c1 •e Qu1ck Rc•lease. The month-long the .gl.tngc as a commun1ty scrv1cu Somt of us Hre old HI 35 and others least m•nr those uf lh() Curn n,•l t conditions ""me of the<(• plots went stat s. The eompl· litii'C position of as high as 226 bushels. , l!uu<'l I Ik.ttl, a ncmb~·r. uf the A,Y 'll> ll'ld a J•rugram 111 nhst•rvancc uwrcisc is scheduled to end F<'b. J H'OJ~'ct, and llavc1 ·b~c k's orchestra rcmn•n pe1·ennially young. S ince 1!!0:1 T.olly ll•ummontl 11111 C1v1c Asso- of Lnl!'oln '~ Birth-:~. ;,Irs. Ayars 25. lurnl>hL'd mus1c. I ll<'cnu s<' some flgun• hnrl to be Delaware gr•>W•·•·s SL'<'m t>d s"cur!'. I "Ailhough our knowJ()dgc and ex-~ ctntwn, - pokL' tu thf' gruup 1 clnhvc h ad chnt~P of n·acl1 ngs und games. used for pe ns ion nnd insuranc ·• B,l' 1961 !hey were al'<' l't!Ring 62 pcrkncc is somewhat lim1l"d, it to the propO.·<'d P1kt• Creek Valley . I • Both men nrc ass'~!' d at Scho- CITY OF NF WARK , poses, ngc G5 was arbitarll . ~~put bushels to the· acre. I3ut Illinois had seems cl cnr thnl growtng 200 bush­ dcrl'i"l'lllt'nt, .condc·mning the small LOUI >!' D<'mpscy, Jlll·s. Eliza field Bnrracks, Hnwau. Dclawn;e . as the beginninu of old oscn 1 ~lr ~ jumped its slate average to 77 bush- Is is p ssible on some Delaware I PHONE Jots mld their placement in this JlfcCormick, l\fclvin Dempsey, Mr. I Lieutenant Mi ll er, whose parents CITY COUNC IL HowevLI' it is just age; l 0 0 368-1 627 plan w1lh regard to netll'by areas and 1\lrs. Il nrold Dexter. and Mrs. live nl 11 0 Kells Avenue, is com- P U llLk'in~~ ~~n NG I to think !hal everyone~~ ~;:fo•·rg.0 ~\~~1'~ g~:~~;~~~O~~~~~V~r~ e~~·~?~~~~~~ ~~:·:~~~·~~ 1l~~~l at;fi~~~d~f rh: ~r;~~~~: w1!1• Lilt' laru .,. r esidculial hom s. Frank Rwcidlo wi ll be Union's p:tny commander. Fcbrunry 24, 1964-8:00 I' .M. I as il is to lhink veryone be a 1 The Trinity Baptist hurch on ~~~'~;~,~n~~~~~~v ~~a!t~c ~~~~·~~ ~~~~ I :rh 25-year-old ofTicCI' entcre? ~he C l;•:.~;~~n~,~~ l~c Sl~ct~~~:.• ~~ oflv~,e o11t~ I an ~d ull at e x ~cl ly 21. comes nd~~n~~f1~inm H . :llitchcll, ext nsi on i m : ~,\ s ~~;:]]re~~i~~ze~~~~d fi';~e; ~~~~s~~ Milltown Road is sponsoring a ser- I " G . , ,. C . cJ. At my 111 June 1900 after rcce 1 v~ng Public lle m·l!'~ at the reguf.1 r meeting I Smc~ ag1ng IS nn Individual pro- agronomists at the University of lnnd pr parnlion, and the right! 122 WI'S! 1\lnin ~11'1' 1'1 lcs of week i lectures •a s:ml n;.o ~a ·t ';nge, " \"1 en 1•a 1 tange h1 s BS degree from the U. S. N1 1h- of the Counc1lm the Council Chambers. cess, 1t docs not make sense to Delaware, says there are only two hybrid-plnnt population combina-~ NEW ARK. D F.LAWAI! f: 1 01 nt P m. ,;.. ei ght w~~~~ on \~~ ° · enn as tost. 1 tary Acadc1~1y al Wesl Point, I'\ \'. ~[:,.~~~~~'Y J.~~~~,!~~ · fi.:'t~~v~~~. A~ ~;cl'~~ ~ on~ider the needs or nil over-Go things fanners cnn do about this Won to reach these high yields," 7 1 1 0 theme "The Chl'isti an and Expand· j Th next g1·a nge meeting will be H ? Is a JOoG graduate of Newark February 24, 1964 at a:oo P.M., E.S.T.Imdlvlduals to be lhe same. disadvantage - reduce costs per 1it hell said. --------- - -.,.; . lor' ons., held March 18, al the home o[ H1 gh School. at which ltme the Council will consider Most older people arc in good 1 bt~h~~r~;;,!nc!~as~ ~~~~:~· of com Jng IZ . 11\'It·s. L ouise H. De mpsey a t COI'IlCr I ~rivule Colmcry, ~o n of Mr ..a nd ~~d,~!~~~ ~c~~~d~~: t~~~t~~ ~r~~pc~ a~ hcallh-somc .are verr. ill- nnd some I -----------·- K tch. MIS. Paul J . Colmc1y, 144 Jl'fad1son I1 of Ordinances of the Ci ty of Newark have a chron1c cond1hon. The term RICHARD W. BURR IS Mrs. Hobe•·l Woodwo•·th of Cor- , Dnve, is !"radio telephone operator establishing a bicycle paih along Elk- "du·on ic" t·efers only to the dura- K~· f~~~~~l a;,.~~~~;J a~;a i~ ~'teco~~~~ I B 0 0 k S 0 f f he Ill'!' K!'tch. has returned home [rom Ill the Ulllt. Iton Road a 'h~ 0 f18wf,re Avenue. tJOn of a condi tion and nol its se- Elel'Lrical Contractor I1 Memorin l Hospit al after surgery. I The 20-ycar-old soldier entered se'~:.r:.. .v of L8:~g Councll verit y. with pGrcsWentAacLhi TNEcvementsy. ~ ~ MUTUAL BUILDING AND LOAt r 111rs. Richard Tibbett of Limestone the Arm~ 111 O ~tober JB~I, .and has of the City of Newark The majority of people over 65 I 6 13 20 214 Hoad. prcsid nt or the Wimodausis been statiOned 111 Hawau smce lhe Feb. • • hnve no, or only minor limitati ons ASSOCIATION Kingsley Home Demonstration Club, enter- fo ll owing December. He attended CITY OF NE WARK in their living. activities. Thc1·e are l a ~~ er l at four tabl!'s of cards last I Newnrk H1 gh School.

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