Development Food Security Activity (DFSA) Cooperative Agreement No. AID-FFP-A-16-00005 FY 2021 Quarter 1 Report October 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020 Awardee Name and Host Country Catholic Relief Services - United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Ethiopia Award Number AID-FFP-A-16-00005 Project Name Development Food Security Activity (DFSA) Submission Date January 29, 2021 Revised Submission Date March 3, 2021 Reporting Period Quarter 1, FY 2021 Awardee HQ Contact Name Courtney Plummer Awardee HQ Contact Address 228 W. Lexington St. Baltimore, MD 21201 Awardee HQ Telephone Number + 1.410.234.3130 Awardee HQ Contact Email Address [email protected] Host Country Contact Name John Shumlansky Host Country Office Contact Telephone Number (+251) 112 788 800 Host Country Office Contact Email Address [email protected] 1 Catholic Relief Services, Ethiopia DFSA, AID-FFP-A-16-00005, Submitted January 29, 2021; Revised March 3, 2021 Acronym List BOLSA Bureau of Labor and Social Affairs LQAS Lot Quality Assurance Sampling CA Community Animator LRO Livelihoods for Resilience -Oromia CAHW Community Animal Health Worker MC Mercy Corps CC Community Conversation MCHN Maternal, Child Health and Nutrition CCG Community Conversation Group MCS Meki Catholic Secretariat CCL Centre for Creative Leadership MEAL Monitoring Evaluation Accountability and CCFLS Community-based Complementary Learning Feeding and Learning Sessions MF Microflush CHAST Children Hygiene and Sanitation Training MFI Microfinance Institution CHNP Community Health and Nutrition Promotors MG Marketing Groups CLA Collaboration, Learning and Adapting MIS Management Information System CLTSH Community-Led Total Sanitation and Hygiene MoANR Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources CRS Catholic Relief Services MT Metric Tons CU5 Children Under Five NSA Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture DA Development Agent ODF Open Defecation Free DFSA Development Food Security Activity O&M Operations and Maintenance EI Economic Infrastructure OTP Outpatient Therapeutic Program ESDM Environmentally Sound Design and OSC One Stop Centre Management PDS Permanent Direct Support ESMF Environmental Sound Management Framework PICS Purdue Improved Crop Storage ETB Ethiopian Birr PIM Program Implementation Manual FDP Food Distribution Point PLW Pregnant Lactating Women FES Fuel Efficient Stove PTC Pastoral Training Center FA Field Agent PSNP Productive Safety Net Program FFP Food for Peace PSP Private Service Provider FMNR Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration PW Public Works FSP Financial Service Providers PWD Persons with Disabilities FTC Farmer Training Center Q Quarter FY Fiscal Year RUSACCO Rural Saving and Credit Cooperative GBV Gender Based Violence SAM Severe Acute Malnutrition GoE Government of Ethiopia SEI Social/Economic Infrastructure HC Health Center SILC Savings Internal Lending Communities HCS Hararghe Catholic Secretariat SPX Cross-cutting Sub-Purpose HDA Health Development Armies SSI Small Scale Irrigation HEW Health Extension Worker SWC Soil and Water Conservation HF Health Facilities TFH/IFH The Faithful House/Islamic Family HFW Health Facility Worker House HH Household TWG Technical Working Group HTP Harmful Traditional Practice ToC Theory of Change IGA Income Generation Activity ToT Training of Trainers IMNCI Integrated Management of Newborn and Child USAID United States Agency for International Illnesses Development IP Implementing Partner WBC Water Benefit Calculator JEOP Joint Emergency Operation WC&YO Women, Children &Youth Office JRIS Joint Review and Implementation Support WoHO Woreda Health Office JSMR Joint-Structured Monitoring Review WFSTF Woreda Food Security Task Force KFSTF Kebele Food Security Task Force YCC Youth Community Center LSAO Labor and Social Affairs Office YCCG Youth Community Conversation Group LEW Livelihood Extension Worker YDC Youth Development Center LICU Livelihood Coordination YLG Youth Livelihood Groups Implementation Coordination Unit LF/LH Lead Farmer/Lead Herder LG Livelihood Group 2 Catholic Relief Services, Ethiopia DFSA, AID-FFP-A-16-00005, Submitted January 29, 2021; Revised March 3, 2021 i. Activity Summary COVID-19 has continued impacting DFSA interventions throughout Q1- FY21. However, based on FY20 lessons in using technology investments and adapting interventions where possible while adhering to WHO and Government of Ethiopia (GoE) precautionary measures, CRS implemented various key interventions including preparation for the start-up of public work (PW) activities, the completion of remaining small scale irrigation (SSI) schemes post-harvest management and technology promotion, Microflush Toilet Construction, Community Based Complementary Feeding And Learning Sessions (CCFLS), and supportive health facility supervisions. ii. Activity Outputs While not a DFSA led activity, CRS has continued to monitor the progress of GoE led cash transfers to PDS clients (scheduled from July to December 2020) in line with local BHA Mission requests since DFSA’s inception. While the July transfer was significantly delayed due to the late release of the budget from Ministry of Finance to the regions including Oromia, significant progress was made in Q1 FY21. The final (December) transfer shall begin and be completed in January 2021. Please see Q1 performance in Table 1. Note there were no DFSA led commodity transfers to PDS clients in Q1. Table 1: FY21 Q1 cash transfer to PDS clients by GoE Cash transfer October November December Unique Participants Actual 12,303 12,303 0 12,303 Male Planned 12,303 12,303 12,303 12,303 Actual 15,088 15,088 0 15,088 Female Planned 15,088 15,088 15,088 15,088 iii. Programming Performance SPX: Women and youth have increased access to and control of community and HH resources Community Conversation Groups (CCGs) and Youth CCGs in all woredas resumed regular meetings (many had been suspended in FY20 due to COVID-19). Frontline staff continued to support existing CCGs, with a focus on FY20 groups, with materials that had not been delivered earlier due to COVID-19. Support included refresher trainings to CCG leaders in MCS woredas as well as training to 78 (29 female) youth CCG leaders/volunteers and Woreda WC&Y Affairs experts to help youth leaders guide and shape youth led dialogue. These efforts will enhance their knowledge on youth participation, gender-based violence (GBV), early marriage and harmful traditional practices (HTP). According to CCG members, positive changes continue - improved saving cultures, more joint discussions and decision-making within families, reduced domestic violence, and improved male engagement in domestic tasks. In HCS, a network of 18 CCGs was established in Babile included local GoE stakeholders to discuss success, challenges and upcoming priorities. If this CCG network is successful in Babile, it will be scaled up to all CRS DFSA woredas. Ten young gender champions (male) from Dire Dawa who were trained in FY20 but not recognized then due to COVID-19 were acknowledged and provided with incentives. Recognition such as this continues to motivate and encourage many other young men in rural communities to better support their families and partners with household chores and more supportive behaviors. 84 model youth volunteers (25 female) from Deder, Melka Belo, and Midega Tola were trained for two days from 15-25 December on gender and youth integration to facilitate YCCGs and to support Community Animators (CA) The trained volunteers have already initiated this integration in target cluster centers facilitating 4 to 5 YCCGs monthly. 3 Catholic Relief Services, Ethiopia DFSA, AID-FFP-A-16-00005, Submitted January 29, 2021; Revised March 3, 2021 Two job aids were developed for youth volunteerism activities. The first job aid will guide DFSA stakeholders, including the government, IPs, Youth Development Centers (YDCs), and others, to mobilize, engage and manage youth volunteers. The second job aid is intended to be used by youth engaging in volunteerism activities. These resources help sustain youth volunteerism interventions. CRS’ DFSA trained 191 (52 female) youth volunteers from 8 DFSA woredas in Project Design and Local Resource mobilization and social entrepreneurship. Training participants developed social entrepreneurship skills and learned how to develop mini-project proposals based on local problems. The training should help increase youth participation in decision-making processes that affect their livelihoods. CRS’ DFSA conducted a Faithful House/Islamic Family House (TFH/IFH) training for 94 couples (69% of target) between December 9 to 19, 2020. Each of these couples is expected to reach out to 10 couples in Q2. Following the training, participants commented that relationships among family members had improved leading to a reduction in GBV; better open discussions within the household; improved joint decision makings around household resources; and increased male engagement in domestic activity. DFSA trained 196 women and youth leaders (all female) (54% of annual target) in communication, leadership and decision making in HCS’ woredas. between November 9 and 25, 2020. The training was facilitated by trained partner staff with support from CCL experts. The objective of the training was to enhance women and youth leaders’ leadership skills and help them to effectively execute their responsibilities. CCL conducted mentoring and coaching support (44% of annual target) for gender and youth teams from 4 woredas (Dire Dawa, Babile, Deder and Midega Tola). The main objective of the
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