E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 161 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, JULY 9, 2015 No. 106 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was hospital setting. That is because doc- best seller list for The New York called to order by the Speaker pro tem- tors understand what works and what Times. pore (Mr. VALADAO). doesn’t. Doctors are very clear about The Institute of Medicine has put out f their wishes, and they choose quality a seminal, over 600-page report about of life and concern for their families as dying in America that talked about the DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO well as their own well-being. problems and opportunities to provide TEMPORE I have been working in this area of more choices and protect people’s wish- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- end of life care for more than 6 years. es. fore the House the following commu- The Ways and Means committee unani- Yesterday was another important nication from the Speaker: mously approved my legislation as part landmark where the administration WASHINGTON, DC, of the Affordable Care Act to provide published a proposed fee schedule for July 9, 2015. greater support for families with that next year in which they have assigned I hereby appoint the Honorable DAVID G. decisionmaking process. an activity code with payment for ad- VALADAO to act as Speaker pro tempore on It did pass the committee unani- vanced care planning. this day. mously as part of the Affordable Care Now, of course, this is merely a pro- JOHN A. BOEHNER, Act, even despite the furor of the 2009 posal and CMS is still seeking com- Speaker of the House of Representatives. lie of the year about death panels, on ment, but it is a historic step forward f the strength of some of the most com- for a decision that will be finalized this MORNING-HOUR DEBATE pelling testimony that was delivered fall. It is yet another indication that not by expert witnesses, but by Mem- we can and will do a better job of meet- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- bers of the committee. ing the needs of America’s families ant to the order of the House of Janu- One of our Republican Members dis- under the most difficult of cir- ary 6, 2015, the Chair will now recog- cussed how his mother didn’t get the cumstances. nize Members from lists submitted by care that she needed at the end of her We will make sure Americans have the majority and minority leaders for life. Another physician Member of the all the information they need to make morning-hour debate. committee explained how he had these the right decisions for themselves and The Chair will alternate recognition conversations repeatedly, but unfortu- their family and then to assure that between the parties, with each party nately they were often much later than those decisions, whatever they may be, limited to 1 hour and each Member they should have been. There wasn’t are honored and enforced. other than the majority and minority adequate time for the family to pre- Medicare will pay for thousands of leaders and the minority whip limited pare. expensive medical procedures, and now, to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- Well, there has been a sea change on for the first time, the government is bate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. this issue in part because of rising pub- placing a value on this important con- f lic awareness. Support for our bipar- versation between a patient and their tisan legislation, the Personalize Your chosen medical professional. END-OF-LIFE CARE Care Act, which I have worked on for Now it is the job of the rest of us to The SPEAKER pro tempore. The years now with Dr. PHIL ROE, has made do our part to spare our loved ones. Chair recognizes the gentleman from great strides forward. Who will speak for us if we are unable Oregon (Mr. BLUMENAUER) for 5 min- We have had advocates like Dr. Bill to speak for ourselves, and what will utes. Frist, former Republican leader of the they say? Mr. BLUMENAUER. One of the most Senate, who has spoken eloquently and f difficult and challenging situations written forcefully about the need to any family faces is dealing with cir- help families under these trying condi- PROPOSED FIDUCIARY cumstances surrounding the end of life. tions. STANDARDS Earlier this week, NPR ran a fas- The Reverend Billy Graham has writ- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The cinating story on a little-known fact ten about how it is Christian responsi- Chair recognizes the gentleman from that physicians die differently than the bility to take this on for ourselves and Florida (Mr. JOLLY) for 5 minutes. rest of us. They are more comfortable. spare our loved ones uncertainty. Mr. JOLLY. Mr. Speaker, most They are more likely to spend their Dr. Atul Gawande recently published economists and financial advisers have final days surrounded by loved ones. a brilliant work, ‘‘Being Mortal,’’ recognized that families across the They seldom die in an ICU or even in a which quickly climbed to the top of the United States are headed toward a b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H4959 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:48 Jul 10, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09JY7.000 H09JYPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H4960 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 9, 2015 major retirement crisis. Studies have knows-best approach that communities Mexican immigrants are rapists, drug shown that a majority of households across the country continue to reject. dealers, and criminals. Clearly, if any- headed by someone aged 59 or younger My message today is a simple one: one has firsthand knowledge of Mexi- are in danger of suffering from falling The administration can do better. Do can immigrants working in the United living standards in their retirement not issue the proposed new fiduciary States, it should be the owner of a years. standard rule. hotel, casino, office buildings, or a And so the administration and this The Department received thousands clothing line. But Trump doesn’t seem Congress should be advancing policies of comments about the proposed rule to be basing his opinions about Mexi- that make retirement counseling, sav- and seemingly ignored them all. can immigrants on personal knowl- ings advice, and investment services Members of Congress from both sides edge. more accessible, not less. Retirement of the aisle have sent letters to the De- To justify his claims, Trump says planning, savings counseling, and in- partment of Labor expressing the nega- that most of the women coming from vestment advice can improve the qual- tive impacts that this proposal would Central America to the U.S. through ity of life and economic stability of have on their communities, and we Mexico and other countries report every American. have begged the Department of Labor being sexually assaulted. On this point, Yet recent actions by this adminis- to revisit this rule and simply do bet- he and I have some agreement. Women tration, however well intended, will ter on behalf of the American people. and children at the lowest rung of our make these financial services less ac- Congress has also taken action on its economic and social ladder are incred- cessible and less affordable to those own and will continue to do so. Re- ibly vulnerable to sexual assault and who are in most need of them by for- cently, the Appropriations Committee rape. But the leap from saying that ever changing the rules regarding fi- included provisions within their respec- most undocumented women are vulner- nancial advising related to retirement tive bills in the House and Senate to able to assault and saying most un- accounts. halt the administration from moving documented men are rapists is, as he Mr. Speaker, for years the commu- forward on this perhaps well-intended might say himself, huge. nity of financial advisers, including but completely wrong proposed rule. It The documentary on PBS Frontline, those throughout Pinellas County and was right that we did so. ‘‘Rape in the Fields,’’ was a powerful the Tampa Bay area that I have the The administration simply must do expose on how immigrant women toil- privilege to represent, has been gov- better. It starts with recognizing that ing in our fields are regularly the vic- erned by what is known as the suit- the financial adviser industry is com- tims of rape and abuse because per- ability standard; that is, a financial ad- prised of men and women across this petrators recognize how vulnerable im- viser is required to provide financial country who provide a valuable con- migrant women are. They are afraid to counseling and investment rec- tribution to individuals and couples talk to the police, afraid they will be ommendations that are suitable for a seeking retirement guidance. deported, and afraid they will lose client based upon that client’s finan- Then let’s realize that transparency their children. And this fear to report cial position and financial goals. The and sunlight can solve most concerns. crimes makes us all less safe. suitability standard requires advisers But to instead impose a new legal Yes, the rape and abuse is sometimes to act fairly in dealing with clients.
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