HAVE F NEWS VOLUME 33 — NUMBER 5 HAVERFORD (AND ARDMORE), PA., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1941 2 627 $2.00 A YEAR Dorian Announces _ Named to Office by Class of '42 Edgar Wind to Give Tryouts for Play Talk on Shakespeare Varsity Club Dance Discussing the topic "Shake- To Be Conducted speare in the Eighteenth Cen tury," Dr. Edgar Wind will For November 21 deliver a special lecture In Union Friday vember 7 at 8:15 in Roberts Hall. Dr. Wind is an interna- Lighting Effects Prospective Freshmen tionally famous recognized au- Will Be Entertained thority s on the relationship To Be Produced between literature and art. On Coming Week-end Now teaching at New York In Unique Manner' University, Dr. Wind in,, also Plans for a Fall Sports deputy director of the War- Primary trouts for the burg Institute in London, and male leads in the fall-produc- Dance on Eriday, November editor of the Institute's Jour- 21, under the sponsorship of nal. • tion of the Cap and Bells' The Departments of English "Margin for will be the Varsity Club were an- and Art are sponsoring this nounced last week by Timothy Lecture jointly. Peat lecturers held Friday afternoon at 3:80 Haworth, chairman of the on aspects of Shakespeare in- in the Union, Edgar Emery, clude the late George Lynam Vice - President, announced. committee: This dance will Kittredge and Dr. Leslie. Hot- touch off a week-end which son. John C. Marsh and ,Emery will be in charge of these tryouts. will include a proposed hockey The tryouts for the feminine game with Bryn Mawr on Saturday Offiters of the Senior Class, who were elected at a meeting in the Common Room Thursday. leads will be held on Thursday afternoon as well as a Vic Dance Quartet Named evening at 8:30 in Goodhart Hall in the Common Room that night. at Bryn Mawr College. The final Freshmen Week-end Planned For Coming Year selection of the cast will be made At the same time, Alan Dorian, at the tryouts on Sunday after- Seniors Choose Poole, Brown, noon at 2:00 in the Union. president of the Varsity Club, Torrence, MacCrate, stated that this coming week-end Olson and O'Connor rin Elections Date Announced would be given over to the enter- _ Kay, Clark Selected The date of presenta.ian has tainment of prospective freshmen definitely been set for December from neighboring prep schools, in The Senior Class named David M. Poole of Summit, N. J., Richard Bauer, president of the their President at a class meeting last Thursday evening in Glee Club, announced Sunday that 12 and 13 .Ns performance will be order to give them a clearer con- the members of the Club's Quartet given at Bryn Mawr. Copies of the ception of Haverford College life. the Common Room. Poole was Captain of Cross-Country in for this year have been chosen. play are on reserve in the Library. A committee has been appointed to his Sophomore and Junior yearii, and has been a class officer John A. Clark and Haskell Tor- "This year the stage crew will assist the visitors, and the group every year that he has been in college. rence are bass and baritone, re- use a new piece of lighting equip- will attend the Guilford game in spectively. ment of the most modern sort— the afternoon, a Vic Dance that Brown Named The tenor positions are to be the only one of its kind in the evening and will spend the night Elected to the office" of Vice President was Richard W. filled by Richard Kay, second, and world," Kenneth Foreman, stage on the campus. Dorian also added Robert Macerate, first. The quar- manager, stated. The entire light- that there would be a Vic Dance Brown, football player and Vice President of the Chemistry ing effects will be controlled from tet's first concert is to be at the following the Swarthmore game on Club. His home la Downingtown, Rotary Club at the end of Novem- a portable switchboard of a very November 16. Pennsylvania. Charles A. Olson, Store Committee Adds ber. small size. Lettermen Get Reduced Rate Jr. was elected Secretary of the First of two concerts at which William Harris, in collaboration Senior Class at the same meeting, with Alan S. FitaGerald, Research The Sports Dance will be held in New Clerk and Nantes the Glee Club as a whole is sched- and Paul It. O'Connor was named Ilew uled to sing is a dual Christmas Associate in Physics and Engineer- the gymnasium from 9 until 1. The Treasurer. The new Secretary Stiles varsity soccer and football men crumb Head concert with Bryn Mawr. On the ing, designed and began construc- comes from New York City, plays thirteenth of December the Bryn tion of this new lighting equipment who are awarded letters will be varsity football, and is a star jave- this summer. The new board util- admitted for .76 cents, while the Proving financially successful Mawr Choral Society will combine lin hurler on the Track Team. with the Glee Club at Haverford. izes saturating reactors, a field in price to all others will be $1.50 per O'Connor, who was Class Treas- after its two-week trial, the Cam- Bryn Mawr will be the host, which Mr. FitzGerald has been couple or 61.00 stag. As yet, the urer last year, has his home in pus Crumb has been officially an- working for some years. patrons and patronesses have not however, for a concert on Decem- Milwaukee, Wisconsin:. He has nexed by the Cooperative Store ber 14. Next April, the Haverford been chosen, but it is certain that been a Corporation Scholarship Work Like Relays Association, according to Edgar D. Glee Club will be featured in a all coaches and their wives will be winner in his Sophomore, Junior, concert at Chalfont!-Haddon Hall These reactors appear somewhat present. All guests, will be given and Senior years in college. Bell, chairman. Clark Stiles will in Atlantic City. like transformers and work like re- sleeping accommodations at the Gary Chosen manage the Crumb, and take lays. There are no moving parts houses of the various faculty mem- The members of the newly elect- charge of seeing to all the details. subject to wear, With this type bers. Debaters Hold Meeting of switchboard the operator will ed Executive Committee are James Stiles will operate on a profit- Besides Haworth, who is also F. Gary, of Swarthmore, Pennsyl- be able to provide by finger-tip chairman of the Extensions Com- vania; Edward Flacens, of Lens- sharing basis, which has been To Discuss Proposal control any sort of combination of mittee, the four other members of downe,Pennsylvania; and George T. worked out satisfactorily with the Of Half-Year Course lights as well as being able to fur- the dance committee are Eleazer Warner, whose home is in Kansas association. Students will ibring nish smooth and flickerless fading, Childs, James F. Gary, David The Debate Council met this dimming, and master control. Con- City, Missouri. Gary, star two- the Crumb around every night ex- Poole, and Spencer Stewart. They miler, is Captain of thin year's afternoon at 3:30 in 16 Whitall. struction has been held up due to guarantee that the decorations will Cross-Country Team. Flaccus, a cept Saturday, and it will sell Chief topic of discussion at this priority demands, but it now ap- be more novel than ever and that Soccer player, is Chairman of the sandwiches and cold drinks. meeting was the proposal of a pears that the switchboard will be ample refreshments will be served Customs Committee, as well as half-year credit course in Debat- completed in time for the perform- to quench the thirst of the dancers Bell also stated that the Coop ing, to be sponsored by the College. ance. Captain of Tennis. The third mem- would appoint a new clerk, prob- and the inevitable number of stags. ber of the Executive Committee, It was also announced that plans The stage crew have been reno- Warner, is captain of the Basket- ably a Rhinie, in the near future. for a debate with Swarthmore are vating the rope systems, and de- ball and Baseball teams. He also An increase in business was given being made. The debate is sched- signs for the elaborate sets of "Mar- uled to take place on November 18. plays varsity football. as the reason for this. This will gin for Error'"are under way. The Dean Brown Announces Professor George Mountgomery, Junior members of the stage crew Although no definite plans have bring the total number of clerks to been made, Poole stated that he faculty advisor of the Debate Coun- are William Harris, Edmund Lee, Openings for Students planned to call a meeting of the 33338. cil, was present at the meeting. Russell Lyman, Norman Peterkin, Desiring Part-time Work Executive Committee before the and George Ryrie. Sophomore. end of the week. members are Henry Grey, H. Roy- Dean H. Tetuan Brown, Jr., has Diz of Dean Praises the Students er Smith, and Edgar Thomas. announced several openings for students who wish to obtain jobs Recordings of Organ Music On Their Chivalry and Sweetness this year. Two jobs of driving are To Increase Union Collection By JOHN KR0311 sweet and very chivalrous ("Well, Night/School to Open offered by Mr. R. K. Shober, 604 Development of modern and they haven't tripped me op the Pembroke Road, Bryn Mawr, and classical organ music is shown in a Sad news for those whose trips stairs or thrown ink at me, any- For Students Thursday , down the "last mile" to Dean way"), her only complaint being Mrs.
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