1 f Fe 1 f 1: h r hth m. □ A. At 22, he is America's first important guitarist. 1. Augustin Anievas Os. Pretty Italian soprano who won America with her Miml. 2. Seiji Ozawa De. He is molding the great new Orchestre de Paris. 3. Serge Baudo 0D. Welsh soprano, called "the new Lotte Lehmann." □ E. New music director of the 4. Grace Bumbry San Francisco Symphony. □ F. He played Bach in 5. Aldo Ciccolini buckskin on an electronic grand at Fill more East. 6. Mirella Freni □ G. Victoria de los Angeles discovered this exuberant 7. Chris Parkening Spanish conductor. □ H. He plays with 8. Lorin Hollander "Serkin's energy, Schnabel's authority." 9. Gwyneth Jones !. A smashing Carmen, □ with "a lustrous, sable-colored voice." 10. Daniel Barenboim/ J. He conducts the world Jacqueline du Pre □ over, just recorded all 32 Beethoven sonatas. At 20, she was already 11. Rafael Friihbeck compared to Casals. de Burgos They are married. OK Russia's handsomest export, "the most important 12. Aleksander Slobodyanik pianist since Gilels.'' 0L An Italian prodigy, who in maturity has become a master of Satie. 'l'la,~._:.. ,-;,~.\J.,,, ·! Now. Match them Your dealer has it to their music. $1.00. : 1~. i After hearing it, you wm want more of some of these talents. We want you to meet these talents. i:,1/1--,,. There is more. So we put together a Full albums, specially priced. generous sampllng of their virtuosity. 48 minutes, 18 seconds of electricity. Very soon, meet The New Spirit of Angel. 14 concerts in miniature. You wrn be richer for 1t. Tho fin,t fifty peoplu determined by postmark to match the artists correctly wiil receive a free copy oi "The New Spirit of AngeL" Mai! your enswnrs to WN!B, 2 N. Riverside PLwl, Chicago, Hlinois 60606 GI.INK:\ Oricnwl Dane,: from "Russ­ Jan & LudmllJa" - USSR Sym/Ycvgeny Svetl.anev PROGRAM SCHEDULE (Md/Ang sn 400"l) - ULAZOUNOV "Orienmle" from Nu- velette,;" -H<Jllywood String Qm1rtet (Cap P S:l3J.) 97.1 fm Feb., 1970 SUNDAY J;:VENING OPERA w,;BER "Der Frcischuetz" - Dirgit Nilsson, s (Agathe}; Erika Kooth, s (Acnnchen); Nicolai Gcdth, t (Kaspar}; Sucrgpn Foerster, t (Max): Woligang Anheisser, ht (Ottokar); Walter Berry, bs (Kaspar;; Dieter Weller, bs (Kuno); l:lavaxian St.ate Opera Orch & Cho/Robert Heg6r WNID Prognrn1 Schedule is puhFshed by Radfo Station WNID, 2 North itivcn;idv (Ang SCL a748) Plaza~ Chh;ago, Illinois GOCOG. 2(t3-5252. Suhscri.ptlon ratuJ: orn.' year ~t},. no; two yearn $S, 00; three yca1·s $1:2, 00. 10 PM CHICAGO TEMPLE SERVICE; Dr. Roh6rt Bruce Pierce, pastor The WNlB t.a·uadcast sdiudnk is HAM tu H::lOPl\l, :,;\nnday through Friday, and 10 AM to 11 P~I. Saturday H.nd Sunday. Vrnrn ,,; to '.JAM W'.\IB presents "Music in the J\.1ornlng1', a progruni of short, fruniliarclast>iCB.lmusi<; \Vithf:requonL time: ch,,i:k;; and weather reports. Al 11 l'l\i <.n, ca.r!'y the "Casper Citron P1·u,,nun" MONDAY 2 of tnterviitws ;,vith authors, a:rti:~_.;bs, and people iu the n-t)W?.L AM TCHAIKOVSKY Souvenirs de Haspal, Op, 2 - Nadia HeiBcnberg,p (West SWN 1S208) TCHAIKOVSKY Tatania's Letter Aria COVER: 1'Almond Hloss<.dl1f;n c~n ink and color nn t,1apur) by the conU;rnpurar,v from "Eugen Oncgin"-Lid;1 Albtm!lsc, s {HC,\ Chines6 paintvr, Chiang Er-shi\L Thu •N,,rks cf CHang Er••&hi.h an: un nJ1ibit LJ'vI 2.:!Bh} at the Ad Im,tituic frum Ftilirua.ey 7 through March JS. Crn,rtcsy A ct Iirntltntc DVOHAK Serenade in E, Op, 22 - uf Chicago. Hambnrg Radio Ord1/Huns Schmidt-Issen,tedt (lid HS 2ii<Ji;(:J 10 AM B!L\H:YJS Piano Concerto 42 in B~,Op, b'.l - Dani<;l Barenb<,irn, p; New f'hilh/Sir Adrtan GOLDJ\!Al{K Vi<ilin C,,ncJ1rto in a, Op. Boul.t {Ang 8 /G52h) SUNDAY 1 2.~ Nathan ".\:HLstein, vn: Philh/Htu-ry Blcch (Cap PHH) PIZZET11 "La Pisaoella" lncfdent:al 10 A:v! RAMEAU Ccnccrt en &extuor #F · :V1usic - Suisse Rnmande o,·ch/Lnmberto Gar­ Stutt.gart Baroqtw Ens/Marcd Cournud (lVkr dclti (Lon C:': G:,O'J) MG 50402} COUPLIUN 23rd On.in, E:ilph Kirk­ Vol.ksdt'dcr t:lisab<~th Schwar<Jt.opf) ::·< Dietdt.:h ZANDONAI "Nz,, Snw,,rngdl, no!" {duet) Fisdwr-Dicsknu, ht; Gt,rald l\-!o«re, p (Ang SB fron, ,, Francesca da Hlrnini'' - Magda Olivieri, p1n~lck, hpsd (DGG I :19 1:2:.l) L'OEILLE r Sonata in a 1,)1- Fluh. & ::W70} ,, :VJ;;rio dd Monnco, t (Lon OS 2hl2l) Guitar, Op. I IH .,, ,foa11 Ph,rn: RamµaL n: Huu: DVORAK Syrn #,1 i.n d. Op. U - Lun--­ IlE~T'lGlH Adagw wit,h Variatfons - don :'.yrn/Istvan K(;rte::-.;z {Lon CS G[)2H} :\ndt'\: Narnrra. 'c; Czech Phil/Karol Anc<,rl {Cr} Bartc>li, f;'lJitar {Od :J2 .. Jt'·\1:l1nt Ll!LLY Air>c de Trumpett,,,~, Tin> SHOSTAKOVICH HnllH Suite #:l-Boi­ bales et Ha.utboi..s - Ad{;lf Scherb.auxn} tr~Stan.h;­ :.:.hni fhc:ur?- {)r1_:h/i\-la.kslm ShosttJ<ovich {Iv1el/ sla\! Siniuk~ Lr~ Padz-:; Chamber Orch/Paul Kt.H:riu~ Op, 2# 1 Daniel Ba rcnLuI1n, p (An;.::, :-,r,,~ LV :)T-1:'J) ,\nL SH 4011 ti) (DGG l:J\1 131) (Tonight we heg'l.n a nHmth-lnn~~ series of the ~12 URANAJ.JUS TonndiHaG - Victoria de MOlJllET "Lt·s F\c6kS de ThalK" Pi:1110 Sduatat-i ,A Dct.:thO\'en .J,':"> played by Da11k·l Jo,s An:!ch,:-_;f s; G<.HUJdo 0or1ano~p (:\ng ti.BL 3072) .Bullet ~ Androt~ Cnlsun lnbtruwent(tl l~ns fif B<..n'cnholu, Onu or t'A'l.i ,.>onat.a;~~ wlll bt' pn_,,, KODALY ··na,-y ,fanos" Suite --- London Tmm; {Vux STDL 500 H:JO) St?HL;d each day a.lternating, hclv,\;cn :-, Pfrl and ~y1r1/lslvan K6rt.z,sz (Lon C!.f 9417) n Pl\l.) \ PM THE WNID LTBHAHY # \ 13H S\lJEU) ''Rosina" tht:i·turr; - Londun I\ AM CHICAGO TEMPLE GEHVTCF l>FETHOVEN Trin 17 in Br,Op. 97 Syn,/Rit'k,rd B<wy,·,g,, (Lon OS;\ JI iiil) Dr. Robert Druce Pierce, ;wstor 1 {' Act.:hdu.kt,"'')-Artur Hubinstcin1 p; Jasl'ha Hei­ SHIELD Ari;rn frnm "R<1Hin;," "Li,:J:l fetz, vn; Ennnucl Fsu,,nmrnn, 'e (RCA LCT HJ20) 12:'.JO MUSIC FROM. CElt;\;lANY as tblstlcd<Y-Ntf 1 & -"\VhDn \Vil! i.arn at Evt•"-·tJ1:,an SCHUBERT Itnprmrq:,tu: \HJELFI. Sutherland> s (Lnn A -r.~;.7) BOIELDIEt' '"Vit·n.-:; p_cnt.iJ.L, Dame,·· ! PM bCllUMANN Sy.m tf4 111 d.~ Op~ 120 - 'Cdlu a-onata in d 1 Ln.>rn "La Da.rnc Blanche'.,, FriL... '>Vuni.:iurlich~ t New York l'i:ii: Leonarct B<'rnskin (Col UJL 333) (St•1' ~- GtW7<""-) HHl:CH Violin Concerto ~2 ind, Op. l PM CONCEHT FHUM HADIO ITALIANA ilOlELDIElJ . Lu f>:m;,. 1\1:rnchc" Ovel'-• 4·1 - Jasdu fleilctz, vn, !{CA Un.:h/I7kr Solo,. DONIZETTI Hequi,-n, Mass for Solo- tun; -· Lan11.mreux Orch/3ean Fuurnc,t (Epic LC mon (HCA LM Hi:il) 1sb:L Chorus &. Cho {For the death uf Vincenzo ;)1}70,i Bel!i11l)-Gabrinlia Tucci,,,;; Adrlarw Lazzarini. WCUUH Clnrinn Con"crUno in c,Op, THll\liTE rn ,J\lSSI H,JOEHLlNC 1ns; t; lvwi Gino Sfnimbcrghi~ FHippo };laerv, bt~ :26 - G,cr\'a.su do Puy1.:.:r. cL Nu1v Philh/H:if"aul (1\n. huur-L:.n1g prog-ram uf reeot'(lings 8ardL 8yn1 & <Ji bs; Orch Cho HAI, Milan/Fran•• Fruehi),,jck d(' Buqz.00 {Ang S :JGSt<J) b; ,lussl Bjoerling, born on this dale in UlJL) cesn, Molinari-l'rndelii (70') ROMBERG "Desert Seni:;" l'rom "The BOCC!IXJ{L'\JI Conccdo lor M <Mth Or­ Desert S,.mg''; MILLOECKEll Duct from "The gan & Orch - ,Jolm Sebastian, harmonica: S,vm G t'f-..l DVOHAK "t_'yprt ""''h" br Strini, Bq;gar Stlident": & .f STRAUSS ,TR Dnet fron1 0:reh of H/\L Rorne/Fneruceio Sea~{lia ( .l C) Quartd Dvorak Qmirtd ((> :!!. l(: .. ()fH~) '<the G;/{JS)' Bi.n'Z>nq ~ Snssi llj<)!3rling\ t; Hjor<lis Svhymb<-r.s, ~ {EMI SGLP 507) \.VEBEFt S_yrn it J in C, Op~ lU ~ ,:-;1,;n·­ LL\P C!'iOV "Ln,;J1ink:,' lvm, Da vL< latti (l\Th oi H,U, 'iapk-,:/Luigi CrAomn {:.:.J') p (Lon CS (iG87) I>UCCINI ''Che ge.Uda rnar1£:na'' frm:n BO[{OD[N "In tlw ;,,[qJpi.'h 01 C 1.:n1rnl 'U, Bohcrn,,': & NJ ASSEN ET" En fcnnent les '.JPM OFFENDACll "La Fil le du Tnn,honr /\sb" · Phiiadclphi.a Oreh/Eu1_.\<-mL On)1andy (CnlJ y1,•uxq frnrn ·1-r..lanon 1 ' ~ Jussi B}oerling~ t (Cap 1 Majut• ' Overture ~ London G_yrn/H.ichanJ Donyn;c RlMSKY KOHS;\KOV A:-i:is: fa>ng of G 72:W) {Lon CS ii4½G; the Vcw.,unn A'h. 0 rchant irorn "Nadku" Ynd \1:t~ Funuw "Al :\ppc1,ci" inm1 ''Mllrtha' CX)TTSCH;\LK l''i:-01n Pi,wc,s; •·:~Lrn• :<urok~ ht (Mc-1/Anr:. SH -HW;~Jt, !v H_vHU'l U1 Utt- ::-,;n1, VLHDl "Cck,Hh- At<la" from ., Aida« & Nl.A$CA­ eheg.:1.~1: •;Minuit a ;~\.:ville»; "'Cl l\,coy'-, ·; K "Fnr•- lrnrn ''Li, Cnq d'Or" \1;,tuwild:, l)dJfk,•; (,\n" t;I-d "O Lnla'' L'1>ff1 "Cw.--allerb Hu.sticana" i:;ct r-.1e Nut" /-\l:in \htJ1dct, (Lh•;-J() lh' < 17()<tJ ,JiH~i DJ:,t,1'J.i!1~~ ..
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