Independence AM

Independence AM

Overland Park Kan. (66210). (913) 661 -0101. KCFX Radio Inc. Rep: Republic. Format: AOR. D. Garry Joplin Missouri Radio Munson, pres; Skip Broussard, gen & gen sis mgr; Dan Carney, prog dir; Mary Christopher, mus dir & KFSB(AM) -Nov 21, 1948: 1310 khz; 5 kw -D, 1 kw -N. prom mgr; Dave Allen. chief engr. Rates: $52: 44; DA-2. Box 1395 (64802). (417) 624 -1310. J.R. Broad- 48; 38. casting Co. (acq 3- 14 -71) Net ABC /E. Rep: Roslin. Suzanne Carlson, prom mgr; Late Williams. news dir; Format: Adult contemp. Richard D. Chegwin, Ares, Lloyd Collins. chief engr. nat sis mgr & chief engr: John C. David. exec VP, gen Hayti & prom mgr; John Durkee. opns mgr /news dir. Rates: KCPW(FM) -Co- owned with KCMO(AM). May 4, $14; 11.90; 12.95: 9.80. 1948: 94.9 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 1,057 ft. Stereo. Prog sep KCRV(AM) -See Caruthersville. from AM. Format: Top -40, urban contemp. Tracy KKUZ(FM )-Listing follows WMBH(AM). Johnson, mus dir; Katey McGuckin, news dir. TV KLOW(FM) -See Caruthersville. affil: CBS. *KOBC(FM) -March 17. 1969: 90.7 mhz; 30 kw. Ant 230 ft. Stereo. 1111 N. Main St. (64801). (417) KCNW(AM )-See Fairway, Kan. Houston 781 -6401. Ozark Christian College. Net: AP, MBS. *KCUR -FM- October 1957: 89.3 mhz; 100 kw Ant Format: Adult contemp reig. Ken Idleman. pres; Stan 28, 1962: 1250 khz; 1 kw -D. Box 820 ft. Stereo. 5100 Rockhill Rd. (64110). (816) KBTC(AM)-June Smelser, gen mgr & chief engr; Rob Kime, prog dir. 30 (65483). (417) 967 -3353. Texas County Radio Inc. 276 -1551. University of Missouri, Kansas City. Net: (acq 9-87). Net: ABC /E. Format: C&W Robert Berri, KQYX(AM)-May 25, 1962: 1560 khz; 10 kw -D, DA. NPR. Format: Class, jazz, pub affairs. Spec prog: Sp pres; Michael Hendee, gen, gen sis & prom mgr; Mike 2510 W. 20th St. (64801). (417) 781 -1313. William B. 2 hrs wkly. Patricia Deal Cahill, gen mgr; Jacqueline Randleman, prog & mus dir; Robin England, news dir; Neal. Net: ABC/TalkRadio. CNN. Rep: Katz & Powell. Larue, underwriting; Billy Hunnacutt, dir bcst engrg. Gene Clay. engr. Rates: $7.50; 6.25; 6.90; 5. Format: Talk. News progmg 12 hrs wkly. target chief KCWV-FM- (Leavenworth, Kan.) 1962: 98.9 mhz; 100 audience: 18-39. William B. Neal, pres & gen & KUNQ(FM) with KBTC(AM). May 1965: kw. Ant 990 ft. Stereo. 4350 Johnson Dr., Fairway, -Co -owned coml mgr; Bob James, news dir; Jack Maxton, chief mhz; Ant Prog from AM. Kan. (66205). (913) 384 -9900. Nbdlinger Broadcast- 99.3 3 kw. 300 ft. Stereo. sep engr. Rates: $11.50; 11.50; 11.50; 11.50. Format: Adult contemp. Rates: Same as AM. ing Co. (group owner; acq 10- 28 -82). Net: SMN. Rep: KSYN(FM) -Co -owned with KQYX(AM). Dec 19, 1960: CBS. Format: New age, jazz. News staff one. target 92.5 mhz; 100 kw Ant 430 ft. Stereo. Prog sep from audience: Adults 25 -54; above average education & Independence AM. Net: ABC /R. Format: CHR. Jim Connor, mus dir: income; upscale professionals. Mark Wbdlinger, Jay Jackson, prog dir. TV affil: CNN. Rates: $24; chmn & gen mgr; Mike Wbdlinger, stn & gen sls mgr; KCCV(AM)-1947: 1510 khz; 10 kw -D. 10841 E. 28th 24; 24; 24. Todd Chase, prog dir; Wayne Combs, news dir; Debra St. (64052). (816) 252 -5050. Bott Broadcasting Co. Walsh, traf dir; Sara Dickey, prom mgr. Rates: $45; (acq 11 -62). Format: Relg. Richard Bott, pres; KSSC(AM)-June 1, 1946: 1230 khz; 1 kw -U. 3001 40; 40; 30. Richard Bott II, gen mgr; Ed Trease, chief engr. W. 13th (64801). (417) 624 -1230. Great Radio Group Rates: $25; 25; 25; 25. Inc. (acq 5- 1 -87). Net: MBS, Transtar. Rep: Select. KEXS(AM )-See Excelsior Springs. Format: MOR. Spec prog: Farm 1 hr wkly. Tim KFKF(AM )-See Kansas City, Kan. Mensendier, pres & gen mgr; Don Blythe, news dir. Ironton Rates: $10; 8; 9; 7. KJLA(AM )-Sep 1, 1971: 1190 khz; 5 kw-D, 250 w -N, DA-N. 3435 Broadway (64111). (816) 753 -7707. KYLS(FM) -Jan 6, 1984: 92.7 mhz; 650 w. Ant 668 ft. KXMS(FM)-April 5. 1986: 88.7 mhz; 10 kw. Ant 185 Osborn Communications Corp. (acq 12- 20-78). Net: Stereo. Box 437 (63650); Hwy 21, Pilot Knob (63663). ft. Stereo. Missouri Southern State College, Newman MBS. Rep: Roslin. Format: Music of Your Life. Wilton (314) 546-3905. David E. Smith Communications Inc. and Duquesne Rds. (64801). (417) 625-9356. Bd of R. Osborn, pres; Sandra E. Suffian, gen mgr; Bruce (acq 11 -86). Net: ABC Missourinet, Brownfield. Regents, Mo. Southern College. Net: SMN. /C, State Efron, opns mgr; Kristin Clark, prom mgr; Ben Miss, Rep: Keystone, Katz. Format: Country. News staff 5. Format: Class Spec prog: Big band 2 hrs wkly. chief engr. Rates: $54; 49; 54; 37. Target audience: 25 -50. Spec prog: Southern gospel Robert L. Clark, gen mgr; Robert Harris, mus dir; Judy David Smith, pres, gen & gen sls mgr; Linda Huff, Stiles, community svc dir; Morris Sweet, chief engr. 'KKFI(FM -Feb 28, 1988: 90.1 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 500 prog dir & prom mgr: Earl Abanathy, chief engr. ft. Stereo. 1627 Main (64108). (816) 842 -2329. WMBH(AM 1450 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 w -N. Box Rates: $6.50; 6.50; 6.50; 6.50. )-1927: Mid -Coast Radio Project Inc. Format: Eclectic /cultural/ 1667 (64802). (417) 623 -1450. Demaree Media Inc. community. News progmg 10 hrs wkly. Target audi- (acq 3-87). Rep: Banner. Format: C&W, progsv, ence: women and minorities. Spec prog: Class 4 hrs, top -40. Spec prog: Farm 1 hr wkly. Pat Demaree, Jackson country 1 hr, jazz 11 hrs, Sp 14 hrs, theatre 2 hrs, pres; Gary Exline, gen mgr; Larry Spencer, gen sis women's news 7 hrs, children's 7 hrs, arts 3 hrs wkly. KUGT(AM )-March 1972: 1170 khz; 250 w -D. Box mgr; Dan Casey, prog dir; Lisa Armstrong, mus dir; Barbara Blake, pres & gen mgr; Tam Osgood. gen (314) Zeb Huffmaster, Rates: 10; 10. 1654, Cape Girardeau (63701). 335 -1170. chief engr. $10; 10; sls mgr; Tom Davis, prog dir; Richard Klecka, mus dir; Target Media Inc. (acq 5-1-86). Format: Relg. KKUZ(FM) -Co -owned with WMBH(AM). November Torn Crane, prom mgr; Kathleen Davis, news dir; Lee Thomas P. Stine, pres, gen & gen sls mgr; Mark 1974: 102.5 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 440 ft. (CP: 994 ft.). Wheeler, chief engr. Rollings, prog & mus dir; Debra Ann Miles, news dir; Stereo. (417) 624 -1025. Format: Top -40, oldies. Spec Joe Bellis, chief engr. Rates: $10; 10; 10; -. *KLJC(FM )_Aug 9, 1970: 88.5 mhz; 10 kw. Ant 189 prog: Class 3 hrs wkly. Tom Perry, gen sls mgr; Gary ft. Stereo. c/o Calvary Bible College, 15800 Calvary Bandy, prog dir. Rates: $18; 18: 18; 16. Rd. (64147- 1341). (816) 331 -8700. Calvary Bible Jefferson City College. Net: ABC /I. Format: Relg, educ, btfl sacred mus. Spec prog: Class 2 hrs wkly. Leslie Madison. Listing follows KWOS(AM). Kansas City KJMO(FM)- pres; Justin Dix, prog dir, opns mgr, mus dir; John KLIK(AM)-February 1954: 950 khz; 5 kw -D, 500 KBEA(AM) -See Mission, Kan. Hayden, news dir; David Jolly, sports dir; Darrell w -N, DA-N. Box 414 (65102). (314) 634 -2950. Central Nickolaus, chief engr. KBEQ(AM )-Feb 2, 1984: 1030 khz; 1 kw -D, 500 Mo. Broadcasting Inc. (acq 6- 1 -81). Group owner: Brill KLSI(FM )-March 3, 1958: 93.3 mhz; 100 kw. Ant Media Co. Inc. Net: ABC /C. Format: Contemp country. w -N, DA-2. 4710 Pennsylvania, Kansas City (64112). -2535. 1,066 ft. Stereo. 3101 Broadway, No. 460 (64111). Spec prog: Farm 12 hrs wkly. Tom Thies, pres & gen (816) 531 Noble Broadcasting of Kansas City (816) 753-0933. Great Plains Radio Inc. (acq 3- 1 -82). mgr; Jay Hasting, prog dir; Dusty Rivers, mus dir; Tom Inc. Group owner: Noble Broadcasting Group. Net: Group owner: Sandusky. Rep: Banner. Format: Adult Holmes, chief engr. Rates: $26; 22; 20; 6. ABC /C. Rep: Major Market. Format: CHR. News staff one. Target audience: 18 -34. spec prog: Public svc. contemp. Norman Rau, pres; Stephen Dinkel, gen KTXY(FM)-Co-owned with KLIK(AM). Dec 1, 1969: David Small, VP & gen mgr; Arthur Samuel, gen sls mgr; Mike Payne, gen sls mgr; Tom Land, prog dir; 106.9 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 600 ft. Stereo. Prog sep from mgr; Kevin Kenney, prog dir; Jon Anthony, mus dir; Karen Barber, mus dir; Jim Vogelaar, news dir; Ben AM. Format: CHR. Dave Kaiser, gen sls mgr; Gary Ellen Schultheis, prom mgr; Bob Mead, news dir; Lee Miss, chief engr. Rates: $150; 120; 120; 50. mus Bobby Jackson, prom mgr. Rates: Spice, dir, Wheeler, chief engr. KMBR(FM)-Listing follows KMBZ(AM). $50; 40; 40; 25. KBEO -FM- November 1960: 104.3 mhz; 100 kw. Ant KMBZ(AM) -1921: 980 khz; 5 kw -U, DA-2. 4935 *KLUM August 1973: 88.9 mhz; 40 kw. Ant 510 -FM- 987 ft. Stereo. 4710 Pennsylvania (64112). (816) Belinder Rd. Shawnee Mission Kan. (66205). (913) ft. Stereo. Box 29, 1004 E. Dunklin St. (65101). (314) 531 -2535. Noble Broadcast of Kansas City Inc. (acq 236 -9800. Bonneville international Corp. (group owner; 681 -5301. Bd of Curators of Lincoln Univ. Net: ABC /FM 10 -87). Group owner: Noble Broadcast Group. Net: acq 5- 12 -67). Net: NBC. Rep: Durpetti.

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