CENSUS OF I 1891. ~istritt artnSns ~tatistits, N.-W. PROVINCES AND OUDH. BUDAUN DISTRICT. :ALLAHABAD! • • oaTll-WU'rDN l'B()vDiC_ AJID OlJDH OOVlU\1Q(UT l'll". 1897. TAllLE OF CONTENTS. nUJD- Conten . Page. ber 1 Preface 2 Statement showing the varia.tions of population in the Pargnnn and Tnhsfls ofth Buelann u distriot. 3 Statement howing the variations in the population of th P oU ir 1 Bndanu di trict 6 4 Statement showing by popUlation the number of towDB and villages in tho Tllhstl of th Bud UD 7 district. 5 Village Direotory, Tahsil Budaun, Pargnoa Ujhaui 10-15 6 Ditto ditto ditto Budp.un 15-23 7 Ditto ditto Sahaswa.n, ditto Sahaswan 23-32 8 Ditto <litto ditto ditto Kot 32-37 9 Ditto ditto Gunaur, ditto Asadpur 41-45 10 Ditto ditto <litto ditto Rajpura 81-41 11 Ditto ditto Bisauli, ditto Bisauli 45-48 12 Ditto ditto . ditto ditto S taai 48-51 13 Ditto ditto ditto ditto Ilamnagar 51-56 14 Ditto ditto Dataganj, ditto alempu.r , .. 61--69 15 Ditto ditto ditto ditto Ueohat 57-61 16 Statement showing the figures of the Village Directory totalled for each of the TMna of t.he 70-73 Buda.nn district. 171.AlPhabctiCaI Index to villages and towns of tho Budaun district 74-80 1 P RE FAOE. THE Census Tables published for the North." Ttern Pr vinQes nnd nelh, una r th orders of the Imperial G rnmcnt, c n~in no detailed tntisti for nny nrea oall l' tbaD the distriot. The Local Government ha COD ider d it n ce S1l1'Y to llUulish in addition to tb Imperial tablee :_ ht-A. provincial supplement to th report on the Census f 1 Ol~ ntaiuing certain import­ ant statistics for tahSil, pargana, thl1l1ll and town areas. 2nd-A c llootion of nsus statistics for en.oh distri t for the u more. pe<lillUy of di tI·iot officers. The contents of tho volume of ccnsu tatisti for th Buchull dt tri t are given on tbe preooding page. The nrst three stat .Ill: nt req_111r 11Q e. ll1nno.tory r (4 roll • Regarding the village directory the f; Howins: eXl)lnnntion In y b u ful:- Column 1.-The serial numb~r of villages run sepiu'at ly f, r ch pnrgnna, Tho po.rgan88 are arranged by tahsil and the tnhsH total follow8 t.hat fOl' tll last 1,urgo.nu. b longtng to it, The villages for each pllrgllna 8re divided into separate gl' ups, one for euoh of th l)Qli '0 irel wH h wholly or partly- lie in it. As pllrgana and tbani). b undal'i s almo tin nriably orlnp eaoh oth r, there may be for a single tihl1n3 two or Dlor,a gl'OUps of village ell h in 11 parst ptll'gantl., The Ihana totals 1I.t'O collec¥ in a supplementary stll.temellt, refer nC to whi L will h w in how many pnrgana lists the vill.n.g of the th{~na lie. - The generalo.lphabetical inde. to the villages of the distri t, hi 'h end th~ olum, shows by rofe noo ba.ck to the village directory the thti 0 u., po.rglmB and tuhs£} to whioh o.ny illo.ge, beloDgs. Oolumn 2.-The followjng Ill'e the definitions adopted of tho terms viUage and town:- A viUage denotes tho o.rea d mareated for l'Ovcnuo purpo B as a (( lrianza," pl'ovided that where a villago or part of a iUage forms a part of the aroa of a town, it will 00 inoluded in suoh town. The rcmainder,.if any, wm be l' gardcd f01: census purpos s Il. the village. .A. town denotes- lb't-Every oontinuous group ofhousos inhabitod permnnolltly by not los8 than 5,000 poopl • 2nd-Every nre!\- within whioh tho Challkidli.r-i At:t ( of 1850) or either of the Mlmioipal Act (XV of 1873 or XV of 18 3) is in {oIce. 3rd-Every military ca.ntonmen . Oolumn 12.-Details of the llumbfrr of persons belonging to eaoh religion included iu till column at'S given iu tbe remarks column. OoZumn 13.-Agri ulturists includ all perSODS who wu or oooupY land for pllrp B of agriculture or pas uragc, but docs not include agricultural labourers. It inoludes 0.11 persons who own or oultivate lalld in Ilddition to any other occupa.tion. The fignros in Imperial tables XVII A and B how u h porsons nuder tho head of the adUitional occupation. and not ns ngricl11tnrilitd. Co~umn 14. .-Includes shopkeepora, p<.'<llars and dealol's of all ucsorip [008. Oolumn 11':'.-In Iud b sides pGl'i>ons belonging t() th learned l)l'ofi ions, tr'otly so. cllll(){t.... all GOVOl'l)mlmt servants above ministe.rillol rank. CoZumn 17.-In th4i column are in luded. mini te-rja] Government servants, dom tic servanis,. nnd village menials. Oolumn IB.-LaboUl'ers in ludo both agricultural and g ncrallabourere... Col'ltmn 22 ...:-All males of age 0-4 have been assumed to be illiterate. Oolv.lm/llo 26.-For each village, the caste which is most nuw ro.us· shown; and 'Wliere two or more castes each exe 25 per cent. of tho iotal population, the numbol' of persons belongjng t~ each of them is shown. Sub-casoos of R6.jput only are given. Tho- number of lepers, male Illid female, enumerated in any village is .1so shown he.r:e~ These figures have boon compiled from the vernaouw registe:re, which ,viil b& p:rascrved for each municipality by the Municipal Boord, and for each tahsil by the Distriot Offioel'. Full dotails of ( 4 ) all statistiCl!i published for the district or province in the imperial tables can be, 811CeltAined. for any census block or village on refer DC to these registers. The contents of each of the 20 registers arc as follows :- Register No. I.-Houses Bnd total population. Ditto 2.-Variation in population. Ditto 3.-Classwed list of villages and towns. Ditto 4. -Religions. Ditto 5 -Age-periods for each religion. Ditto 6.-Age-periods for each ivii condition of eMh religion. Ditto 7.·.-Education by age-periods for oach religion. Ditto S.-Parent tongueB. Ditto S.-Birth places. Ditto 10 & 10A.-Insanes by age and cast-e. Ditto 11 & llA..-Deafmutes by age and caste. Ditto 12 &, 12A.-Blilld by age and caste. Ditto 13 & l3A.-Lepers ~Y age and ca.sm. Ditto 14.-Cast.e and sub-castes. Ditto Ui.-Occupa.tious by age-periods. Ditto 1 6.-Sects·of all religions. Ditto l7.-Socts of Cqristians by race. Ditto IS.-Races of Christians by age-period. Ditto 19.-Education by caste. Ditto 20.- Ci"il oondition by caste. The arrangement of the vernacular registers is similar to tha.t of the village direotol'1. Villages are grouped together for each pargana. and within the pargana. arranged by th'nas. The paging is the same throughout all general regisoors, vHlages which occur on page 1 of Register I al.Bo ocoru: on the fi rst set of the pages of tho more elaborate regjsters 14,15; 16 and 19. Mama. Tontpur in Tahsil, Pargana and ThAna Sahaswan has been transferred from Etah district. Mauza Kharakws.r and ltfuazampur transferred to Sbaihjahanpur district from Tahsil Dataganj, Pargana Salempul', thAna Dataganj and Hazratpur respectively. ( 6 ) STATEMENT SHOWING THE VARIATIONS OF POPULATIO IN TU]!; PAR NA ND TAHS!L8 OJ<' THE BVD UN DI TRICT. Total popullltion. Mill ~. i'etnalea. t , NalDO of P&flr&D& and T CCD8116 of Ceneolof InCrefl e+ !: ' 18,,1.. emma ot Ccnla. of Inc ..... Cenl,.a of of 1891. D orca )tIlj,1. + 08,.. In..,_+ - 1 01. lil'Crea e-. 1 1. 1 '01, o cr..... e-. ..... BadAan 135,676 ... ... HI,S!! 2 +0.246 71.100 74,2'72 +8.172 GM7C 07,550 +3,074 Ujhani 80,7S0 ... ... 84,851 -1,tlS5 47.118 " ~.02S -1,093 89,018 38,81.6 -701 ----- 1--- ~, : Tota.l l'ah.n - ... 222.812 220,673 +4,361 118.218 l20,297 +2.0'10 104.09 f' ---- --- 100.370 +3,882 ~ Saba..wan -- - -- -_ ... 95,074 91,852 ... +4.1 2 52,223 {9,51Jrl ~ -2', .2 4.3,751 42,311 -1,"'0 Kot ... 90,117 70,040 ... -19,471 61.787 41.673 ~ -10,.IIl4 ",,030 Stl.307 - O,2G8 g... --------- Total T .. hln n· 192,391 108,192 -23,G99 1 0~,O10 01,11" --- -_ -12,8 0 88,081 7'l,G78 -10"'03 A.la.dpur ... ... 61.238 79,615 +J.8.277 ao, 42 42,908 +1,081) :R&jpllra 28.415 lIO.007 +8.102 ... 66,297 58,552 ... +2,255 82',823 31.916 +l,07!1o 25,465 20,036 +1,181 Total ----- TaIl.n ' " 117.535 . 138,067 -- +20,532 03,605 74,824- +11,159 68,870 3.2403 +0,373 j--- 1-- Bieauli - -_ --_ , .. ... 68,164 73,039 +16.775 ao, 29 39,691 +8,02 8atasi 2'1.33G (I ,2J8 +0,913 ... ... 47,011 40,6(18 +.2,657 25,2G-l 20,MO Ial",mnagaI ... +1,802 21767 13,022 +1,26G ... 82,03 72,Sa· -9,649 ·.1.3,00:; SO,l09 -4,190 38,578 -4,853 --- 33,725 Total T hriJ '--_ --_ ----I-- ... 1S7,6G8 HIO,4~1 +8,783 ~ i 1)9,988 I05,·MS +5,4£8 +3,325 --------- 87,070 00,005 alempur ----- --._ ..
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