azette m 110#14,44 30s: "frt.lazt DELHI ADMINISTRATION 1/2) ,3 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY No. 6] DELHI, THURSDAY, MARCH zz, z964/PHALGUNA 22, I885 PART V—Section II Notices and other matters published by the Heads of Offices of the Delhi Administration Miscellaneous matters not included in preceding sections DELHI ADMINISTRATION WITH THE BEST COMPLIMENTS OF THE DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION, DELHI. Directorate of Education (Examination Branch), Delhi. Results of the Hindi Praveen and Pragya Examinations 1962 (December Session) as declared on 5th March 1963. PRAVEEN EXAMINATION No. of candidates applied 17,612 No. of candidates appeared 13,932 No. of candidates passed 10,732 No. of candidates placed under compartment 367 Pass percentage 77% Following are the particulars . of the candidates who secured I, II and III positions respectively:— Roll No. Name of the 'candidate Marks Position obtained secured 2329 Shanti Lal T. Jatale 3844 D. K. Nandkar 231 T. 1035 A. S. Virdi 229 H. 6780 L.P. Singh . 225 III. 225 III. PRAGYA EXAMINATION No. of candidates applied 8,134 No. of candidates appeared 6,766 No. of candidates passed 5,095 No. of candidates placed under compartment 338 Pass percentage 75'3% Following are the particulars of the candidates who secured I, II and III positions resp'ectively:— Roll Name of the candidate Marks Position No. obtained secured 7878 H. S. Bakhshi . 327 I. 2587 Kishan Lal Rajput . • • 1, • ..... 7835 Sushil Kumar Jain 316 IL 309 III. N. DAMODAR DASS, P.A. to Director of Education, Directorate of Education, Exam. Branch Delhi. 2-3-63. (79) DTRECTORATE OF EDUCATION A EEi TIONXtRANC1'I) DELHI 1963, -I962 Session) declared on sfb March, s of the Hindi Prawn and Pragya Examination, (December The following candidates have been declared successful at the Praveen Examination (December 1962 Session.) NoTE—I. The names of the candidates are arranged according to RolliNumbers. The names of candidates who have been placed in Compartment are included in a separate list. 2. Marks Name of the office to which attached obtained Roll Name of the candidates No. 4 2 3 124 Supdt. of Post Offices, Kurnool 116 2 B. Subbarao Do. 132 4 Ch. Sreenivasulu Do. 120 5 C. Subbarayudu • Do. Il 7 Y. Venkateswarlu Do. 130 8 A. Sethumadhavarao Cen. Rly., Secunderabad] • 124 to K. V. Rathniah Do. 123 II G. U. Baskarrao Do. 120 13 J. Balakrishana Singh Do. 124 15 V. Venkatswamy • Do. 129 19 Syed Ahmed Do. 128 iShIlaMtlithy 20 P. KT Do. , 112 21 iMohd. Jafar Do. 22 K. Sampath Iyengar Do. 114 • ,o6 23 Y. Lingiah • Do. 126 24 P. H. Menon Do. 25 C. Srinivasan Do. 157 26 N. Satyanarayana Do. 105 3o J. Fshwariah .. Do. 142 31 M. Venkatashastry 112 Do. 102 34 A. P. Gopala Krishna Do. 131 35 Khursheed Begum Do. 113 36 P. Prakash Rao Do. 107 37 0. Sardan Do. 38 A. Venkataramanaiah Do. 120 116 40 B. Kishan Singh Do. 172 42 G. Ramakrishniah Do. I15 44 P. A. Shastry Do. 47 D. P. Narlekar Do. 124 149 48 N. V. Verma Do. 49 P. Bhanumurthy Do. 150 103 54 B. Madhu Sudhan Rao Local Audit Office, Secunderabad. 109 63 P. Vijaya Kumar Do. • • 121 64 R. N. Pillai • Do. 146 65 Gopala Swamy Works Manager's office, Lallaguda 71 B. K. Nadgir Do. 134 79 V. Suryanagarayanamurthy • Do. 147 82 Hidayathullah ... Do. 168 85 Mohd. Khaleelullah Do. 153 89 S. Radhakrishnamurthy 134 AEE/Lallaguda 127 103 T. Durga D -COS (LC&W) Lallaguda 102 107 F. Radhakrishnamurthy Do. 123 1o8 T. Rangarao . .. A . O. (S&W)'s Office, Lallaguda 118 N. Sri Ramchander Moorthy Asstt. Works Manager's Office, Lallaguda 139 103 121 M. Chander Rai Cen. Rly., Hyderabad (Dn.) 139 123 A. S. Krishnacharya Do. 129 124 Y. M. Venkataramaniah Do. 131 128 M. Suryanarayana Rao Do. 108 129 S. V. S. Avadhani Do. 118 130 A. Satyanarayana Raju Do. 116 133 K. Gopal Sundaram Do. 140 135 V. Kesavalu Do. 120 136 A. Venkat Krishnan Do. 149 137 P. Chalpathi Do. 123 • 138 B. L. N. Sarma Do. 117 141 V. Suryanarayanamurthy Do. .. 109 142 G. Sesiah Do. 108 147 R. S. Raman Do. 152 148 M. L. Deoraj Do. 129 a so M. M. Kaffigud • Do. 114 151 R. Lakshmikant Rao • Do. 136 '54 T. S. Vittal Rao • Do. 137 156 B. Sheshagiri Rao Do. 106 157 K. Rangachari Do. 138 161 Mohd. Sanulla Khan Do. II0 163 G. R. Raghavendra Rao Do. 105 166 C. Parthasarthy Do. 163 168 R. Ruban Do. 175 169 N. G. Joshi Do. Setlur Do. 123 171 A. S. Arunachalam Do. 118 172 Vittal Balwant Do. 125 173 B. Ganganath Do. 142 149 174 P. V. Naik Do. 121 176 S. Hanumantha Rao Do. 177 P. Krishnannuthy Do. 145 • I I0 179 G. Bansilal . Do. 181 S. Seetharaman Do. 130 141 182 E. Vittal Rao Do. 124 !184 V. M. Deshpande Do. 107 186 M.P. Basviah Do. 166 193 A.-S. Vasudevam Do. 116 195 R. Kasavisuramadham Do. 141 196 V. ChangalavaraYana Do. 107 197 N. Subramanyam Do. 199 M. Subba Rao Do. 134 200 Gulam Hyder Khan V S. K. Sayedffildin Cen. Rly., Hyderabad (Dn.) III zo4ang Bahadur • . Do. 141 2o7 V. Saharan Do. 138 209 Ram Do. rim zit G, Do. Tor 213 A. V ado° Dy. C.A.O's. Office, C. Rly. Secunderabad. "7 215 S. N. Jitkati • • Dd. 144 216 V. R. Ranganathan Claims Supdt's Office, C. Rly. Secunderabad. 109 217 R. C. Iyer Dy. C.A.O's Office, Cen. My. Secunderabad. IZI 218 A. Subba Rao Claims Supdt's office, C. Rly. Secunderabad. 102 219 A. Pantiah . Do. 117 222 Shaik Fareed Dy. C.A.O's office, C. Rly. Secunderabad. 107 120 224 M. Sriram Murty Do. • 225 Y. Joji . Do. 134 229 . V. Rangachari Do. 107 231 M. Gopala Iyer Claims Supdt. Office, C. Rly. Secunderabad. 113 K. Balasubramaniam Dy. C.A.O.'s Office, (Coaching Foreign Br.) Cen. Rly. 120 238 Secunderabad. 241 T. V. Raman Do. 116 242 K. Laxmiah Do. 120 102 243 M. Chacko Phillip Do. 122 245 &tsar Mohd. Khan Do. II0 246 K. Papa Rao Do. 249 Gaddam Chanchanna Do. H5 251 K. M. Gopal Do. 127 752 P. Venkateswar Rao Do. 113 253 P. S. Sastry Claims Supdt's office, Central Rly., Secunderabad I14 254 V. Elliah Dy. C.A.O.'s office, Central Rly., Secunderabad 119 255 T. G. Subramaniam Cen. Rly., Secunderabad 120 256 Miss Savithri V. S. Do. 11$ 257 B. H. Narayan Rao Do. 103 259 Mrs. A. J. Basil Do. 133 26o B. Gopal Do. 13o 261 G. Rangarao Do. ro6 263 V. Mahalingam Do. Ica 264 S. M. Mehdi . Do. 134 267 Y. Ramakrishnaiah Do. 122 268 C. Rajanararaiah Do. 121 269 R. V. Subba Rao Do. 128 272 G. Rangachari . Do. io8 z74 Mrs. K. Saraswathy Do. 137 275 K. Muthukumari . • • • Do. 132 276 Mrs. P. Sabari Do. 117 279 P. R. Krishnamurthy Do. II5 280 G. Subramanian Do. 121 282 D. V. Krishnarao Do. 113 283 S. K. Mehboob All Do. rII 284 G. Ramulu Do. 128 287 M. D. Bansad Do. 143 288 C. V. Shivshankar Do. 140 289 S. H. Subjosh Do. 131 291 V. Dasarathi Sharma Do. • 113 292 G. Gangadhar Rao . Do. 102 293 A. N. Murthy Do. 139 300 A. V. Subba Rao Do. 103 305 S. Ramnarayan . Do. r26 306 M. Krishna Rao Chalapathi Rao • Do. 123 307 Ch. Janardhana Rao . Do. "3 309 Y. S. Lakshminarayana Rao . Do. 105 310 Smt. Sukuntala T. S. Do. 120 311 Miss P. Parvathi Bai Do. 162 313 P. K. Varadachari Do. 112 318 Clement Correya . Do. 125 319 K. Sampath Srinivasan Do. 114 320 V. Mohd. All . Do. 120 13/ 325 K. R. Rainasubramaniam Do. 326 A. Vijayavaghavaiah Do. x68 R. N. Turup Do. rz6 33z327 Miss Damayanthi • • A. G. Office, Hyderabad. 131 333 Miss G. Swarajya Rao Do. 142 336 N. V. Radhakrishna Do. 148 337 I. V. S. Sastry • . • Do. 127 338 N• P. B. L. Sarma . Do. 134 341 M. Srinivas • • • Do. 120 342 K. Satyanarayana Reddy Do. 110 346 K. Subrahmaniam Do. 134 348 V. A. Akambaram Do. 120 350 Mohanlal Bhat Do. 165 351 M. R. Krishna Reddy . India Govt. Mint., Hyd. A.P• 140 352 T. Suryanarayanamurthy Asstt. Commissioner for Sc's & St's, Hyd. 120 354 M. S. V. Prasada Rao Income Tax Commissioner, Hyd. A.P. 138 355 K. Ch. Annji Rao . Do. 130 356 P. Nanak Rao A G., Hyderabad, A.P. 136 358 Pulipaka Sreerama Moorthy . Do. 119 E. Bhashyam Ayyengar . S.A.S. Aced. A.G.A.P., Hyd. 131 36o T. S. Vadagiri Press Information Bureau, Hyderabad. 130 363 Guduri Venkata Subba Rao Pengioa Pay Master, Hyd. rz8 364 T. S.Prabhakar Rao . A.G. Hyd. A.P. 119 365 P. Uma Meswara Rao . Auditor A.G.A.P• Hyd. "3 366 A. Hanumantha Rao Do. 129 369 A. Vimala A . G.'s office, Hyd. 129 37o G. Rajamallaiah Do. 127 371 H. Thippeshwaro Rao Do. 146 374 S. Kothanda Raman Do. tx6 376 Pisini Apparao . Do. 124 • 379 N. V. N. Somayajulu Do. 119 380 S. Krishnamachari Pay A/C Office (ORS) AO-C, Secunderabad. 131 381 S. A. Gramopadhya Do. 138 384 L. G. Rajarikhan .. • Pay & Accts. Office, Secunderabad. 144 442 P. V. Sliagiri Rao . Do. 125 398 K. Vishwanarffi Sarma . Collector Central Excise, Hyd. 111 404 L. K. Harnath Sarma . Do. 117 420 B. K. Rukmini . A. G. Andhra Pradesh, Hyd. 163 422 T. R. Viswanadham Do.
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