^ m m ,000 SPENT ON ANNUNCIATION CHURCH INTERIOR MAGDALEN CHAPEL AT Novena of Grace 10 YEARS’ WORK iGOOD SHEPHERD HOME IS Owed to Miracle FINISHED WITH of Saint Xavier !T0n BE READY ABODT MAY 1 Among the churches of Colorado I $90,000 Being Spent on Improvements at Great wtere the famous Novena of Grace Father Callanan Has will be celebrated this year are Sa­ Institution cred Heart and Loyola churches, Made Building One Denver, and S t Augustine’s church, of Glory Spots The recent mild weather has per- Brighton. The story of how this no­ and especially the sublimity of the vena arose is one of the most fascin­ Itmitted work on the new Magdalen Rocky Mountains prove a powerful The laying of a marble floor in the 1 chapel and home at the House of the ating in the history of modem Cath­ inspiration in their lives. olic devotions. Annunciation church,. Denver, adds JGood Shepherd, Denver, to progress The Sisters of the Good Shepherd the last touch to one of the most ll'rapidly. The building of the new form a cloistered order that follows Among the many devotions adopted Tw* u**‘““*' Catholic Welfare Conference Newi Service Snppliet The Denver Catholic Register and The Register. by the faithful to invoke the inter­ beautiful church interiors in the city " chapel and,,the remodeling of the old the Rule of St. Augustine. Besides We Have Alio Our Own Exteniive Special Service, the K. of C. Service, the Central Verein Service, the and marks the completion of a pro- “preservate’' orphanage of the Good the three ordinary vows of poverty, cession of St. Frpneis Xavier was a Fidei Service and the California Catholic Preis Service nine days’ prayer called the novena gp'am of church decoration and fur­ |Shepherd Sisters into the home of chastity and obedience, they take a nishing that has amounted to about the Magdalens, a penitential order of fourth vow to work for the conver­ in honor of his canonization. In a sisters directed by the Sisters of the sion and instruction of "penitents,” VOL. XXV. No. 28. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, FEB. 27, 1930. $2.00 PER YEAR vision, St. Francis himself suggested $80,000 in the last ten years. Growth Good Shepherd, will be completed this devotion to Father Mastrilli, of the parish school has kept pace the girls or women who are placed with the development of the church about May according to Mother under their care. These vows are whom he miraculously cured at the Mary of St. Emiliana, who is in point of death. In the year 1633 the under the leadership of the Rev. M. renewed each year for five years be­ F, Callanan, P.R., until the school, charge of the work in Denver. The fore becoming perpetual. The char­ Viceroy of Naples wished to cele­ new Magdalen home in Denver will acter of anyone desiring to join this brate the Feast of the Immaculate whose students have won high scho­ be the first of its kind to be estab­ order must be free from the slightest Conception and requested Father lastic and athletic honors, has be­ LISTENING IN come noted as one of the largest lished west of Omaha. taint of suspicion, in fact, the appli­ Mastrilli to superintend the decora­ cant's family history may be .exam­ The death February 26 of Cardi­ tions in the Royal church. While the Catholic schools in Denver. ined for four or five generations nal Merry del Val, who pasted away priest Vas adorning the altar a ham­ The somber exterior of Annuncia­ back. in Rome as a result of an operation, mer slipped from the hand of one of tion church gives no hint of the glo­ This attractive addition to the Under the charge of these sisters removed one of the best-knowii fig­ the tradesmen working at the dome ries that await the visitor within. stately building of the Good Shep­ are three distinct classes, the “pre- ures in the modern Catholic world. and struck the priest on the temple, Beautiful oil paintings are found on herd home is to be known as the servates” or children that are secured Papal Secretary of State undey the felling him to the ground. For days either side of the vestibule, one de­ Osner Memorial chapel. The total from danger before they have been saintly Pope Pius X, tbe Spanish Car­ he lingered at the point of death, and picting the Nativity of our"‘Lord and cost of the work is estimated at ?90,- stained by serious crime; "penitents” dinal was one of those intimately re­ although eminent physicians were in the other His Crucifixiop. A moral­ 1000, of which $60,000 is a gift. or the girls and women who desire sponsible for the high ethical stand­ attendance, they at last despaired of ist might stop and philosophize on Among other gifts to the new chapel to do penance for wayward lives or ards of Papal diplomacy that have his recovery and atinounced that his the shortness of life and kindred is the pipe organ given by the J. K. who are placed there for their own done so much in recent years to death was at hand. At this crisis St. thoughts called forth by the signifi­ (Mullen Charity Foundation and a good by parental or civil authority; break down political opposition to Frtincis Xavier appeared to him, re- cance of the pictures, but the visitor ‘beautiful statue of the Virgin Mary and the "Magdalens” made up of the Church. Son of a Spanish am­ (Continued on Page 2) (Continued on Page 4) 'donated by the Good Shepherd Aid “penitents” who desire to remain in bassador to Great Britain and brother ‘society. the convent for life. The Magdalens of the present incumbent of that po­ ‘ The Sisters of the Good Shepherd are a very strictly cloistered order, sition, he brought eminent family are_ well known for their work in following as closely as possible the traditions to his Papal diplomatic caring for unfortunate girls. Al­ austere Rule of the Third Order of work. Apostolic Delegate Likely though the sisters share in the Com- Mount Carmel. They spend their ^iiunity Chest and have snjall amounts lives in prayer and penance and do "Bishop’' Frank Rice of Ihe Liberal to Install Archbishop Beckman |Of money sometimes from parents of manual labor for their support. One Church has put out a “Blue-Penciled girls who are placed there, the insti­ of the most important ways is fine Edition of the Holy Bible,” or rather tution is mainly .self-supporting sewing such as babies’ layettes. he advertises it. Frank is frank. He Selection of May 7, the Feast of ministrator, Monsignor Barry, went through its laundry'. There are spa­ In “Denver the Sisters of the Good the Patronage of St, Joseph, as the to Omaha to confer with the Metro­ cious grounds about the home. says that single copies are $50 each politan. Specific plans for his re­ Shepherd for years conducted an In­ and eleven copies can be had for tentative date for the installation of The Convent of the Good Shepherd dian school. Then for many years ception and for the ceremonies at $500. Some of the other publicity the Most Rev. Francis J. L. Beckman, at Louisiana avenue and Colorado they had a lar^e "preservate’* de­ seeking gentry who blue-pencil the St. Raphael’s Cathedral Will be made'' boulevard stands all by itself on the partment, in addition to the work for former Bishop of Lincoln, Nebraska, later by a committee of the clergy of outskirts of Denver. The very fact Bible nowadays are not so candid older girls. This preservate depart­ about^'flieir motives. as fourth Archbishop of Dubuque has the archdiocese. bf its isolation makes for a peaceful, ment has now been discontinued. been announced. It is probable that the Archbishop Iquiet life for the 2$ sisters and more will be enthroned by the Apostolic Some of our writers in other, dio­ This date wa.s set by the Arch­ than 150 girls. The beautiful view bishop when a committee of Dubuque Delegate, the Most Rev, Pietro Fuma- jsfforded to the surrounding country cesan editions of The Register >ave been running a race to see who can prie-sts at the suggestion of the ad­ soni-Biondi of Washington, D.C. lishop Tihen to Be Speaker at contribute the best Catholic oke. One young woman is close to the championship with the reply an Irish ^ Holy Ghost Church Ash Wednesday school girl gave to an officious ex­ NEW PRESIDENT NAMED FOR aminer who asked her the difference Ash Wednesday, noon-day service Bride studios at Pietrasanta, Italy, between Noe’s Ark and Joan of \nd Imposition of Ashes at 12:10 will the work of Italian sculptors, and is She told him that Noe’s Apk Iwas LORETTO HEIGHTS COLLEGE Jipen the special Lenten schedule at a duplicate of the well known Little made of wood and Joan of Arc was ioly Ghost church. Rt. Rev. Bishop Flower that adorns both the Actors’ Maid of Orleans. Bishop MacGinley .Sister Mary Edmond, head of the Edmond received her Bachelor’s de­ Henry Tihen will preach. A male chapel and the newly enlarged upper of Frenso contributed a story about classical department of Loretto gree at Creighton university of [sextette from the Holy Ghost choir Church of St, Malachy’s, New York a boy who wanted to know who the Heights college, has been appointed Omaha, and her Master’s degree at vill sing.
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