Trust Board Papers Isle of Wight NHS Trust Board Meeting in Public (Part 1) to be held on Wednesday 8th January 2014 at 09.30am - Conference Room—Level B St. Mary’s Hospital, Parkhurst Road, NEWPORT, Isle of Wight, PO30 5TG Staff and members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting. The next meeting in public of the Isle of Wight NHS Trust Board will be held on Wednesday 8th January 2014 (December Board Meeting delayed due to Christmas Holidays) commencing at 09:30hrs.in the Conference Room, St. Mary’s Hospital, Parkhurst Road, NEWPORT, Isle of Wight, PO30 5TG. Staff and members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting. Staff and members of the public are asked to send their questions in advance to [email protected] to ensure that as comprehensive a reply as possible can be given. AGENDA Indicative No. Item Who Purpose Enc, Timing Pres or Verbal 09:30 1 Apologies for Absence, Declarations of Interest and Confirmation that meeting is Quorate 1.1 Apologies for Absence: Chair Receive Verbal 1.2 Confirmation that meeting is Quorate Chair Receive Verbal No business shall be transacted at a meeting of the Board of Directors unless one-third of the whole number is present including: The Chairman; one Executive Director; and two Non-Executive Directors. 1.3 Declarations of Interest Chair Receive Verbal 09:35 2 Patients Story 2.1 Presentation of this month's Patient Story film CEO Receive Pres 09:50 3 Minutes of Previous Meetings 3.1 To approve the minutes from the meeting of the Isle of Wight Chair Approve Enc A NHS Trust Board held on 27th November 2013 and the Schedule of Actions. 3.2 Chairman to sign minutes as true and accurate record Chair Approve Verbal 3.3 Review Schedule of Actions Chair Receive Enc B 10:00 4 Chairman’s Update 4.1 The Chairman will make a statement about recent activity Chair Receive Verbal 10:10 5 Chief Executive’s Update 5.1 The Chief Executive will make a statement on recent local, CEO Receive Enc C regional and national activity. 5.2 Employee Recognition of Achievement Awards CEO Receive Pres 5.3 Employee of the Month CEO Receive Pres 10:30 6 Quality and Performance Management 6.1 Performance Report EDNW Receive Enc D 6.2 Minutes of the Quality & Clinical Performance Committee held QCPC Receive Enc E on 18th December 2013 Chair 6.3 Minutes of the Finance, Investment & Workforce Committee held FIWC Receive Enc F on 18th December 2013 Chair 6.4 Dr Foster Good Hospital Guide EMD Receive Pres 6.5 Patient Experience Strategy EDNW Approve Enc G 6.6 Board Walkabouts Action Tracker EDNW Receive Enc H 6.7 Patient Story Action Tracker EDNW Receive Enc I 6.8 Staff Story EDNW Receive Pres 11:20 COMFORT BREAK Meeting in public on 8th January 2014 Isle of Wight NHS Trust Board – Page 1 11:30 7 Strategy and Business Planning 7.1 Business Case - Backlog Maintenance CEO Approve Enc J 7.2 Isle of Wight & Southampton Pathology Memorandum of CEO Approve Enc K Understanding 7.3 FT Programme Update FTPD Receive Enc L 7.4 FT Self Certification FTPD Approve Enc M 12:00 8 Governance and Administration 8.1 Board Assurance Framework (BAF) Monthly update Comp Approve Enc N Sec 8.2 Notes of the FT Programme Board held on 26th November 2013 CEO Receive Enc O As Corporate Trustee: 8.3 Minutes of the Charitable Funds Committee held on 10th CFC Receive Enc P December 2013 Chair 8.4 Charitable Fund Accounts & Annual report April 2012 - March CFC Approve Enc Q 2013 Chair 12:20 9 Matters to be reported to the Board Chair 9.1 12:25 10 Any Other Business Chair 12:25 11 Questions from the Public Chair To be notified in advance 12 Issues to be covered in private. Chair The meeting may need to move into private session to discuss issues which are considered to be ‘commercial in confidence’ or business relating to issues concerning individual people (staff or patients). On this occasion the Chairman will ask the Board to resolve: 'That representatives of the press, and other members of the public, be excluded from the remainder of this meeting having regard to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, publicity on which would be prejudicial to the public interest', Section 1(2), Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act l960. The items which will be discussed and considered for approval in private due to their confidential nature are: Quarterly Strategic Estates Partnership (SEP) Update Reports from Serious Incidents Requiring Investigation (SIRIs) Safeguarding Update Employee Relations Issues The Chairman or Chief Executive will indicate if there are any other issues which may be discussed in private without entering into detail about them. Members of the public, the press and members of staff will then be asked to leave the room. 12:30 13 Date of Next Meeting: The next meeting of the Isle of Wight NHS Trust Board to be held in public is on Wednesday 29th January 2014 in the Conference Room at St. Mary’s Hospital, Newport, Isle of Wight, PO30 5TG. Meeting in public on 8th January 2014 Isle of Wight NHS Trust Board – Page 2 Enc A Minutes of the meeting in Public of the Isle of Wight NHS Trust Board held on Wednesday 27th November 2013 in the Conference Room, St Mary’s Hospital, Newport, Isle of Wight PRESENT: Danny Fisher Chairman Karen Baker Chief Executive (CEO) Mark Pugh Executive Medical Director (EMD) Chris Palmer Executive Director of Finance (EDF) Sarah Johnston Deputy Director of Nursing (DDN) (deputising for Executive Director of Nursing & Workforce) John Matthews Non Executive Director Nina Moorman Non Executive Director Charles Rogers Non-Executive Director (Senior Independent Director) Sue Wadsworth Non Executive Director In Attendance: Andy Hollebon Head of Communication Mark Price FT Programme Director & Company Secretary Brian Johnston Head of Governance & Assurance (for item 13/272 & 13/275) Emma Pugh Speech & Language Therapist (for item 13/259) Pauline Martin Ward Clerk – Children’s Ward (for item 13/259) Matt Powell Paeds Charge Nurse (for item 13/259) Theresa Gallard Business Manager (for item 13/260) Pamela Armstrong Receptionist/Admin Assistant (for item 13/260) Natalie Mew Sister – Rehab (for item 13/267) Mandy Blackler Assistant General Manager – Acute (for item 13/269) Pieter Joubert General Manager – Community Health (for item 13/268) Gill Kennett Associate Director – Acute (for item 13/269) Robert Graham Capital Planning and Development Manager – Estates (for item 13/268 &13/269) Observers: Chris Orchin Health Watch Mike Carr Patient Council Cllr Lora Peacey-Wilcox Isle of Wight Council Loretta Outhwaite Isle of Wight Clinical Commissioning Group Minuted by: Lynn Cave Trust Board Administrator (BA) Members of the There were four members of the public present Public in attendance: Minute No. 13/253 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE, DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST AND CONFIRMATION THAT THE MEETING IS QUORATE The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and was pleased to note a number of members of the public attending the meeting. Apologies for absence from members were received from Alan Sheward, Executive Director of Nursing & Workforce and Peter Taylor, Non Executive Director. John Matthews declared that he was an Assistant Coroner and a Deputy District Judge. The Chairman announced that the meeting was quorate. h IOW NHS Trust Board Meeting Pt 1 1 27 November 2013 13/254 PATIENT STORY The Chief Executive introduced the patient story and confirmed that this month’s film concerned a patient on Endoscopy. The patient outlined his treatment history and the fact that they had just recently movedto the island so this was his first experience of the hospital. His experience had been very positive. The Chief Executive explained that the Patient Council were now undertaking these interviews and the film would indicate that patients are more relaxed with this arrangement. She was encouraged by the feedback on the unit as this was an area which the Trust was currently reviewing. She confirmed that the team would be given this positive feedback. The Isle of Wight NHS Trust Board received the Patient Story 13/255 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING OF 30th OCTOBER 2013 Minutes of the meeting of the Isle of Wight NHS Trust Board held on 30th October 2013 were approved with the following amendment: · Item 13/245 – Page 11 end of first para from “Sue Wadsworth further mentioned……” – Sue Wadsworth requested that the sentence be amended to read “Sue Wadsworth further mentioned that as part of the committee review the representatives from the directorates would be assessed to ensure that the right level of attendance by senior management was present at the meetings. Proposed by John Matthews and seconded by Sue Wadsworth The Chairman signed the minutes as a true and accurate record. 13/256 REVIEW OF SCHEDULE OF ACTIONS a) TB/041 - This item had been delayed due to staff sickness but would be reported at the next meeting. b) TB/042 - Confirmed that there was now a Communications plan in place – Item now closed. c) TB/043 – Sue Wadsworth requested that this item be reopened in order to keep attendance at the sub-committee meetings under review. Agreed that this would be reviewed in 2 months. d) TB/046 - This item was in progress with a report due at the next meeting. e) TB/047 - This item was in progress with a report due at the next meeting. f) TB/049 - Confirmed that the FT Programme Management Officer was undertaking the development of the dashboard.
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