Volume LXXXIII, Issue XXVII St. Louis University High School | Friday, May 3, 2019 sluh.org/prepnews Local media Six seniors make final decisions in 100 years in the gets lacrosse pursuit of collegiate athletics making: Baseball story wrong celebrates centennial BY Justin Koesterer BY Paul Gillam SPORTS EDITOR time. To say that I was a little EDITOR IN CHIEF overwhelmed with the night fter Easter break, an as- eaturing a ceremony hon- would be an understatement. Asistant coach of the St. Foring Steve Nicollerat, It was one of the nicest nights Louis U. High varsity lacrosse SLUH baseball coach of 40 of my life,” said Nicollerat. team was dismissed from the years, the SLUH baseball pro- Around 6:30, the guests program on grounds of con- gram celebrated 100 years of were called down to take their suming alcohol with play- rich history and storied tradi- places at tables set up at the ers at an off campus unof- tion in the baseball centennial north end of the lower level of ficial team event. On April event held at SLUH on Satur- the Field House. Dinner was 25, more than a week after day night. served, and then the ceremo- the separation, Fox 2 News The event was held in ny began. and Channel 11 published a the Danis Field House last The ceremony began story containing what many Saturday evening, and hosted with a panel of speakers who players and SLUH admin- about 100 people—teachers, discussed SLUH baseball istrators called a false nar- Jesuits, personal friends, and in the 1950s, ’60s, ’70s, ’80s rative of the incident. Four alums who had played for and ’90s, before and during days later USA Today echoed Nicollerat. Nicollerat’s tenure. Fox News’ narrative in their The first part of the cel- The next speaker was High School Sports section. ebration, a Mass in the Si Nicollerat’s former assistant The errant local and national Commons, was celebrated by coach Tom Zinselmeyer, who, coverage has left the team the Rev. Paul Sheridan, S.J. as noted by both himself and frustrated and distracted in and the Rev. Ralph Houli- Nicollerat, was cut twice by the face of playoffs. Seniors at the signing ceremony. photo | Mrs. Kathy Chott han, ’52, S.J. The invitees then Nicollerat, yet still ended up “The (media) story is migrated to the Field House, becoming a baseball coach. accurate in the sense that BY Matthew Thibodeau where a mini social hour was At the height of his St. Louis U. High learned CORE STAFF University New Orleans; Pat- University. Cross ultimately held on the mezzanine floor. speech, Zinselmeyer said of an event with one of our rick Hetlage committed to chose Mount Union because There, attendees mingledabout Nicollerat, “Coach em- coaches that we investigated his past Tuesday in the run track and cross country at of the smaller class sizes and with former teammates and braced and carried that Jesuit and it became a personnel TDanis Field House, sur- Marquette University; Joshua the support the team receives caught up with past teachers standard with him. He want- situation because the coach rounded by friends, family, Kempker-Thetford commit- from the school, which is ab- or coaches. ed to be different. A guy who in question is an employee teammates and coaches, six ted to play lacrosse at Texas sent in most collegiate club “The overall eveningdidn’t want to fit the typical of the school,” said Princi- Saint Louis U. High seniors Tech University; and Ryan teams. couldn’t have been nicer. mold or stereotype of a base- pal Ian Gibbons, S.J. “There signed letters of intent to Lieser committed to play soc- Cross credited his older I got to meet some people ball coach.” were certain practices that continue their athletic and cer at Mercyhurst University. teammates and coach Jeff that I hadn’t seen in a long continued on page 4 we employ in our hiring and academic careers at different Cross received his Cheak as important in his de- maintaining of employees universities. first college offers as a junior velopment. and we followed that pro- Andrew Cross commit- last winter, and after win- “He always pushes ev- cess and found that there was ted to play volleyball at the ning a State Championship eryone and holds the players Annual Art Show cause for separation from the University of Mount Union; with SLUH, began receiv- to the highest standards,” said See page 2 for coverage. school.” Maceo Cummings committed ing more and more offers. Cross. “He doesn’t push the Other than the general to play rugby at Lindenwood His decision ultimately came talent so much as the hard situation, the media’s story University; Jay Duda com- down to playing for Mizzou’s work that he expects from was largely inaccurate. Fox mitted to run track at Loyola club team or Mount Union continued on page 4 News and USA Today report- ed that the coach in ques- Top musicians travel to State Band tion provided alcohol for the players and drank with Festival in Columbia, Mo. players before practice on BY Ben Kleffner multiple occasions and that STAFF Before competing in said senior alto saxophonist six students were suspended districts, however, students Jakub Gorzko. “But sopho- from the Father Marco Cup n Thursday, April 25, must select a song from a more and junior year I did against De Smet on April 13. Othe St. Louis U. High list of one thousand plus one level pieces—like col- According to several band sent several musicians songs provided by the festi- lege level— so I got silvers varsity players present at the at Mizzou to the State Band val organizers which mostly at districts, which meant I event, the coach did not pro- Festival for solo and ensem- contains well-known classi- couldn’t go to state.” vide alcohol and had not con- ble. The group managed to cal compositions. The pieces This year, Gorzko per- sumed alcohol with players come home with several im- are all assigned a rating: one, formed a level two piece solo before or since the incident, pressive awards across vari- two, or three, with one being and received a gold medal at which did not occur before ous different instruments. the most challenging and both districts and state for practice. SLUH administra- Students competed in three being the least. Choos- his efforts. He also received tors were not notified of the both solo and ensemble ing the correct difficulty is a silver medal for his saxo- incident until after the Father events. In order to qualify very important for optimal phone quartet. Marco Cup and discipline for the State festival, the mu- success at State. “I think they judge was not issued until classes sicians must receive top rat- “Freshman year, I did quartet a little bit easier,” Top: Gallery seen through front doors. resumed after Easter break. ings at one of their district a three and I got a gold at said Gorzko. “Solo it’s just Bottom: Cam Glynn’s table. continued on page 2 events. districts and silver in state,” continued on page 4 photos | Louis Barnes News Feature Sports INDEX The weekly student newspaper Menne wins faculty Appreciation Lacrosse College Choices 2-4 News of St. Louis University High Award Culinary. Cornell. Columbia Lacrosse hopes tough schedule School The votes are in! First year STU- (Mo.). See the spread of our se- prepares them for playoffs. Page 4970 Oakland Ave. - St. Louis, CO moderator’s hard work rec- 9 nior’s college decisions! Pages 5-8 5-8 College MO 63110 ognized by graduating seniors. (314) 531-0330 ext. 2241 Page 2 online at sluh.org/prepnews News Sports Sports 9-11 Sports [email protected] Departing Faculty Volleyball Water Polo Word of book, word of moth, Team’s first loss in 54 games Fresh off a win in the Lindbergh work of God: McNair, Moore, serves as a wakeup call for se- Invitational, the boys look for 12 News ©2019 St. Louis University High and Chiodini depart from SLUH. niors and an opportunity to their fifth straight State Tour- School Prep News. No material may Page 3 shine for underclassmen. Page 9 nament title in the natatorium. be reprinted without the permission Page 9 of the editors and moderator. Prep News NEWS May 3, 2019 2 Volume 83, Issue 27 AMDG Menne awarded Faculty Appreciation Award by senior class But then I started think- when there is a lot going Menne is also known lot for the school through ing about (the senior) class on at one time,” said STU- for her consistent optimism organizations and teaching, and my interactions with it CO co-moderator Bradley during her work in the class- her most important quality and realized how much I’ve Mueller. “She is super dedi- room, as well as her love for seems to be her character. worked and gotten to know cated to her students, and the journey of doing a task “She is one of those (the) class. After thinking she is just as dedicated to with students, rather than teachers who brings a lot of about all of that, I real- the STUCO guys.” just meeting an end. joy into everything that she ized how honored I felt to Many seniors attribute “Mrs. Menne really does,” said Science Depart- win the award—I’ve really their high regard for Menne brought a positive energy ment chair Mary Russo. “I grown to love the class of to the many opportunities to the classroom regardless can’t tell you what a plea- 2019.” they have had to work with if she was teaching about sure it is to work with a col- Menne has worked at her, as well as the virtues she DNA or evolution.
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