Plainfiel1j News

Plainfiel1j News

PLAINFIEL1PLAINFIELDJ EVENING NfiWS.NEWS. ESTABLISHEDESTABLISHED 11884.884. PLAINFIELD,FLAINFIELD, N.N . J.,J. , “THE"THE COLORADOCOLORADO OFOF THETHE EAST,”EAST," WEDNESDAY,WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBERSEPTEMBER I 19.19. 18881888.. PUCKPRICE TWOTWO CKKTSCENTS UNKIEL*FIELDD EVENINGEVENING NEW> EX-JUDOEEX-JUDGE VOORHISVOORHiS NOMlNATEO-NOMINATED- BOROUGHBOROUGH DEMOCRATS.DEMOCRATS. lose sight of ihe fj^-t that the oooleotioo A UttW-i.llllr MUlradlnc. U>e Milk bill provide! for but 7 per ceni ToTo mTH I EorronEDrroB or T«bTH E NrSIW H -fnm Vr*irr«R}'> Irpahllraa ( •■vra* .in. tu.ii to |in».vhv. dotw ™ far (uturr u nines mad* in refemra to tbe knl THEY RAISE A BANNER AND. GIVE •tloa lawi ■I>n Ibr III . PaarlliFoarlk Hl.irlx.lli-i.-i. 1 . w**U •* for rmveni use. Tbe Free Tr»rte at- atarday-s tmv, at T_x Sm* Kv.-hinE tbe twwy* fully realise rhat if It ahoul-l become tWtunla*'* teMd Tn* Nawa. I TRUE FACTS I BELVIDSHB. N. J.. Hm*. is.—Tbe Repub- FREE TRADE SPEECHES. kapel me«tiiun no-ler Uw awafeca of Uw TRUE FACTS! Bki viukhv. N. J . H-|4. It—The lUpab- a law their caw-s i- bat half won. In thai (Faprt nvatino uwdrr IW aaf <4 Ue VaaEMBrRDHAWHITKiMTHRKTOKKFORTHE licans or the Fourth CongrvHtonaJ Dmtrk-t r. C. T. i: . it nt 1 little mbdradiag. ' . pRopiurroK. liraw* of tb- Fourth <'ongrewunl IH-Ulct I'IT Gnat, lt<<Iu. lion event piwnl •orri'tonce of ihwir p*W>« will be- W C. TU, it -aa a Httlr ratediH It tmiRK t. ARRT ’R»! UKUIWiffltCK tl» l»RY ANT el<i a IIKK4 luu-ixio• I'm* onnf-nfir.n at New- ThrT.e FirHte, Prr (>■!. Rxlarlla* 9Hb: "The four oVkiek G<a<|>el <neetiiigs of r.LAS-UVAHE. Tl^ RI'iLi- MATTTNO ETC Wdi ok*» hvni «»iui !>««raft>n at Xnr • •«11:M .. O»h.-r l-iirl ,•,;,• * It. •Xiartl f.w furor- r*. fawda: "TW f air nVInrA On^l —»<■*«* "f GLASMir INF. TIN —«-Tu.e. Olker ranl.aa tb- dwtion and furthwfurther •mlwaimtk* <aon U»toe frwfrve IMfat tbe W. C. T. C. beU Banlay •ttarwMa.tave YCM*YiH" IIONRYVUN7.Y 11..US EYE!; KTI< LE YOU BrY: WE ARJC AN t“* b»dMJ TW K^IV'DlHA <««•«* d Of IIO ■-•irtli ■rdliira.l i. •-. HarrleoaHiirrl-iin milt Nor-»l..i-. of -iic-b indoAt-ic* 13 "may ban* outlivei*-ld tbU*ee lha W. C. T. C ,hr*| Hun,lay aftam—>.ha** ' M’lLL PROVE TH AT WE Ml' • •-legate*. !'-;'-.T - ev«f»every K.ilmg|joliih2 plw»i'' •''' beingbeing rrjfr-repre- flirrrri. m l*lr xMxr*. If Hi I—tis tranterrTvdtratMfamd tmmfrom Re/nrmHrl-rm BallBall «•to tbe th e bETCKRBRTR HAfUIAlNM.BARGA NK1X O* MHkKt4«R»RLB4H MONET iQUAUTT MUd-nt*d. Bnr-leUcBunlette Hur . ofof Flesm.igton.Flermi.gton, wa-a.s T ler doabti t hat m- h is thhre alUaat*nltim ohtect I*■*••’lon^■a newnew |-rV**rparlor*,"«t rf ?- Tb-This Bightmi^bt fcnrahave THANf AIXAIX'>r ITHERA.H WE DONT MCI.IRYE IN UET ALfeTOD-CAN PI lH«rn (Jhninu»n. aiH J. E Falper. of H Th-The BmoughBatoagh Uemrrraf*Democrat!! gotgot outout a• bondband la*tlad frf the present movement Irt him md and beni well enough if pabttabed at the tiaw tbe (JOOiUOtOsi M»A:(CeA ;KEIi> ISI PLAINPL*L_ _FIGURE*. AND THRPBICE* HELL THI cl-*wfi <7hairm«D. iu*-l J R Ful,*r. -A Waab- bt hhn read and TIilf-1 CO-1B IX AND SKK . ... ijitim. was maile SecretMry. Wti.l* night, mad the music drew qni oonajd-r the utterance. ,.f the two moM pram ion moved, a motith or ("n a^*.. Ni^. at ITR NTORK EX A lri*too. *ih mine HiriTUrT. While lb* ■Icht. arol II* moatr ilrea quit* ■ crowd, incut character*--the fnvildent aorf tJW Vnkm nmvr-1. a naartb or twongo. »*ft. »* QOOiaA>.i PK1CB3 ASD WE'K.NOW •JUTJM.SAL HK.l'iriU.K-AN T1UKET: tommlBe - on> owe iMttngr which e- itnallj centred on ■■“'"■at JDli« AND PRICES WE KNOW YOC WILL BECOME A fCRTO \l. REPUBLICAN TICKET: Cmii'iillle <m Kewilutf<ai* amniakiiigrml; which -'cntuallv eantr-d rm M<>n>er*rl 4M. Cbainuan of lDrth e Way*IVaj. andjuid Mean* , Ooto-C'.JHI- <h«a latalate date,dale, afterafter tWtae «1-opH(S< mjri BwOnpmiwlliin bavahave ,'"" PLATFORM—PROTBCTIOH1 K')IOI - PROTECTION . Itwir Oailt. uf Ne«irk, •ulri- Wana anso kn«kng eatabfM-.|estabHubeil andand ranrun byby Mr.Mr . Fun Pl»g*ltllC*T. ini'd the with • npwrh. The Thar- a Iwnocr lawrtng Ilia |airlmlta and "I Iwlieve In Free Trade as I believe in tbe w and Mhrn, under the »—|i> •• ot tbe Van EMBURGH & WHITE aKNJAMIN"l'iAFUli:sVixTl.,cIsuiA»*. lnu*<d ihr pavnilhi) with a The • > Frer Trad- aa I h-liere la the Mefke and -4D-r*. uod— (be i-ytea of tba Van EMBTJRGH & WHITE -Mfluti'irift idoT.»l**l indorsr the natn-rial \i\nl- naaKW >4 ID. Ib-nua ratir nomine-* for Pi rat- Protestant rvlijjjntl'O."—On>errn "—Omver Cleveland,Cleveland. Club, at f ii-. Club ball, it would rwber oari y W K"K Vw* PBMHHUTT. n-dtUi.iDaiidoiAr.1 tndrw II* natl.-nal |.4M- "1 dmire Frve Tra.K aii.l 1 will not belp to nab. at tb- Club hull. A wmid nffbar oafiy <1r«n and Vie. Prow-Uni ■■■ 11'ifurled amnl r Trwte. .ml I will n.4 Drip to tbfl idw that <'*^i--l mpPttnKii wvr* noC h*-l.l HtVI 1\ MORTON. UK >• f'aerfertW an*any tawlaw thatthat *taod*•lands Inin thetbe way uf U*l Icurolatun- tu iommiik High Lkw* e h-WH andand aa d~play drui.lny <4of flr-w.**.firework*. Th-nThon tbtbee FreFreee Trad-"-Kog-rQTrad-. "—K«K-rQ . Milk.Milts. (i .•:•• now. Huwvvar tlie intonl may bid »Vf*rn n anmati...i* w*rv hai^J an.Jind »’mei ,4of ibrthe Prmor-arirDemocratic ter** HrHe hrhel Idd thatthat thri•,,. |->-wn«,„..-. nt >ur|4ue-nr [.In- a.a. •nmafat-. iininl >r- been, the roe.tin|rs ar» and will he 1 Bren, the uartuur* an- and -lO hr .••laiaH . IllNTRK T. — Kli#- •• •- !.. -! (a tin? ••• •--••' H '. which •.-.-! reminded PAlk*l I r h-S-na*<ir A Th<«ni>y»i, <4 nin»r(v«l t» *1* wigwam. which *>« 'eoiuxted 1 .ml,v bM-niueufih..'tariff- _ of I hr tariff.. " It-emwroifv, - •t thr ballhall m-.. longl.m; aaas theythey op-art> aUeodrdattended -tU.with ne of a hot-box. Th*re wan scarcely any van- ha aauL ’’ k tu rralimd.raluwL WhileWhite Mr . MlU-rMiliVr • •nr of a hot-lax. Tb- rv m aa warrrlr aov r«n (MOD rolled into the 'tntarr. U rl lation, and the men and boys—i • aa Making. fM.0 tftr5L iratrrratT tbn* far manlfe^ed. If IWW Of* KunMie Mu •4 Pl«*mingt/in. an , h boy*- reprmcnting • Curi-t ap- nliBh •-..]...• «1HI think tint tbf Club .Hh potttkal parti™ -who • . Ha l th*• *(W• tj„ui<-n n l«*l-gun lb- night Chri*t *|» few rnolwh t— 1*»a ahn think that the Chib NONOWW FORFOR BUSINESS.BUSINESS. HrM 1i ’'* larln -who rr'*.|,| In -.41 I pr.r~l ,n I hi- world, t* tor> <rurrufrt for tlfm t-s etitjr it.tban i* oi^oti'vL thv ntmogphere with all r* ton rumuH f-r Urrn, |o eater P.tbar- - rhu P'>l-«»-rt tb-atmnopbrr* with thrtr'•rratbiuo. I •**'*•»,eM K"M I* «br m«t>cer that, and nam o lawlaw t»to <*.mp«*icompel th-miiIh-ra w .lootik. n. TWTauCiu Clubb am for (at*In— k no- at bawl again <>ur employ.* bare all twea aa. ,11,.' ! HirhatJi hit itit wmwas alw.lutelv Hlift.luteli d<1 i.narrow to h«vltb to " 'hr t<4»l to-da* «<<uld not iw*< h •aeaaon, and am mwlj-to give the*r p 4<ttat at*ea«o-» |o aU who may — ir.\V, de-.redwirs t»to re wruptwrupt innw,aayoiie, batbat DopU*bopa* t'Xo) I on the ball bW . _ n <-»l-toafl". TV. utrr flimllr9.141? l-.n-Imme ..•* f—.lf. | ™K^St.- urkf.-lba aalvatloa of fallen m*W Wa NEW FKErill FALLFALLaA afald WinterWinter drjand an.1 faaor(anc» g...i« .4 owt dmcriptlou ara l. Hi,, ibai —>nkr) r "fT ar rrml paaghTeiatda ilp(nrtm«it. andami n404 HTovleffort willwill b> mar*-l to pi— every holy, and oh WHEREWHERE THEYTHEY STAND.STAND. I*r .-ke-l— •' e<*iiment of natrrial i TK to t bet r puma aj Hank, a j.r.,iU krr i "V*" «*•* balldln a*. I«t UiU dal n-41*11* j ^ ^_>ii i «quaiMlar ( CbrlA a* tbe Ma-l-or .ff lb- WprWt. Alag .wroof p^rd>;^ii.Tiil |%I 0 DEMOCRATIC REPUBLICAN 7'“!. Tariff u, True 1 TirMianity never tear* <l»wn o«f» re- nr. wbi'h ju< fceeii Kr <«iim..ii I'I.-HS Curt. Mutfhao tber a targe awHImi: minenllj ankii.w, inaonn- h a« it wna c FXH^sV">TKSTOCK <4ot JtezanT£hietmant <ndi.lh.-h -7are«^V«1|wwe aTa«n^Mto£i7*LOW PWC 1 f.r tW ..he •4 Iki up aiaMb-r. JUSrsrT NOTICEXOTIL'E -anmm •- Ofof the«!*• Hl’Et’iAl.SPECIAL ATATTRACTIONHT AllVII audwool ingraininfcrnf rarpaa rhlbirr*., MKOnf1 t.nnaH* aMwga-iiinii; to thrihe «jrjJuanu 8r|f-r«M .aeiw. - 11-4 a 14—ore I >4 Oml.

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