1W b »«H» Bawf THE WESTFIELD LEADER •r b Ml THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY fOBTY-THIED YEAR—No. 6 WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER n, 1932 Committee Favors Community BURNES DECRIES TAXPAYERS'GROUP REPUBLICANS OUT Bureau Chest Plan For Westfield "PARTY" RULE HERE CALLS MEETING FOR FOR HEAVY VOTE Chide* TaiMfcri Fee IMC- TOMORROW NIGHTJ^T.,,^^^ Second Sale Day Tuesday Admits T»w. Afiirs m « OrfN- LIONS TO HE A* P«Uk famted T« Attead *•*• '•*" rfo*vc-€<kftw CdM Par OF COMMUNITY CHEST' Maw Gatkcriag h Tke AadTicket FOUNDERS DAY MerckMtt C«-«t*eritM.f h RI Sclwtl CELEBRATED AT "Y" AMtter WerffcM Day Speaker Will DMCUM Plu REVIEWS TAX TOTALS HEADQUARTERS OPENED Dinner Latt Evening Marlu Of Btwf aia PritM At MetttMf Of Club Leo J. Burnes, who is the unani- tfCOMMENDS ACTION SANDMEYER TO SPEAK The importance of getting out a Opening Of Drive Far OctaWrSl mous choice of the Democratic or- j full vote at the general election in 1 MANY VALUABLE PRIZES T« ganization in Westfield as the party's A mass meeting to which all tax-1 November was emphasized by Dr. | 222 Member* "The Community Chest Plan, and nominee for mayor, has issued the payers of the town are invited will I Chauneey M. F. Egel, chairman of! statement given below as repressent- Tew* Ciicl Unity jeiabciucu^ given ueiuw as represent- be held tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock; the Republicap n town executive com-i Last evening over one hundred : How it Would Aid Westfield," will be I ing his views on the issues in the local in the Roosevelt auditorium,, accord- mittee at a meeting of the commit- j nt mi former members attend- TUtluM. GmtVWy discussed by Frederic Stoddard, trus-i municipal contest for mayor. It is ing to an announcement made by tht e tee and members of the electloa i tee of the Irvington Community Chesti^^-.SV?™' fOr ,the'considera- ed the Foundcr8 dinner at the Of Artklei The Community Chest plan can be f th Ii !*^ * directors of the WestfielWfildd TaxpayersT' ' \ board helld ThursdaThd y nighih t in theM Ma- j at a meeting of the Lions Club to be n and women voters Association* following"! meTt^'heYd ' niri'pal" b'uild'ingr'lt "is' an" cxtraor-1 Westfield YMCA. The celebration conducted successfully in WestAeld, held October 21 in the South Side Thursday night in the Municipal • dinary and important election, he told | was in honor of the 111th anniver- Westfield Day ia Tuesday. tccording to the opinion expressed in Mr. Burnes, who is a banker in building. A speaker will be provided , the meeting, "one in which we are all | sary of the birthday of Sir George Westfleld Day it will be, when mer- a report submitted by Former Mayor Inn at 6:45 o'clock. Mr. Stoddard and for years a resident by the sta"e "association' wRh' which! striving "for'the* same thing—to'give Williams, who founded the organi- chants connected with the Better Burr A. Towl and read Monday night ( is an authority on the subject and of Westiield, in his statement, re- e local group is affiliated. the whole Republican ticket the en- zation in 1844 in London, England, Business Service Bureau unite in of- Bt the meeting of the Town Council. comes to the club highly recommend- bukes the average citizen and tax The directors elected the following' tire Republican vote. Ifering timely and important valuta. Mr. Towl, who is chairman of a ipe- very enjoyable din- Winfield G. Brower, administra- officers: President, Charles II. Stein;; These will be bone fide bargains. The ciil committee of citizens appointed skeptic haa only, to call around Tues- by Mayor Frederick 8. Tipson earlier day at any store bearing the official in the year, stated that the commit- insignia, to judge for himself or her- tee had made a careful study of the hclf. In cam of rain, the day will lain > "no**.," „„,,„».,,. i j i ""• """• •"-•"•"»• «•>• »•"•• •"-" >•"" i wnn an intensive tunipuiKii wu win t tnc lime ne Branca me i — be held on Wednesday, •ituation and was unanimously in o ov rnmer a ni t0 u favor of the plan. The recommenda- Httl» L t • « * ? ' . ? . ° new organization was non-partiBan in|do it» he declared. The Republican Iwn 0 told about the early beginnings to attend. Those planning to attend, Unprecendented savings on mer- tion that a Community Chest be or- Ittle on strictly business admin.stra- character and announced that meet-! caot't will be intensive, he said. At-1 nI1(| thc purpose of the founder in are requested to make reservations | tin. chandise, seasonable and smart. ganised at as early a date as possible ing, of taxpayers associations would ^nUonis'beinggiven to the final day, ^«*M»K 8Uch a movement, with Gordon T. Parry, president of Mr. Burnes said: be held tomorrow night in several registration, which will be Tues- ,, ... „ .,.„„„ ,. was contained in the report submitted for N When you shop In the stores bear- the club or another officer. "The principles of democracy parts of the state. At 10 o'clock ad-Ulv Ontnher 18 from 1 to 'I n m Arthur N. lMeraon, thi ing the official "Westneld Day" em- by Mr. Towl. always a vital issue and they ii| 1 u OMr 1M tro m t0 Interest in the Community Chest dresses bv nromincnt sneakers will " > ' •' !»• ">• sinker, told about Westfield in blem it guarantees that your dollar The chairman submitted the follow- diesses by prominent speakers will: A,an Bruce ConHn reported on the u'm| of [he founding of the first "V will go further than it has in any ing conclusions which had been reach- sfmilnr event in the history of the ed by the committee as a result of town. iti investigation: "First, We believe The event will be ushered In with a a 'Community Chest' plan can be big parade early Monday evening, successfully operated in Westfield when merchants will have their cars and that one should be organized ton T. Revere and Mrs, K D. Floyd, decorated. is early a date as possible. Second, dressed by Professor William Sand- We believe the general sentiment of Nathaniel Ely of Rutherford, a "I have no doubt that the affairaffairss meyer of Mercer Heasley law school, member™m er»s o<f" th»»e Republica'"••I'"""™n" tow"""'{'n ex- Edward Malinar of New Ruchelle, Things are going to hum In Weit- U d b field Tuesday, take It from us, To- our people is very favorable to the junior partner in the law nrm of Ham-j of 0Ur town have,, witwith ssomo e excep- Hn attorney tax expert. Mayor Tip- "utive committee, were appointed by N. Y., the first head of the present lha day'i Westfleld Leader ia full of at- adoption of such a plan. Third, While mond and Littell of Newark, gave on' tions' , been hhandlei d in an efficient > "0Yw,ll also be present and explain »'• ««? "»»»» m!™™" of organization, then told about the ill the organisations in our town are interesting talk en "Inventory and In- , that the officers and , the methods and processes employed Westfield. One or more member of events leading up to its formation. tractive announcements by merchants. : P U Study them carefully and plan to not yet convinced that it would be to ventions." He said that patents were SS^b,™"^ 7^dT rfZTMnrS.. «™.Tb3'"o f!>>' mitteo will bo in the Repub A. E. Meder, his successor as pres- lica nT headquarters every afternoon spend the day shopping. their advantage to have a chest, the filed in Washington at tho rate of j their duties. At tho same time, the town. ident, also spoke on the subject, majority are and we feel that were 1200 per month and over 1,800,000 there seems to be an undercurrent from now until election day. "Carrying On." The business men have spent • patents have been issued to date. The you, as mayor, to call a meeting at which carries with it a conviction Williiim H, Orr, president of the Dr. N. E. Loomis, the new presi- large amount of money for gifts, dec- speaker stated that no consideration orations, advertising and for new which they would have representa- that the citizen in general is a tax- LEGION POST SEEKS Hoover Club of Westfield, organized dent, was next introduced and In a tives present, It might be possible to is given by the U. S. Patent Bureau payer, but not an active participant to assist tho work of the town execu- merchandise to meet the demand that for so-called "perpetual motion" de- FULL VETERAN LIST very concise manner told about the will come on the day of the sale. get favorable action. The members in the local government. Whether tive- committee, reported that the club present problems and responsibilities of your committee would be glad to vices. Many inventors possess eccen- this is the fault of the citizens them- is gaining u large membership. He It ia the plan to make the day io tricities on which they waste much Will DUplav Drawing Of of the "Y" and the necessity for the attend such * meeting in an unofficial selves, or the system which will take was not ready to report final plans membership drive just starting. attractive to proapective buyers that manner." valuable time and consequently hu- hold of things anywhere and do and Tablet Of Names for a mass meeting contemplated for even the merely curious will becom* manity loses many worthwhile inven- act as it thinks best, without the later in the month.
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