COAG No. 72068718CA00001 Table des matières I. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................................... 5 II. MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS DURING YEAR 1 ............................................................................................................................ 9 II.1. IR 1: ENHANCED COORDINATION AMONG THE PUBLIC, NONPROFIT, AND COMMERCIAL SECTORS FOR RELIABLE SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION OF QUALITY HEALTH PRODUCTS ...................................................................................................................................................... 9 II.2. IR2: STRENGTHENED CAPACITY OF THE GOM TO SUSTAINABLY PROVIDE QUALITY HEALTH PRODUCTS TO THE MALAGASY PEOPLE 17 II.3. IR 3: EXPANDED ENGAGEMENT OF THE COMMERCIAL HEALTH SECTOR TO SERVE NEW HEALTH PRODUCT MARKETS ACCORDING TO HEALTH NEEDS AND CONSUMER DEMAND ........................................................................................................................................................... 31 II.4. IR 4: IMPROVED SUSTAINABILITY OF SOCIAL MARKETING TO DELIVER AFFORDABLE, ACCESSIBLE HEALTH PRODUCTS TO THE MALAGASY PEOPLE ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 40 II.5. IR5: INCREASED DEMAND FOR AND USE OF HEALTH PRODUCTS AMONG THE MALAGASY PEOPLE ................................................... 46 II.6. CROSS‐CUTTING ACTIVITIES: MONITORING, EVALUATION, RESEARCH AND LEARNING .................................................................... 56 1. Monitoring and Evaluation ................................................................................................................................................................ 56 Research .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 63 3. Knowledge Management ................................................................................................................................................................... 64 II.7. CROSS‐CUTTING ACTIVITIES: GENDER AND SOCIAL INCLUSION .......................................................................................................... 65 II.8. SUCCESS STORIES ................................................................................................................................................................................... 66 III. ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION AND MONITORING REPORT ................................................................................ 67 III.1. GENERAL FINDINGS FOR PUBLIC SECTOR ............................................................................................................................................... 67 III.2. GENERAL FINDINGS FOR SOCIAL MARKETING ........................................................................................................................................ 68 IV. KEY CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONS ............................................................................................................................ 69 V. FINANCIAL SUMMARY ..................................................................................................................................................... 70 ANNEXES ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 71 ANNEX A ‐ PERFORMANCE MONITORING PLAN (PMP) .................................................................................................................................. 72 ANNEX B – YEAR 1 WORKPLAN UPDATE .......................................................................................................................................................... 98 ANNEX C ‐ ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION AND MONITORING REPORT ...................................................................................................... 121 ANNEX D ‐ SUCCESS STORIES (QUARTER 4) .................................................................................................................................................. 135 ANNEX E – STOCK INVENTORY AS OF SEPTEMBER (USAID AND PMI FUNDED) ......................................................................................... 143 ANNEX F – STOCK STATUS BY END OF SEPTEMBER 2019 ............................................................................................................................. 146 ANNEX G: SUMMARY OF MASS MEDIA SPOT AIRED DURING YEAR 1 ............................................................................................................ 149 ANNEX H: DESCRIPTIONS OF THE SEVEN QUALITY DIMENSIONS FOR THE RDQA ........................................................................................ 151 ANNEX I: QUANTITY AND VALUE (USD) OF THE REDEPLOYMENT .................................................................................................................. 153 1 ACRONYMS ABM Accès Banque Madagascar ACM Aviation Civile de Madagascar ACT Artemisinin Combination Therapy ADDO Accredited Drug‐Dispensing Outlet A2F Access to Finance AMELP Activity Monitoring Evaluation and Learning Plan AMM Agence de Médicaments de Madagascar BOA Bank of Africa Madagascar CCM Country Coordinating Mechanism CDCL Continuous Distribution at Community Level CGL Comité de Gestion Logistique CHV Community Health Volunteer CHW Community Health Worker CSR Corporate Social Responsibility CSB Centre de Santé de Base CoAg Cooperative Agreement DCA Development Credit Authority DCoP Deputy Chief of Party DEPSI Direction des Etudes de la Planification et du Système d’Information DPEV Direction des Programmes Elargis de Vaccination DGI Direction Générale des Impôts DHIS‐2 District Health Information System ‐ 2 DPS Direction de la Promotion de la Santé DPLMT Direction de la Pharmacie, des Laboratoires et de la Médecine Traditionnelle DSFa Direction de la Sante Familiale DSSB Direction des Services de Santé de Base DEPSI Direction des Etudes, Planification et du Système d’Information EKAR Eglizy Katolika Romana EMMP Environmental Mitigation Monitoring Plan EU European Union FANOME Financement pour l’Approvisionnement Non‐stop en Médicaments FDA Food and Drug Administration Authority FEFO First Expiry – First Out FISA Fianakaviana Sambatra HPN Health Population and Nutrition HRD Health Regional Directorate MEL Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning FP Family Planning GAS Gestion des Approvisionnements et des Stocks GESI Gender Equality and Social Inclusion GF Global Fund GHSC‐PSM Global Health Supply Chain – Procurement and Supply Management GOM Government of Madagascar GYWG Gender and Youth Working Group 2 IMPACT Improving Market Partnerships and Access to Commodities Together IR Intermediate Result IPTp Intermittent Preventive Treatment during pregnancy ISM Integrated Social Marketing LLIN Long Lasting Insecticide‐treated Net RLA Regional Logistic Advisor LMIS Logistic Management Information System MCH Maternal and Child Health MDA Market Development Authority MENETP Ministère de l’Education Nationale et de l’Enseignement Technique et Professionnel MERL Monitoring Evaluation Research and Learning MOPH Ministry of Public Health MSME Micro Small Medium Enterprises MSH Management Sciences for Health MYS Ministry of Youth and Sport NMCP National Malaria Control Program NGO Non‐Governmental Organization ONP Ordre National des Pharmaciens de Madagascar PA Point d’Approvisionnement PAIS Plan d’Action d’Intégration des Intrants de santé PARC Point d’Approvisionnement Relais Communautaire PDPN Plan Directeur Pharmaceutique Nationale PMI President’s Malaria Initiative PMP Performance Monitoring Plan PPR Performance Plan and Report PPN Politique Pharmaceutique Nationale PSHP Private Sector Humanitarian Platform PSI/M Population Services International/Madagascar Pha‐G‐Dis Pharmacie de Gros de District Pha‐Ge‐Com Pharmacie à Gestion Communautaire RBM Roll Back Malaria RH Reproductive Health RDT Rapid Diagnostic Test SDSP Service de District de Santé Publique SILC Savings and Internal Lending Communities SBCC Social and Behavior Change Communication SHOPS Plus Sustaining Health Outcomes in the Private Sector Plus SoW Scope of Work SWOT Successes, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats SP Sulfadoxine Pyriméthamine SPD Superviseurs de Point de Distribution STTA Short‐term Technical Assistance TMA Total Market Approach TMI Total Market Initiative 3 ToR Terms of Reference ToT Training of Trainers TWG Technical Working Group UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle UCP Unité de coordination des Projets UHC Universal Health Coverage UNDP United Nations Development Program UNFPA United Nations Population Fund UTGL Unité Technique de Gestion Logistique USAID United States Agency for International Development VSLA Village Savings and Loan Association WASH Water, Sanitation and Hygiene WHO World Health Organization 4 I.INTRODUCTION Improving Market Partnerships and Access to Commodities Together (IMPACT) is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and led by PSI/Madagascar as the prime recipient and its consortium partners for five years from September 4, 2018 until September 3, 2023. IMPACT supports the Government of Madagascar
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