O JOGO GLOBAL MUDOU TheQUAL O PAPEL Global DAS RELAÇÕES EUROPA-ÁFRICA? Game THE GLOBAL GAME HAS CHANGED hasWHAT ROLE FOR chan EUROPE-AFRICA GRELATIONS?ed whaT role for europe-africa relaTions? Online PublicatiOn aPril 2014 The Global Game has chanGed: what rOle fOr eurOPe-africa relatiOns? acKnowleGmenTs / abouT The publicaTion we would like to thank all that have collaborated in this publication, as well as to those that have participated in the various debates and reflections promoted by earn members, in africa and in europe. this publication is produced on the initiative of the center for international studies (cei, of iscte-iul uni- versity), jointly with the Marquês Valle flor institute (iMVf) and the european centre for Development Policy Management (ecDPM), in the framework of europe-africa Policy research network (earn), and launched online in parallel to the conference on eu-africa relations, held in lisbon on april 2014. it draws together in one edited volume a selection of contributions, articles and interviews, which are either originals or republished and updated versions of works published in 2013 and 2014, in several blogs and web- sites. the views expressed are those of individual authors, who wrote their contributions or were interviewed in their personal capacities. Most articles are presented in the original language, in english or in Portuguese. this publication is funded by the Portuguese cooperation, through the camões – institute for cooperation and language, and we gratefully acknowledge this support. This is an e-book; its contents can be downloaded, printed, reproduced, cited and utilised in several ways, provided that the source is mentioned. The publication should be cited as: EARN (2014); The Global Game has changed: What Role for Europe-Africa Relations? Online Publication. CEI-ISCTE, IMVF and ECDPM, edited by Patrícia Magalhães Ferreira. Europe-Africa Policy Research Network: April 2014. editor: Patrícia Magalhães ferreira layout: Diogo lencastre isbn: 978-989-732-345-4 Drafted in april 2014 2 The Global Game has chanGed: what rOle fOr eurOPe-africa relatiOns? conTenTs introduction 5 statements at the summit 6 i. StaTe of play and fuTure prospecTs for eu-africa relaTions 10 The future of the africa-eu partnership: Key messages for the iV eu africa summit report of the lunch-time seminars 12 The state of play of africa-eu relations and the Joint africa-eu strategy Geert laporte 20 interview with françoise moreau 24 are africa and europe turning a new page in their relationship? faten aggad and James Mackie 27 The future of africa-eu relations: challenging times ahead carolina feilman Quina 29 box The Joint africa-eu strategy, challenges and prospects: a View from the african side? 34 interview with adebayo olukoshi 35 The iV eu -africa summit: much ado about nothing? Marta Martinelli 37 fostering a way forward in the eu-africa partnership Joseph chilengi 39 Towards a euro-african alliance for peace, security and development Philippe Darmuzey 43 interview with obadiah mailafia 50 africa-eu relations: dialogue and capacity for delivery Mehari taddele Maru and emebet G. abate 53 entrevista a José briosa e Gala 55 ajuda ao desenvolvimento é ajuda ao desenvolvimento e diálogo político é diálogo político fernando Jorge cardoso 58 ii. Global parTnerships and The posT-2015 deVelopmenT aGenda 61 what prospects for a joint africa-eu effort towards formulating a post-2015 framework for global development? Dirk Messner, niels Keijzer, svea Koch and Julia leininger 63 a renewed Global partnership for a post-2015 era carlos lopes 65 caixa a parceria Global para uma cooperação para o desenvolvimento eficaz: o plano de ação africano 67 3 The Global Game has chanGed: what rOle fOr eurOPe-africa relatiOns? iii. GoVernance and human riGhTs 68 still relevant? The future of eu Governance support in africa clare castillejo and svea Koch 71 conditionality and sanctions remain a stumbling block for eu-africa relations Karen Del biondo 72 The international criminal court: challenges & possibilities Kerstin carlson 74 Governance and human rights: related challenges and prospects in eu-africa relations arthur Gwagwa 78 iV. Peace and securiTy 80 Thoughts on peacekeeping within an african background Víctor Ângelo 82 a cooperação ue-África para a paz e segurança luís bernardino 87 V. Beyond deVelopmenT aid 92 unleashing the full potential of the eu-africa partnership: lifting the “development language” barrier? Myrto hatzigeorgopoulos 94 box a 10-point plan for a closer eu -africa partnership 96 The eu and africa in the XXist century: Time for a new deal Daniel bach 97 eu-africa Trade: between a rock and a hard place? annie Mutamba 100 industrialização e renovação da parceria ue-África serguei Ouattara 102 resource governance in africa: policy lessons and global partnerships Oladiran bello 103 Governação e desenvolvimento económico no continente africano: mitos e oportunidades ana Paula fernandes 108 annexes: 110 overview of eu-africa summits 111 box data on africa and the eu… 113 4 The Global Game has chanGed: what rOle fOr eurOPe-africa relatiOns? inTroducTion Seven years after the long-term vision established in values, in the framework of a long-shared, complex and the Joint Africa-EU Strategy (JAES), the overall ambi- varied relationship. The outputs reflect the underlying tious goal of implementing a partnership between equals desire to proceed the relationship on basis of the reality, and take the Africa-EU relationship to a new strategic and the recognition of the need for a political and mental political level remain largely unfulfilled. The need for a shift in the way the EU-Africa partnership is perceived. mindset and paradigm shift is, however, more relevant This does not mean that there are no disagreements, but than ever, particularly taking into account considerable each side is becoming clearer about what it wants. The changes in both continents in the last few years, in terms evident shift towards a more economic focus – from aid of social, demographic, political and economic dynamics. to investment, from assistance to economic opportunities While ‘old Europe' keeps struggling with anaemic - is an example of this ongoing shift towards a win-win growth and high unemployment, Africa has become a partnership that is based in a clear definition of interests. pre-emerging continent. As Europe wrestles with self- One of the ongoing challenges is to overcome nega- doubts about its future and place as global actor and tive perceptions on both sides (from Africa about the EU struggles to keep its contributions to international de- - “EU imposes agendas”, “EU double standards”, “EU velopment, in Africa the expectations about the future patronizing attitude” – and from Europe regarding Afri- are generally positive: high-growth rates, young popula- ca: “Africa does not implement”, “Africa is just interested tions, diversification of development financial flows and in EU funds”). Contentious issues and contradictions partnerships, as well as a stronger internal vision about need, therefore, to be tackled up vigorously and with its plans and interests (e.g. Agenda 2063, continental open discussions - bearing in mind the broader context infrastructure programme – PIDA, agriculture and food of wide opportunities and existing potential for increased strategy – CAADP, etc.). On the other hand, the chal- cooperation in numerous areas. Managing expectations lenges are also paramount: Africa continues to face major and diversity of objectives will certainly remain a delicate socio-economic and regional integration challenges; it is balancing act. plagued by multidimensional poverty and recurrent cri- This publication approaches some of the issues in- sis/fragilities, and therefore needs to actively build and volved in the reshaping of EU-Africa relations in the re- consolidate its international partnerships to help imple- cent past and for the next few years. Several authors, from menting its transformation agenda, in an effective and Europe and from Africa, assess the partnership’s achieve- sustainable way. ments so far and also the upcoming challenges in accom- The IV EU-Africa Summit was an opportunity, modating diverging interests and effectively responding among others, for leaders of both sides to think strate- to global challenges, so as to generate the famous win-win gically about their collective continental interests and outcomes all partners are looking for. 5 The Global Game has chanGed: what rOle fOr eurOPe-africa relatiOns? speeches aT The summiT... ms. nKosazana dlamini zuma chairPersOn Of the african uniOn cOMMissiOn “Let me start, by referring to late President Mandela norm, demonstrating our collective commitment to pro- when he said: "I have walked a long road to freedom, I mote a political culture based on legitimacy, inclusion have missed steps along the way, but discovered the secret and accountability. that after climbing the Great Hill, one only finds that Although stubborn pockets of conflicts remain, there are many more hills to climb. I've taken a moment causing immense suffering and devastation especially for to rest, to steal a view of the glorious vista, to look at the women and children; progress is being made through the distance I've come. But I can only rest for a moment, for African Peace and Security and Governance Architec- with freedom comes responsibilities and I dare not linger. tures. We acknowledge the continual generosity of Eu- For my long walk is not ended." rope's contribution towards peace in Africa. The Africa-EU partnership has come a long way There are however, many more hills to climb. since the first Africa-EU Summit in Cairo in 2000 and To address these challenges, the AU focuses on a set we probably missed a few steps together in our partner- of Pan African priorities, captured by the African Agenda ship. In 2000, Africa was regarded as the 21st century de- 2063, with elements reflected in the 4th Summit's theme velopment challenge and a moral scar on the conscience of People, Prosperity and Peace.
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