14072 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE June 8, 1979 for weekends. You can get to the beaches in restaurant in just three months, can now burg one of the top 10 business growth cities four hours from here. It's a good place to boast to be the man responsible for the best in the United States. Wiener schnitzel in the South. The developments in Spartanburg today live." seem to point unmistakably to the fact that About 22 per cent of the local population The European influence in Spartanburg has, all the same, been modest. The Spartan­ Europeans can make money in America by is black, and racial integration has gone many different routes: on a huge direct well. New and quite expensive housing proj·· burg influence on the Europeans who have invested locally has been tremendous. Rich­ manufacturing investment scale like Hoechst ects are beinD" developed, indicating con­ and Michelin; on a somewhat more modest, siderable prosperity, and lavish mansions are ard Tukey reports that an increasing number of Europeans, especially Germans, are show­ but still substantial, corporate manufactur­ to be found in the plush residential areas on ing basis, like Sulzer of Switzerland or t!1e fringes of city limits. ing interest. This is confirmed by local businessmen. Asians have not moved into Eduard Kuesters Maschinenfabrik of Ger­ If the foreigners in Spartanburg are big many; or on a more individualistic basis like fish in a small pond, they like it that way. Spartanburg, and no efforts seem to have been made to encourage them. the operations run by Rudolf Mueller and Bryan Little evidently enjoys his self-assured Bryan Little; or just by buying a local firm role as unofficial British consul. Local French Mueller believes that his operations will and leaving it in the hands of competent and Swiss businessmen take pride in being continue to "grind out profits." Forster be­ local people, as Rentokil has done. the official consuls of their countries in this lieves that Hoechst's local output will double Spartanburg isn't a fun place, or a city city. or treble in the next decade. Optimism seems lacking local social and political problems. The Germans have made an annual to be widespread, despite the ailment of the It isn't a very attractive place, even though Oktoberfest into a big cultural success with textile industry in general. The industrial the countryside seems quite pleasant. But the local community. They have also had a base is becoming more diverse and therefore here Europeans have found social status and tiny influence on eating habits. A rather stronger; and the conservative politics of prosperity, and their example is bound to be mediocre delicatessen, known as Ankies, the area, combined with the profit potential influential on investors in Europe today as seems to thrive, and Rudolf Mueller, having and the rather unhurried pace of life, has, they look for opportunities on this side of developed the Sheraton into a well-known according to Money magazine, made Spartan- the Atlantic.e HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Friday, June 8, 1979 The House met at 10 a.m. and was that the Senate had p3.ssed bills of the mittee on Surface Transportation of the ealled to order by the Speaker protem­ following titles, in which the concurrence Committee on Public Works and Trans­ pore CMr. BRADEMAS). of the House is requested: portation be allowed to sit today, Friday, S. 495. An act to authorize the establish­ June 8, 1979, while the House is in session ment of the Frederick Law Olmsted National under the 5-minute rule. DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO Historic Site in the State of Massachusetts, Mr. Speaker, this has been cleared TEMPORE and for other purposes; and with the minority, and they have no ob­ S. 721. An act to amend the Civil Rights The SPEAKER pro tempore laid before Act of 1957 to authorize appropriations for jections. the House the: following communica­ the United States Commission on Civil Rights The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there tion from the Speaker: for fiscal year 1980. objection to the request of the gentleman WASHINGTON, D.C., from Pennsylvania? June 7, 1979. There was no objection. I hereby designate the Honorable JoHN TRUCK DRIVERS COMPLIMENTED BRADEMAS to act as Speaker pro tempore on FOR PEACEFUL TACTICS IN WASH­ Friday, June 8, 1979. INGTON DEMONSTRATIONS PERSONAL EXPLANATION THOMAS P. O'NEn..L, Jr., <Mr. RATCHFORD asked and was Speaker of the House of Representatives. <Mrs. SCHROEDER asked and was given permission to address the House given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend her for 1 minute and to revise and extend PRAYER remarks.) his remarks.) Mr.s. SCHROEDER. Mr. Speaker, I Mr. RATCHFORD. Mr. Speaker, dur­ The Chaplain, Rev. James David Ford, ing the debate on H.R. 3875, the Housing D.D., offered the following prayer: just want to take this time to briefly compliment the truck drivers who are and Community Development Act of Gracious Lord, we humbly ask Your c'3.ught in such a tight, difficult, trying 1979, which occurred on Thursday, June blessing on us and what we do. We situation with the diesel fuel. I want to 7, 1979, I was unavoidably detained dur­ acknowledge that we have not done those compliment them for the way they have ing the discussion of an amendment of­ things that should have been done, nor behaved. They have been playing by the fered by Representative PANETTA. This looked to You for guidance as we ought. rules. They have been very mature, most amendment was designed to avoid dupli­ We pray for Your mercy, that You patient in this very trying situation. cative and unnecessary paperwork on would forgive us and comfort us. Help Many of us here have complained HUD, F·MHA, and VA projects. I was in a us, 0 Lord, to be reconciled to You, and about other types of tactics used by other meeting with Connecticut's Gov. Ella to our brothers and sisters from whom we groups. I hope we will really reward the Grasso at the time. Had I been present, have strayed. truck drivers for their positive, law­ I would have voted aye on the Panetta Always lift us from thought of self abiding, calm approach, and show that amendment. and our private concerns, to work and we really can understand and hear and pray together for the good of all. For You act without being hit over the head with are one God and we are one people. a club or kicked or hit or forced into a SECRETARY VANCE FINDS IMPER­ Amen. crisis. FECTION IN RHODESIA So, Mr. Speaker, I compliment them. I <Mr. ASHBROOK asked and was given THE JOURNAL know their tensions are strong for they permission to address the House for 1 feel their whole way of life is threatened. minute.) The SPEAKER pro tempore. The They are right. Let us help. Mr. ASHBROOK. Mr. Speaker, I have Chair has examined the Journal of the learned one thing today in driving to the last day's proceedings and announces to PERMISSION FOR SUBCOMMITTEE office this morning. I should not be the House his approval thereof. listening to the radio as I drive when Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour­ ON SURFACE TRANSPORTATION Secretary Vance is speaking. He was try­ nal stands approved. OF COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION ing to defend the Rhodesian decision of TO SIT TODAY DURING 5-MINUTE the President yesterday, and I was lis­ MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE RULE tening as I was driving along Shirley Highway. The Secretary said he had A message from the Senate, by Mr. Mr. ATKINSON. Mr. Speaker, I ask noticed some progress in Rhodesia, but Sparrow, one of its clerks, announced unanimous consent that the Subcom- it was still an imperfect situation. I al- D This symbol represents the time of day during the House Proceedings, e.g., D 1407 is 2:07 p.m. • This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. June 8, 1979 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 14073 most hit the car in front of me when I not to provide a mechanism to permit of 275 persons in the most devastating heard that. the U.S. Virgin Islands to serve as a airliner crash in the history of aviation. I wonder if our foreign policy all of a conduit to enable foreign doctors to slip Mr. Speaker, I, again, know nothing sudden is to reward perfection and be into the United States. personally about the cause or causes of against imperfection. It makes it quite I firmly believe that the 120,000 peo­ the DC-10 crash except what the news interesting, because I am glad he found ple of the U.S. Virgin Islands, in addi­ media has reported. But I do know some­ perfection in the People's Republic of tion to the 1% million tourists who an­ thing about air crashes. I have walked China whose leaders are unrepentant nually visit our islands, must be pro­ a way from three crashes and several for the brutal murders of from 20 to 50 vided adequate medical assistance to forced landings. I also know something million people in the last two decades. I which they are entitled. about airworthiness of airplanes and the am glad he found perfection in the So­ I urge the House to adopt this legisla­ strict rules of the Federal Aviation Ad­ viet Union which systematically denies tion. mimstration in certifying airplanes for human rights.
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