Hope College Hope College Digital Commons The Anchor: 1945 The Anchor: 1940-1949 10-26-1945 The Anchor, Volume 58.03: October 26, 1945 Hope College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.hope.edu/anchor_1945 Part of the Library and Information Science Commons Recommended Citation Repository citation: Hope College, "The Anchor, Volume 58.03: October 26, 1945" (1945). The Anchor: 1945. Paper 30. https://digitalcommons.hope.edu/anchor_1945/30 Published in: The Anchor, Volume 58, Issue 3, October 26, 1945. Copyright © 1945 Hope College, Holland, Michigan. This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the The Anchor: 1940-1949 at Hope College Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Anchor: 1945 by an authorized administrator of Hope College Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Do You Bdicv* in Do You Want Sororities? Sororities? Hope College ftnehor Story Page 2 LVIII-3 Official Publication of the Studemts of Hope College at Holland Michigan October 26,1948 HOMECOMING STARTS TODAY Peter Van LierOp You, Who Have Gone Before: Speech Department Announces Activities Spirit of Hope Is Evident Homecoming was one of our campus war casualties, but we are happy to welcome you, once again, to Hope The Speech Department of Hope College. We consider ourselves lucky to be your hosts College has announced many plans At Pep Rally, Open House for the coming year. Since the this year. We are living that for which you have only return of Dr. Schrier to the cam- Parade Includes Floats, German Band; memories. pus, plans for extempore speaking, debate, oratory, and interpretive We have just experienced three war years — and feel Informal Banquet Climaxes Week-End reading are again being emphasized proud that Hope emerged relatively unscathed. Student more as one of Hope's major func- Opening with a pep meeting on Friday night at 8:00 p. m. attitude, naturally, has undergone a few changes. But tions. on the athletic field, the Hope College 1945 Homecoming ; the intang ble "Hope Spirit" is still here/ Extempore Contest will take off in a pre-war style. Co-chairmen for the affair, On November 16 a contest of ex- Libby Romaine and A1 Staver, have planned a full schedule While you are here this week-end relive your college tempore speaking will be held at days, scan old landmarks, find your special corner, note Hillsdale. The topic for men will for October 26 and 27, consisting of the pep meeting, Open the changes that have been effected, and meet your old be "What shall we do about our House, a parade, the pull, and climaxing with a banquet. friends. We want you to become acquainted with your future National Security?" and During the pep meeting which has been planned by Isla Alma Mater once again. "What shall be our policy in In- Van der Heuvel and Marvin De Young, a German Band will dustrial Relations?"; for women, provide music, yells will be given for the two sides of the pull, "What can be done to improve race relationships in the United the two pull captains, Ralph Cor- States" and "What shall we do Reorganization Into nell for the Frosh and Edwin Rat- French Majors Hold Alpha Chi Hears Pastor about the future Education in terink for the upper classmen will Pre-Med. Student Witnessed the From Fourth Reformed America?" Groups Streamline say a few words and introduce initial Club Meeting December 7, 1945, a discussion their teams. Prof. Milton Hinga Invasion of Belgium Reverend Henry Van Dyke, pas- festival will have as its topic "Free Function of Faculty will give a short pep talk, and Peter Van LierOp witnessed the The first meeting of the French tor of the Fourth Reformed Trade Among Nations of the various school songs will be sung. invasion of Helgium by the Nazis President Irwin J. Lubbers has Club was called to order October Church, spoke to the members of World." Teams of five men and All of these activities will take in 1939, described it in very plain introduced a new system of faculty The program chairman for the eve- women will discuss this at Kala- place around a giant bonfire, in terms as "pretty bad." He was the Alpha Chi at the first meeting, organization this year. The facul- mazoo College. which various effigies will be given charge of all the refugees 11 by the president, Ruth Ellison, October 3. ty, which is divided into five Debate burned. to see that they received proper ning was Dorothy Atkins, who is Ken Stickney was in charge of groups, has specific purposes out- "Resolved, that the policy of the Hold Open House food and milk. Eight months later also vice-preside'nt of the club. devotions, and special music was lined for the rest of the 1945-46 in May of 1940 he left for the United States should be directed After the pep meeting. Open Following the business meeting, presented by a girls' trio, composed school year. United States and attended Hope toward the establishment of free House will be held at 9:00 p. m. in of Elaine Meeusen, Marion Dame, Chairman of the first group, the for a semester; but unable to for- the entire group joined in the sing- trade among nations of the world" the girls' dormitories, Voorhees, and Harriet Haines, accompanied Administrative Committee, is Pres- get the hardships endured by his ing of La Marseillaise and other will be the topic of men and Van Vleck, Fairbanks Cottage and by Nellie Mae Ritsema. ident Lubbers. Serving on the adopted people, he enlisted his aid French songs. women's debate this year. Michigan Beach Cottage, with refreshments Warren Hietbrink, president, committee are Miss Elizabeth E. with an ally, joining the Fifth State College will act as hosts for being sened. Mary Lou Hemmes Dorothy Atkins then read a took charge of the business meet- Lichty and M. L. Hinga, Deans Army as French interpreter and this meeting on February 16, 1946. and Marge Van Vranken arranged paper entitled "Modern Paris," ing. It was announced that Profes- of Women and Men, respectively; a;my medic. In North Africa at A freshman team contest debating for Open House. sor Hinkamp would be their ad- Registrar Paul Hinkamp, Director Oran and Casablanca, and in Italy after which the club participated the same topic will be held later Saturday morning is being re- visor for the next year. Refresh- of Admissions Albert Timmer, Di- at an evacuation hospital in Na- in several French games. Miss at Michigan State Normal College, served for sorority alumnae lunch- ments were served after the meet- Ypsilanti. rector of Student Employment Al- ples, he gave transfusions and Elizabeth Lichty and Miss Nella eons and breakfasts. At 1:30 p. m. ing. bert Lampen, Clarence Kleis, direc- helped in the operating room. Oratory a parade will start from Hope Col- Meyer are the faculty advisers. tor of the dining halls, Clarence Hospital Bombed The oratorical contest is to be practicing faithfully under the DeGraaf and Miss Laura Boyd, But the Germans, as we learned held March 1, 1946, at Wayne Uni- guidance of their coaches, Don Ing- Regional Literature chairmen of two other committees. all too soon, had a habit of using versity, Detroit, for both men and ham for the Frosh and Joe Palmer hospitals and hospital ships as Assistant Librarian Becomes Theme of women. This is composed of win- Their fields of responsibility are for the upper classmen. Each their targets; and the hospital in Originates Displays ners of all the local school contests purely administrative and discip- team will be equipped with four- Naples was no exception. Shortly English Discussions whose original orations are 1800 linary matters. Financial expendi- teen auxiliaries, the girl leader for after it was set up, the hospital on Current Issues words in length. tures, off campus relationships, the upper classmen being Cal Her- was bombed every day. One day The English Majors club met May 3rd will draw the activities and matters not delegated to other mance and for the Frosh, Mary while Peter watched an air raid So that Hope students may be- Thursday, October 8, with Presi- to a close with an interpretative committees will be dealt with by Van Loo. dent Nat Bosman welcoming all from a nearby shelter, a direct hit come familiar with the library's reading contest at Calvin College, them. Professors to Judge which killed a nurse and two am- new members. The club, with Pat Grand Rapids. Educational Policies material on current happenings. The junior judges will be Bob bulance drivers missed "him by Haskin as chairman, discussed These dates and topics were pre- Membership to the Educational Miss Elizabeth Vorhes, assistant li- Danhof, John Mooi and Clarence inches. Michigan authors, in keeping with sented at the Michigan Inter-Col- Policies Committee is headed by brarian, has planned displays of Boerman, and due to the lack of In the first three months sixty their theme, "Regional Literature legiate Speech League in Lansing Dr. DeGraaf. He is supported by books, pamphlets and magazines to men three professors will replace doctors, one hundred nurses, and in the United States." where Mrs. Harriet Van Donke- Dr. Edward Dimnent, Mrs. Peter be shown in the library throughout the senior judges. Bill Brandli and oOO enlisted men cared for 10,000 laar, Mrs. Edith McMullin, and Prins, Garrett Vander Borgh, Wal- the semester. Articles on current The discussion included interpre- AI Staver will act as advisors on patients in a hospital equipped the Misses Luella Pyle, Joanne ter Van Saun, Gerrit Van Zyl, John events and problems of interest to tive reading of Carl Sandburg hy either side.
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