6368 THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBEE 23, 1869. " The Great Eastern Railway (Additional Powers) (hereinafter called " The Company") for leave to Act, 1863;" " The Great Eastern Railway bring in a Bill to effect the objects, or some of the (Metropolitan Station and Railways) Act, 1864;" objects, following ; viz.:— "The Great Eastern Railway (Junctions) Act, To abandon and relinquish the construction of 1864;" "The Great Eastern Railway (High- the whole of the railways, alterations, and works beech Branch) Act, 1864;" " The Great Eastern authorised by " The Surrey and Sussex Junction Railway (Additional Powers) Act, 1865;" " The Railway Act, 1865," and " The Surrey and Sussex Great Eastern Railway (Capital, &c.) Act, 1865;" Junction Railway Act, 1867," and the Worthing "The Great Eastern Railway (Ramsey Branch) Junction Railway, authorised by " The London, Act, 1865;" "The Great Eastern Railway Brighton, and South Coast (Capital and Powers) (Bishop Stortford Purchase) Act, 1865 ;" " The Act, 1866," and the works connected therewith Great Eastern and London and Blackwall Rail- respectively; to relieve the Company from all ways Act, 1865;" "The Great Eastern Rail- penalties for the non-completion thereof respec- way (Additional Powers) -Act, 1866;" "The. tively, and to modify or cancel all obligations and Great Eastern Railway (Additional Powers) agreements with reference to the construction Act, 1867;" "The Great Eastern Railway (Steamboats) Act, 1867;" "The Great Eastern thereof, or the acquisition of lands, houses, and Railway (Finance) Act, 1867;" "The Great property for the same, .and to provide for the Eastern Railway Act, 1868;" "The Bishop Stort- maintenance of roads, bridges, and tunnels thereon ford Railway Act, 1868, and " The Great Eastern by the owners of, or bodies or persons having the Railway (Additional Powers) Act, 1869 ;" and all management of such roads, or of other roads in other Acts, if any, relating to the Company. the parish or district where such roads lie or are The 6th and 7th Wm. IV, cap. 103; the 2nd situate, in exoneration of the Company, and to and 3rd Viet., caps. 77 and 78; the 3rd and determine the price at which lands acquired for 4th Viet., cap. 52; the 4th and 5th Viet., caps. the purposes of the said Acts shall be offered for 24 and 42; the 6th and 7th Viet., cap. 28; sale by the Company, and in that respect to amend the 7th and 8th Viet., caps. 30 and 35 ; and "The Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845." all other Acts, if any, relating to the Northern To repeal wholly or in part the before-men- and Eastern Railway Company. " The Tendring tioned Acts, and to repeal or amend " The London, Hundred Railway Act, 1859;" " The Tendring Brighton, and South Coast Railway and Surrey Hundred Railway Act, 1862;" " The Tendring and Sussex Junction Railway Companies Amal- Hundred Railway Extension Act, 1863 ;" " The gamation Act, 1869." Tendring Hundred Railway Acts Amendment To authorise the Company to make aud maintain Act, 1864," and " The Tendring Hundred Rail- a 'short junction railway (to be called the East- way Act, 1867;" 59 Geo. Ill, cap. 118, and 14 bourne Junction), wholly in the parishes of Wil- and 15 Viet., cap. 42, or any other Acts relating lingrlon and Westham, in Sussex, commencing in to the Corporation of Harwich; " The Ramsey Willingdon parish by a junction with the East- Railway Act, 1861 ;" " The Great Northern bourne Branch of the London, Brighton, and Railway Act, 1846," and all other Acts relating South Coast Railway, at or near the p^st on that to the Great Northern Railway Company, which branch denoting the distance of 21 miles and may be affected by the provisions of the said a-half from Brighton, and terminating in Westham intended Act. parish by a junction with the Hastings line of the Printed copies of the Bill for effecting the London, Brighton, and- South Coast Railway at several objects aforesaid, or some of them, will be deposited in the Private Bill Office of the a point 180 yards or thereabouts west of the post House of Commons, on or before the 23rd day of on the Hastings line denoting the distance of 21 December, 1869. miles and three-quarters from Brighton. Dated the 13th day of November, 1869. To authorise the Company to purchase, com- Baxter, Rose, Norton, and Co., 6, Victoria- pulsorily or by agreement, for the purposes of the street, Westminster, intended junction railway and other works, lands, W. H. Shaw, Great Eastern Railway, houses, and property in' the parishes and places Shoreditch, aforesaid, and also additional lands and houses Solicitors for the Bill. and property in the parish of Brighton, otherwise Brightelmstone, in Sussex, at or near the Com- pany's Brighton goods station, and in the parishes of St. Thomas, Southwark, and St. Olave's, In Parliament—Session 1870. Southwark, both in Surrey, and adjoining or near London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway their London- bridge station ; and also to purchase, Company. compulsorily or by agreement, the interest of (Abandonment of Surrey and Sussex Junction Messrs. Noakes and Wood in three railway arches Railways and Worthing Junction Railway; in their occupation, in the parish of St. Mary Construction .of New Junction Line at East- Magdalene, Bermondsey, in Surrey. bourne ; Substitution of New Road and Altered To authorise the Company, for the purposes of Bridge at Canterbury Grove Road, Lambeth, the intended junction railway and other works, to for other Works there ; Compulsory Powers of cross, divert, alter, or stop up (temporarily or taking additional Lands and Houses near the permanently) roads, highways, tramways, canals, Goods Station at Brighton and the Terminus at towing paths, rivers, streams, sewers, drains and London Bridge, also certain Interests in Com- watercourses in the parishes and places aforesaid. pany's Arches at Bermondsey; Stopping Passage To deviate laterally from the lines of the over Railway and Station at Brighton; Con- intended junction railway and other intended firming Agreements with the South-Eastern works to the extent shown on the plans, and to and the East London Railway Companies; deviate vertically from the levels thereof shown Provisions as to the Company's superfluous on the sections hereinafter mentioned. Lands ; Limiting Passengers' Compensation ; To levy tolls, rates, and charges upon or in Amendment of Acts.) respect of the intended junction railway, and to A PPLICATION is intended to be made to alter those which the Company and. the other £\. Parliament next session by the London, Companies named hi this notice are now autho- Brighton, and South Coast Railway Company rised to levy, and confer, vary, or extinguish.
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