San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1967 Special Libraries, 1960s 11-1-1967 Special Libraries, November 1967 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1967 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, November 1967" (1967). Special Libraries, 1967. 9. https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1967/9 This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1960s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1967 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. special libraries SPECIAL PRE-PUBLICATION Save $20 by placing your order now OFFER! w $100 per set before November 30 $120 per set thereafter Covermg Oceanography Meteorology Setsmology Aeronomy Geodesy Techtonophysics Astronom~cal Data Ofil r !jririrl oir ordcm rl,ccic.rd before, .Yo1 ~,i~~t~cr.iU. I!Io:. 0 iiit It It I I tit 1 t, ~nll)lic:itio~~["kc: FIr'(l.Oll (IC.I. trio \.II~IIIIW~.r1 4 t J our bookseller, or from: PERGAMON PRESS, INC. +. 44-01 21st Street Long Island C~tyNew York 11101 fi 'YPECIAL LIBRARIES is published hy Sprrid 1-~hrarlcsAssociation monthl, Scptvnil,c-r to April, I,imuntlll\- hlnv to August at 73 Main Street, Brattleborr, Verm<,nt 05301. ~hitrrrialOfficer: 233 Park Avcntle So~rrli. ~e&Ymk, ~ew'York 10003. Second class postn$e paid at Brattlelmr~,.Vern~ont. POSThlASTER: Send Form 3579 to Special Libraries Association, 235 Park Avenue South, New York, N. Y. 10003 - 31 major Soviet Scientific Journals now available for the first time AUTHORITATIVE COVER-TO-COVER ENGLISH TRANSLATION Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology Mechanics of Solids Pnkladnays Brokhrmrya I Mrkrob~ologrya Mekhan~kaTverdogo Tela B~monthly.$120lyear Bmonthly. $160/year Applied Solar Energy Mendeleev Chemistry Journal Gelrotekhnrka Zhurnal Vses Khrm Ob-va rm Mendeleeva Blmonthly. $1 lO/year Bmonlhly. $16O/year Astrophysics Moscow University Chemistry Bulletin Astrolrzrka Vestnik Moskovskogo Unwers~tetaKhmya Quarterly. $90/year B~monthly,$1 l0lyear Automatic Control Moscow University Physics Bulletin Avtomatrka I Vychrshtel'naya Tekhnrka Vestnrk Moskovskogo Unrversrteta Fmka B~monthly.$145iyear B~monthly.$llO/year Automatic Documentation and Polymer Mechanics Mathematical Linguistics Mekhanrka Polrmerov Selected major art~clesfrom B~monthly.$120/year Nauchno-Tekhnrcheskaya lnformatsrya Quarterly, $145/year Problems of Information Transmission Problemy Peredachi lnlormats!! Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds Quarterly. $100/year Khrmrya Geterotsrklichesk~khSoedmenu B~rnonthly.$12O/year Soviet Aeronautics Izvest~yaVUZ Avratsronnaya Tekhnrka Chemistry of Natural Compounds Quarterly, $l25iyear Khrmrya Prlrodnykh Soedrnen~r B~monthly.SllOlyear Soviet Applied Mechanics Combustion, Explosion, Pr~kladnavaMekhanika and Shock Waves Fmka Gorenrya I Vzryva Soviet Electrical Engineering Quarterly. $100/year Elektrotekhnlka Cybernetics Monthly. $lGO/year Ktbernetrka Brmonthly. $1 l5iyear Soviet Genetics Genetrka Differential Equations Monthly. $15Oiyear Drfferents~al'nyeUravnenrya Monthly. $lSO/year Soviet Materials Science Frz~ko-KhmcheskayaMekhan~ka Mater~alov Fluid Dynamics B~monthiy.$tlS/year Izv. AN SSSR Mekhan~kaZhrd. I Gasov B~monthly.$160/year Soviet Physics Journal lzvest~yaVUZ Fmka lournal of Applied Mechanics B~monthly.$125/year and Technical Physics Zhurnal Prrkladnor Mekhanrkr I Soviet Progress in Chemistry Tekhn~cheskotFrzrkl Ukrarnskr~Khrm~cheskir Zhurnal B~monthly,$ISO/year Monthly, $150/year Journal of Applied Spectroscopy Soviet Radio Engineering Zhurnal Prrkladnor Spektroskop~~ lzvesl~yaVUZ Radrotekhntka Monthly. $l5O/year B~monthly.$1 15Iyear Journal of Engineering Physics Soviet Radiophysics Inzhenhrno-Frzrcheskr~Zhurnal lzvest,ya VUZ Radrofmka Monthly, $lSOiyear Blmonthly, $125/year Magnetohydrodynamics Theoretical and Experimental Chemistry Magnltnaya Grdrodrnamrka Teoretrcheskaya I Eksperrmental'naya Khmrya Quarterly, $Wiyear B~monthly.$lZO/year Please add $5.00 for subscr~ptionsouts~de U S and Canada Order your subscriptions to these essential Soviet journals from: THE FARADAY PRESS, INC. 8A FIFTH AVENUE. NEW YORK. N V 10071 British Journal of Medical Education Journal of the Association for the Study of Medical Education Medical education today is presenting major problems in every country. Great changes are taking place and efforts are being made to discover in what directions still further changes are needed. There is a real need for better communications in medical education between Britain and other countries. These needs are met by a new journal, the British Journal of Medical Education. The Journal acts as a medium for interchange of infor- mation on medical education-Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Continuing-in the United Kingdom and Overseas. It is the official journal of the Association for the Study of Medical Education (A.S.M.E.). The first issue of this new quarterly journal appeared in December 1966. Thereafter it is published in March, June and September. The contents of the September 1967 issue are as follows: Editorial Association for the Study of Medical Education The General Medical Council's Recommendations as to Basic Medical Education 1967: I. The Views of a General Practitioner Ronald Gibson 2. The Views of a Teacher of Physiology K. B. Roberts 3. The Views of a Teacher of Medicine G. A. Smart The Role of the University in the Future Bror Rexed Factors Influencing the Development of a Curriculum V. Ramalingaswami The Objective Examination in the Evaluation of Medical Students H. J. Walfon and J. Drewery Evaluative Study of a Preceptonhip Programme in General Practice for Senior Medical Students Moshe Prywes, Moshe Sarell, and Yair Yodfat Role of the Peripheral Hospital in Postgraduate Anaesthetic Training J. D. Hill Teaching of Diagnostic Radiology in Britain and the United States J. H. Middlemiss A British View of the American Surgical Residency Adolf Singer Teaching Medical Ethics-Empirical or Rational? I. B. Pless Teaching Public Health in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Khartoum, Sudan Mamoun Yousif On Evaluating the Success of Teaching. An Inquiry in London University Medical and Dental Schools Ruth M. Beard Glasgow Conference on Specialist Training James H. Hutchison Book Reviews News and Notices The British Journal of Medical Education sets out to fulfil A.S.M.E.'s aim of making more widely known what the British medical schools and postgraduate bodies are doing. Besides printing reports on medical education overseas, the Journal encourages the prac- tical study of medical education, and takes particular interest in the evaluation of meth- ods. It will thus form a useful link between medicine and development in education in other fields. Annual Subscription, U.S.A. $10.00 AU subscriptions to the United States can be ordered from the BRlTISH MEDICAL JOUR- NAL, 80 Brighton Avenue, Boston, Mass. 02134. Subscriptions for all other countries should be ordered from the Subscription Manager, BRITISH JOURNAL OF MEDICAL EDUCA- TION, B.M.A..Hollse, Tsvisto~kSquare, -don, W.C.I., England, or through any leading subscription agent or bookseller. special libraries Computer-Assisted Instruction for Library Processes 631 Elizabeth Thorne Jernigan Computerized Subscription and Periodicals Routing in an Aerospace Library 634 H. W. Jones Cards Versus Book-form Printout in a Mechanized Library System 639 F. R. Smith and S. 0.Jones An Operating Information Retrieval Satellite 644 Karen G. Takle Special Libraries Association Bylaws 651 Illinois Chapter H. W. Wilson Company Chapter Award Entry 658 Features Government and Libraries 656 Olive Gouthreau Have You Heard 659 Letter to the Editor 660 Off the Press 661 Editor: GUYR. BELL Assistant Editor: ELAINEC. HARRIS Special Libraries Committee Chairman: IRVINGM. KLEMPNER,State University of New York at Albany CHARLOTTEM. MADISON,Curtiss-Wright Corporation MRS.ANNE J. RICHTER,R. R. Bowker Company Papers published in SPECIAL LIBRARIES express the views of the authors and do not represent the opinion or the policy of the editorial staff or the publishes. Manuscripts submitted for publicatron must be typed double space on only one side of paper and mailed to the edrtor. Authors may .order reprints rmmediately before or after publication. 0 Subscriptions: U. S. $20.00; foreign, $21.50; single copres, $2. 0 Annual author-title-subject index published with December issue. @ 1967 by Special Libraries Association. ~ND~~EDin Business Periodicals Index, Documentation Abstracts, Historical Abstracts, HosPital Literature In- dex, Library Literature, Library Science Abstracts, Management Index and Public Aflairs Information Service. SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION President MRS.ELIZABETH R. USHER Art Reference Library, Metropolitan Museum of Art Fifth Avenue and 82nd Street, New York 10028 President-Elect HERBERTS. WHITE Documentation, Inc., NASA Facility P. 0.Box 33, College Park, Maryland 20740 Advisory Council Chairman CHARLESH. STEVENS Project Intrex, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, Mass. 02139 Advisory Council Chairman-Elect MRS.CHARLOTTE S. MITCHELL Library, Miles Laboratories, Inc. Elkhart, Indiana 465 14 Treasurer JEANDEUSS Research Library, Federal Reserve Bank of New York Federal
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