JUCH (CARL WILHELM). - -- tr. See PHARMACOPOEA BORUSSICA. Pharmacopoea Borussica, oder Preussische Pharmacopoe. JUCH (HERMANN PAULUS). - -- praes. Diss. ... de empyemate, quarr ... submittit auctor J.C. Hennigk. Erfordiae (1748.) QP. 825/25. - -- resp. See STAHL (G.E.) praes. JUCHEM (CHRISTIANUS HENDRICUS VAN). - -- Diss. med de variolis, atque actione miasmatis variolosi. Lugd. Bat., 1755. QP. 1108/3. JUCHHOFF (RUDOLF). - -- Aus der Welt des Bibliothekars. Festschrift für Rudolf Juchhoff zum 65. Geburtstag. Hrsg. von K. Ohly und W. Krieg. Köln, 1961. .02(43) Juc. - -- Kölner Schule; Festgabe zum 60. Geburtstag von Rudolf Juchhoff ... Hrsg. von H. Corsten und G. Lohse. [Arb. a. d. Bibl. Lehrinst. d. Landes Nordrhein -Westfalen, Hft. 7.] Köln, 1957. .0204 Juc. - -- Sammelkatalog der biographischen und literarkritischen Werke zu englischen Schriftstellern des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts, 1830 -1958; Verzeichnis der Bestände in deutschen Bibliotheken. Unter Mitarbeit von H. Föhl zusammengestellt von R.J. Krefeld, n.d. Ref. .82016 Juc. JUCIUS (MICHAEL JAMES). - -- Personnel management. Rev. ed. 3rd pr. Chicago, 1951. 6583 .aa JUCKER (ERNST). - -- See KARRER (P.) and J. (E.) JUCKER (HANS). - -- Vom Verhältnis der Römer zur bildenden Kunst der Griechen. Frankfurt am Main [1950.] 07)1-11. 7(5q) 7C37 -3s) JUG. JUCKER- FLEETWOOD (ERIN ELVER). - -- Economic theory and policy in Finland, 1914 -1925. [Basle Centre for Econ. and Financial Res. Publ. Ser. B, No. 1.] Oxford [1958.1 .33(471) Juc. - -- Money and finance in Africa; the experience of Ghana, Morocco, Nigeria, the Rhodesias and Nyasaland, the Sudan, and Tunisia, from the establishment of their central banks until 1962. [Basle Centre for Econ. and Financial Res. Ser. B, No. 6.] Lond., 1964. C.A.S. ADDITIONS JUCHHOFF (RUDOLF) . - -- Kleine Schriften zur Frühdruckforschung. Mit einem Vorwort von W. Schmidt. Hrsg. von R. Mummendey. [Bonner Beitr. zur Bibl. und Bücherkunde, Bd. 24.] Bonn, 1973. .6551 Juc. JUCKES (L.M.). - -- The geology of north -eastern Heimefrontfjella, Dronning Maud Land. [Brit. Antarctic Surv. Scient. Rep. No. 65.] Lond., 1972. F .5083(99) Bri. JUCKUFF (EMIL). - -- Versuche zur Auffindung eines Dosirungsgesetzes: eine toxicologisch- mathematische Studie. Leipzig, 1895. U. 1292/1. JUCQUOIS (GUY). - -- Phonetique comparee des dialectes moyen -Babyloniens du nord et de j'ouest. [Louvain, Univ. Inst. Orient. Bibl. du Museon, Vol. 53.] Louvain, 1966. .4921915 Juc. - -- and DEVLAMMINCK (BERNARD). - -- comps. Complements aux dictionnaires etymologiques du grec ancien. Tom. 1. [Bibl. des Cahiers de l'Inst. de Linguistique de Louvain, 8.] Louvain. Ref. .4 Gre /1 Juc. 1. A-K. 1977. JUCUNDUS (JOANNES) Veronensis. - -- ed. Libri de re rustica; M. Catonis lib. I, M. Terentii Varronis lib. III, L. Iunii Moderati Columellae lib. XII, eiusdem De arboribus liber ... Palladii lib XIIII. De duobus dierum generibus, sinulq; de umbris, & horis, qua_e apud Palladium [by A.P._Manutius] ... Georgij Alexandrini enarrationes priscarum dictionum, quae in his libris Catonis, Varronis, Columellae. Venetiis, 1514. *K.26.13. - -- See BRENZONI (RAFFAELLO). Fra Giovanni Giocondo Veronese. JUD (JAKOB). - -- Romanische Sprachgeschichte und Sprachgeographie; ausgewählte Aufsätze. Hrsg. von K. Huber und G. Ineichen. Zürich [1973.] .479104 Jud. - -- Sache, Ort und Wort. Jakob Jud zum sechzigsten Geburtstag, 12. Januar 1942. [ Romanica Helvetica, Ser. Ling. 20.] Geneve, 1943. Bn.14. - -- Jakob Jud, 12. Januar 1882 bis 15. Juni 1952, zum Gedächtnis. n.p. [1952 ?] P .L79104 Jud. - -- See JABERG (K.) and J. (J.). JUD- SCHMID (ELISEBETH). - -- Der indefinite Agens von Chaucer bis Shakespeare; die Wörter und Wendungen für "man". [Schweiz. Anglist. Arbeit. Bd. 39.] Bern, pr. 1956. .4255 Jud. "JUD Süss "; Filmprotokoll Programmheft und Einzelanalysen. [By] F. Knilli, T. Mauser ... Land others]. [Preprints 2. Medienwiss. 2.] Berlin, 1983. .79143(43086) Jud. JUDA (ANNELY) FINE ART. See ANNELY JUDA FINE ART. JUDA (LEO). - -- Catechismus Christliche klare und einfalte ynleitung in den Willenn ... Gottes ... [With preface by H. Bullinger.] Zürich (1534.) Dd.9.60. [Continued overleaf.] JUDA (LEO) [continued]. - -- Des Iydens Jesu Christi gantze uss den vier Euangelistenn geeingte historia mit Christlicher klarer und einfalter usslegung, etc. Zürich, 1534. Dd.9.62. - -- Der urstende Jesu Christi mit vorgestelter begrebtnuss ouch volgender himelfart und sendung dess Heiligen geistes Evangelische historia, etc. [With preface by H. Bullinger.] Zürich [1529 ?] Dd.9.61. JUDA BEN NISSIM IBN MALKA. - -- See VAJDA (G.). Juda ben Nissim ibn Malka, philosophe juif marocain. JUDAH, ben Balani. - -- See WICKES (W.) ... A treatise on the accentuation of the three . poetical books of the Old Testament ... With an appendix containing the treatise, assigned to R. Jehuda Ben -Bil am, on the same subject, in the original Arabic. [An _abridgement of the author's larger work entitled, Hidayat al- kari.1 JUDAH, ben Samuel, the Levite. See HALLEWI. JUDAH, ben Saul Aben Thibbon. See AREN TYBBON (JUDAH). JUDAH, the Holy. - -- ... The sentences and proverbs of the ancient fathers. In six chapters, called, Abouth. Written ... in Ebrew, and compiled by Rabbi surnamed R. Jehudah the Holy ... now tr. ... with ... comments of ... Maimonides. By a primitive Ebrew. Lond., 1772. C.21.30/1. JUDAH, the Prince. See JUDAH, the Holy. JUDAH (CHARLES BURNET). - -- The North American fisheries and British policy to 1713. [Illinois Stud. in the Soc. Sci. XVIII. 3 -4.1 Urbana, Illinois, 1933. - -- See SMITH (GEORGE WINSTON) and J. (C.B.) ADDITIONS JUDAH, ben Samuel, he- Hasid. - -- Das Buch der Frommen [Sefer Hasidim], nach der Rezension in Cod. de Rossi No. 1133 zum ersten Male hrsg. und mit Anmerkungen versehen von Jehuda Wistinetzki. 2. Aufl. mit Einleittung und Registern von J. Freimann. Jerusalem, 1969. New Coll. Lib. *** Photographic repr. of Frankfurt, 1924, ed. JUDAH BEN SOLOMON CAMPANTON. See CAMPANTON. JUDAH IBN HABIB. - -- (Index to Talmudic passages cited in 'En Ya cakob. Compiled by S.P. Fraenkel.1 [Heb.1 Krakau, 1877. O.S. .29604/1 JUDAISM AND THE BEGINNINGS OF CHRISTIANITY. See UNION OF JEWISH LITERARY SOCIET'IES. JUDAISM AT THE WORLD'S PARLIAMENT OF RELIGIONS, etc. See UNION OF AMERICAN HEBREW CONGREGATIONS, ed. JUDAY (CHANCEY). - -- See BIRGE (E.A.) and J. (C.) JUDD (ARCHIBALD REYNOLDS). - -- Diseases of the chest: diagnosis and treatment. Philadelphia, 1947. C.M.L. JUDD ( ARNOLD FREDERICK). - -- The life of Thomas Bekynton, secretary to King Henry VI and Bishop of Bath and Wells, 1443 -1465. Chichester pr. [1961.1 .27(42043) Bec. Jud. - -- Another copy. .27(42043) Bec. Jud. JUDD (CHARLES HUBBARD). - -- Educational psychology. Lond. [1939.] .37015 Jud. - -- Genetic psychology for teachers. [Int. Educ. Ser.] Lond., 1903. O.S. .37015 Jud. Another copy, R.R. (Psych.) [Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS JUDAICA; Beiträge zum Verständnis des jüdischen Schicksals in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. Bd. 1- 1945 - Zürich. New Coll. Lib. JUDAISM on trial; Jewish -Christian disputations in the Middle Ages. Ed. and tr. by H. Maccoby. [The Littman Lib. of Jewish Civil.] Rutherford, N.J. [1982.] .296(4017) Jud. Includes translations of the disputations at Barcelona, Paris and Tortosa. - -- Another copy. Hist. Lib. JUDAS ISCARIOT. - -- See JENS (WALTER). Der Fall Judas. - -- See BORODIN (GEORGE). The man of Kerioth; the story of Judas. - -- See HAND (WAYLAND DEBS). A dictionary of words and idioms associated with J.I. - -- See CALLAGHAN (MORLEY). A time for Judas. JUDD (A.M.). --- Fast breeder reactors; an engineering introduction. [Pergamon Int. Lib.] Oxford, 1981. Engin. Lib. JUDD (CHARLES HUBBARD) [continued]. u.. tr1o. - -- Introduction to the scientific study of education. Boston, 1918. .3701 Jud. Psychology: general introduction. Vol. 1. Lond., 1908. JUDD (DEANE BREWSTER). - -- and WYSZECKI (GUNTER). - -- Color in business, science and industry. 2nd ed. New York [1963.] .5356:.6 Jud. JUDD (DENIS). - -- Balfour and the British Empire; a study in imperial evolution, 1874-1932. Lond., 1968. .9(42081 -083) Bal. Jud. JUDD (GERRIT PARMELE). - -- Members of Parliament, 1734 -1832. [Yale Hist. Publ. Misc. 61.] New Haven, 1955. D13.12.3 . g4..3,2 7(42o0Z- 07S)o1z JUDD (Mrs. HELEN O.). - -- See GARDINER (R.K.) and J. (Mrs. H.0.) JUDD (JEAN OLIVE). - -- Advanced exercises in English for foreign students. 5th impr. Lond., 1955. English (For. Stud.) Lib. - -- English conversation for foreign students. Lond., 1958. Appl. Ling. Lib. ADDITIONS JUDD (CHARLES M.). - -- and KENNY (DAVID A.). - -- Estimating the effects of social interventions. Cambridge, 1981. .3616(73) Jud. JUDD (D.R.). - -- Use of files. [Computer Mon.] Lond. [1973.] JCM Lib. JUDD ( DENIS). - -- King George VI, 1895 -1952. Lond., 1982. .9(42084) Jud. - - The Boer War. General editor: L. Kennedy. LBritish at War Ser.] Lond., 1977. .9(682) Jud. - -- The Crimean War. [The British at War.] Lond., 1976. .9(4707) Jud. JUDD (JACOB). - See EAST (ROBERT ABRAHAM) and J. (J.) - -- and POLISHOCK (IRWiIN H.). - -- eds. Aspects of early New York society and politics. See ASPECTS ... JUDD (JOHN WESLEY) . - -- Volcanoes, what they are and what they teach. [Int. Sci. Ser. 35.1 Lond., 1881. O.S. .55121 Jud. --- 2nd ed. Lond., 1881. O.S. .55121 Jud. --- 6th ed. Lond., 1903. O.S. .55121 Jud. JUDD (NEIL MERTON). - -- Archeological observations north of the Rio Colorado. [Smithsonian Inst. Bureau of American Ethnol. Bull. 82.1 Washington, 1926. .571(792) Jud. - -- Another copy. Soc. Anthrop. Lib. JUDD (WILLIAM ROBERT). - --
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