THE LONDON GAZETTE, 25 FEBRUARY, 1921. 1639 No. of Matter— 1062 of 1920. SITDOWN, George Nelson, Jackson^fcreet, Coajville, Date of Order— Feb. 21, 1921. in the county of Leicester. FRUITERER. Date of Filing Petition— Dec. 17, 1920. Court—B!URTQN-<0 N-'TREINT. No. of Matter—2 of 1921. •GORDON, Malcolm Thomas Birch, residing at 2, Date of Order--Feb. 23, 1921. Beverley-road, Chiswick, Middlesex, at present Date of Filing Petition—Jan. 13, 1921. employed at 165, King-street, Hammersmith, and lately carrying on business at 20, Western SMITH, Sidney Henry Weymouth, Slip Hill Broadway, King-street, Hammersmith, London, Cottages, Hastingleigh, in the county of Kent, under the style of THOMAS GORDON. lately residing and carrying on business a.s a Lately ELECTRICAL and GENERAL MER- FISHMONGER at 28, High-street, Wye, in the CHANT, now TRAVELLER. said county. Of no occupation. Cour^HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. Court—CANTERBURY. No. of Matter— 224 of 1921. No. of Matter—8 of 1921. Date of Order— Feb. 22, 1921. Date of Order—Fe>b. 22, 1921. Date of Filing Petition— Feb. 22, 1921. Date of Filing Petition—Feb. 22, 1921. JOSEPH, Fanny, 113, Redmans-road, Stepney, DENBY, John, residing at Kingsholme, Kingsland- London, E. 1. FANCY DRAPER and UNDER- avenue, in the city of Coventry, and carrying on CLOTHING MANUFACTURER. business, as JOHN DE'NBY & CO., at 21, Upper- Courl^-HlGH COURT OF JUSTICE. Well-street, in the said city of Coventry. No. of Matter— 223 of 1WJ1. Couri^-COVENTRY. Date of Order— Feb. 22, 1921. No. of Matter—6 of 1921. Date of Filing Petition— Feb. 22, 1921. Date of Order—Feb. 22, 1921. Date of Filing Petition—Feb. 22, 1921. MANN, William, " Greenbank," Camborne-road, ROGERS, Albert Edward, residing and carrying on Sutton, Surrey ; MANN, Francis, 66, Turney- •business at 50, Abbey-street, Nuneaton, in the rqad, West Dulwieh, London; and HOSEY, county of Warwick. DRAPER and HOSIER. Joseph Patrick, 20, Bishops-road, London, carry- Court—COVENTRY. ing on business, under the style of " MANN & No. of Matter—7 of 1921. COOK," at 7, St. Michael's-alley, Cornhill, Date of Order—Feb. 22, 1921. London, E.G., and also at 8, Chatham-street, Date of Filing Petition—Feb. 22, 1921. Manchester ; Royal Liver Buildings, Liverpool : 120, Broadway, New York ; Via San Lorenzo No. 11 int. 20 Genoa ; Oppert 74 Rotterdam, and 247, HOBBS, John Thomas, Horley Land Farm, Horley, George-street, Sydney, Australia. PRODUCE ' Surrey. PEAT FUEL MERCHANT. MERCHANTS. Court—CROYDON. Court^HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter—6 of 1921. No. of Matter— 229 of 1021. Date of Order—Feb. 19, 1921. Date of Order— Feb. 23, 1921. Date .of Filing Petition—Jan.. 29, 1921. Date of Filing Petition— Feb. 23, 1921. PRESTON, Arthur, residing at and carrying on SHAW, Frank Barker, residing <at 51, Mayes-road, business at 48, Mill-street, off Bridge-street, Wood Green, N. 22, and SHAW, Ernest Orriss, • Morley, in the county of York. FARMER. residing at 109, North View-road. Hornsey, N. 8, Court—DEWSBURY. trading together in co-partnership as SHAW No. of Matter—3 of 1921. BROS., at 8, Hoxton -square, London. MANU- Date of Order—Feb. 22, 1921. FACTURING UPHOLSTERERS. Date of Filing Petition—Feb. 22, 1921. Court— HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter— 237 of 1921. 'HARLEY, Henry, The Loving Lamb Inn, Netherton, Date of Order— Feb. 23, 1921. in the borough, of Dudley, in the county of Date of Filing Petition— Feb. 23, 1921. Worcester. LICENSED VICTUALLER. Court^-DUD.LEY. , Ruiben, .residing at 91, Rutland-street, No. of Matter—1 of 1921. Mile End, London, and carrying, on business at Date of Order—Feb. 23, 1921. 4/5, Love-lane, Woodnsta-eet, in tihe city of Date of Filing Petition—Feb. 23, 1921. London. COSTUME and MANTLE MANU- FAC1TJRER. CROME, William Wilson, 1, Kew-road, Cleethorpes, Court— HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. lately carrying on business at the Fish Docks, No. of Matter— 501 of 1921. Great Grimsby, under the name of WILLIAM Date of Order— Feb. 22, 1921. ' CROME, FISH MERCHANT. FISH BUYER. Date of Filing Petition— Feb. 18, 1921. Court—GREAT GRIMSBY. No. of Matter—5 of 1921. ' ROBINSON, Richard, 40, Dean -street, Bangor, in the Date of Order—Feb. 21, 1921. county of Carnarvon. LABOURER and Date of Filing Petition—Feb. 21, 1921. GROCER and DRAPER, Court— BANGOR. WHITHAM, Arthur, " Westcott," Lowestoft-road, No. of Matter— 3 of 1921. Gorleston-on-Sea, Suffolk, MANAGING DIREC- Date of Order— Feb. 23, 1921. TOR of the ALPHA CLOTHING COMPANY Date of Filing Petition— Feb. 23, 1921. Limited, trading at 17, 18, 19 and 20, Alpha-road, S'outhtown, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk. FOX, Albert Edward, Lower Close Farm Salterfovfoh Court—GREAT YARMOUTH. Yorkshire. FARMER. No. of Matter—1 of 1921 Court^BRADFORD . Date of Order—Feb. 22, 1921. No. of .Matter— 7 of 1921. Date of Filing Petition—Feb. 2, 1921. Date of Order— Feb. 21, 1921. Date of Filing Petition— Feb. 21, 1921. MUNNINGS, Frederick Tansley, 2, Pelham-cres- cent, Hastings, in the county of Sussex, and READ, Normian, 58, Jesmond-avenue, Toller-lane, lately residing at " The Limes," 32, Beaufort- Manningihain, and 460, Thornton-road, Girling- road, West Southbourne, Bournemouth, in the ton, toth in the city of Bradford. TAILOR county of Hants. Coiirii^-BRADFORD. Couri^POOLE and BOURNEMOUTH. No. of Matter— 8 of 1921. No. of Matter—3 of 1921. Date of Order— .Feb. 21, 1921. Date of Order—Feb. 23, 1921. Date of Filing Petition— Feb. 21, 1921. Date of Filing Petition-^Jan. 26, 1921. • LLOYD. Frederick William (described in the Re- SAUNDERS, Ernest Basil, 2, Sussex-terrace, South- ceiving Order as F. W. Lloyd (Male)), 7, Christ- sea, Hants. Late TEMPORARY .CAPTAIN, mas-street, Bristol. COTTO'N MERCHANT H.M. ARMY, now of no occupation. Court^-BRISTOL. Court—PORTSMOUTH. No. of 'Matter— 13 of 1920. No. of Matter—3 of 1921. Date of Order— Feb. 23, 1921. Date of Order—Feb. 22, 1921. Date of Filing Pdtation— Nov. 5/ 1920. Date of Filing Petition—Feb. 22 1921..
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