YEAR BOOK OF TIlE American Clan Gregor Society CONT INI T TH E PR CEEDI TGS OF T HE TWEITTY-FIRST AN AL AT HE RII G THE AMERICA CLAN GREGOR SOCIETY JOliN B OWI E F ER N EYII OUGII, Editor Richmond, Virginia C OI'Y"k IClfT, 1931 BY JOHN B OWIE FEIUIEYHOUCH , Editor ev.TI.. I'....... Geo.....n h co" o U TIl" Ito"._... Vi..... .... OFF ICERS, 1930 HEREDITARY CIII EF S ill M ALCOLM '-lAcGR.EGOk or l\lAcGIlEGO a, BAkONET Loc}u flrnlu od, Scotland E CB E RT W ATS O N M AGRUDER .•••.••••..••.••.•••••••••••• • ClI i,jtain R OBEaT L EE l\UCI.UDEk , JR .........• .... Ranli" , Dtputy Chi4ta jn K ENNETH D ANN 1l.UCRUDE Il • ••.•• •. ••••••••.•••••••••• ••••. • Scrjb, Mu . O. O. V AN DE N' Bn.G ••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••.• Rt tU lrar M ISS ~IlY TU EJ.ESE HI LL . ••••••••••• • •••• • •••••••• ,_ •• ,lliJtoritHt J OH N E DWI N !\{UNCAST Ek • • •••• •••••••••• •• •••••• ••• • •• ••• Treasurer J OHNB OWIE F E II.N EYHOUGH •••••••••••••••••• •• • • •• • •••••• . Ediior R Ev. ENOCH MAGRUDER THO),lPSO N ••••• •••••••• ••• ••• ••• , .ChlJplain ALEXA NDEa M ONCASTEk • • • •••• •• •••••••••••••• • ••••••" ,ClIiJ1lu l/or DR. S TEUAIlT BIlOWN M U NCASTEIl ••.••• • •• • ••••••• •••••••• • S urg,on M IlS. A NNE W ADE S HE IlIFF • • ••• • • •• •••• • •• • • • ••••••• • D"",y Scrib, THE COUNCIL Da. R OIIE kT E. F EkNEYHOUGH W I LLl A. M P INKNEY M A. GRUDE R. CALEB CU.kKE ~UGk UD E k C UMENT W . S n U,l FF Ds . H E NkY B . M CO ONNELL Mas. 1~IIl LIP H I LL S HERIFF Mree REBECCA M . M AcGRECOIl MISS F LORENCE E. S MIT li O LiVEIl B . MACRUD Ek H E NRY l\UCIlUDE Il T AYLOR OEPlITY CHIEFTA INS (Up to the time t hat this Year Book went to pre.., no changes had been made in the lilt of deputy chieftains except for Florida, where M rs Mable M agruder Permenter of J acksonville has undertaken the duties of this important poaition.] - SPECIAL COM irrrers PROGRAM Robert Lee Magruder, j r., Caleb Clarke 1agruder, Kenneth Dann Magruder. PINE Caleb Clarke Magruder. H OT E L Clement \ illiam Sheriff. REGISTRATION Oliver Barron Magruder, DECORATION OF HALL l\liss Mary Therese Hill, Mrs. Clement \ illiam Sheriff, Mrs. P hilip H. Sheriff, Miss Rebecca M. MacGregor. },,[EMORIALS aleb Clarke Magruder,Iiss Mary The rese Hill, Alexander Mu n­ caster. CONTENTS Page PROC E E DI NGS o r TH E GATHEIl IN G o r 19 30. .. .. 7 DESCENDA NT S OF 1 IA GRU D E R REV OLUTIONARY SOLDIElls - K ,,,n.rtn Dan71 Magrudlf . II NOTES AND Q UERI ES . ..... ... .. .. .. _• .• " .• . _ • •• •• 27 B EALL, A NNE .... •.. .. ..... .. .•• . .. .•.• •. •. ••.• •• 27 BEALL, C APTAIN Z E P HA NIA II . .. •• •. ••• •• 27 1\ IA GRU D E R S OL DIE RS ANDS AI LOR S OF THE S PAS IS II-AMER IC S \VAk A ND P HILLlPl S !': IsSUltkECTlO s -Cal t'b Cladu Jt agr/fd" . 28 )'IAGIlUDER, GENEkAL J OHN BANKHEAD, C. S. A., I S THE P U liN SU­ LAg CAMPAIGN , ~!.A Il CH -JU LY . t 862- 11u lry ,\lagrlld,., Taylor. 32 A M ARYLAND EXODu s-X,dfi,. Il'ailu Brandon . 36 EXTRACTS fROM LEITE IIS \\'RITTEN BY S Ol iE :\lACR UDE RS I N ARKAN- SAS AND !\h SSISSU'p!-Il, lr ll 1I'0({, . AD DRESS AT S AIN T PA UL' S C HUll CH, O CTOIIE R 17, 19 3(}-Rro. Charln E. Crll.Sol.', D, D ..... .. .. .. .. .. .,, ' 6 S ILVE R, Mas. ~ IARY A SN GllAY-Gra y Silwr . '9 G OODWYS", D OIlA LEE I h:DGES-Mary II. O. Rodgl.'rl., ,. 51 B UJ>EY, 1\b.s. J OIi N S PES-CEil-Alia .1fagruda Oukry .. " , . 52 GEDDES, A NNIE R EED I !lLL- S ul i.. •\fay C..dda tan dl.'n 'O..rg , 54 M AGRUDER, WILLIAl' R OIIERT-ll'illm Clark M agrudl.' r. , . ...•.. , 55 M AGRUOEll, GEORGE ~hTCIi ELL- .Ma b d .lfar.rll. da P l.' rm..nUr . 56 M AGRUDE R, RICKARD BKookE- Edward F. Fish" . ,., ,. 59 MAGII.UDER, J OHN BULL-Mary Thera.. lIill , . 61 O GDEN, MRS . ELEANOR EUZA IIET II G ll EGOll y - j an.. Jr . C'..gory .. 63 LYL ES, ~ fRS. S TELLA P E NDLETOs--lJa b..1 S n),dl.',.,., . 64 ?\.IAG RlIDEll, LAMAR L AFAyETT E , ., .. GASSAWAY, 1 111S. H E LEN . ..•, •• . 65 MAGll ll DEll, J OSEPH ALVA BUlLE R ECORD OF •. .. .•.. ... 66 NEWS OF D Ull MUIIIEIl;;. 68 LIFT OF ~ I EM Ii E ll S , . .. ,., • •... 73 ILLUSTRAT IONS MAGRlIOn, T UOM AS j £FF£Jl.SON Facing Page 14 GOO DWYN, D ORA LEE H EDGES. ... .. 51 B UK EY , R OBEIlTA J ULI A M AGIl UDEIl . " 52 GEDDES, A NNIE R EED HILL . " 54 1 UGIlUDE Il, WILLlA.. R OBERT . 56 11AGIlUD ER, G EOIlGE 1 11TCH I:LL... ... .............•.. " 58 1-UGR UD EIl , J OH N BEALL .... .....•... ........... ... 62 O GD EN, E LEANOIl ELIZABETH GaEGOIlY..•. ..... ..... " 64 1 PROCE EDINGS OF THE GATHERING OF 1930 TnURSDAY, O CTOBER 16, 3 P. M. T he Societ y was called to order in the Gridiron Room of the \ illard Hotel, Washington, D. C., by the Chieft ain, Rev. James Mitchell Ma­ grud er, D. D., announcing the twenty-first annual gat hering of th e American Clan Gregor Society. Invocati on was by the Chaplain of the Societ y, Rev. Enoch M agruder Thompson. The report of the Scribe, Robert Lee Magruder, Jr., pointed out that minutes of the 1929 gathering had been published in the Year Book of th e Society. He stressed th at our addr ess list of members was incorrect, owing to failure of members to notify of changes in address. He announced tha t only two bible records had been submitted durin g the rear and urged the importance of members sending in certified copies of such record for preservation in the year book. He urged the membe rs to renew interest in the organization by attend ance at the annual gatherings and securing new members, together with furnishing items of general inte rest relati ve to families of Clan members. The report of the Registrar, M rs, O. O. Van den Berg, showed that only four new members had become affi liated with the Society during th e year, namely: 675 Mrs. Gertrude Berry Patterson, 322 W. Center St., Fostoria, Ohio. 676 Miss Mary Adelaide Jenkins, Hunting Ridge, Edmondson and Swan Ave., Baltimore, Md. 678 Irs. Wilson B. Da vis (jennie L. Embry) 944 Green St., Augu sta, Ga. 679 Mrs. Joseph F. Bartoli (Addie Lou Davis) 125 East 106th St., New York, N. Y. Th e Registrar announced with regret that the appli cations of Dr. Henry Allan Gleason, of New York Cit y, and Mr. and Mrs. George Brick Smith, of ewport ews, Va., were of necessity refused, owing to lack of data. Ea ch of the se app licants would add much to the personnel of our Society and it is hoped th e missing information will be found. Mrs . Van den Berg further stated th at she had purchased a bolt of ribbon in the Ma cGregor plaid, from which to cut badges for new mem­ bers. Th e report of the Historian, Mi ss Mary Th erese Hill, showed the following deaths : 113 Robert Lee Magruder, Sr Born 1856, Died 1929 252 Mrs. Helen Mun caster assaway Born 1863, Died 1930 287 Mrs. W. Samuel Goodwyn Born 1863, Died 1929 8 Mrs. John Spencer Bukey Born 1851, Died 1930 372 Mrs. Albert L. Lyles Born 1871, Died 1930 7 8 A M Y-RICAN CLAN GREGOR SOCIET\' 643 M rs. E leanor E. Gregory Ogden Born I 63, Died 192 396 Robert Edward F rneyhough, Jr Born 191·1, Died 1930 424 William Robert Iagruder Born I olD, Died 1930 425 Mrs. William Robert Iagruder . Born I 52, Died 1930 343 Mrs. J anet Boyd Leadbeater Born I -2, Died 1929 627 Mrs. Minnie lagru der Harrisan Born I 6 , Died 1930 305 Richa rd Brooke Magruder Born I 67, Died 1930 The Historian reported the following births to members: T o Mr. and Mrs. William M agruder Hurst, , ashin gton, D. c., a daughter. T o l\lr. and ! Irs. nthony [orman Bailey Landr au, Washin gton, D. C., a son. T o Mr. and Irs. William Halls Sheriff, Washin gton, D. ., a son. To l\lr. and ! Irs. Willett Clark Magruder, j r., Louisville, Ky., a dau liter. The report of the Editor, John Bowie Ferneyhough, sta t d th at the 1929 Year Book of th e American Ian regor Society had been is ued and a copy mailed to each member whose due s had been paid through th e yea r 192 , and that a supply of th e 1929 Year Books was in the hands of th e Treasurer for sale to those who desire to purchase them. Th report of th Tr asur r, J ohn . dwin luncaster, showed th e following financial statement : R ceipts from Du es of 192 $ 23 .00 Ree ipts from Du es of 1929. ... .. .. 32·1.00 Receipts from Du s of 1930 .. ... 25 .00 Receipts from Du es of 1931. .. .......... 5 .00 Total from D ues . $377 .00 heck of Mrs. H. E. Magrud er . 100 .00 Refund overpayment •. Eng. 0 . 4.45 Balance on hand Oct. 20, 1929 . 51.86 Total Receipts $533 .3 1 EXPENDITURES Post ge and Printing Hi storian . $ 2 .75 Editor . 19 . 34 Trea urer . 3.8 7 Program s 1929 .
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