Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards Vol. 55, No.6, December 1955 Research Paper 2638 Heats of Combustion of Liquid n-Hexadecane, I-Hexadec­ ene, n- Decylbenzene, n-Decylcyclohexane, n-Decyl­ cyclopentane, and the Variation of Heat of Combustion With Chain Lengthl Frances Maron Fraser and Edward 1. Prosen The heats of combust ion of five h ighly purified long-chain liquid h.vdrocil.rbon~ "'ere meas ured ",ith a bomb calorimeter. The calor imetric data y ield t he folloll'ing \'alues for the h eat~ of combus tiOIl , - t1 f1 cO(25° e), of the li quid hydrocarbon wilh gaseous Ox.'·gE' 1l to form gaseous carbon dioxide and liqu id water; .l k ii ocalorie = 4.1840 kilo joule. n-D ecylbellzene = 2340.58 ± 0.42 kcal/ mole J-Hexadece ne = 2519.17 ± 0.44 n- llexadecane = 2557.15 ± 0.42 n-Dccdcyclohexanc = 249', .90 ± 0.4. :3 n-Decy"lcy'c loppntane = 2;)47 .54 ± 0.'1 G It i~ sholl' n tha, t , in the liquid as \\'('11 as in the gascous s tat e, the incrc mc nt in the h(' a t of combustion (and hence in the heat of formation) prr ('H , group added in the li-alk.\·1 sid e chain is a co nsta.nt excepL fo r the fi rst (\\'0 l1l emben' of the .'ie r ie s, and tha t (his incre me nt ha~ lh(' same value for each of (hese s('ries of compounds. 1. Introduction measlll'ed. Lt was fou nd that the measured heals agree , wiLhill Lhe limits of expCl'im ental errol' , with Thi invcs tigfttion is a co nlinuation of Lh e program those calculated usin g the increment 156.26 pel' CIT 2 [1 , 2, ;~, 4] 2 o n the determination of some of Lhe group aelded in the II-alkyl side chain. the rm od~~ llfimic p roperties of compounds of impor­ This agreement shows thaL Lhe JleaLs of combustion tance ill Lhc Iialional synLhetic rubbcr program . In of liqu id h.Hlrocarbons may be expressed b)' all the s tud.\~ of the processes of polymerization and de­ equation of the form t:.I1c= A + Hm , m> 1. A is a po l~~ mN i zaL i o ll , it is im por tanL lo have the r mod~ ~ ­ constant characterislic of lbe homologolls se ri es; B is Jlamic dala for the compounds in tile li q uid as well the constant for tiJeincreasc in the heal of combus­ as in tlie gaseous state, and daLa on the variation of Lio n pel' CHz group aclded ill the n-alkyl sid e chain , these properties wiLh carbon cha in length. Previous a nd is the same for all these series; and m is t he Illlm­ studies [5, 6] h ave shown thaL for several homologous bel' of carbon Rtom in t he side chain. cries of gaseous hydrocarbons the heat of combusL ion increases b~- a constant amounL upon Lhe addition of 2 . Units of Energy and Molecula r W eights each CH2 group in t he n-alk:r1 side chai n; the first few members of each series arc anomalous. In an The unit of el1 erg,\' upon which values reported in earlier paper [5J the variation , with chain length, in this paper a re based is the absolute joule (j ). Fo]' the heat of combustion was stutlied fo r the liquid conversiOll to the conven LionaJ th ermochemical normal paraffins. The increment 156.26 kcal pel' caloric, the relation, 1 cal = 4.1 40 j, is used . CH2 group was calculated, b ~' the method of least The molecular weight of carbon dioxide, the mass squares, from these experimelltal data. This incre­ of which was used to detE'l'min e the amou nt of reac­ ment, together with previously reported values for tion , was taken as 44.010, 'fr om the 1952 table of the heats of combusLion of the I-alkenes [2, 22 , 23 , 24J international atomic wei ghLs [7 ].3 alkylbenze ll es [19 , 20J n-al ky l c ~T elopentane s [21], and n-alkylc~T cloh('xa n es [2 1J was used to calculate values for tIle he ats of combusLion of higher members of 3. Method and Apparatus these series. Up Lo the present time there has been no experimental chec k on the validity of this extra­ The heats of combustion of t he compounds were polation. Therefore, it seemed desirable to measure determined b~- burning tho liquid samples in oxygen the heat of combustion of a higher member of each in a bomb, at constant volume. The procedure is cries. In t hi s in vestigation the heats of combustion similar to t hat ll sed in previous investigations [9, 10, of 1-hexadecene, n -c! ecylbenzene, n-d ecylc)Telopen­ 3 The value for the atomic weight of carbon has reoenU;' heell changed from lane, n-clec~-lc~~ cloh exa n e , and n-hexadecane were 12.010 [7] to 12.01l [8]. '['he m olecular weight of carbon dioxide was taken as 44.010 in this paper to retain consistellcy with valu es previously reported by 1 Tho work discussed herein was performed as a pa.rt of the research project the Thcrmochcm ical Labomtory for thc heats of formation of other hydrecarhons sponsored by the l'edernl Facili ties Corp., Office of Synthetic Rubber, in con­ and of carbon diox ide. T he "alucs of the heats of combustion PCI' mole of hydro· nection with the Oowrnment Synthetic liubber Program. earhon reported here can be co rrected fo r t he efTeet of the cha nge to the new 2 F igures ill hraekets indicate the literatm e references at tbe end of this paper. atomic weight of carbon by multiplication by the factor 4'1. 011 /44.010. 329 11,12]. The samples were sealed in weighed glass 4. Materials ampoules to prevent evaporation before the com­ bustion period. The filled ampoules were weighed The hydrocarbons were from the API- NBS serie and placed in a platinum crucible in the bomb, 1 ml of purified hydrocarbons. The assigned purities of of water was added to the bomb, and the bomb was these compounds in mole percent, as determined flushed and filled with purified oxygen to 30-atm from measurements of freezing points, were : I-hex­ pressure at 25 ° C. The internal volume of the adecene, 99.84 ± 0.18 ; n-decylbenzene, 99 .88 ± 0.10 ; bomb was 385 ml. The sample was ignited by n-hexadecane, 99.96 ± 0.04 ; n-decylcyclohexane, m eans of an iron wire fuse, 0.012 em in diameter and 99.86 ± 0.11 ; n-decylcyclopentane 99 .80 ± 0.18. 5 em long, coiled above the bulb. The amount of The impurities in each compound are believed to reaction was determined from the mass of carbon be isomeric and present in such small amounts that dioxide formed in the combustion. The heat of their effect on the heat of combustion is less than the reaction was referred to the final calorimeter tem­ estimated uncertainty assigned. perature of 28° C. Corrections were made for deviations from the standard calorimeter system, for 5. Experimental Results the heat contributed by the ignition process of heat­ ing and burning the iron wire fuse, and for the heat Table 1 lists the following data for the calibration produced by the fo rmation of nitric acid during the experiments: The experiment number; the mass of combustion. benzoic acid; Llel, the deviation from the standard A series of calorimetric combustion experiments calorimeter system ; LlRc, the corrected increase in was made with each of the following substances: temperature of the calorimeter system ; gi, the cor­ 1-hexadecene, n-decylbenzene, n -hexadecane, n-dec­ rection for ignition energy; qn, the correction for tbe ylcyclohexane, n-decylcyclopentane, and benzoic formation of nitric acid; and E s , the energy equiva­ acid (NBS Standard Sample 39g). All of the experi­ lent of the standard calorimeter system. m ents were performed in as much the same manner as possible. The same calorimeter system, platinum TABLE 1. Calibration experiments resistance thermometer (NBS No. 485), and Mueller resistance bridge (NBS No. 24530) were used for all Experi· Mass of ment benzoic g, E. of the experiments. The experiments with standard No. acid benzoic acid were carried out to determine the energy equivalent of the calorimeter system . Some g jJohm ohms j j jJohm I- I. 51226 15. 1 0.286180 34.1 6.3 139799. 7 of these combustion experiments on benzoic acid 2" I. 51221 16.5 . 286084 34. 3 5.7 139838. 9 were performed before and some after the experi­ 3- 1. 51426 14.3 . 286475 35. 0 4.9 139839. 1 4b I. 51471 5.5 . 286751 36. 1 21.0 139814.8 m ents on the hydrocarbons, to allow for any errors 5b 1. 51346 5.6 .286515 36.1 22.5 139819.9 6b I. 51315 5.6 . 286432 35.9 22.0 139829.3 whieh might result from changes in the calorimeter 7b 1. 51227 5.4 . 286292 35.5 22.2 139815.8 system with time. 8b I. 51279 5.5 .286390 35.0 22.0 139813.6 The heat of combustion of n-hexadecane had been M can. __________________ . __________ ._ ... _______ . ______ .___ __ __ 139821. 4 previously determined [10] in the Thermochemical Standard deviation of the mean ________________ .. _. ___ ._. __ .__ ±4. 8 Laboratory. The measurement was repeated as a general chec1>: on the procedure.
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