- FRIDAY • OCTOBER 1 Drunken minors face stiffer legislation By Tom Roeder 5138,add that a minor may not nant said. "If you're just drinking quietly said. be in a public place or ride in a opinion Editor Tennant admitted there are in your apartment, you aren't The police pass the duty of motor vehicle after consuming going to get caught," Tennant prosecuting minor in possession There is a law sure to spark alcohol. said. cases to Jim Kaufman and Denis heated conversation among the Local police dealt with 677 " If you're just Lt. N. Roy Manning of the Tracy. undercla.ssmen at Washington liquor law violations last year, Washington State University State UniversIty. according to reports. drinking quietly in Police Dept. said the problem of Kaufman, the Whitman police, prosecutors and coun- Sgt. Chris Tennant of the Pull- your apartment, minors in possession has been at County Prosecutor, said the law selors admit it is one of the most man Police Department said the a constant level at WSU for more as it stands represents "a mount- violated laws in our area. age limitations on alcohol are in you aren't going to than 20 years. ing concern in the community The law (RCW 66.44.270) place to assure that people who get caught. "Even during the drug culture· about youth and alcohol abuse. " stales in part, "It is unlawful for drink have attained the maturity of the '70s, alcohol abuse was and experience to do so responsi- Sergeant Chris Tennant Tracy, a Deputy Prosecutor, any person under the a~e of Pullman Police about the same," he said. twenty-one years to acquire or bly. A decrease in the societal tol- said, "The law is set up in the have in his possession or con- Those who are caught for vio- erance of alcohol abuse among hope that punishment will deter abuse. " sume any Iiquor. .. " lation of the minor in possession thousands of violations every minors has made the problem " The prosecutors fine first time Ne'" revisions, which took laws are typically (lilt of control year that 'go unnoticed by author more noticeable, and the enforce- effect in July under Senate bill and extremely irresponsible, Ten- ities. ment more stringent, Manning See MIP: page 3 Honors program gets high marks Discussing the future By Heather Lusco ranked with 14 other higher edu- and music to help students Daily Evergreen Staff cation institutions as "best buys remember historical concepts, as in the west." well as drawing on his personal Administrative cooperation and The 1993 recipient of the research to augment classroom stability made the WSU Honors Washington Professor of the material. Program one of Money maga- Year award spoke of his class- Outside of his classroom, zine's top picks nationwide, the room methods at the conference. Ashby plans to publish a biogra- director of the program said in a History professor LeRoy Ashby, who also won the award phy of the late Idaho Senator press conference Thursday. Frank Church in 1994. Director Vishnu Bhatia attrib- in 1990, emphasized he does not uted the program's status as one have a secret formula for success The conference included dis- of the nation' s top eight in in teaching. cussion of an experiment the "Money Guide: Best College "Every time I walk into a College of Business and Eco- Buys" to the supportive nature classroom with empty seats and nomics will begin in the fall in ofWSU. sleeping students, it's a reminder an effort to provide a hands-on "I have never been turned I'm not walking on water, I'm approach to beginning economics down for a reasonable request for drowning," Ashby said. classes. support in my 41 years on cam- However, he added three key The experiment will be pus," Bhatia said. ingredients to successful teaching designed to make economic situ- The magazine reported the 43- include informing, conveying ations more realistic - and thus year-old honors program offers enthusiasm for learning and more interesting, Ernst Stormdor- "Ivy League quality at. state showing learning can be enjoy- fer, associate dean of the College school prices." Approximately able. of Business and Economics, said. 700 undergraduates are enrolled Ashby accomplishes this by in the program. showcasing multi-media in his In the same article, WSU was lectures, using slides, videotapes See Honors: page 7 RHA discusses improprieties By Ian McDougall Cabinet member Dana Troske, They will discuss the proposal Daily Evergreen Staff the RHA public relations chair- to recall Jody Warren, RHA women, was not present for president. questioning at the meeting. The Residence Hall Associa- They will discuss Dana tion's council held an emergency Duncan Wilson, president of Troskes absence from Tuesday's meeting Tuesday night. the Scott-Coman halls, said the meeting. The four-hour meeting held in early meeting was held so the They will also discuss whether the lobby of McCroskey hall cen- council members could discuss they will accept the resignations tered on resolving the conflict their options without the presence of the four cabinet members who surrounding the purchase of a of cabinet. resigned on Monday over the $2,300 computer. Wilson said council has more controversy. Staff photo by Brian Mckenna The computer was purchased information on what happened Finally, they will attempt to GOV. Mike lowry addresses the specter of 1-601, 602 to an without council's approval. during the period when the com- find a solution. audience of approximately 70 people during a Thursday lun- puter was bought. cheon at the Pullman Quality Inn. The first session lasted from 8 According to the RHA consti- to 9:30 p.m. and included only "We have got everyone's tution, the council must follow a voting members of the RHA story, " he said. strict procedure if it chooses to council. "Everyone's been given a impeach Warren. Cabinet members entered at chance to say what they know INSIDE: and what they think." The council must circulate a 9:30 p.m. to answer questions petition for recall with the signa- about their role in the process of As a result of Tuesday's meet- tures of at least 20 percent of buying the computer. ing the council plans to hold council members, or nine people. Following the questioning another meeting on Monday, Recall proceedings must • Opinions council discussed its options Oct. 4 to decide on what action include a statement by the officer while cabinet members waited in they should take. up for recall and the person who p.4 another room. Wilson said there are five initiates the recall petition. points the RHA representati ves The council questioned the Council will vote on the recall • Sports seven cabinet members individu- are going to discuss with their issue by secret ballot. ally for ten minutes. constituents, which will then be raised at Monday's meeting. A three-quarters majority or 32 p.9 Council did not question the council members is required to freshman representative David The representatives will relate remove the person from office. the statements that were made • Borderline Reiter and the Resident Services Warren said she does not think officer Jennifer Shaver because during Tuesday's meeting, spe- Defense p.1 0 they were elected at Monday's cifically the breach of trust issue p.11 RHA meeting. between council and cabinet. See RHA: page 7 Page 2 The Daily Evergreen Friday, October 1, 1993 BRIEFS Land Delta Delta' Delta • KUGR Oktoberfest Album Toss presents Citizen Swing and Symon vvould liR'~,::,:·..to thank Asher. Come on out and catch a copy at noon today outside of Murrow grant days th~,···::-fol~I:~~:.i,p.g tower. Also, free passes to the Phi Sigma Kappa/Sigma Alpha Epsilon spon.:~·6·rsof Boys-····qt Bat! Oktoberfest will be included. .........• McDonald's of Moscow... • Farewell reception: A farewell reception will be held for two longtime kick off WSU employees, Josy Drury and Don Elting, from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. tonight in the CUB Jr. Ballroom. Refreshments will be served. The Agricultural Communica- :::=::::::::::::"':')" : ~~~~'~ut Joe's ~ tors of Tomorrow presented an • The African Friendship Assoc. will have a potluck/dance mixer to honorary button yesterday to Congra t u1at ion s/:'PRE start the new school year at 7 p.m. in the Chief Joe activity hall. President Sam Smith, kicking off Members and friends are invited. Bring a dish of your choice. the group's sales of the pins pro- ····::i~:.~..: I;l:~c~.:,...:~ moting WSU Land Grant Days. .1-601 and 1-602information is available from the League of Women The celebration, which begins and thanks toaU ..-,,*h6 participated! Voters. Cast an informed vote on Nov. 2. Call 332-77 49. Oct. 9, commemorates WSU's status as a land grant school. It was a great success! • Voters Registration: Registration for the Nov. 2 election must occur The Morrill Act of 1862 pro- on or before Oct. 2. Washington residents may register at the division vided grants of federal land to of Governmental Studies and Services, Johnson Tower 701. the state for the development of colleges and universities. • Acacia fraternity will host its annual sorority kickball tourney to The state accepted 190,000 benefit Shriner'S burn centers between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Saturday, acres to support WSU. Oct. 2. Come to the lighted 1Mfields and cheer on your favorite Events honoring Land Grant sorority. Days include the Washington State University-Arizona State . may • Filipino American student association barbecue and meeting will be University football game Oct.
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