Dear BAGA members, friends and family, BAGA screened the critically acclaimed Bengali movie Zulfiqar on 28th January followed by a “Meet I welcome you all to our biggest festival of joy, the and Greet: Q & A” with award-winning director Sharadiya Durga Puja, beginning with the Mahalaya Srijit Mukherjee. BAGA also screened the Bengali on September 23, followed by three days of Puja on hit movie Posto at Digimax Theate on 26th August September 29, 30 and October 1. Durga Puja is not allowing members to watch it on big screen. For the only a traditional religious celebration which tugs at the entertainment of BAGA sports fans, we have planned a heart strings of Bengalees everywhere, it is also the time Cricket match on 28th October for the first time. Please when we immerse ourselves in a cultural fest and enjoy attend in drove and provide encouragement to the a culinary feast. We hope that all of you will enjoy every players. moment of the days we planned for you. I am sure, all of us are looking forward to the religious and cultural I like to express my appreciation and extend my sincere programs, meals served on each day of festivity and thanks to the members of EC for their unflinching the shopping opportunities at the puja venue. May Ma support, the cultural coordinators, food coordinators, Durga bestow her blessings upon you all! and decoration committees, all subcommittees and countless volunteers for their dedication, diligent work This year, our cultural programs during the puja will and tireless devotion to their areas of responsibility. showcase our local talents and the invited guest artists, I owe a debt of gratitude to the parents of our child Anupam Roy (September 29), Surojit O Bondhura participants for the endless hours they spent for (September 30) and accomplished singers Soumen & rehearsal, costume design and stage setup. Bristilekha (October 1). We have also invited reputed vendors to present attractive merchandise at the venue My sincere thanks to the BAGA members who secured for your shopping pleasure. We beseech you all to advertisements in the tough environment to make patronize them generously. the publication possible. We are also grateful to all the advertisers, vendors and the generous donors named in To briefly summarize our past events, during our BAGA 2017 List of Donors. We apologize if we left any Saraswati Puja, BAGA launched the BAGABeatz, a name inadvertently. band of talented young musicians along with other children performances. The Ananda Utsav program I must acknowledge the dedication of the Publication celebrated the spring and was held on May 20. It was an committee for their tireless efforts and for the countless all-day event for families and friends with the taste of the hours spent to publish Pratichi. We are grateful for Bengali cuisine, the shops of specialty saris and designer art, poem and articles submitted, especially from the jewelry, and an entire day of mega-cultural productions. children. They are our future hope and asset. A special magazine Ankur honoring the great men of the past of Bengal was published on this occasion. Special thanks to publication and cultural committee and to the children for their arts & poems and articles. Joy Bhattacharjee Our Picnic on June 10 at Fort Yargo State Park was a President rousing success with about hundred people attending. We are also pleased to report that the momentum of increasing BAGA membership is continuing with about 30 new members joining during this period. 2 | 2 the west pṷ¡cL£u the lh£Ṓe¡b ay¡l ‘p‰£a¢QṐ¡’ ḍ®ṑ HL¢V AfÏhÑ Efj¡l E®õM L®l®Rez west n¡lc£u 2017 “ḍ¡®j qç¡u HL¢ce q¡V h®pz hvp®l HLh¡l ®jm¡ quz j¡eήol C¢aq¡®pJ ®ajeC HL HLV¡ kήN q¡®Vl ¢ce B®pz ®p¢ce ®k k¡l Bfe Bfe p¡jḍ£ T¥¢s®a L¢lu¡ B¢eu¡, f®ll p¡jḍ£ pwḍq L¢l®a B®pz ®p¢ce j¡eÎo h΢T®a f¡®l, HLj¡œ ¢e®Sl Evfæ ¢S¢e®o j¡eήol °ceÉ cịl qu e¡z h΢T®a f¡®l, ¢e®Sl IẆ®kÑÉl HLj¡œ p¡bÑLa¡ HC, ®k pṷ¡cL / Editor a¡q¡®a f®ll IẆkÑÉ f¡Ch¡l A¢dL¡l S_¡u”z pḩu j¡C¢a / Sanjoy Maity k¢cJ ¢a¢e p‰£a¢QṐ¡ ṥp®‰ H¢V ¢m®M®Re, ahÎJ h¢m, BS ay¡l HC Efj¡ A¢a E®õM®k¡NÉ Hhw pj®u¡f®k¡N£z h¡P¡¢ml HC h¡vp¢lL h«qšj ‘®jm¡u’ BS Bjl¡ pj®haz ¢Lž HC ®jm¡l jÏm E®ŸnÉ k¢c pq-pṷ¡cL / Co-editors AeÎd¡he L®l ®c¢M, pj¡S ¢hhaÑ®el p¡®b p¡®b HC Ni£l E®ŸnÉ®L A¢em Qœ²hšÑ£ / Anil Chakraberti ¢Lž Bl L¡m AfqlZ L®l ¢e®a f¡®l ¢ez fÏS¡l l£¢ae£¢a J ®m¡L¡Q¡l ®ke ¢hhaÑ®el S¡®m hy¡d¡z pj®ul p¡®b a¡l f¢lhaÑe ®p±¢jœ Q®–¡f¡dÉ¡u / Soumitra Chattopadhyay BhnÉL Hhw Aṥ¢a®l¡dÉJz BS®Ll HC pj¡®Sl f¢l®ṥ¢r®a fÏS¡l l¢ḉj ®pe / Raktim Sen BQ¡l¡eÎù¡®el ṥ®u¡Se B®R ¢L e¡C, ®pC ¢ha®LÑ e¡ Ss¡®mJ, HV¤L¥ ḍqe Ll®a ¢àd¡ e¡C ®k f®ll IẆkÑÉm¡®il ṥaÉ¡n¡ b¡L®m Bj¡®cl ¢eSü IẆkÑÉ ¢hal®Zl Cḟ¡®f¡oZJ BhnÉLz ṥ¢a¢eua pwh¡cfœ J AeÉ¡eÉ j¡dÉ®j Bjl¡ ®k pjẢ Ểcu¢hc¡lL pwh¡®c jÏqÉj¡e q®u E¢W, a¡l HL¢V ṥd¡e L¡lZ ®h¡dqu IẆkÑÉ ¢h¢ej®ul i¡lp¡®jÉl Ai¡hz ṥḟc / Cover Design ®eh¡l Bn¡, AbQ ®ch¡l A¢eḟ¡, H ®qe ‘BlJ Q¡C’ ṥh«¢š A¡j¡®cl pḩu j¡C¢a / Sanjoy Maity °ce¢ÿe S£h®el °el¡®nÉl ®h¡dqu HL ṥd¡e L¡lZ q®u E®W®Rz ¢Lž BS®Ll HC ¢c®e cy¡¢s®u Bjl¡ h΢T®a f¡¢l, ®k ®pC q¡®Vl ¢ce B¢pu¡®R, ®pC ®jm¡l ¢ce B¢pu¡®Rz Bj¡®cl ṥ®aÉ®Ll ¢eS ¢eS Arl ¢heÉ¡p / Typesetting p¡wúª¢aL IẆkÑÉ p¡jḍ£ p¡S¡Cu¡ Bjl¡ pj®haz ®ch£f®r HC öi pḩu j¡C¢a / Sanjoy Maity mN®e h¡N¡ X¡L ¢c®u®R HC h«qv ®jm¡lz ®pC IẆkÑÉ ¢h¢ej®ul ¢ce B¢pu¡®Rz Bj¡®cl T¥¢s a¡C BS L¡e¡u L¡e¡u fÏZÑz A¢em Qœ²hšÑ£ / Anil Chakraberti ṥ¢ah¡®ll ja HhRlJ h¡N¡l f¢l®hne¡u ṥL¡¢na q’m Bj¡®cl ¢ṥu n¡lc£u ‘ṥa£Q£’z Bn¡ L¢l ṥ¢ah¡®ll ja Hh¡lJ H¢V Bfe¡®cl ph¡l je Su L®l ®e®hz a®h HC ṥL¡ne¡l ®fR®e ky¡®cl Ap¡j¡eÉ Ahc¡e f¢lLŽe¡ J ếf¡ue / Planning & Layout l®u®R, ay¡®cl Lb¡ e¡ hm®m ®a¡ Q®m e¡z ṥb®jC E®õMÉ H¢X¢Vw Hl pḩu j¡C¢a / Sanjoy Maity L¡S - A¢emc¡ (Qœ²hšÑ£) J ®p±¢jœ (Q®–¡f¡dÉ¡u), Hy®cl ¢hl¡jq£e MÎyaMÎy®a j®e¡®k¡N J l¢ḉjc¡l (®pe) ¢hḤ¡fe ¢XS¡Ce R¡s¡ ṥa£Q£ q’a ApṷÏZÑz Bl ¢hḤ¡f®el V¡L¡ R¡s¡ ®a¡ ṥa£Q£ AṥL¡¢naz a¡C A¬¡Ṑ f¢lẂj L®l ky¡l¡ HC ¢hḤ¡fe pwḍq L®l®Re a¡®cl Lb¡ i¤m®he e¡ c¡u®j¡Qe: ®kez pjẢ ®mML, ®m¢ML¡ J ¢QœLl®cl Ahc¡®eC S_ ¢e®u®R ṥa£Q£l HC f¢œL¡u ṥL¡¢na lQe¡, ¢hḤ¡f®el c¡¢uḾ J ja¡ja pw¢^ø lQe¡L¡l HC L®mhlz a¡®cl ph¡C®L deÉh¡cz Bl h¡N¡l alg ®b®L Bfe¡®cl Hhw ¢hḤ¡fec¡a¡®clz a‹¢ea ®L¡®e¡ rur¢al SeÉ ṥL¡nL h¡ SeÉ lCm n¡lc£u ö®iḟ¡ J i¡mh¡p¡z pṷ¡c®Ll¡ c¡u£ eez The views expressed in the writings that appear in this publica- tion are the views of the respective authors and advertisers and not necessarily represent those of BAGA (Bengali Association of Greater Atlanta) committee or the publication’s editor. pḩu j¡C¢a the west 3 | 3 "The decoration committee works hard to provide a beautiful platform which help enhance our visual and spiritual senses and our appreciation of the beauty of the protima of Ma Durga and her entourage. Beginning of this year we invited Ma Saraswati and placed her in midst of the tanpura, the musical instrument of her choice beautifully handcrafted by the talented members Subarna, Arpita, Anindya. Brace yourself to be spellbound by the beauty of the Gods and Goddesses arriving for her stay with us in a magnificent “Nauko” or ship. This will be made possible due to the hard work of our decoration committee: Subarna, Arpita , Bharath , Swapnali." - Cultural Committee. "Lb¡u h®m h¡P¡¢m j¡®eC ®i¡Se l¢pLz lpe¡ aª¢ç R¡s¡ h¡P¡¢ml ®L¡®e¡ AeÎù¡e pṷÏZÑ qu e¡z k¡l¡ hR®ll fl hRl Bj¡®cl HC LjÑ®k¡®N ¢exü¡bÑ i¡®h pq®k¡¢Na¡ L®l Q®m®Re, a¡®cl L¡®R h¡N¡ LªaḤz Bfe¡®cl üaxẩ§aÑ Awnḍq®Z Bjl¡ BṪaz BN¡j£ ¢c®eJ Bfe¡®cl HCếf pq®k¡¢Na¡ Bj¡®cl HC LjÑk®Ḥl f¡®bu q®u c¡ys¡®hz Bfe¡®cl f¢lh¡®ll pLm®L n¡lc Evp®hl BṐ¢lL ṥ£¢a J ö®iḟ¡ S¡e¡Cz i¡®m¡ b¡L¥e Hhw HC i¡®hC Bj¡®cl f¡®n b¡L¥ez' - Food Committee.
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