UNIVERSITY AND LIBERAL ARTS CORE COURSES 2018-2019 Academic Year Plan II Social Science (S S): 302C, 302D, 302E, Astronomy (AST) 301, 307, 309C, 309G, 309L, First-Year Signature Course (Core 90) 302F 309N, 309R, 309S Biology (BIO): 301D, 301G, 301L, 301M, 305F Three semester hours: 309D, 311C, 315H, 325H, 326M, 446L, 365S Undergraduate Studies (UGS): 302, 303 Mathematics (Core 20, Liberal Arts) Chemistry (CH): 301, 301H, 302, 302H, 304K, 305 Plan II Tutorial Course (T C): 302 Computer Science (C S): 302, 303E, 312 Three semester hours: Electrical & Computer Engineering (E E): 302 African & African Diaspora Studies (AFR): 302M, Geography (GRG): 401C, 301K, 404E Composition (Core 10) Geological Sciences (GEO): 401, 302C, 302D 350 Three semester hours: Educational Psychology (EDP): 308, 371 302E, 302G, 302J, 302M, 302P, 303, 303C, Mathematics (M): 302, 305G, 408C, 408K, 408N, 405 Rhetoric & Writing (RHE): 306, 306Q 408R Marine Science (MNS): 307, 308 Plan II English (E or T C): 303C Philosophy (PHL): 313 Natural Sciences (NSC): 306J, 306K, 306L, 306M Sociology (SOC): 317L Nutrition (NTR): 306 Statistics & Data Sciences (SDS): 301, 302, 303, Physical Science (P S): 303, 304 Humanities (Core 40, Liberal Arts) 304, 305, 306, 328M Physics (PHY): 301, 302K, 302L, 303K, 303L, 317K, 317L, 309K, 309L Three semester hours: Plan II Mathematics (M): 310P Plan II Biology (BIO): 301E English (E): 316L, 316M, 316N, 316P Plan II Physics (PHY): 321 Plan II English (E or T C): 303D Science & Technology-I (Core 30) Six hours in a single field of study; sequences in Visual & Performing Arts (Core 50) American & Texas Government (Core 70) bold are appropriate for non-science majors. Three semester hours: Astronomy (AST): Six semester hours: African & African Diaspora Studies (AFR): 311C, § 301 & one from 309C, 309G, 309L, 309N, 309R, Government (GOV): 310L & one from 312L or 309S 356C, 356D, 356E American Studies (AMS): 330 312P § 307 & one from 309C, 309G, 309L, 309N, 309R, Architecture (ARC): 308, 309W, 318K, 318L, 342C 309S GOV 310L may combine with “GOV 3 US” or Arts & Entertainment Technologies (AET): 304, 308 “GOV 3 TX” transfer course to fulfill requirement. Biology (BIO): Art History (ARH): 301, 302, 303, 325, 327N, § two from 301D, 301G, 301L, 301M, 305F, 309D Transfer “GOV 3 US” and “GOV 3 TX” may also 327R, 327S, 328J, 329J, 329N, 329R, 330G, § 311C & one from 311D, 326M, 446L, 365S pair to fulfill requirement. 330J, 331J, 331K, 331P, 332K, 332L, 333L, § 315H & 325H 335J, 337K, 338J, 338L, 338M, 338V, 339J, § Plan II 301E & one from 301D, 301G, 305F, 339K, 339L, 339M, 339N, 339P, 339R, 341K, United States History (Core 60) 309D, 311C, 315H 341L, 342J, 345J, 346L, 347J, 347K, 347L, 347M, 347N, 348N, 349K Six semester hours: Chemistry (CH): Classical Civilization (C C): 301, 302, 303, 307C, § 304K & 305 History (HIS): 314K, 315G, 315K, 315L, 317L, 307D § 301 & one from 302, 305 333L, 333M, 334L, 340S, 345J, 345L, 350R, Core Texts and Ideas (CTI): 350, 351 § 301H & 302H 351P, 355F, 355M, 355N, 355P, 355S, 356G, Design (DES): 308 356K, 356P, 356R, 356S, 357C, 357D, 365G, Geology (GEO): English (E): 310F, 321P, 379P 376F § two from 302C, 302D, 302E, 302G, 302J, 302M, Fine Arts (F A): 308, 313C 302P, 303, 303C, 405 Music (MUS): 302L, 303C, 303D, 303E, 303M, Up to three hours of Texas History may apply: § 401 & one from 302C, 302D, 302E, 302G, 302J, 306M, 307, 312C, 334 320L, 320P, 320R 302M, 302P, 303C, 405 Philosophy (PHL): 317K, 346K § 303 & one from 302C, 302D, 302E, 302G, 302J, Radio-Television-Film (RTF): 305, 306 302M, 302P, 303C, 405 Theater & Dance (T D): 301, 317C, 317D Social & Behavioral Sciences (Core 80) Marine Science (MNS): Three semester hours: Foreign Language (Liberal Arts) § 307 & 308 Advertising (ADV): 319 Natural Sciences (NSC): Completion of a foreign language sequence: African & African Diaspora Studies (AFR): 303, § 306J & one from 306K, 306L, 306M, or any PHY 324E American Sign Language (ASL): 601D, 610D, & or P S below Anthropology (ANT): 302, 305, 307, 318L 311D Core Texts & Ideas (CTI): 302, 365 Physical Science (P S) & Physics (PHY): Arabic (ARA): 601C and 611C Curriculum & Instruction (EDC): 319 § P S 303 & P S 304 Bengali (BEN): 506, 507, 312K, and 312L Economics (ECO): 301, 304K, 304L § PHY 309K & one from PHY 309L or P S 304 Chinese (CHI): 606, 607, 312K, and 312L Educational Psychology (EDP): 350E, 350L § PHY 301 & one from PHY 316, 302L, 303L, Czech (CZ): 506, 607, 412K, and 412L Geography (GRG): 305, 306C, 307C, 319 309L, 317L, P S 304 Danish (DAN): 604 and 612 Health & Society (H S): 301 § PHY 302K & one from PHY 302L, 303L, 309L, Dutch (DCH): 604 and 612 History (HIS): 329U 316, 317L, P S 304 French (FR): 601C & 611C; or 406, 407, and 412K Human Development & Family Sciences (HDF): § PHY 303K & one from PHY 303L, 302L, 309L, German (GER): 506, 507, 612; or, 604 and 612 304, 304H 316, 317L, P S 304 Greek (GK): 506, 507, 311 Human Dimensions of Organizations (HDO): 301 § PHY 317K & one from PHY 317L, 302L, 303L, Hebrew (HEB): 601C & 611C; or, 602C & 612C Kinesiology (KIN): 311K 309L, 316, P S 304 Hindi (HIN): 506, 507, 312K, and 312L Linguistics (LIN): 306, 312D, 312E § Plan II PHY 321 & any PHY or P S listed above Italian (ITL): 601C and 611C Japanese (JPN): 601D, 610D, and 611D Mexican American Studies (MAS): 301, 309 Psychology (PSY): 301, 306 Korean (KOR): 606, 607, 312K, and 312L Radio-TV-Film (RTF): 303C Science & Technology-II (Core 93) Latin (LAT): 506, 507, and 511K Religious Studies (R S): 310 Malayalam (MAL): 506, 507, 312K, and 312L Sociology (SOC): 302, 307C, 307D, 307E, 307F, Three semester hours; must be from a field of study Norwegian (NOR): 604 and 612 307G, 307J, 307K, 307L, 307N, 307P, 307Q, other than that used for . NSC 306J and NSC Persian (PRS): 601C and 611C 307S, 307T, 308D, 308E, 308F, 308G, 308J, 306K for Part I cannot combine with P S or PHY for Polish (POL): 506, 507, 312K, and 312L 308K, 308L, 308M, 308N, 309, 309C, 313K, Part II, nor can P S or PHY for Part I combine with Portuguese (POR): 601D, 610D, and 611D; or, 318, 319 NSC 306J for Part II. 610S and 611S Russian (RUS): 406, 407, 412K; or, Special Education (SED): 303 Anthropology (ANT): 301, 304, 304T 601C and 611C Comm Sci & Disorders (CSD): 311K, 313L The following course numbers apply only when the Sanskrit (SAN): 506, 507, 312K, and 312L Computer Science (C S): any course topic (i.e., title) matches that on list below. Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian (S C): S C 506, 507, Economics (ECO): 329 312K, and 312L Electrical & Computer Engineering (E E): 302 AAS 310: 3-Mixed Race Identities Spanish (SPN): 601D, 610D, & 611D; or 604 & Geography (GRG): 301C, 301K, 304E, 333C, AFR 317E: 1-Black Queer Art Worlds 612 333K, 334C, 334K, 335N, 338C, 339, 366C, AFR 372G: 33-Sex & Power in Afr Diaspora Swedish (SWE): 604 and 612 366K, 367K AHC 325: 13-The Ancient Historians Tamil (TAM): 506, 507, 312K, and 312L Geology (GEO): any AHC 325: 15-Civil War in Rome Telegu (TEL): 506, 507, 312K, and 312L German, Scandinavian & Dutch Stds (GSD): 361F AHC 378: 1-Roman Law Turkish (TUR): 601C and 611C History (HIS): 322D, 322G, 322M, 322R AMS 370: 18-The Beats & Am Cul, 1945-90 Urdu (URD): 506, 507, 312K, and 312L Kinesiology (KIN): 424K AMS 370: 33-Atlantic Slavery: Hist/Memory Yiddish (YID): 604 and 612 Linguistics (LIN): 313, 344K, 353C, 353N, 358S AMS 370: 36: Exiles/Expats/Pol Pilgrims Yoruba (YOR): 601C and 611C Marine Science (MNS): any AMS 370: 38-Property in American Culture Mathematics (M): any, excluding 301 AMS 370: 40-Southern Cultures Natural Sciences (NSC): 306J, 306K, 306L, 306M AMS 370: 41-Vienna: Memory/the City-AUT Additional Social Science (Liberal Arts) Nutrition (NTR): any AMS 370: 42-Black Political Thought Three semester hours: Philosophy (PHL): 312, 313, 313Q, 316K, 322, AMS 370: 43-Literature of Black Politics 325M, 344K, 344M, 358 AMS 370: 45-Fem Intervntns Borderlands His African & African Diaspora Studies (AFR): 303, Physical Science (P S): any AMS 370: 46-Latina/o Pop 322D, 324E Physics (PHY): any C C 304C: 3-Intro to Ancient Egypt Anthropology (ANT): 302, 305, 307, 314C, 318L, Psychology (PSY): 308, 418, 323, 325K, 332, C C 304C: 4-Greece/Rome: Film & Reality 325M, 326C, 326D, 326E, 326F, 326L, 327D, 332C, 353K, 458, 371 C C 322: 4-Ancient Epic 330C, 336L, 453, 462M Religious Studies (R S): 373M C C 340: 6-Food/Hlth/Cul Anct Mediterr Core Texts & Ideas (CTI): 302, 365 Sociology (SOC): 310S, 317L C C 340: 7-Pompeii Economics (ECO): 301, 304K, 304L Statistics & Data Sciences (SDS): any C C 340: 8-Archaeology of Greek Prehistory French (FR): 364L Plan II Tutorial Course (T C): 310 C C 348: 7-Women in Classical Antiquity Geography (GRG): 305, 306C, 307C, 319, 320K, C C 348: 10-Jesus in Hist and Tradition The following course numbers apply only when the 331K, 336, 337, 341K, 357, 374 C C 348: 14-Ancient Greek Medicine German (GER): 347L course topic (i.e., title) matches that on list below. C C 348: 16-Moral Agency in Grk Tragedy Health & Society (H S): 301 ANT 324L: 33-GIS/Rem Sns for Archaeol/Paleo CTI 304: 1-Bible and Its Interpreters History (HIS): 329U ANT 348K: 10-Primate Conservation E 314J: 1-Literature and Film Human Dimensions of Organizations (HDO): 301 ANT 348K: 12-Sex and Human Nature E 314L: 3-Banned Books and Novel Ideas Linguistics (LIN): 306, 312D, 312E, 345, 372K, C C 348: 14-Ancient Greek Medicine E 314L: 4-Texts and Contexts 372L C C 348: 20-Roman Philosophy & Science E 314L: 5-Reading Poetry Mexican American Studies (MAS): 301, 309 HIS 350L: 64-Einstein in Age of Conflicts E 314L: 9-Cult Classics Psychology
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