GRAND RAPIDS Thi> luue f 1515 Copies SMtlbfog To Read. THE LOWELL LEDGER For a Little Price VOL. XX111 LOWELL, MICHIGAN, DEC. Q, IQI5 No. 26 G/i* C4TY STATE BANK THEY FIRE GHATS Do Your C/ir/stmas Shopping Lowell, Michigan Officers Elect. Thinning Ranks Names of Those who Have Paid Justice and Police Reports. Nearly Fifty Years In Lowsll At The Rexall Store Still March On. Will Ask for Ledger Subscriptions. Big Batch Bills Allowed* Makes Veteran An Old Help When Needed. Receipt of subscriptions since Regular meetioK Village Conn- Timer. GapUal, our last report, is nereby ack- cil Monday evening, Decv.. 66.. called Snrpliii*, m,m nowledged from the following: to order by PreaidenPresident AnAndersond . Sensible Gifts at Right Prices! PfMldeut. K V/mh.vk" Lewis Jones. M. H. Vanderhotf, Trustees present, Arshart, Henry, Lee, Mange, Weekes, Winegar. White Ivory Goods*—Brushes, Combs, Mirrors, Travs, Mani- VicerreHWIeutf, l>. <•'. l ook nnd » Mrs. Charles Blase, Charles W. cure Goods. A big selection. R Jones, William M. Dening, Wei- Two petiutions for additional W. T. ('omtoii don Bmith, Irwin Fox, Mrs. Mary street lights were presented. One Perfumes and Tollst Waters—Palmer's, Hanuuuv. Col- ('Hibter. It. W. Slajton A Hunter, Rdwin Doyle, William for light between Johnson's cor- Wte s, Williams'. Hudnot's and many other lines. All ner and north end of Monroe the best extracts, and an appreciated gift. 4 percent Int4*m«t on MRVIOKK Sexton, B. C. Hmitli, Bay Cornell, Ed. Davis. Sidney Hull. Will H. street had already been ordered ACCOUDIH placed. One for fight on corner Statlonsrir—The finest line of selected note paper uud envel- Lind. F. B. McKay, Robert A. opes shown in Lowell. Some big values m 2oc and SOc. Fordi Herbert Chase, Mrs. N. L. of . High and Jefferson street.. .wa s McCarty, Mm. UkI« Copwell, I to L. and P. comm tfae. MAKE Books—A big showing of the SOc popular cupvrishts mid E. W. BoUiDK, Mre. rioiTFotd, I A^rew5.'SI fancy gift books, and all kinds of books fofc r th' e bnvs and Urn, W. W. Joom, A. I). Blater, ithe "nontb. ending I*c.«, 88 girls. A BANK ACCOUNT Gelorgo e A. Chaffee. Mrs. Cannon arrests. 45 paid fines amount- ing to $£92.85. 84 sentenced, Candy-Nothing but the purest candies are sold from our WITH US J DeHami, F. W. Davey. Mre. Mary Caraberlaio. E. A. Kotee total amount of days, 850. 9 candy counter. Liggett's, Johnson's, Gnth'rt and main Don't You Think discharged. Amount paid to others at special prices for Christmas. THE kv, P. II. Westbrook, Wesley the tatUfaction of drawing checks Jones, John •Jnkewa.Vi W. L, village, (186.00. Amount paid to county, $106.85. Cigars—The kind of cigars he smokes, in boxes from L'.V r<> in payment for your Chrittmat Culver. .1. M. ftoush, John Zalim, $4,00. STEPPING STONB Mrs. Phoebe Carey, O. J. Kinyon, Marshal Taylor reporte»po d tie purchases, thus enabling you to M. Sinclair. A. B. Casper. S. .1. following arrests: Steve Bird, Raiors and Sharing Material, Fancy Soaps, Man's Purses, shop early and avoid the rush, Skelding, Charles Yeiter. Howard arrested,cause drunk, sentenced Christmas Post Cards, Cloth and Hsir Brushes. Mili- TO/// 20 days; W. M. Beard, arrwted. tary Brushes, etc. would repay any slight sacrifice in Bartlett, Mrs. James Gulliford, J. M. Nash, Mrs. G. N. Davidson, cause drunk, sentenced 20 days: JOBN WRIGHT DAVIDO. SBKAR Sam Smith, arrested.causedrunk, Gibson Art Cards for every purpose. building up a Bank Account during The annual meptins of *loeeph S. R. Move. Frank Collins. John Wright, veteran, has $3.00 and costs. Save money by doing your Christmas shopping at tVie the year? Wilson Post, No. 87. (i. A. R, Many thanks for the above Auto Police Haysmer reported lived in Lowell since March, 1866, wan held at the Poet rooms Wed- payments. the following arrests: A. Ed- nearly fifty years. He is still Rexall Store. Try It With U« During IMS nesday evening, Dec. 8. The Who will be next? wards, exceeding speed limit, srect, but not as lively as when usual routine business of the Post fined #8.00, Percy GreIregory» , no fighting down in Dixie'. Born at was disposed of in its mrular Lowell Boy's Bad Tumble. number, fined |5.00. Hamilton, Ontario on June 24, 1863, he will be 83 years old his £v£a/ Onc Dollar order, after which came the Oswald Bieri, 28 years old, era- On motion by Trustee Mange, D. G. LOOK next birthday. »MVU. election of officers for theensuiug ployed in the construction work supported by Trustee Henry, tne 'Will 3e Acccrreif yeur: on the Consumers Light com following bills were allowed; He came to Noble county, Ind- Commander—D. O. Shear. iana, in 1844. In 1860 he'travel- Herc as a First Senior Vice (/ommaader—W. K pany'sdam two miles north of Lights Power Fund this city, slipped on a board led with the Dan Rice's circus. Andrews. v. J. McMahon $ 55 00 While in Milwaukee, Wis., in D& posit Junior Vice Tommander—Merrltt Tuesday afternoon and fell 20 James MeMahoo 85 00 Savlss feet to the bottom of the dam, Bruce Krum 20 00 1862, he quit the circus and en Snwon—('has. Altben. Mabel Charles ifi 00 listed as a volunteer in Co. G.. ( baplaln—Jnoepb Klujron fracturing his collarbone. He Thos. Uorrls :is 00 was removed to the home of his 24th Regiment Wisconsin In OlOcer ut tbeDaj—Heman Dawson. • 'has. Morris 'JO 00 fantry. His regiment served in You Cannot Know the Quarter Master—Theo. Carter. father, Chris Bieri, a farmer re- Itoy Huhbel 20 00 Officer of the Guard—John Batch. siding one mile north of thiscity, .\lelvln Kingdom 17 50 the Army of the Cumberland. He Open Saturday evenings for YOUR Convenience < 'has. Bllllnger •'( 50 Patriotic Instructor—S. P. Hicks where he was attended by Dr. W. was engaged in the fight at Sergeant Major—J. H. Hllllker Karl Hunter 5 88 Perrysville, also io the battle of Wonderful Value s The attendance was larger than B. Huntley. Beiri landed on a Dr. A B. Peuton 3 00 pile of stones at the bottom on r. R. Hackett 50 Murfreesboro. Here he was cap- and great variety that our stock of up-to-date merch. usual and the boys of the Grand i .J. Bradlsh 100 tured by the rebels and taken to Array Post in Lowell will begin the construction. He is getting andise now offers, unless you come to our store and along nicely. Srott Hardware Co. 7 17 Libby prison where be suffered the new year with much of the Capital ICIectrle Supply Co. 5i 40 the horrors of a rebel prison for see for yourself. We are receiving shipments of the old time enthusiasm. The senti- A. T. Kriowlson Co. 52 00 CHRISTMAS The Vergennes Co-operative liewls KleetrleCo. 113 twenty-eight days. Weakened ment of the membership is. that latest patterns in good silverware, jewelery, watches, Club. H> grade Incandescent I vaup Co 20 96 by the starvation and ill treat- so long as there am old soldiers rue F Blasell Co. 979 ment Incident to his imprison- diamonds, rings, lavaliers, and in fact everything to The regular meeting of the Ver- Fostorla Inc. lAmp IHv. It Is nearer than we rea- enough to fill the offices they will 103 74 ment, he was sent to Annapolis, keep the organization up. The gennes Co-operative club was held c. j. Lltacher Electric Co. 130 42 thence to Nashville, Tenn.. thence make our store up to the minute in the jewelery line at the home of Mrs. John Krura Western Kleetrlc Co. 16 67 lize. feeling of comradeship, the desire Woodward Uofemor <'M. 528 to the Asylum hospital at Stmw- and the other lines we also carry are attractive. to talk over past experiences, to flee. 2. Take your Koine !•'. M. Johnson 106 beriy Plains. Prison experience Edison Diamond Disc Phonographs are selling And by the way, you had Cell the old stories concerning ex- Meeting was called to order by (Jeneral Electric Co. 25 00 unfitted him for active service for instance. periences in camp, fleld, hospital the president, Mrs. M. B. McPer- smltlTs garage 6 01 fast as they should, and if you want one for the holi- better make an inspection Cliff Hatch :h!0 00 and he remained at the Asylum and prison, still binds the com- son. Helpful Hints were given hospital until the doee of the Of courscyou would like in response to roll call. Sirs. Ida Morris 21 50 days it is advisable to place your order as soon as pos- pictures of tlmt, inside trip to rades of the (Srand Army to- Thomas Morris 52 70 war. He was honorably dis- gether. Some time they may An important business session It. E. Sprlnicett ' 1 50 sible, for the demand exceeds the supply of these nnd out Tlienstepinlo charged at Nashville, Tenn., May ask the citizens of liowell to pro- bllowed. The Board of Direc- |{. E. Sprlnaett 1 25 15, 1865. Prom Nashville be our store nnd let us show F. R. Ecker 7 00 wonderful musical instruments. Come, look and vide a place for them to hold tors were asked to meet Dec. 10, went to Rome City, Indiana, and you how easily you can at 2 p. m. with Mrs. O. J. Odell. •1,261 30 listen, whether you want to buy or not these meetings.
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