Uganda Catholic Secretariat Uganda Catholic Secretariat Uganda Catholic Secretariat A publication of the Uganda Episcopal Conference A publication of the Uganda Episcopal Conference ISSUE 9 VOL 5 PRICE: USHS 2,000 DECEMBER 2017 THOUSANDS THRONG Inside Christmas message for KABALE DIOCESE FOR 2017 December 2017 Page 3 Tororo Archdiocese begins preparations for NATIONAL YOUTH DAY 2018 Uganda Martyrs Day Page 5 President Kenyatta Grants All Africans Visas to Kenya at Points of Entry Page 8 Pope Francis appoints Bishop of Kitale as Apostolic Administrator of Eldoret Diocese Page 13 Pope’s message for 2018 World Day of Peace is released Page 13 YEAR2017: IN REVIEW ... SEPTEMBER Kenya Supreme Court Nullifies Presidential Election PAGE 17 A priest carries the National Youth Day cross as thousands of youths jubilate. PHOTO BY JOY ZAKO Story on Page 2 New Contact is a publication of the Uganda Episcopal Conference Nsambya Hill, 672 Hanlon Road,New P.O.Contact Box is2886 a publication Kampala, ofUganda, the Uganda Tel: +256-414-510570/0414-10544/ Episcopal Conference 0414-510571/0414-510398, NsambyaMobile Hill, 672 Tel: Hanlon +256-782746812, Road, P.O. Box Fax: 2886 +256 Kampala, 414 510 Uganda,545, E-mail: Tel: +256-414-510570/0414-10544/[email protected], Website: 0414-510571/0414-510398, www.uecon.org Mobile Tel: +256-782746812, Fax: +256 414 510 545, E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.uecon.org 2 DECEMBER 2017 ISSUE 9 VOL 5 DIOCESAN Editorial On 25th December, we celebrate Christmas, the birthday of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and exactly one week later (1st January) we cele- brate the Solemnity of Mary Mother of God. The con- nection between these two feasts is quite obvious. The Youth from Kabale Diocesse holding a banner for the 2017 NYD first one is a celebration of a birthday and the second is a celebration of motherhood. Thousands throng Kabale Having honoured the birth of the child Jesus, the Saviour of the world, we cannot fail to thank God for the mother Diocese for 2017 NYD who gave birth and raised By Jacinta W. OdongoMedia Officer, Uganda Epis- that child. She is our spiritual copal Conference “This celebration provides an oppor- mother who is always avail- tunity for the youth to live and share the able to intercede for us. Thousands of youth from across universality of the Church that in Christ we Uganda have converged in the Diocese of are indeed one. Besides, it creates aware- A celebration of a birthday Kabale for the 2017 National Youth Day ness among the youth on topical issues is an opportunity to thank (NYD) celebration. within their community hence encourag- God for the gift of life, the The youth event kicked-off on Tuesday, ing them to become change agents,” she gift of our parents and all December 12 with a grand welcoming explained. the people who are part of ceremony of the youth, which was fol- Over the years, the event has recorded our life. As we celebrate the lowed by a procession of the NYD cross. a number of positive changes which can Nativity of Our Lord and the On December 13, Rt. Rev. Callistus be witnessed from the growing numbers Solemnity of Mary Mother of Rubaramira, the Bishop of Kabale Dio- of youth participation in the celebration. God, I believe it is right and cese led the official opening ceremony of One of the biggest changes seen in this fitting that we also remind the youth event. year’s event is, the presence of the refu- ourselves of the important This year’s celebration is held under the gee community in Uganda taking part in role that parents play in our theme, the celebration as an association for the life. We thank God for them “The Mighty One has done great things (Luke 1:49). It will first time in the NYD history. The five-day and for all the people who for me, and Holy is His name” run for five days until December 17. event also attracted youth from neigbour- have made precious con- The NYD is a Church’s Day event for ing countries; Burundi, Rwanda, Tanza- tributions to our life. We young people and is typically celebrated nia and Democratic Republic of Congo appreciate all the blessings every year in different dioceses. It aims to (DRC). received in 2017 and we pray help the youth experience the universal- During the NYD week, the youth for a blessed new year 2018. ity of the church, deepen their faith and engaged in a number of activities including Merry Christmas and grow closer to Christ in their daily lives, way of the cross, catechesis, confessions, Happy New Year! by means of prayer and the sacraments, devotions and reconciliation activities. together with other young people. There were also other entertaining activi- The National Youth Coordinator of the ties such as tourism, sports competitions, Fr. Philip Odii Uganda Episcopal Conference (UEC), cultural exhibitions and cultural music per- Editor/Executive Secretary Joyce Zako said that by coming together, formances. The youth were further taken of Social Communica- young people will be able to discuss their through discussion topics such as Youth tions, Uganda Episcopal most intimate aspirations and experience and Entrepreneurship, Youth and Politics Conference the Church as a communion, and make as well as Youth and HIV/AIDS prevention a commitment to the urgent task of new and the Art of Choosing a Good Partner. evangelization. Most Rev. Paul K. Bakyenga, the DIOCESAN DECEMBER 2017 ISSUE 9 VOL 5 3 Archbishop of Mbarara Ecclesias- NYD celebration on behalf of Mbar- NYD took place as millions of young tical Province, presided over the final ara Ecclesiastical Province which Catholics around the world prepare to Holy Mass which was the climax of comprises of Dioceses of Fort portal, voice their concerns at the upcoming the celebration. It was concelebrated Hoima, Kabale, Kasese and Mbarara. “Synod of Bishops on Young People” by the Bishop Chairman of the UEC The five-day event has been organized which will take place in the Vatican in Lay Apostolate Commission (LAC), by the UEC National Youth Office in 2018. Rt. Rev Paul Ssemogerere and other collaboration with Kabale Diocese. The NYD celebration was inaugu- Bishops from Mbarara Ecclesiastical It forms part of a global build-up to rated in 1993 in Tororo Archdiocese. Province. the World Youth Day, which will be Jinja Diocese hosted the 2016 NYD Kabale Diocese is animating the held in Panama in 2019. Besides, the with over 3000 youth in attendance. CHRISTMAS MESSAGE FOR DECEMBER 2017 the first issue was published online. We started New Contact in order to revive the link between the particular Churches of our dioceses in Uganda, to share information and experiences, to build up and strengthen the awareness of being and belonging to one big family, the Catholic Church in Uganda. Our intention was that it would reflect the life, achieve- ments and challenges of the Church in our country. Month after month, through the contribution of people from all the dioceses, we wanted to offer via internet to our people in Uganda and our friends abroad a picture of our reality. Looking back, at the end of 2017, we can say that something has certainly been achieved along this line. At the same time there is no doubt that we still have a long way to go in order to fulfill the purpose and dream which gave origin to this publication. I dare say that we need to Dear Friends, give priority to and focus more on The Message. I must be frank. I often feel uneasy when requested It is only after welcoming in our life this always con- for a “Christmas Message”. To me, Christmas itself is temporary Good News of the final and highest commu- the message, the breaking and Good News that God nication of God to his children through the incarnation so loved the world that in the fullness of time he sent his of Jesus, and out of the personal experience of God’s own Son who became a man to save us. These are not immense love for each one of us that will spring forth as a just words, but an event which changed the history of spontaneous and necessary result our desire and com- the world. This is the absolutely extraordinary and incred- mitment to share this same Good News with others. ible news, the message that we should all proclaim and We shall become more creative, finding new and more spread. Any other message and commentary risk water- interesting ways to tell and proclaim the wonders that this ing down and diminish the impact that this breaking news Word made flesh is doing now, in our dioceses, parishes should have on our life. and families. Having said this, here I am all the same, requested for a Let this Christmas be the favourable time where we “Christmas Message for New Contact”. What can I say? I make a fresh and personal “new contact” with the Word still maintain that Christmas is THE Message also for the and allow it to happen and take flesh in our life. It will readers and contributors of New Contact, the “front page renew our life and at the same time it will also give new news” that should appear and be transmitted in different vitality to New Contact. In this sense, Happy and True ways through its articles. People must be helped to see Christmas to all of us! and realize what God is doing for his people in Uganda today.
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