EI Malcriado THE VOICE OF THE FARM WORKER -~~. IN ENGLISH Vo lume II~ Number 19· Delano~ California Sunday~ December 1~ 1968 2/EL MALCRIADO, Sunday,Decem~er J, .1968 in this issue: GIUMARRA "SOLYES"'" OUR PROBLEMS ::::;:.::;:;=:::::::::::::::::::~:~:~:::=:::::~:::::::~:~~:~:::~:::::::::::::::::::~;::~:;:~:;:;:;:;:;:::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::;::::::::!:;:;:;:;:;:~;:;:;:~;:;:;:;:::::::::::::: Vi ,Gi~rgio Sales Worry BY 'y HE. ED IYIOiR. suggestions extremely interesting. UFWOC P.. ,3' If Giumarra thinks unemployment UFWOC Showdoum with Bank We weren't invited, but john Giu- insurance is'agoodidea,~hy'doesn't of America P. 5 marra Jr. spoke to the convention he provide it for. his workers? Farm Workers Begin Mini­ of the International Apple Associa- Under the umemployment insurance mum Wage Collection P. 6 . tion in Philadelphia two weeks ago. program in California, employers ThanksgWing Messag~ from According to a report in the of farm workers who want their Chavez P. 7 "Produce News," johnnytold the as- workers covered need, only pay the sefnbled apple growers aD:. ·indus- cost of the' P,rogram. Di Giorgio, EL MALCRIADO, e Voice of.the " " Id b 1P. try -wide organizatlon shou . e which is under contract with the Farm Worker, is published twice . organized to combat boycotts, 'but United Farm Workers, pays the monthly by the United Farm Wor- evidently he failed to mention that cost 0 f the program, and D"1 G"lor- kers Organizing Committee, AFL- negotiations between the growers glo,"kwor ers are covered by un- CIO. Subscriptions in the United. and the Union wOl;lld end the boy- employment msurance"' whenth ey Stat~s and its possessions are $3.50 cott tomorrow. Mr. Giumarra, our are laid off. The unemployment per year, and foreign, including phone nunmer is 725-1314~ benefits are one of the provisions Canada and Mexico, US $5. Sub- f th Giumarra also offered three sug- 0 e contract. scriptions for members of UFW OC Giumarra says he wants to end gestions for a "lasting solution," are included in monthly dues. according to th~ Produce News'Re- the boycott. He says laws are ~eeded Editorial and business offices 10- to prevent boycotts. For months port: cated at the northwest corner of he's been saying the boycott doesn't "I. Increase the fedeal min- arces Highway and Mettler Ave bother .him. If it's not hurting G - imum wage... to place it on-a par nue, Delano, California. him, what's he crying about? with industrial workerS." (The Address all correspondence to: The Giumarras and other growers _federal' minimum wage is now EL MALCRIADO, Post Office Box persist in looking for' the "real $1.15. There is no .state minimum 130, Delano, California 93215. reasons," the "incidious, diabolical" wage for men in California.) Second class postage paid ~t De-truth about the Uni~n. They cannot "2. Unionization will not solve lano, California. understa~d' that "it b~ilS"' ~pwn to the basic problems because of the For advertising rates, co~tact the fact thl:j.~ farm wor1<er.s in, Cal- seasonality of crops. The growers jaime Reyes at (805) 725-.1337 or' ifornia are tired of being exploited, can. do' it by prOViding unemploy- . the mailing address listed above. and want the' voice of colleCtive ment funds.- ED I TORS bargaining to· aid them ill gaining "3. Pass a Federal Farm Labor You are welcome to reprint ma- decent wages for the work they do• .Act totally unrelated to the Fed- terial from EL MALCRIADO, pro- If, as Giumarra says, the workers era1 Labor Relations Act and de- vided a copy is sent to us and do not want a Union, why doesn't . signed to proteet workers and grow- the item is credited "From EL he negotiate procedures foranelec- ers, and to prohibit boycotts." MALCRIADO--UFWOC."· tion? The answer to that question i-~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~__...:E~L~M:A:LC~R~IAD~O~f~in:d:s_th::e_th::r:ee:""-J~~~~is obvious. EL MALCRIADO More and more people are finding out that a! .P'.O. BOX 130 subscription to EL MAtCRIAOO is the best way lDELANO, GA to k~ep up with the farm worker struggle. '93215 Don't be left out--send in'this coupon ~2dayl FILL OUT THIS CARD AND SEND IT WITH $3.50 TO THE ABOVE ADORESSI FOR A ONE-YEAR SUBSCRIPTION TO EL ~LCRIADO, SENT TO YOUR HOME EVERY 'TWO WEEKS FOR ONE YEAR. NAME-nombre ~------ __--__~ ~Eng1ish__ E~panol_._, ADDRESS-domicilio --~---...,...-...,...---------:;.-.-.;.-- CITY-ciudad STATE-estado ZIP Don~t BuyCaliforni'a Grapes I . ' El- guajalote grande is. watch~ng you. " EL MALCRIADO, Sunday,December 2, 1968/3 ~ . '. DI GIORGIO SALE WORRIES UFWOC -LAMONT, November 22--UFWOC ten years ago. of the remammg acreage is in·the . I epresentative _ Mack Lyons an- About 4,700 acres in the Dela­ Arvin-Lamont area south ofBakers­ ou..,ced to several hundred assem­ no area were sold in 1967. Most field. led Di Giorgio workers tonight at the remaining Di Giorgio ranch n Kern County will be sold soon. Lyons told the workers he would neet with them again on Monday, )ecember 2,~ to discuss the possi­ Ie results of the sale for the rorkers, who are covered under UFWOC contract. Assistant Director Larry Itliong .aid the Union was preparing for y eventuality, but the protection f the existing Di Giorgio contract vould remain a high prior.1l.1 for the lains'~ nion, regardless of the pressures Mack Lyons (left) exp as Acting Director f the strike and boycott. Itliong~ attorney Cohen~ and workers listen. The new buyer of the Di Giorgio .anch has not been announced, and Di Giorgio officials have said they vill not reveal the name of the new >wner Until the purchase iscomplet­ .d. About 800 workers were employ­ ~d on the ranch during the peak ~f the harvest this year. Most have ~een laid off in the lull between me harvest and the priming season. Di Giorgio's holdings in Kern ounty have been producing a va­ riety of crops, including cotton, eanuts, potatoes, wheat, asparagus, plums and wine grapes. Of the 6,117 acres remaining in Di Giorgio's possession, 2,525 acres re covered by a contract with the Secretary of the ,Interior which re­ Ruires, under the 160 acres limita­ TOYS FOR DELANO :ion law, the sale of excess acrea­ ge within a period of 10 years from LOS AN9ELES, November 25-­ talks by Union leaders and a re­ the date of the contract. Joe Serda, UFWOC Boycott Direc­ ligious ceremony. The 160 acre limitation prohi­ tor in Los Angeles has a).1ribtinced All friends of the Huelga are invit­ bits oWners of more than 16~ acres th-at '. a state wide drive to collect ed to join the strikers in Delano from using federally subsidizedwa- new or good quality toys for chil­ on December 14. er for irrigation of the fields. A dern ·of-farm workers will be cap­ Food and toys are being collect­ little more than ten years ago, fe­ ped by a Christmas party in De­ ed at UFW OC headquarters in Los . Cleral officials required Di Giorgio lano on December 14. Caravans Angeles at 3016 1/2 East, First : to dispose of the excess acreage, Los Angeles; Oakland, San Francisco St. (phone 265-1584); in Oakland since it was being irrigated with and other areas of the state will at 568 47th St. ~phone 655-3256) I federal water. Since 1967, the com­ carry food and toys to Delano. or other UFWOC, offices. around pany has been selling its land to A program will begin at approx­ the state. If toys are wrapped, comply with the contract it signed imately 11:30 and includes lunCh, they should be labeled as to' what's j mV'ies~ and, slides on the strike, inside. 4/EL MALCRIADO, ~un~ay, December 2, 196~ Birchers Fail to Cool Oregon KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON-­ Throw in: a union audience viewing the film "Huelga," six cups of John Birchers, add a dash of George Wallace supporters, stir well, bake for about two hours in a heated, but non-violent oven, and 10 and beholdl, you have a food caravan making its way to Delano. This previously unknown recipe was discovered by Ed Chierra, UFWOC representative in Oregon, when he recently showed "Huelga" CLEVELAND--This picture of Joe, Johnnie, Carmen, to an audience of members of the Frankie and Brother Jul io Hernandez appeared in International Woodworkers Associ- , Clevelands "Cathol ic Universe Bulletin" last month,,:, ation (IW A). Brother J u1i0 , his wi fe Fina, a n,d the kids a r: e co­ "Birchers, armed to the teeth with 0rdinating the boycott in Ohio. Hernandez and his copies of "The Grapes, Communist family arrived in Cleveland in September, and have Wrath in Delano/' (a right-Wing, been working full time on the Grape Boycott ever American Opinion red-smear pam­ since. ' phlet) came in and set up infor­ mation tables with House Un-Amer.,. , ican Activities Committee litera­ ture," reports Irv Fletcher, vocal Three Rochester Men Fast supporter of the UFW OC and pres­ ident of the America n Federation of Teachers (AF1) in Klamath Falls. In Protest of S,cab Grapes: According to Fletcher, the major­ ity of people at the film-showing ROCHESTER, November 2l--Two market has removed C a Ii for n i a were Birches. They made a feeble young men from Rochester, N.Y., grapes from its shelves." attempt to persuade those present today were beginning the 13th day In order that stores be brought who were not members of their of a fast designed to bear "per­ into negotiations with the UFWOC organization that the UFWOC was sonal witness during the Thanks­ interfaith religious services have a "communistfront" Union.
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