FH-1 COMMITTEE PERSONNEL REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON FIRE HOSE FI-I-2 Part II has been submitted to letter ballot oJ the Fire Hose Committee that consists oaf 77 voting members, oJ whom 77 voted affrmatively. Report of the Committee on Part III, The Fire Hose Committee presents for official adoption Fire Hose a new document, NFPA 1962, Standardafor Care, Use, and Maintenance oaf Fire Hose Including Connections and Nozzles. Stephen J. Gilbert, Chairman Scandia Industries Part Ill has been submitted to letter ballot of the Fire Hose Committee that consists oJ 17 voting members, of whom 7 7 voted affrmatively. Herbert C. Fothergill, Vice Chairman Chief, Chelsea Fire Department Duane Barker, Amerock Corporation (Rep. Donald G. Mees, Insurance Services Office NFPA Industrial Fire Protection Section) William S. Murry, Jr., Goodall Rubber Robert Ely, San Diego, California Company John C. Fisher, Angus Fire Armour, Ltd. Chief William J. Patterson, Santa Bar- Russell P. Fleming, National Automatic bara County Fire Department Sprinkler and Fire Control Association Peter H. Penman, National Fire Hose Cor- Chief Justin George, Forest Grove Fire poration Department Rod A. Porter, Glencoe, Illinois Richard Green, B. F. Goodrich Company (Rep. Rubber Manufacturers Association) Chief William Stamm, International As- Paul R. Hilt, U.S. Forest Service sociation of Fire Chiefs Philip W. Johnson, Factory Mutual Re- Leon M. Walker, Underwriters Laboratories search Corporation Inc, Alternates William J. Atwell, Uniroyal, Inc. (Alternate Joseph H. Hayes, Insurance Services Office to Richard Green) (Alternate to Donald Mess) H. R. Bmtvold, Underwriters Laboratories J.P. Spollen, Western Electric Company Inc. (Alternate to Leon M. Walker) (Alternate to Duane Barker) This list repreeents the membernhip at the time the Committee was balloted on the text of this edition, Since that time, ehangee in the membership may base occurred. The Report of the Fire Hose Committee is presented in three parts : Part I, The Fire Hose Committee proposes withdrawal of NFPA 198, Standard for Care, Maintenance, and Use oaf Fire Hose (Including Couplings and Nozzles), 1972. This document is old and contains information that is both incorrect and misleading, and therefore should be withdrawn as the committee has now prepared a new document as a standard. Part I has been submitted to letter ballot oaf the Fire Hose Committee that consists oaf 77 voting members, oaf ~bhom 17 voted affrmatively. Part II, The Fire Hose Committee presents for official adoption amendments to NFPA 196, Standard for Fire Hose, 1974. Also, this document will be renumbered as NFPA 1961. 1961-1 REVIsIoNs TO NI~PA 1961 " REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON FIRE HOSE 1961--2 labeling the manufacturer indicates compliance with appropriate Part II standards or performance in a specified manner. Revisions to the Standard for 7. Add new Paragraph 1-4. 10 to read: Fire Hose 1-4.10 Lined Hose. A hose having a nonpermiable lining of a rubber, synthetic rubber, plastic or latex coated fabric. NFPA 1961 COld 196)-1974 8. Add new Paragraph * 1-4. 11 to read: "1-4.11 Listed. Equipment or materials included in a list 1. Revise Paragraph 1-3. 3. 1 to read: published by an organization acceptable to the "authority having 1-3.3.1 Tests, other than those outlined in this Standard, jurisdiction" and concerned with product evaluation, that main- shall be performed in accordance with testing procedures as spec- tains periodic inspection of production of listed equipment or ma- ified in Underwriters Laboratories Standard 19, Woven-Jacketed terials and whose listing states either that the equipment or material Rubber-Lined Fire Hose; March, 1978. meets appropriate standards or has been tested and found suitable for use in a specified manner. 2. Add New Paragraph * 1-4.2 to read: NOTE: The means for identifying listed equipment may vary for each organization• concerned with product evaluation, some of which do not "1-4.2 Approved. Means "acceptable to the authority having recognize equipment as listed unless it is also labeled. The "authority jurisdiction." having jurisdiction" should utilize the system employed by the listing organization to identify a listed product. 3. Add new Paragraph *7-4. 3 to read: 9. Add new Paragraph 1-4. 72 to read: "1-4.3 Authority Having Jurisdiction.. The "authority 1-4.12 May. This term is used to state a permissive use or having jurisdiction" is the organization, office, or individual re- an alternative method to a specified requirement. sponsible for "approving" equipment, an installation, or a pro- cedure. 10. Revise Paragraph 1-4. 15 to read: 4. Add new Paragraph 1-4. 5 to read." 1-t.15 Servlce'Test. Hydrostatic test conducted, as specified in NFPA Standard 198, on all in-service hose to determine that it 1-4.5 Coating. Jacket where the yarn is impregnated or shall remain in service. saturated with the protective materials or coated with the pro- tective material so the outside of the jacket is relatively smooth. 11. Add new Paragraph 1-4. 16 to read: 5. Add new Paragraph 1-4. 6 to read: 14.16 Shall. This term indicates a mandatory requirement. 1-4.6 Covered (other than rubber covered). Jacket cov- ered and lined with a continuous synthetic rubber or plastic, this 12. Add new Paragraph 7-4. 17 to read: cover usually being thicker than that of a coating. 1-4.17 Single Jacket. A construction consisting of one woven jacket. 6. Add new Paragraph 7-4. 9 to read: 1-4.9 Labeled. Equipment or materials to which has been 73. Add new Paragraph-l-4.20 to read: . attached a label, symbol or other identifying mark of an organi- zation acceptable to the "authority having jurisdiction" and con- 1-4.20 Unlined Hose. A hose consisting of only the woven cerned with product evaluation, that maintains periodic inspection jacket and having such qualities that the yarn of the jacket swells I~ of production of labeled equipment or materials and by whose when wetted, sealing the hose, which is usually made of linen yarns. 1961-3 REVISIONS TO NFPA 1961 REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON FIRE HOSE 1961-4 14. Add new Section 1-5 to read: 17. Revise Paragraph 2-3.3 to read: 1-5 Units. 2-3.3 The adhesion between the cover and the woven jacket shall be such that the rate of separation of a 1 a/~-ineh (38-ram) 1-5.1 Metric units of measurement in this Standard are in strip of the cover from the jacket shall be not greater than one inch accordance with the modernized metric system known as Inter- (25.4 ram) per minute with a weight of 10 pounds (4.5 kg) for a- national System of Units (SI). The unit litre, outside of, but period of 10 minutes. recognized by SI, is commonly used in international fire protection. The SI units used in this Standard are listed in Table 1-5.1 with con- version factors. (See ANSI Standard Z210. 1-1973, Metric Practice 18. Revise Paragraph 2-4. 1 to read: Guide, for additional information.) 2-4.1 The lining, or cover, or both for Relay-Supply Hose 1-5.2 In this Standard, values for measurements are followed may be made of a synthetic rubber or plastic compound approved by an equivalent in SI units. The first stated value shall be regarded by the authority having jurisdiction, and suitable for the intended as the requirement as the given equivalent value may be approxi- use. mate. As all 21~inch hose shall have an internal waterway of 2~ inches, as specified in Section 3-1, the SI unit for 2~ (65 ram) 19. Add new Paragraph A-1-4.2 to read: is used. A-1-4.2 The National Fire Protection Association does not ap- Table. 1-5.1 • prove, inspect or certify any installations, procedures, equipment or materials nor does it approve or evaluate testing laboratories. Quantity us Unit/Symbol $I Unit/Symbol Conversion Factor, In determining the acceptability of installations or proceduresr inch/in, millimeter/mm 1 in. = 25:4 nun equipment or materials, the authority having jurisdiction may base Length foot/ft meter/m 1 ft = 0.305 m acceptance on compliance with NFPA or other appropriate stan- Volume gallon/gal litre/L 1 gal = 3.785 L dards. In the absence of such standards, said authority may require evidence of proper installation, procedure or use. The authority gallon j~er litre per Flow Rate rninute/gpm minute/L/m 1 gpm = 3.785 L/m having jurisdiction may also refer to the listings or labeling practices of an organization concerned with product evaluations which is in pounds per Pressure square inch/psi kilopascal/kPa 1 psi = 6.894757 kPa a position to determine compliance with appropriate standards for the current production of listed items. Mass pounds/lb kilograms/kg 1 lb -- .454 kg 20. Add new Paragraph A- 1-4.3 to read: 15. Revise Paragraph 2-1.4 to read: A-14.3 The phrase "authority having jurisdiction" is used in 2-1.4 Jackets made of fibers or filaments other than cotton NFPA documents in a broad manner since jurisdictions and "ap- shall have been submitted to a testing laboratory satisfactory to proval" agencies vary as do their responsibilities. Where public the authority having jurisdiction and determined suitable for fire safety is primary, the "authority. having jurisdiction" may be a service use. federal, state, local, or other regional department or individual such as a fire chief, fire marshal, chief of a fire prevention bureau, labor department, health department, building official, electrical 16. Revise Paragraph 2-2.4.
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