A Panorama CO VERING O f Local ID W N M IH w HOLMDU. MAOUON ^ People A n d •MIUORO. m M M I AND m l i IU U IM MHOUOM H m btr Member YEAR — 27«K WEEK ■aw I«|M|r P n ii Ajaadatto* MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1965 ffitioaal Editorial Association Singl* Copy Tm Cents New Matawan Borough Councilmen Sworn Into Office Governor Kills Bill Final Organization Of Matawan Township Committee On Apportionment SH Gov, Richard J. Hughes Monday him no time "to reaolve the funda­ killed a bill which would have mental differences that exist be­ changed the method of apportioning tween the two communities most Matawan Regional School District directly affected.” : costs based on enrollment figures. Quotes State Constitution Gov. Hughes said differences be­ He quoted a section of the State tween Matawan and Matawan Constitution which says a bill re­ Township and the lack of time to passed with the governor's recom­ break the impasse led to his deci­ mendations "shall become a law sion. lie filed the bill in the state only If he shall sign it within 10 library without his approval, a days after presentation.” Matawan method of killing legislation without and Matawan Township comprise use of the veto power. the Matawan Regional School Dis­ Voters In Matawan Borough, at a trict. referendum at the general election Matawan residents' have com­ Nov. J, authorized up to $10,000 to plained that the use of average ilai- be spent "to obtain a judicial inter­ (continucd on page four) pretation to-determine the proper method of apportionment of school taxes for current expenses." After Business Men To news of the governor's action, May­ The Matawan Township Committee was organ- Committeeman Gilbert Hickman was taken ill and . or Edward E. Hyrne indicated lied Friday for the last time. Next January, the admitted to the hospital Jan. 1 aad could not attend there was little doubt the borough Form Association committee will be replaced by a seven-member the organization meeting. Both Mr. Traphagen and , would press for an early ruling. council-manager form of government. Above, (leit Mr. Downey were sworn in to new terms at the Regional school costs apportioned Designed To Foster to right) are Committeemen Ja y Krivilzky, llenry ■eislon and Mr. Traphagen was re-elected mayor. , on the basis of enrollments now are Traphagen, Daniel Downey and Charles W. Dryden. determined by using average daily Improved Conditions enrollment figures of the school year preceding budget prepara­ A group of Matawan husiness Contract Awarded ___ ________ V M n cfc, B n m b I C M , i*|)TMr term m the M atawia Borcui tion. The bill would have made the men held a luncheon 'meet.ng, Tues­ I il» W I a * r lntit irtag the —* t l <Wtt U H u rt A. c i w lw Friday. Bath ira RepuMku*, giving number enrolled on ths last school day noon at Buttonwood Manor, for Bids for drilling a ew well at Dispute Holds Up 'ilf t iw h< Fmfc J. M m wka M M ttmltfe* GOT a 4-1 majarlty m lb* cmiiicII. day of September of the "current the Durposc■ . of forming a Matawan, . the Lliffwood water plant were school year" the method of deter­ Better Business Development Asso-! rejected but a $4207 conlruct was mining how to share costs. ci.-.:.:m.ci The meeting was culled by , awarded for the construction ol a Naw Phone Rates Would Shift $81,000 Martin Bell, who was named tem- wuler line Thursday by (he Mata- Traphagen Election porury chairman of the group. wan Township Committee. May­ No Engineer Named Gov. Hughes said one immediate $4750; Mrs. Theresa Marsh waj New Jersey Bell Telephone Co. The purpose of the organization or Henry E . Traphagen said Mayor Henry Traphagen, who effect would have been the shifting named to a four-year term on tho teday announced that the time of about $63,000 in tax costs from will be to foster the development funds for the contract with Ace- was sworn in along with Daniel periods i < reduced rates on long of better business conditions in Manco Inc., Matawan, would be local assistance board and Patricia Matawan to Matawan Township. Downey to a new term on the Mat­ Carroll was named secretary of the distance calls within the stale The bill was sponsored by Assem­ the area, thereby improving living obtuincd from a Vi 1,000 bond is­ r amzes will begin at 8 p.m. instead of I conditions in and rround the Uor- sue. awan Township Committee Friday industrial commission. blymen Alfred N. Deacflcston, Irv­ night, was re-elected mayor. His p.m. and will be in effect all day ing E. Keith, and William T. ilier- ough of Matawan. ' i The committee had delayed ac­ Mr. Dryden and Mr. Hickman epublicani Frank I . Ferrtao It is nearing the 8000 mark and sn Sundays. The company said re-election and the organization o f: were named to one-year terms on aaid, " I t has become Imperative to ing, and former Assemblyman The 15 business men present ] tion Dec. M, ISttt, when the com­ id Howard A. Henderson ware that these and other adjustments, w e re : Martin Bell, Charles C ., bined totals of the low bids for the committee for the new year < the harbor commission and Mr. ora in for tiiree-year terma oa make this position full-time.” Clarkson S. Fisher. accepted by the Board af Public Although it was introduced with Schock jr., Charles Mandcvillc, the well and wuter line exceeded were delayed over 45 minutes be-. Kaye was named supervisor of do. Matawan Borough Council Fri- Committee appointments were: Utility CommiisieMrs, are being George Hutany, M Ryan, Warren the $£1,000. At that lime Mayor cause of a disagreement among the molition. Mrs. Eiicen Kelly wai -Republicans now hold a 446-2 Finance, Robert R. Colot; police, support in the Matawan area, its made so that time periods for provisions would have applied to Ryan, Calvin Beil, John Tassini, Traphagen estimated an addition­ committeemen ovei chairmanships. named assistant tax search officer, ;e .replacing the former D m » (continued on page tour) both intrasiate aad interstate Dan Mancini, Tony Giordano. Itoss ■ al $7300 would be needed to cov­ It is believed the Jisagrcement Dr. Michael Amhroslo, tow«shJp tic majority. all regional districts which share tails will coincide. costs on the enrollment basis. Maghan, Jay I\ llostetter, Edward er the hids plus expenses involv­ stemmed from Mayor Traphagen’s physician and police surgeon, and Councilman Vernba Ellison will Revisions on interstate calls Gov. Hughes conditionally vetoed Petroskl, Richard J. Kcrschner and , ed in floating the bond issue. wish to reorganize the committee John Yates, building maintefianco ,\-«jc[ed council preaMent. LouieR, Light Industry were agreed to recently by the the. bill last June 22. After techni­ Irving l.essin. _ Layne - New York Corp., Lin­ chairmanships with Gilbert Hick­ man. Aikens, Long Branch, was M M d Americas Telephone and Tele­ cal amendments suggested by him, Martin Bell appointed Mr. Scltock ! den, had submitted the lowest of man replacing Charles W. Dryden Twelve special policemen and six btrouRh attorney replacing Rflbart graph Co. and the Federal Com- the bill repassed the Assembly secretary and named the follow- three, bids for the well work with as chairman of the police commit­ crossing guards were named for La Mura. Benjamin Litwin w ii Uses ProiL ly C lr J munlcatlsas Commission. Both June 2fi and the Senate Dec. 17. ini: committees: Mr. Giordano and j a $58,750 proposal. The contract tee for 1965. the year. renamed auditor and Ralph 8. Interstate and Intrastate revisions The measure was among bills Mr. Mancini, by-laws; Warren Ry- j with Ace-Manzo calls for the However, Mr. Hickman was hos­ Meuser Jr. was renamed maitiMratc Townihip Consolidate! w ill be effective Feb. t. submitted by Mr. fteadlc.slon to the an and Mr. Tassini, membership. construction ol a new 10-inch line pitalized that day with bronchial (or a thre«-y(ar term. No appoint- The changes planned by New governor Dec. 22. Gov. Hughes said Other committees will be announc­ from the plant on Jersey Ave. to pneumonia and was unabie to at* 1 Irons Club Golf BienU were made to the poata of Intpcctor's Office Jersey Bell affecting station-to- the fact that Mr. Beadleston offi­ ed at a later date. Cliffwoud Ave., a distance of 305 tend the mooting. On the selection I borough engineer, held (or the past •tation calls are as follows: The cially sent the bill to him gave (continued on page four) feet. of u mayor, both Committeemen j two decades by Karl r . Hcuter, The Matawan Township Commit­ lawer charges w eh now apply Dryden and Jay Krivilzky abstain-' Course Proposed and building inspector, held , by tee Monday night introduced an sa calls after I p.m. will apply ed from voting in the absence of John Thaler. ■ ;|j>, j ordinance establishing standards alter 8 p.m. Monday through Mr. Hickman. A t Nolan's Corner, and use* to be permitted in a light Saturday and all day Sunday. Two Voles Insufficient Mayor Edward E. Hyrne said Night rates, aow In effect be­ $86,000 Referendum Feb. 2 For that the engincer’a post will In Industrial zone. At present, the zon­ Two affirmative votes in favor of Lloyd Rd. Tract ing code has provisions regulating tween • p.m. abd I p.m.
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