I' E • REGISTR. TlON NO. 1«'T'lf.J{RS1~'CE ~O~!I"~{) --------1 TERM OF ISSUAf~CE , ~E OF PESTICIDE PRODUCT tlC'llCE DF PESTICIDE: [Xl "EGISTRATOON o REREGISTRATION (Unddt the Fedenll insecticide, Fungicide, lind Rodenticide Act. as amended) NAME AND ADDRESS OF REGISTRANT (Include ZIP code) r Chemgo Corporetion 10 Pennsylvania Avenue Hc.lvern, PA 19355 L HOTE: Chanin in labelln&: formula dU(erlng in subatance from that accepted in connection with this registraUon must be submitted to and accepted by the Registration Division prior to use of the I.hetin commerce, In any correlpondence on thla product.t.... ya relet to the above U.S. EPA registration number. On the b ..ia of lnfo1fnaUon fumished by ! registrant, the above named pesticide "is hereby Registered/Reregistered under ( the Federallnaectlcide, Func1cide, and Rodenticide Act. A copy of the labelJ.nc accepted in connection witb this Registrllltion/Reregistratbn is ret~ned herewith. < Re,lstraUon u in no w.y to be construed as an indorsement or approval cI this pcoduct by tM_ A&ency. In order to protect health aDd the environment. the Admlntatratot. on his moUon, may at any time suspend ot cancel the re&latration of a peat. leide in accordance with the Act. The acceptaace of any name In c('nnection with the re&isttaUofi. o( III product under this Act is not to be construed as giving the registrant a tight to exclusive use of the name or to it. use if it has been covered by others. 1 - : \:'c·· } ..... i'" • \·.'~,i! ~PCtJ(-.r1 J(c}(7)(t1.) pt tl·f I'll-}it, ~ .. ut"JI..('t lc t;t toJI("v;"''­ C('Pc; j t j nns. ( I ) .lll~/(" I', r· all catil r(":l..jllirf·(i for n'qis.tr(lllcAl ('r n.,:-r(',;;~·tr.;-t_inl' n_'_ j.'t'L·l. l,roduct und',r bE'(;tion 3(c)(5) 01 tb,· F1Fl<A when the Agency l"t.:Hlirf's nJJ registl·crti-!"; nf SiIT-; JF-r preuucts tc s,u!-;mit S1.1C t , ·i I I i-' ,:;,.1,;' .. (, , /· .. ·~t~ "," r .•.J -' -'. '" I, /,.1"~ /" ; .. / ... ,,/. < , , , , , t 1 ,I .' : ; "._ , , dr.: , {'I \ ('f , .. ''"HI , , ( , 'IJ , j'( I , ;IL. : 1" I ! ! , , : I , , , , I t , ;.1 , . I', ::j' L("\I , I .. , , t ! .:nl.·!.lil.C \,'it!', ttl' n·gi:..tl"i:'_J{r: \.·;Jl :.i ~H·!.I' ,-t !f (·_Il.'_ll,·!'(T In cl.ct:ordance \·/jth !;;(?ction b(\~) 01 Ihi..;' FTI-·J<l,. s.-f,'-,.f :~ C_:,hl'S <,I v -(1<- I ;,.,JjJ fc,t,,,,'Y )ttj~ _ hI' {fI,"- YUVyJ.s. ~. f ~?'-~ t,y-VI h''''j'PI- *~.{i:!t:t r·1.-;n'-'~I.·'r ~'3:; Di~) III ,·c1./·'" f '{J· .. 1!lcl. ,'I t,j:.1 ~·tllll·" j' 1':1('': (T:-·-· ,. ':-',,) ( BEST AYAILA8~E ,C~PY I o ATTACHMENT IS APPLICABLE SIGNATURE OF APPROVING OFFICIAL IDATE . ""EVIOU•• DITI~ MAY •• uno UNTIL. IU~"L.Y I' IlKHAUITIlO. " . _ ,:,': "i '::'~'i+ '. : 1 . "<: ~_ '. ',\/.: . .,', .:-: .';' '~'~'?~:':.)~:~:~ Hi" "t'j.L"f ;,>"-.l:r '_' ',', -'. y .'.:: ,> ... '.... ::. ;! ;', '.-\':"1$1(' - ..... .I~':: ..... ::.>.tJ)·,~l ~t'f . \:l ~\.~.\;:. ~':.~ t-·' OUU:CTlI,.U.to;, (-uU lJ~ ,: 1.~~\' h • vLoh,t\on 01 \;('"~~N.tl 1.1'" h' U.~ Ihi, product in ~ ~,~, ',n~r IncQtUhtcnl .... 'lh II:. Ilht'hhl._ ClIBMGO CIWM!IJINE 1::>': A"flUCA11f,.,)N INI OUMI\TK.)N. ·:--.."<fol' u~ ()l~ I~fd. n,"'\I,-Vl"t.U\. In.Jf1U",J~r .. ur{<1CC~ (rJ.".·" f_":.i.tlilinlc,", ue~l. f.dlvAllilf'i.l 111('1.11, j'Ult:t"I.l.In. hnolMJlI1, ;;' -tile, "f1"lnC'I~,1 OlJld "ni~hrd I',()o')(1 Slff l.J.cC'\). lJ~ 01'1 ~~r~-"" II~S. DPVliiJ~C'" fu~ni\l"in&S' And uleNib. ~:I'r~p~c htsh $OluUOH~ d.llly~ Do not fe-USC SOIUIlons, ~/,"ObQrd "lIOlutiooi tlt;sf ':He Yi~ibl)' soilctJ. App1t U$( ~-.;;~·~~JuljonJ by tloodinc. immCf)ion, s"'.-:bbing" moppins rY IN RETOR1 ~:~·!~iu.s:lin6 to thorovShly w~1 aU S.... rJilCCS. .Kilh HH~S Simplel: Type II when used u dirocted lor OPl!RATlON! ";,1~"::, . duinlcetion. Disinfectant l',Y.FOR DlSIIlI'ECnON: In "_i\aU, N..-.in& Home>, to control oc r> Food Pbnu, Co.-nffil:rciaJ Freezcn, Rntroomt.. f,.CTIVE IN:;REOIENT5: Dnd ii' neede ~~-··.·,·_Kc:llOlUtilrl\t.s. end Vel.erirwy CJ..ini.a. Farm Pn:~ .,-~ alpha...(P .. non.yl phen)'J}~me&a.~hydroxypoJy rellding oS 1-; '1 ...., ,Poultry liow.e3r.. U5e I ot.. oJ this Disinfectolllt in 2 (01yethylene).iodine complt~l:: ••••••••••••••• 18.0}~ ,:~: :SotUoru of water fOl' one-step cleaning QIld disinfccting (Providing 1.71CJC. litrawlc iodine) SANITIZATl (:.: Ught and mode(.IC~ly soiled ~urlac~s. Heavily wiled INERT INGREDIENTS: ••••••••••••••••••••••• t1.9~% I ounce 01 "" .... )url:u:e1o should be dcaned end fU\$Cd before di!oin ... TOTf,.L INGR~OIENTS: ••••••••••••••••••••• , • 100.00% water. Rei ;~' .::fectif\&. eUcctive tlcticn, 5uttOlces mUtt rernain for sUm .. : ·:':wet for at leau 10 mirules. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN control SHOE DAn Food contact 'uda.cc~ and aJl SlJrt.lCCS in edible .' . rood DANGER disease orgi processing .arUS ot federally in:.pec\ed meal and poul- .nd hog b, U;t p10Yl'U must be ril\!.cd with potable w~ter b1:{ore Pr~c\,cal TreMment: In c~sc of contact, immediately Hush eye$ di5inJ ~Ct.a/ll rcuioC: when u.sing, the ptoduct 01 thi$ concentration. or ~(n with plenty of ..ater fC\l" at least I' mlrul.e:,. For eyes. Scr.pe 011 , Always carefuJly protect or remOVe food 2fld pad:~ing ca!i1J physiciolll.. - (or 30 5eC.Ol m... t~riAIs irom the atea before disinfecting. If s\lo-al!owed. drink promptly a I.vee quantity 01 milk, egg r-OR Cill For Farms ~d Poultry l!~, remcve aU animah-, poultry whites, Sel.nio solulioo or, if lnc~ are no, available, c1rink f.Jrro\l,·ing I end feed born prcm'~c~. Rc:r..o ..·c 011 IiBcr and m~C\,.1fC I~q;c <;1J'm\i\ie:s 01 Wi);cr. Call u ~hl!1.ici.l..""'I. with a luk( (rom ~urJaces occupic-d Of tlavcr:.ed by IJvcslock. Em. saBon o{ , Ply all troughs, caOcs, and other Ice<:,"~ i!nd ....... Hcring r.:OTE TO PHYSICI"t.:: Pro:'o1.!1le mucos~l d.lm')Se m.:ly drain dry a equipment. Then, ~cle~ Md dis-ir.fcct ~'i above. Yen· cc:ltroJin1jca\e the usc of C.lstric lolvase. MC.1surc:o ~olimt tiJa Ie buildings. coops, and other clo:cd sp.!ccs.. Do n01 cireLlI.Herr. shock, rcspiroltOl")r ~pre~5io:-l, ar:l conv"Ll!;l(;("l r;);)Y DEOOOM hous.e ~imi1h 0(" poultry un\B trellotme:f'.\ IUs been be o:;edt.:d. il .$Oltlitize: ~$Orbed, ~t or eri~d. catit'llS tg~ FOR MEDICAL,INDUSTRIAL, COW.ICIH..IAL, ANi) DISINFECTING TOlLET r.otlLS AND U!lINALS, AGI«CUL rURAL USE Q.o.;L Y. ~lu\iooot Rcrno\'c CrcSl toils trom $\!r'~ce:i with bowl bruSh. Add STORAC, 1 oz. 01 this Disintect.lnl to Ihe bowl water. U!J.e bruw A Prwuct 01 NET CONTE.~TS: cont.,iner. Of $W~ \0 \horo..:gM'I Clt:m bCl'4l'l ~urlacc\, upcc:ially under the rim.. Plush commode or urin.l.l ~Ve(olt times Cltehlgo Corporation DISPOS, elld riMe bowl brus"... well. 10 Pennsylvania Avenue co.'-.tainer Ma1vccn, PA 19355 SANmZING OF NO/I-r-ooO CONTACT SURPACES such es w.1115, neon, de=.)( an.d Coentc:r tops, telephone recci'ie-r'!l, ~oor I(oob~, tJl3.i,s, \oil('\ !-oeMSo, baotl\fOom tP,' Rei'.. No. 2044-20 sinks., tlils, i!nd ~hc\l,'ct ~tJtI'!., in o((icc~, h01C(.s, int!~JS· EP:\ f.~l. No. 2044-PA-l lrilloJ "nd commc-rci.ll buildmc!. er.d ncn-crilic.l1 al"('.)" of ho!pitals and nursing I:omes,: clc.ln and !aniti;:c in Hum(ul one cjleration by spraying Ol wiping 01 soludon 01 I 0:. at thh. Di!.intcc'.::nt in ) &.1l1on:. 01 w,)tcr onto ,he dJ.m.:tt;~ i ~ !t~r(il.CCi to b(' $.l"itlloC-:!. ,\How SQ~utian cont~.:t for ~ or on clc r.!OVN ..... mil'.ul<'~ belore wipinG cI('J.11 or riMing. II surJac('s Jr.::' \I,·,)t(.'r ')1 t; I,(:.wily wiled, pr('clcoln lie-fore 1.1:tiflzin&. f'1~"\i("\,' .~ .
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