HISTORICAL COMMISSION Pray lor the Nat’l Catholie HISTORIANS EXAMINE TRUTH TO BE APPOINTED BY HON. Snccess ol the WeMare Coun. OF MIRACULOUS CONVERSION JOHN H. REDDIN AS SUPREME Catholic Press News Service OF NEW MEXICAN TRIBE BY MASTEROFFOURTH DEGREE NUN CARRIED FROM SPAIN Knights of Columbus to Combat Attempts Indians Taught By Heavenly Visitor, But To Falsify Story o{ Events in Probably Not, as Some Believe, Early National History By Mary de Agreda CHICAGO CONVENTION STARTS MOVE VOL. XVI. No. 42. 4. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY. JUNE 2,1921. $2 PER YEAR. SHE NEVER CLAIMED THIS HERSELF The Chicago oftice of the Associated public schools, legislators and news- The Franciscan Herald and The Mary, Abbess of the Conceptionist Press, un,der dato bf May 28th, sent papers. Fortnightly Review within the pasl Nuns at Agreda. After several Con­ out the following account o£ the K. 01 The following is the resolutiori unan- Conditions of Life So Trying and year have referred a number of times ferences with her, Fr. Benavides wrote *tJ. historical convention: imously adopted by the Supreme As- to the alleged miraculous fiights of his enthusiastic account of her fiights Following the first American histori­ sembly: the Venerable Mary de Agreda, in the to New Mexico. His Version of the cal convention of the supreme assem- “ Whereas, a type of Propaganda U nfavorable That Laym en in N eed early seventeenth Century from Spain, case is all that writers on the sub- bly of the Knights of Columbus at the i seems to be inundating our country, to convert the Jumanay, an Indian ject were acqualnted with. On this Hotel La Salle here today, Supreme i whose apparent object is to unijermiue tribe of New Mexico. Father Zephryn they harped, and drew from it the con- Master John H. Reddin of Denver de- the spirit of American nationhood and O f Retreats as M uch as Priests Englehardt, tho noted Franciscan his­ clusions that harmonized with their clared tliat the entire Organization of ! solidarity; while, this campaign has torian, in a letter to The Fortnightly notions. Far from upholding Bena- 800,000 members of * 2,200 councils 1 many phases, the Principal attack ap- Review (May 15 issue), gives the fol­ vides, and far from taking the part would be aligned to support a million I pears to be on the American schools, The Organization of the extension competent to speak from direct per­ Laymen Need Retrqats No Less Tnan lowing data concerning the conver- of a theologiau, and much less that dollr.r movement to produce an accu- to obscuro or falsify the story of work contemplated by Regis College sonal kpowledge, the thousands of men Priests Do. sions, and shows that while they really of an apologist, I endeavored, like all rate Standard American history. The events in our early national history, in the way of Laymen’s Retreats is fast who have attended Retreats* and aro A Statement like1 this may, at first nearing completion. Any man who occurred, it could hardly have been solid 'historians, to ascertain the evi­ movement will involve research work to erase from the minds of pupil» the sight, seem exaggerated. Yet, it cer­ responsible before God and their own Mary de Agreda who was responsible: dence of the chief witness — Mother and labor extending over several years, significance of the Declaration of lu- wishes to follow the Exercises of this conscience for the steady healthy ex- tainly is not. Indeed. if there are dan- j Tho Jumanas, who dwelt a hun- Mary herseif. This is what all critlcs, the cost to be met by Knights of Co- dependence, the struggle of 1776 and year’s Retreat is urgently invited and gers for religious ahd priests who are j dred leagues to the northeast of Isleta, your two correspondents included, lumbtts private funds. many sufisoquent historical events; will be cordially welcome. pansion of the Retreat movement to • New Mexico, claimed to have been should have done before passing judg- Edward F. McSweeney of Boston, “RESOLVED, by the Supreme As- Not a few men are inquiring: "13 its present giant dimensions. not so continually in the world, if they Retreats not for Layinen? Whother visited for years by a beautiful “Lady ment on the case with no other author- former historian of the Massachusetts J sembly of the Fourth Degree, Knights this really to be a Retreat for us need the toning-up of a retreat year this is the oxpression of a mere sus- ! in Blue,” who urged them to call upon ity than that of Benavides. chamber of commerce, addressing the i of Columbus, that the Supreme Master laymen?” Most undoubtedly, that is after year, how much more the Lay­ the missionaries among the Pueblos The evidence of Mother Mary I se- convention, declared that if half the of the Fourth Degree appoint a Board precisely what it will be. And more picion or of a deop conviction; it Stands men? Tho conditions in which he and to ask for admisslon to Christian- cured directly from Spain. It is con- text books of Amorican history used or body of learned and loyal American than that, you are Invited,—you per- condemned by the words and actions must live and work are so trying, so ity. Meanwhile, at irregulär intervals, tained in the work entitled "Autentlci- in the schools were destroyed, Ameri­ jcltizens, to be known as the “Fourth sonally. of Bishops and Cardinais and of our unfavorable, they make it imperative »he continucd to instruct the Jumanas dad de la Mistica Ciudad de Dios y can history would benefit. “ Much so- | Degree K. of C. Historical Commis­ These inquiries only go to show, Holy Father himself. For example, on him from time tp time to go back the Cardinal Farley, after yeaj-s of in the Christian faith. Fihally, in 1628, Biografia de Su Autora” (Barcelona, ce.lled American history is both un- sion,” to investigate the facts of his­ how the average man is sorely puzzled to first principles, tO recover his foot­ keen observation ahd painstiaking the Jumanas approached Fr. Juan de 1914). Details, of course, cannot be historical and un-American,” he said, tory as applicable to our country, to in his mind over this Retreat proposi- hold. study of the results of Retreaits to Salas at Isleta and told him of their presented here. Suffice it to say that “ because the historians are working correct historical errors and omissions, tion r.nd invitation. He knows, that Throughout his working days, with Laymen gave his unqualified; And remarkable experience. He ■accoAi- Mother Mary was summoned before in the interests of foreign countries. t'o amplify and preserve our national our Reverend Clergy are soon to make but short and rare interruptions, the panied them to their country and the Inquisition nineteen years after What America needs most is a move­ history, to exalt and perpetuate Ameri­ their Annual Retreat, and also that hearty approval in deliberate; pro- Layman, especially the laboring man is found their people well prepared for ment to Americanize the self-styled can ideals and to combat and counter- our good Sisters will spend eight full j nouncements like tho following: exposed to the silqnt insidious influ- Fr. Benavides visited her. From Jan- the reception of Baptism. He urged Amerlcanizers.” act anti-American Propaganda, by days in Retreat during the coming • “There never was a time when Re- ences of un-Catholic and even anti- uary 16 to January 29, 1650, she was them, however, to come ar* Rottle subjected to a grilling examinatlon ev­ The Knights of Columbus will name means of paniphlets, each to be com- summer. Announcements like these- ; treats for Lay.men were so necessary Catholic example. About seventy mil- down in New Mexico. Tne> dld so, ery day, barring one, for three hours a Commission of well known histor­ plete and authorltative in itself, to be do not strike our Layman as stränge j as in our day. Material success is lions of our people profess no religion becoming thq,absorbing Interest of life, and all apparently became Christians. in the morning and three hours in the ians, comprising men of divers racial issued from time to time for free dis- .in the least. For him it Stands to rea- • whatever. Of courfie, this is not say- For this much of the case we are al- aftemoon. During these days, elghty %xtractions and religious denomina- tribution to schools, Colleges, univer- son that priests do well to make a and men are apt to push aside the : ing that we are aetually harboring together independent of Fr. Benavides. questions were put to her, the greater -tions, to produce a-cycle of twenty- sities, libraries and other institutions, good retreat every y~-ar; they are ex- things of the spirit.” • atheists to such an appalling number, In 1629, Fr. Benavides went to Portion of which concerned the con- four paniphlets on critical periods in organizations and persons, and by such pected to be spiritual men, truly af- Retreats Not a Luxury, But a Need. but it does imply (hat our Laymän’s It is certainly most gratifying and Spain and discovered that the “Lady in version of the Indifins. In places, American history from colonial times other proper means and methods as ter the heart of God and Christ, men companions quite generfilly acknowl- jencouraging to Directors and Promo­ Blue” was none other than Mother (Continued on Page 2.) to the present. These Pamphlets will shall be approved by the Supreme so inflamed with love and appreciation edge no restrictions of their liberty by ters of Meu’s Retreats, that those who be printed and distributed free in mil- Assembly.” of the things of God and of the soul, any church law.
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