REPORT OF THE TWENTY-EIGHTH YEAR OF THE JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY OF AMERICA 191M916 JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 413 THE JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY OP AMEEICA OFFICERS PRESIDENT SIMON MILLER, Philadelphia FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT DR. HENRY M. LEIPZIGER, New York SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT HORACE STERN, Philadelphia TREASURER HENRY FERNBERGER, Philadelphia SECRETARY BENJAMIN ALEXANDER, Philadelphia ASSISTANT SECRETARY I. GEORGE DOBSEVAGE, Philadelphia EDITOR DR. B. HALPER, Philadelphia TRUSTEES DE. CYRUS ADLER 1 Philadelphia HART BLUMENTHAL 3 Philadelphia CHARLES EISENMAN ' Cleveland HENRY FERNBEROER 2 Philadelphia a DANIEL GUGGENHEIM •. .New York 2 JOSEPH HAGEDORN Philadelphia 2 S. CHARLES LAMPORT New York 8 EPHRAIM LEDEBEB Philadelphia 1 DR. HENRY M. LEIPZIGER New York SIMON MILLER • Philadelphia 1 MORRIS NEWBURGER New York 1 JULIUS ROSENWALD Chicago SIGMUND B. SONNEBORN s Baltimore 1 Term expires in 1917. 2 Term expires in 1918. a Term expires In 1919. 3 414 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK 2 HORACE STERN Philadelphia 2 SAMUEL STRAUSS New York 2 HON. SELIGMAN J. STRAUSS Wilkes-Barre, Pa 2 CYRUS L. SULZBERGER New York HON. MAYER SULZBERGER » Philadelphia A. LEO WEIL1 Pittsburgh HARRIS WEINSTOCK • Sacramento EDWIN WOLF * Philadelphia HONORARY VICE-PRESIDENTS 2 ISAAC W. BERNHEIM Louisville REV. DR. HENRY COHEN * Galveston 1 Louis K. GUTMAN Baltimore REV. DR. MAX HELLER 3 New Orleans Miss ELLA JACOBS * Philadelphia S. W. JACOBS 2 Montreal ! Louis E. KIRSTEIN Boston HON. JULIAN W. MACK 2 Chicago REV. DR. MARTIN A. MEYER 3 San Francisco 3 HON. SIMON W. ROSENDALE Albany, N. Y. 1 MURRAY SEASONGOOD Cincinnati HON. M. C. SLOSS 1 San Francisco REV. DR. JOSEPH STOLZ * Chicago HON. SIMON WOLF ' Washington, D. C. PUBLICATION COMMITTEE HON. MAYER SULZBERGER, Chairman Philadelphia DR. CYRUS ADLER Philadelphia REV. DR. HENRY BERKOWITZ Philadelphia DR. S. SOLIS COHEN Philadelphia REV. DR. HYMAN G. ENELOW New York DR. HERBERT FRIEDENWALD Denver DR. ISRAEL FBIEDLAENDER New York FELIX N. GERSON Philadelphia REV. DR. MAX HELLER New Orleans DR. JACOB H. HOLLANDER Baltimore RABBI JACOB KOHN New York REV. DR. J. L. MAGNES New York DR. MAX L. MARGOLIS Philadelphia DR. ALEXANDER MARX New York LEON S. MOISSEDST New York REV. DR. DAVID PHILIPSON Cincinnati REV. DR. SAMUEL SCHULMAN New York 1 Term expires in 1917. 2 Term expires in 1918. a Term expires In 1919. 4 JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 415 HON. OSCAK S. STRAUS New York SAMUEL STKAUSS New York HENRIETTA SZOLD New York JEWISH CLASSICS COMMITTEE DR. CYRUS ADLER, Chairman Philadelphia REV. DR. H. G. ENELOW New York DR. LOUIS GINZBERG New York DR. JACOB Z. LAUTERBACH Cincinnati DR. ALEXANDER MARX New York REV. DR. DAVID PHUJPSON Cincinnati DR. ISRAEL FRIEDLAENDER New York REV. DR. KAUFMAN KOHLER Cincinnati DR. HENRY MALTER Philadelphia REV. DR. F. DE SOLA MENDES New York REV. DR. SAMUEL SCHULMAN New York HON. MAYER SULZBEKGER Philadelphia BOARD OF EDITORS OF THE BIBLE TRANSLATION DR. CYRUS ADLER, Chairman Philadelphia l DR. JOSEPH JACOBS New York REV. DK. KAUFMAN KOHLER Cincinnati DR. MAX L. MARGOLIS : Philadelphia REV. DR. DAVID PHILIPSON Cincinnati 1 DR. SOLOMON SCHECHTER New York REV. DR. SAMUEL SCHULMAN New York The Board of Trustees meets in January, March, May, and October. The Publication Committee meets in the afternoon of the first Sunday in January, February, March, April, May, June, October, November, and December. MEETING OF THE TWENTY-EIGHTH YEAE The annual meeting of The Jewish Publication Society of America was held Sunday evening, May 7, 1916, at The Dropsie College for Hebrew and Cognate Learning, Broad and York Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. In the absence of the President of the Society, Mr. Horace Stern, Vice-President of the Society, acted as Chairman. Mr. I. George Dobsevage, of Philadelphia, acted as Secretary of the meeting. Mr. Stern read the President's annual address. 1 Deceased. 14 5 41f, AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK PRESIDENT'S ADDRESS Ladies and Gentlemen: The Board of Trustees bids you welcome to the twenty-eighth annual meeting of the Society. The Report of the Trustees, which is before you, is not only a statement of the work done, but is an earnest of what is to be accomplished. Our membership is larger than ever before. We have enrolled over four thousand five hundred (4500) new members, more members having been secured this year than in any previous year. In fact, the total of new memberships secured practically equals the total membership of the Society about twelve years ago. We now have a membership of nearly fourteen thousand (14,000), a net increase of two thousand (2000) over last year. The Society has sold more books, and has taken in more money than in any previous year. Several days ago we sent out an appeal to all of our Annual Members, urging them to increase their subscriptions. A number have answered the appeal. The Society feels that Judaism can best be served by a very exten- sive distribution of its books, but to accomplish this, the Society must have money. The cost of paper, printing, binding, and distribution has risen considerably since the Society was organized, and a larger income is imperative if we are to do our work effectively. The Trustees feel that the nominal annual dues of three dollars ought not to be raised, because we want to be a popular society and enable the masses, who cannot afford to pay more, to remain members of the Society. Still, there must be thou- sands of our members who can and ought to pay more than three dollars a year, and, we hope, that as soon as we have made our position clear to them, they will respond. We have this year distributed about fifty thousand volumes. We have reprinted a number of our older publications. We have published three new books, and the fourth is about to be issued. " The Power of Purim and Other Plays," by Irma Kraft, consisting of plays suitable for presentation by Sabbath School children, was very favorably received in school circles and Jewish homes. The seventeenth issue of the AMERICAN JEWISH YEAH BOOK was published in September, 1915, and contained an exceptionally important article on " Recent Jewish Progress in Palestine," which was really a book in itself. Miss Henrietta Szold, the author of the article, has rendered Judaism a great service in presenting, at this time, such an important resume of the subject. The YEAH BOOK also contained, in addition to the usual features, a valuable article by the late Dr. Joseph Jacobs on the " Federation Move- ment in American Jewish Philanthropy." The third book of the year, " The Jews Among the Greeks and Romans," from the pen of Dr. Max Radin, proved to be a work of great merit and a distinct contribution to the subject. Dr. Radin went to first sources for his information, and, writing in a style that has been commented upon favorably, he traced the various phases of Jewish life and thought in the classical world. The next book, to appear shortly, is the first volume of the " His- tory of the Jews in Russia and Poland From the Earliest Times Until the Present Day," from the Russian of S. M. Dubnow, the author of the philosophic essay on Jewish History published by the Society some years ago. This work, written for the Society, will be a most valuable con- tribution to our knowledge of u subject of the utmost importance to us, 6 JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 417 both on account of the place the East European Jews hold In the history and literature of our people, and on account of their checkered fortunes in the immediate past and their sad plight at the present time. The Society was fortunate enough to secure for the work of translation the services of Professor Israel Priedlaender. The second volume of this history will appear during the fiscal year 1916-1917. Two other books are now passing through the press : a volume of poems by Mr. P. M. Raskin, and a book of stories by Dr. A. S. Isaacs, entitled " Under the Sabbath Lamp : Stories of Our Time for Old and Young." Of the books that have passed beyond the initial stage of being projected, and have reached various stages of completion, three deserve special men- tion: Two of them, bearing on outlying sections of Jewry, whose histories were hitherto sealed books, will be related by Jewish travellers and investigators able to speak from first-hand knowledge. The French original of the book on the Jews of Northern Africa by Doctor Nahum Slousch, whose volume on the " Renascence of Hebrew Literature " will be recalled with pleasure, is in the hands of the translator, Miss Amy E. Schechter. Doctor Slousch has made several journeys through Morocco, Libya, and Tunis, and pene- trated the edge of the great Sahara Desert. In the course of his travels he made valuable discoveries, adding vastly to our knowledge of the history and customs of a region which was once densely populated by active com- munities of Jews, and which is still the abode of no inconsiderable number of our race. Dr. Slousch's book will be copiously illustrated by photographs taken by him on his wanderings. The other book of similar interest Is that to be written for the Society by Doctor Jacques Faitlovitch, on the romantic history of the Falashas, the Jews of Abyssinia. Dr. Faitlovitch qualified himself to become the writer of this book by his several sojourns and numerous investigations in Abyssinia. The third work of especial interest is the volume to be entitled " Post- Biblical Hebrew Literature: An Anthology," selected from works written since the close of the biblical Canon, compiled by Doctor B. Halppr, of the Dropsie College, who has also translated into English the texts that are to constitute the volume.
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