Vol. 6, No. 12 November 1979 Superliners Go Into Service.__ _____ _ -----, I On Empire Builder Route Amtrak's Superliners went into ser­ vice on the Empire Builder with in­ augural trips from Chicago to Seattle on October 28 and from Seattle to Chicago on October 29. The Empire Builder is the first Am­ trak Irain to feature full Superliner service. The first Empire Builder with Su­ perliners left Chicago's Un ion Station at II :30 a.m., on Sunday, October 28. On the same day, a special Super­ liner display was held at King Street station in Seattle from 2 to 5 p.m. The Superliner-equipped Empire Builder rolls OUf of Chicago heading for ~Qflle. with the public invi ted to tour the new train. The followi ng day, the first between SI. Cloud, Minnesota, and tion from beginning toend. eastbound Builder left Seatlle with Seattle. The second-two coaches , a Nearly 2,000 persons visited the the Superli ners as a standard feature. diner and a sleeper-left Chicago on train at SI. Cloud. Thirteen bus loads Special inaugural celebrations were October 13, ma king all stops to Min­ of children, plus 1,200 adults, came held on the trains during the first neapolis. to see the cars at Staples, Minnesota, week of operation. Champagne was The trains were staffed by person­ and another 1,200 persons showed up offered to adult passengers during nel from the training, mechanical, a t Delroit Lakes, Minnesota, despite this period and bullons and other marketing, security. on-board ser­ 45 degree temperatures and steady souvenirs were distributed . vices and public affairs departments. rain. Several local and state dignitaries The tour was labeled a "hit" at­ Large crowds were the ru le at vi r­ boarded to ride portions of the route. tracting much press and media al1en- tually every stop. The inaugural runs were the climax of a lengthy public display-training Conference Approves Amtrak Funds trip the Superliners made all the way from Chicago to Seattle earlier in the The House and Senate Appropria­ • $211 million for capital COS tS and month. The cars followed the entire tions Conference Committ ee met on labor protecti on. This is $12 million route of the Empire Builder making Thursday, No vember 8, and ap­ short of the a uthorized level for capi­ display stops at each city that is proved a total of $873.4 million for tal funds and $10 million short for served by the train. The public and Amtrak for fi sca l year 1980. labor protection. press were invited to inspect the new Repon language stated the confer­ • $20 milli on for 403(b) state ser­ cars prior to placement inlo service. ees agreed that Amtrak should have vices, JU St under the $23.8 million au­ AI crew change poinls, Burlington the flexibility to enter into a cO nlract thorized. Nonhern personnel who will operate for purchase of up to 200 low level • $12 million for a Northeast Cor­ the new cars were given training in cars with the understanding that the ridor purchase payment . their maintenance. total order would not exceed $228 The bill was passed by the House In actuality there were tWO train­ million. on Thursday, November 15; the ing-display trains. The funding included: Senate on Monday. November 19. The first-three coaches. a diner • $630.4 million for operations. The bill was then sent to the White and two Amtech training cars-left This is $500,000 less than authorized. House for the President's signature. Chicago on October 2 making StOPS Desert Wind Inaugural Draws Crowds ____ ~ I As New Train Goes Into Service The Desert Wind, Amlfak's new rear, pulled out of the station carry­ Angeles metropolitan area. Los Angeles-Las Vegas-Salt Lake ing some 250 federal, state, county Sam Boyd (no relation to President City-Ogden train, was inaugurated and city officials, business and media Boyd), a casino operator said, "This with a special two-day run from Los representatives. and Amtrak and rail­ will bring people back to Las Vegas. I Angeles to Ogden to introduce the road personnel. suppOrt it fu ll y. It IS feasible service to communities along the Included among those riders was a economicall y and makes a lot of route. group of Las Vegas civic and business sense. I personally intend to promote The gala fe stivities began in Los leaders who new to Los Angeles travel on it in my casinos." Angeles' Union Station at 9a.m., fri­ earlier that morning j ust to ride the Mike Shapiro, vice president, day, October 26. Major speakers at inaugural. Union Plaza hotel, where Amtrak's the send-ofr were Amtrak President The train made stops at Pasadena, station is located, said, " I think this Alan Boyd and Adriana Gianturco, Pomono, San Bernardino and Bars­ will prove to be a bonanza for Las direclOr, California Department of tow en route to Las Vegas. At each Vegas. I think this train will be run­ Transportation. George Falcon. stop. two of the AmOeet cars - an ning full within two weeks with peo­ president, Citizens for Rail Califor­ Amcoach and an Amdinette - were ple coming here from the Southern nia, presented a Gold Spike plaque to open for public inspection. On-board California area," Nevada Senator Howard Cannon services attendants greeted visitors Greeting the train on arrival in Las which Boyd accepted for the Senator. and explained the cars' various Vegas was the Mickey Finn dixieland Boyd told the crowd he thought features. Amfleet equipment wi ll be band and Santa Claus, complete with Amtrak's future was bright. Said he, used on the train until Superliners are red suit and long wh ite beard. "We've had eight years of crises. available. Former Las Vegas Mayor Oran Now we're growing and we're going Greetings were extended at the Gragson echoed what many other to continue to grow." various cities by civic leaders. AI riders had said that day. "The rest After the speeches, Gianturco Barstow, Mayor Bernard Keller gave that passengers get o n this train more smashed a bottle of California cham­ his wholehearted approval to the new than compensates for the 'time ele­ pagne on the rear car's coupler and train. "Sure, I'll ride this train," he ment.' This is about as comfortable a riders climbed aboard for the trip said, "It's something that's been transportation system as you can north. " I'm certainly delighted to see needed here for many years." find. " Gragson now is a director of an expansion of service here instead Largest crowd of the day appeared the city 's Downtown Progress Asso­ of cutbacks," she said. at Las Vegas, where townspeople are ciation. The eight car special train, with an delighted with the new service that After overnighting in Las Vegas, open end observation car gracing the connects thei r town to the Los the Ifain and its passenger guests con­ tinued north to Ogden the next day. Before departing, however, another ceremony was held wh ile the cars were on publ ic display. Incl uded in the morning festiv ities was the Las Vegas High School marching band and the Las Vegas Rhyrhmettes, a precision dance group of high school girls. First stop a fter leavi ng Las Vegas. was Mitford, Utah, where the largest crowd of the two-day trip appeared to hait and inspect the train. Extra time had to be alloted to permit the large group of townspeople to view the equipment. Music was provided by the Milford High School band and official greetings were presented On-board sen'ices ,wrsonnel who .... orked Ihe special inaugurallrain i,/C/uded. lefl ro righI, Bill Mills, Mason Finley. Clarence Stafford. John Lillard. Dixie Trimm. Darrell Bryan, Arthur Mayor Roy Young. Utah State Jones. Sharon Hill. AIi{'e Wong, Joe Broussard and Pally Saunders. Senator Whaddingham also spoke. 2 At Salt Lake City, the train was Congressman McKay; and Maury At Ogden, the Desert Wind con­ greeted by Governor Scott Matheson Moler, of the Ogden Standard-Exam­ nects in both directions 10 the San and Congressman Gunn McKay. iner, who was the sparkplug behind Fran cisco Zephyr for Cheyenne, Den­ Matheson noted that he was wearing the station's recent restoration and ver, Omaha and Chicago. Similar a tuxedo. "That's how much I think creation of a railroad museum connections are available at Salt Lake of this train and its importance to our located in the building. City to and from the tri-weekly Rio state, II he said. The train was named for the condi ­ Grande Zephyr for Grand Junction, Another large crowd greeted the tions that range over most of the dry Glenwood Springs and Denver. train at Ogden. Passengers were es­ sage-covered terrain it traverses on its The U.S. Department of Transpor­ corted to the station's huge waiting 81 I-mile route through th ree states. It tation specified the new route as a room where a band greeted them with operates across the Mohave desert needed operation in its report on spirited music. and through hiSlO ric Cajon Pass. The reslTuclUring the Amtrak system. Incl uded among speakers here were Desert Wind is t he first regularly­ Congress approved this segment in ils Ogden Mayor Steven Dirks; John scheduled train through Las Vegas recent ratification of the Amtrak Kirkwood, of San Francisco's BART; since 1971. budget for fi scal year 1980. (Riglll) Amlrok Presidell/ Boyd speaks 01 Ille departure cere­ mony in /..OS Angeles.
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