Science Museum Group Annual Report and Accounts 2016−2017 Report and Accounts presented to Parliament pursuant to Section 9(8) of the Museums and Galleries Act 1992 Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 13 July 2017 HC 110 Science Museum Group (SMG) members: (Formerly known as National Museum of Science & Industry) Science Museum Museum of Science and Industry, Manchester National Railway Museum in York and Shildon National Science and Media Museum SCMG Enterprises Ltd © Science Museum Group 2017 The text of this document (this excludes, where present, the Royal Arms and all departmental and agency logos) may be reproduced free of charge in any format or medium providing that it is reproduced accurately and not in a misleading context The material must be acknowledged as Science Museum Group copyright and the document title specified. Where third party material has been identified, permission from the respective copyright holder must be sought. Any enquiries regarding this publication should be sent to us at [email protected] You can download this publication from www.sciencemuseumgroup.ac.uk. Print ISBN 9781474142397 Web ISBN 9781474142403 Printed in the UK by the Williams Lea Group on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office ID 24031708 07/17 Printed on paper containing 75% recycled fibre content minimum SMG Annual Report and Accounts 2016−17 Contents 1 Science Museum Group 5 2 Achievements and Performance 7 Grow ‘science capital’ in individuals and society 8 Grow our audiences and exceed their expectations 10 Sustain and grow our world-class collection 16 Extend our international reach 19 Transform our estate 21 Harness the potential of digital 23 Increase income 24 Financing and fundraising 26 Performance 28 3 Financial Review 29 4 Remuneration Report 32 5 Sustainability Report 37 6 Statement of Board of Trustees’ and Director’s responsibilities 40 7 Governance Statement 41 8 The Certificate and Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General to the Houses of Parliament 49 9 Financial Statements 50 3 SMG Annual Report and Accounts 2016−17 4 SMG Annual Report and Accounts 2016−17 1. Science Museum Group Purpose and objectives The Science Museum Group (SMG) is devoted to the • Care for, preserve and add to the objects in its collections history and contemporary practice of science, medicine, • Secure that the objects are exhibited to the public technology, industry and media. Its collections form an • Secure that the objects are available to persons seeking enduring record of scientific, technological and medical to inspect them in connection with study or research, and change since the 18th century. They are the largest, most • Generally promote the public’s enjoyment and comprehensive and most significant in their field anywhere understanding of science and technology and of the in the world. SMG incorporates the Science Museum, the development of those subjects, both by means of the Science Museum Library and the Wellcome Collections of Board’s collections and by such other means as they the History of Medicine in South Kensington; the Museum consider appropriate. of Science and Industry (MSI) in Manchester; the National During 2016–17 the Board of Trustees of the Science Railway Museum (NRM) in York and in Shildon; and the Museum (the SMG Board) agreed a new vision and mission National Science and Media Museum (NSMM) in Bradford. for SMG, as set out in section 2, which takes due regard Collections stores are located at Wroughton, Wiltshire and of the Charity Commission’s general guidance on public Blythe House in West Kensington, London. benefit and informs all decision-making, future planning As defined in the 1983 National Heritage Act, SMG’s and strategic priorities. charitable objectives are to: History and organisation The Science Museum has its origins in the South partnership with Sedgefield Borough Council. The National Kensington Museum set up soon after the Great Exhibition Science and Media Museum was established in 1983 as the of 1851. The South Kensington Museum was reorganised National Museum of Photography, Film & Television, with as the Victoria and Albert Museum and the Science the support of Bradford City Council. The Science Museum Museum in 1909. The Science Museum expanded outside collections store at Wroughton, a former Second World London and the National Railway Museum, which opened War airfield, was made available to the museum by the in 1975, was established as a result of the transfer of the Ministry of Defence in 1979. The Museum of Science and British Transport Commission’s railway collection to the Industry opened in 1969 as the North Western Museum of Board of Trustees of the Science Museum. The National Science and was registered as a charity in 1987; it joined Railway Museum at Shildon was opened in 2004 in SMG in 2012. Legal status and Group structure The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum is the Act and the Museums and Galleries Act 1992. SMG is an corporate body of SMG and was established under the exempt charity under Schedule 3 of the Charities Act 2011, National Heritage Act 1983. Until 1984, SMG was managed with DCMS acting as its principal regulator for charity law directly by Government when it ceased to operate as part purposes, and is recognised as charitable by HM Revenue of a Government department. It now has the status of a & Customs. non-departmental public body (NDPB), operating within SMG has a wholly owned subsidiary trading company, the public sector but at arm’s length from its sponsor SCMG Enterprises Ltd (company registration no. department, the Department for Culture, Media and Sport 02196149), set up in 1988 and operating across all SMG (DCMS). These accounts fulfil the requirements of the 1983 museums. 5 SMG Annual Report and Accounts 2016−17 Museum addresses Science Museum National Railway Museum National Science and Media Museum Exhibition Road Leeman Road Pictureville London York Bradford SW7 2DD YO26 4XJ BD1 1NQ Museum of Science & Industry National Railway Museum at Shildon Liverpool Road Shildon Castlefield County Durham Manchester DL4 1PQ M4 3FP Company addresses Entity Registered Charity Registered office number registration SCMG Enterprises Ltd 02196149 – Science Museum Exhibition Road London SW7 2DD List of SMG advisers SMG SCMG Enterprises Ltd Auditors Comptroller and Auditor General Grant Thornton UK LLP National Audit Office Grant Thornton House 157–197 Buckingham Palace Road Melton Street London SW1W 9SP London NW1 2EP Bankers Barclays Bank plc Barclays Bank plc Floor 27 Floor 27 1 Churchill Place 1 Churchill Place London E14 5HP London E14 5HP Solicitors SMG draws advice from a range of solicitors by sector, which this year included: Bates Wells Braithwaite CMS Cameron McKenna LLP DWF Farrer & Co. Hansel Henson Mills & Reeve LLP Veale Wasbrough Vizards The Group also has access to legal firms on the London Universities Purchasing Consortium panel. 6 SMG Annual Report and Accounts 2016−17 2. Achievements and Performance Science Museum Group (SMG) strategic objectives Each SMG museum has its own distinct identity and remit, Strategic priorities but SMG also recognises the opportunities it has as a group and its capacity to be greater than the sum of its Seven key priorities drive SMG activity: parts. In order to build on this opportunity the Board of Core priorities Trustees carried out a review of the Group’s strategy in 1. Grow ‘science capital’ in individuals and society 2016, and identified a new Group-wide vision and mission. 2. Grow our audiences and exceed their expectations In addition it agreed seven Group-wide strategic priorities, 3. Sustain and grow our world-class collection which provide the framework for activity across the Group Supporting priorities up to 2030. 4. Extend our international reach 5. Transform our estate SMG vision: 6. Harness the potential of digital 7. Increase income A society that celebrates science, technology and engineering and their impact on our lives, now and in the The first three, science capital, audiences and collections, future are designated core priorities, fundamental to our statutory responsibilities and all we do. The other four, international, estate, digital and income, may be SMG mission: considered as supporting priorities. These are the areas in which a need for significant growth or change has been We inspire futures by: identified, even where the activity might otherwise be seen Creative exploration of science, technical innovation and as ‘business as usual’. industry, and how they made and sustain modern society These priorities underpin all of SMG’s work, and our • Building a scientifically literate society, using the achievements and performance this year are set out history, present and future of science, technology, against these seven priorities. medicine, transport and media to grow science capital • Inspiring the next generations of scientists, inventors and engineers Focus of each museum: • The Science Museum (SM) explores the science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine that shape our lives • The Museum of Science and Industry (MSI) explores how ideas can change the world, from the Industrial Revolution to today • The National Railway Museum (NRM) explores the huge impact of railways on Britain and the wider world • The National Science and Media Museum (NSMM) explores the transformative impact of image and sound technologies on our lives. 7 SMG Annual Report and Accounts 2016−17 Grow ‘science capital’ in individuals and society SMG’s offer and reputation for lifelong, informal STEM Enterprising Science learning and engagement will be the best in the world. We completed year four of the Enterprising Science SMG plays a central and irreplaceable role in deepening project. SMG has been working with King’s College and expanding science literacy in the UK. The breadth of London and BP since 2012 to define and measure resource in the Group, the diversity of the audiences and science capital and devise effective ways to apply the communities we serve, and the expertise embedded in research into practice.
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