THIS WEEK IN TEXAS June 27-July 3, 1986 (512) 477-3391 ~[KSTREET 11 ©1986 BY TWT MAG~INE£THIS MAP MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED WHOLLY R IN ART WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMIS ON F OM THE PUBLISHER. II) m OJ FRIDAY • .JULY 4th ~ * * * * 1\ RED/WHITE/BLUE \J" • SHDT SPECIALS ~-c _ Special opening time-2pm •••~ =~ *SATURDAY* * • .JULY* *5th • .c LEATHER & LIBERTY PARTY ~ Happy Hour Prices 10pm-2am 1\ [Leather and Uniforms encouragad) w' aOJ ill * * * * TWT JUNE 27 - JULY 3 1986 TWT JUNE 27 - JULY 3 1986 PAGE 11 \\9H ~"f."'; CONTENTS ~.hOF JULY 1986 END KICKOFF THURSDA Y, JUL Y 3 DAY BUFFET Starts at BPM ~ FRIDA Y, JUL Y 4 :ta DON'T STA Y HOME ,l, ATCH THE UNVEILING 15 TWT NEWS 21.06 Supreme Court Decision Expected Soon. THE STATUE OF LIBERTY 30 HIGHLIGHT Interview With Howie Daire, Founder of Oak Lawn Counseling Cntr. by Chuck Patrick 35 COMMENT Letters to the Editor AND FIREWORKS 41 VIEWPOINT The Texos Governor's Race Heats Up bV Roger N, Parton ON GALLEON VIDEO 47 BOOKS Beoood Acceptonce by Corolyn Griffin, et 01. Reviewed bV David Fields 52 THEATRE Texas Theatre bV Billie Duncan nded Happy Hour till 9P 56 MOVIES Legol Eog/es With Robert Redford & Debra Winger Reviewed by Donalevan Moines -plus- The f{orote f{id " With Rolph Macchio Reviewed bV 0, Flores Alvarez Lobt,Jrinth With David Bowie Reviewed bV Donalevan Moines RAZY HOUR, 9-10PM Running Scored With Gregory Hines & Billy Crystal Reviewed by Harry Deutsch ell, $ 1 Beer, $ 1 Schnapps 61 INTERVIEW Jim 8elushi & Elizabeth Perkins bV Donalevan Moines 64 SHOWBIZ Hunk-of-the-Month & More Young Hunks bV Jock Varsl 66 BACKSTAGE Cynthia Scott, Summer Classics ... bv Jim Cagle 70 COVER FEATURE Glimpses of Vincent A Short Storv bV Tim Hlnnison Original Artwork by Lucian Rlnando Additional Graphics bV JaV Verdon 76 ART British Watercolors: Drawings of the 18th & 19th Centuries bv Mitchell M. Bartlow after this Sunday's 80 SNAPSHOTS Razzle Dazzle Dallas Photos bv Mkhoei McHinnev 83 HOT TEA Dazzle in Dallas, Pride Porades in Son Antonio & Houston . GAY PRIDE PARADE 92 SNAPSHOTS Son Antonio Goy Pride Parade Photos bv Tim Ramm 95 SPORTS Results From Lost Weekend's Dallas vs. Houston Goy Pride Gomes ... bv BobbV MiRer JOIN US FOR 107 STARSCOPE You and Mars bv Milton von Stem 115 CLASSIFIED Wont Ads and Notices STEAK NIGHT ~--?1 129 CALENDAR Special One-Time Only & Non-Profit Community Events starts 7PM C -;;--;,'Str'.... 131 THE GUIDE Texas Business/Club Directory $ 1.25 Margaritas all day Sunday ~s'{o" TWT (This Week in Texas) is published by Texas Weekly Publishing Co., at 2205 Montrose, Houston, Texas 77006, phone: (713) 527-9111. Opinions expressed by columnists are not necessarily those of TWT or of its staff. Publication of the name or photograph 2303 Richmond (ll 3) 527-76 J 6 of any person or organization in articles or advertising in TWT is not to be construed as any indication of the sexual orientation of said person or organization. Subscription rates: $66 per year, $44 per half year. Back issues available at $2 each. Payment must accompany all orders. Copyright © 1986 by Texas Weekly Publishing Co, All rights reserved. Partial or complete reproduction of any advertisement, news, article or feature, copy or photograph from TWT is specifically prohibited by federal statute. PAGE 12 TWT JUNE 27 - JULY 3 1986 TWT JUNE 27 - JULY 3 1986 PAGE 13 \ilIj the 651 I NEWS TEXAS @~a~WOMEN CLUBS WILL BLOOD SISTERS ARLINGTON'S OLDEST OF AUSTIN 1851 W. DIVISION Sister·to-Brother Gifts of Life From Women to Men. ......................... Dallasplaintiff in 21.06case, Don Baker,awaits U.S.Supreme Court decision-hopefully during Gay Pride month. Exclusive TWT NEWS Report. HAPPY HOUR TWT NEWS staff photo. DAILY TILL BPM AUSTIN -In response to the mount- SETTING TEXAS ing AIDS crisis, Blood Sisters of Austin TUES, WED, THURS, & SUNS has established a program in Travis GAYS FREE FOR County in cooperation with the Central ... $2 BEER BUST ... Texas Blood Bank which is enthusiastic Watch for our "NEW LOOK" GAY PRIDE WEEK and supportive of Blood Sisters. Blood Sisters' specific function is for u.s. Supreme Court Big women-the group that is statistically Decision on 21.06 Trial at lowest risk of catching AIDS-to give Could Come Down ThisJune. blood di rectly to men at risk. It's a com- FT. WORTH'S OLDEST mendable undertaking, all agree. 651 S. JENNINGS Exclusive TWT NEWS Report. Blood Sisters' first "sister-to-brother" blood drive was held last Saturday, June DALLAS - Wouldn't it be wonderful 21 at First Unitarian Church, 6700Grover Happy Hour Daily if now-during Gay Pride Week across Rd. Blood Sisters T-shirts were on sale SALES till aPM Texas-Dallas schoolteacher Don Bak- for a compassionate donation. EXECUTIVE SALES MANAGER er's 21.06 Supreme Court trial was set- Jim Veteto Tuesday- $1.00 Calling the program "a gift of life to tled once and for all with a favorable our brothers," a spokeswoman told TWT Advertising rates are available on request by tele- BLACK JACK decision from the high bench declaring phoning the salesperson in your nearest city .. and Cash Prize Drawings NEWS, "We see it as a unifying way of DEADLINE FOR AU ADS: homosexual conduct in Texas to be bringing our community together." Friday. one week prior to publication. constitutional-settting gays free of Mondays-FREE Blood sisters also said it needed AUSTIN oppression? volunteers from the women's communi- Scott Taylor. (512) 926-0253 C&W DANCE LESSONS DAUAS Such a landmark decision could ty who were willing to give blood directly Alan Gellman. (214) 521-0622 Sundays come before month's end, THRF spec- to men at risk. Contact Ms. Niki Nichols FORT WORTH Steve Miles. (214) 521-0622 POOL TOURNEY ulated. If it does, then one million gay or Gail Xandy at (512)454-9321or write HOUSTON/GALVESTON $Cash$ Prizes men and lesbians across Texas will to Blood Sisters, 4501 Finley, Austin, TX Scot Roberts. (713) 527-9111 SAN ANTONIO/CORPUS CHRISTI surely have something to celebrate- 78731. Tim Ramm. (512) 822-9213 Thursdays & Sundays their freedom, at long last! The Austin Chapter is just one of $2 BEER BUST Attorney thomas Coleman of THRF many new chapters springing up across CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT told TWT NEWS that he expected a major the country, working in cooperation with Dallas Bureau-Steve Miles Houston Bureau-Scot Roberts ..•....•... ..•....•... ..•.. ..•... development in the case, perhaps this the Women's Caucus of the San Diego TWT MAGAZINE Monday or the first week in July. Most Democratic Society, which created the Texas Weekly Publishing Co. 21.06 decisions have come down on first sister-to-brother blood donor pro- Mondays, it was noted. gram back in 1983. PAGE 14 TWT JUNE 27 - JULY 3 1986 TWT JUNE 27 - JULY 3 1986 PAGE 15 the father, "as we don't often lock our JULY 4TH doors." How is Brandi coping with being held FOURDAY in the county jail in the small county "* '* seat of Cold Springs, Texas? "He's CELEBRATION keeping his cool in jail," said his mother. Mrs. Youens suggested that friends #4'"-tJ) - of her son could write to him in care of the San Jacinto County Sheriff's office, <1» Post Office Box 7, Cold Spring, TX 77331. Cold Springs is about 30 miles Cliff Youens, a.k.a. Brandi West, says he's innocent of from Livingston. murder charges. In a letter to TWT NEWS, Youens TWT NEWS photo by Scot Roberts. wrote, "I'm trying to get some dates together for the last week of February BRANDI WEST and first three weeks of March, so please send me copies of TWT covering INSISTS HE'S these dates. "It is much needed for my defense. NOT GUILTY I'll try to get you some inside intorrna- "1'11Survive This Be tion as soon as I can. Thanks to all for Prove My Innocence." their support. "I'll survive this thing and prove my • Parents Help Son Prove innocence if it's the last thing I do," 9 He Didn't Commit Murder. wrote Brandi West to TWT NEWS last Exclusive 7WT NEWS Analysis. weekend. COLD SPRING, TX - John Clifford -- Youens, 32, known to patrons of show bars as zany and witty Brandi West, was to be arraigned last Tuesday, June 24, v.1£~8Y on charges that he murdered his girl· -- friend, Patrice LeBlanc, whose body 224 EAST VICKERY • FT. WORTH • (817) 949-2227 was found stabbed, floating in Lake Llv- ingston last March. Throughout the ordeal, Youens has maintained he's innocent of the charges. Even his family and friends have found the charges hard to believe. Girlfriend of entertainer Brandi West, Patrice LeBlanc, found "I certainly wouldn't have killed murdered in Lake Livingston. someone I loved," Youens told his parents. His father, Russell Youens No date has yet been set forthe trial, told TWT NEWS last weekend that "they said the father. Meanwhile, West sits mostly have lots of circumstantial in jail. evidence." The San Jacinto County Sheriff's of- He further explained that Patrice had fice advised Arby Burnett of TWT NEWS 8 her own set of boat keys. "The keys to that Youens' bond was set at $200,000. ~~ the boat hung in the kitchen and every- Youens was transferred to the San ~~~ ~\) one knew that. So the boat was easily Jacinto County Jail where he faces trial accessible to anyone," said the father. on murder charges. _ 0<1» Living up at Lake Livingston is a lot Meanwhile, Youens has maintained ~- different from living in the big city, said his innocence in private communiques.
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