Celebrating our 40th year of covering the South Belt community Voice of Community-Minded People since 1976 September 3, 2015 Email: [email protected] www.southbeltleader.com Vol. 40, No. 31 Burnett open house pre-K, K Burnett Elementary will host Open House for pre-K and kindergarten on Thursday, Sept. 3 – 5 p.m. for Pre-K; 6 p.m. for kindergarten. Diaz focuses on community outreach Parents are encouraged to visit their child’s By James Bolen and protocol. Several communities participate by having Diaz also stressed the importance of having a classroom and see the exciting things that are In the current political climate where police Through the CPA’s interactive courses, par- block parties, cookouts and other gatherings, of- culturally diverse staff. happening at Burnett. are often viewed as the enemy, Harris County ticipants learn many aspects of law enforcement, ten with presentations from local leaders and law “This is a diverse community, and we have to Precinct 2 Constable Chris Diaz is on a mis- such as the Texas Penal Code, patrol procedures, enforcement representatives. (See related story make sure our offi ce is also diverse,” Diaz said. Labor Day closings set sion to reach out to the South Belt community to gang awareness, terrorism information and many on this page.) “We have to reach out to different cultures and change this perception locally. other topics. The constable said deputies will have an in- understand different languages. We have to adapt South Belt-Ellington Leader “We must build a relationship and build trust,” Residents will gain a better understanding of creased presence at local civic club and home- and understand different cultures and their val- The Leader office will be closed Monday, Diaz said at a press conference held at the Lead- how police services are conducted in their com- owner association meetings, and he urges resi- ues. It won’t happen overnight.” Sept. 7, in observance of Labor Day. er offi ce Monday, Aug. 31. munities and see how and why deputies make dents to also become engaged. Diaz compared Another development to gain the public’s trust Clear Brook City MUD To accomplish this, Diaz feels the constable’s some of their decisions in the course of their du- the community to a family and said families is the proposed use of body cameras on depu- Clear Brook City MUD will close Monday, offi ce needs to interact with the community and ties. Graduates of the CPA play a vital role in shouldn’t wait until a wedding or a funeral to ties. The department recently obtained a pair of Sept. 7, in observance of Labor Day. The office vice versa. their community by improving communication have a family reunion. Continued on Page 2A will re-open Tuesday, Sept. 8, at 8 a.m. Pay- Diaz encourages residents to participate in between citizens and law enforcement and by ments may be left in the drop box located on both the upcoming Citizen’s Police Academy providing local input and support throughout the the drive-through window side of the building. and National Night Out. county. (See related sidebar on this page.) Holiday trash schedule set Set to begin Tuesday, Sept. 15, the Citizen’s Now in its 32nd year, National Night Out is Martin honors PISD’s Lewis Police Academy is a 12-week program designed a nationwide event designed to prevent crime Houston District E City Council Member intendent in 2006, and in this role, has overseen Clear Brook City MUD to give residents a working knowledge of the by encouraging neighbors to communicate with Dave Martin presented a special proclamation to increased graduation rates, increased enrollment Residents living in Clear Brook City MUD constable’s offi ce, including police procedures each other and local law enforcement offi cers. Pasadena Independent School District Superin- and success in advanced placement and dual- will have regular trash service pickup on tendent Kirk Lewis during a public Council ses- credit courses and the creation of the Pasadena Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 7. All trash should sion on Tuesday, Aug. 11. Early College High School, among other accom- be at curbside no later than 7 a.m. to ensure Lewis plans to retire early next year after a plishments. pickup that day. Residents missing this regular Precinct 2 brass unites successful 30-year career with the school dis- PISD currently includes 63 total campuses trash pickup date will be serviced on the next trict. with approximately 7,400 staff serving more regularly scheduled pickup date of Thursday, Since joining PISD in 1986, Lewis has served than 54,000. Sept. 10. in a number of roles including executive director Martin congratulated Lewis on a long and suc- City of Houston of communications and community relations, as cessful career and thanked him for his dedication Residents living within the Houston city well as deputy superintendent for administration to the education and success of the students in limits will not have trash collection service and public relations and governmental affairs. the Pasadena Independent School District. on Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 7. Trash pickup Lewis was appointed as the district’s super- See related photo on Page 2A. normally scheduled for Monday will be picked up Tuesday, Sept. 8, instead. Trash pickup nor- mally scheduled for Tuesday will be picked up Wednesday, Sept. 9, instead. The city’s normal City warns of water bill scam trash pickup schedule will resume Thursday, The City of Houston is warning residents of a pink paper). Sept.10. All neighborhood depositories will potential scam that involves collecting payments • Prior to the disconnect date, the customer also be closed on Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 7. for water usage. may receive a call from the city’s Utility Cus- Several residents have notifi ed the city about a tomer Service collection services staff – the call- Highland Meadow meets possible con where a caller identifi es himself as er ID will show up as 713-371-1400. The monthly meeting of the Highland being with the city’s water department and de- • The city collections staff will only remind Meadow HOA will be held on Wednesday, Harris County Precinct 2 Constable Chris mands payment for a delinquent bill. The caller the customer they are delinquent, and inform Sept. 9, at 7 p.m. The meeting will be held at Diaz (third from left above) is on a mission directs the customer to pay the amount via Mon- them of options to make a payment. A payment the Parker Williams Library at 10851 Scars- to promote cooperation and trust between his eyGram to a “rush” address. may be made over the phone through electronic dale Blvd. Homeowners are encouraged to at- department and the South Belt community. If residents receive such a call, city offi cials check – not MoneyGram. tend. Questions prior to the meeting may be As part of that initiative, Diaz is pictured to advise hanging up and reporting the incident to • Payments for water bills may be made either directed to Deniece Reyes with C.I.A. Servic- the left (with Sgt. Robert Sanchez) with a pair the city. through the website www.HoustonWater.org, at es, Inc., at 713-981-9000 or at customercare@ of prototype glasses that are equipped with a Public Works Utility Customer Service re- approved payment locations throughout the city, ciaservices.com camera and audio recorder. Pictured above minds all customers if they receive a call that via electronic check, as instructed only by ap- with Diaz at a recent press conference held at might be fraudulent, ask for a call back phone proved personnel, or via the automated service Kirkmont I meets Sept. 9 the Leader offi ce are, left to right, Sgt. Marcus number or hang up. Report the incident imme- line at 713-371-1265. Anderson, Deputy Vance Britt, Chief Deputy diately to Utility Customer Service at 713-371- The City of Houston will NOT: Kirkmont I Homeowners Association will Jerry Luman, Lt. David Williams, Lt. Mike 1400. If after 7 p.m. or on a weekend, contact a • Request payment via MoneyGram. meet Wednesday, Sept. 9, at 7:30 p.m. at Kritzler and Sanchez. city representative by calling 311. • Pickup payments or request cash at the door 10102 Blackhawk. Homeowners and all resi- Photo by Marie Flickinger Here are the steps the city will take if a water when turning off the water meter for delinquen- dents are welcome to attend. bill is delinquent: cy. • The customer will receive via mail a delin- • Request payment for routine maintenance of Chamber luncheon set National Night Out 2015 announced quent notice of the past due amount (on yellow the water meter. The South Belt-Ellington Chamber of paper) Customers can always log in to their account Commerce will host a membership luncheon National Night Out 2015 will take place Tues- a variety of events and activities such as block • The customer will receive via mail a notice via the website to check their balance and pay a Thursday, Sept. 17, at Golfcrest Country Club, day, Oct. 6, from 6 to 9 p.m. parties, cookouts, parades, fl ashlight walks, con- of disconnection before disruption of service (on bill. 2509 Country Club Drive in Pearland, begin- Founded in 1983 by Matt Peskin of National tests, youth programs and visits from local po- ning at 11:30 a.m. Featured speakers include Association of Town Watch in Wynnewood, Pa., lice. state Sen. Larry Taylor, state Rep. Dennis Paul the event is aimed at preventing crime by en- Now in its 32nd year, the annual event took 9/11 Heroes Run set for Sept.
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