BIBLIOGRAPHYOF OSCAR THEODORE BRONEER 1926 " Excavations at Corinth 1925, Area North of the Basilica," A.J.A., XXX, pp. 49-57 1927 " A Late Type of Wheel-made Lamps from Corinth," A.J.A., XXXI, pp. 329-337 1928 " Excavations in the Odeum at Corinth, 1928," A.J.A., XXXII, pp. 447-473 1930 Corinth, Volume III, Part i, Acrocorinth, Excavations in 1926, Chapter IV, " The Inscriptions from Upper Peirene," Cambridge, Mass. Corinth, Volume IV, Part ii, Terracotta Lamps, Cambridge, Mass. "The 'Armed Aphrodite' on Acrocorinth and the Aphrodite of Capua," University of California Publications in Classical Archaeology, 1, 2, pp. 65-84 1932 Corinth, Volume X, The Odeumn,Cambridge, Mass. "Eros and Aphrodite on the North Slope of the Acropolis," Hesperia, I, pp. 31-55 "Some Greek Inscriptions of Roman Date from Attica," A.J.A., XXXVI, pp. 393-400 1933 " Excavations in the Agora at Corinth, 1933," A.J.A., XXXVII, pp. 554-572 " Excavations on the North Slope of the Acropolis in Athens, 1931-1932," Hesperia, II, pp. 329-417 1935 " Excavations in Corinth, 1934," A.J.A., XXXIX, pp. 53-75. " Excavations on the North Slope of the Acropolis in Athens, 1933-1934," Hesperia, IV, pp. 109-188 Review of Heinrich Bulle, Untersuchungen an GriechischtenTheatern, 1928, A.J.A., XXXIX, pp. 415-418 1936 Translation from the Greek: K. Kourouniotes, Eleusis, A Guide to the Excavations and the Museum, Athens " The Cave on the East Slope of the Acropolis," Hesperia, V, pp. 247-253 " The OXETOI in the Greek Theatre," Classical Studies presented to Edward Capps on his Seventieth Birthday, Princeton, pp. 29-41 American School of Classical Studies at Athens is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve, and extend access to Hesperia ® www.jstor.org 394 BIBLIOGRAPHYOF OSCARTHEODORE BRONEER " A Sandstone Head from Corinth," A.J.A4., XL, pp. 204-209 Review of CommodoreP. Dahlgren, Hdllristningarnas Skeppsbilder, Goteborg, 1934, A.J.A., XL, pp. 179-180 1937 " Ancient Athenian Treasures yielded by Wellshafts: A Black Figure Masterpiece; Themistocles Ostraca," I.L.N., CXCI, pp. 360-361 "A Calyx-Krater by Exekias," Hesperia, VI, pp. 469-486 "Studies in the Topography of Corinth at the Time of St. Paul," 'ApX.'E+., 1937, pp. 125-133 Review of Tonnes Kleberg, Viardshus och Vdrdshusliv i den Romerska Antikent, Goteborg, 1934, A.J.A., XLI, pp. 346-347 1938 " Discoveries on the North Slope of the Acropolis, 1938," A.J.A., XLII, pp. 445-450 "Excavations on the North Slope of the Acropolis, 1937," Hesperia, VII, pp. 161-263 " The Lion at Amphipolis," A.J.A., XLII, pp. 128-129 " New Discoveries on the North Slope of the Acropolis," A.J.A., XLII, p. 123 "Recent Discoveries on the North Slope of the Acropolis in Athens," A.J.A., XLII, pp. 161-164 Review of E. Fiechter, Das Dionysos-Theater in Athen, 3 vols., Stuttgart, 1935 and 1936, and Das Theater in Eretria, Stuttgart, 1937, A.J.A., XLII, pp. 596-601 1939 "The Head of Herakles in the Pediment of the Old Athena Temple," Hesperia, VIII, pp. 91-100 "A Mycenaean Fountain on the Athenian Acropolis," Hesperia, VIII, pp. 317-433 "An Official Rescript from Corinth," Hesperia, VIII, pp. 181-190 1940 "Excavations on the Slopes of the Acropolis, 1939," A.J.A., XLIV, pp. 107, 252-256 1941 The Lion Monument at Amnphipolis,Cambridge, Mass. "Colonia Laus Iulia Corinthiensis," Hesperia, X, pp. 388-390 "Plato's Description of Early Athens in the Light of Archaeological Research," A.J.A., XLV, p. 92 Review of Arkaeologiske og Kunsthistoriske Afhandlinger tilegnede Frederik Poulsen. Copenhagen, 1941, A.J.A., XLV, pp. 638-640 Review of Homer A. Thompson, The Tholos of Athens and its Predecessors (Hes- peria, Supplement IV), Princeton, 1940, A.J.A., XLV, pp. 127-129 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF OSCAR THEODORE BRONEER 395 1942 "Hero Cults in the Corinthian Agora," Hesperia, XI, pp. 128-161 "Hero and Horse at Corinth," A.J.A., XLVI, p. 125 "The Thesmophorion in Athens," Hesperia, XI, pp. 250-274 Review of Margarete Bieber, " The History of the Greek and Roman Theater," Princeton, 1939, A.J.P., LXIII, pp. 248-2.50 Review of William Bell Dinsmoor, Observations on the Hephaisteion (Hesperia, Supplement V), Princeton, 1941, A.J.A., XLVI, pp. 577-581 Review of David M. Robinson, Excavations at Olynthus, Volume X, Metal and Minor Miscellaneous Finds, Baltimore, 1941, A.J.A., XLVI, pp. 150-152 1943 Review of The Annual of the British School at Athens, No. XXXVII, Session 1936- 37, Papers presented to Professor J. L. Myres in Honour of his 70th Birthday, 1940, A.J.P., LXIV, pp. 352-354 1944 "The Tent of Xerxes and the Greek Theater," University of California Publications in Classical Archaeology, I, 12, pp. 305-312 1945 " Archaeology in Greece Today," A.J.-A., XLIX, pp. 416-419 " Notes on the Interior of the Hephaisteion," Hesperisa,XIV, pp. 246-258 1946 Review of Axel W. Persson, New Tombs at Dendra near Midea, Lund, 1943, A.J.A., L, pp. 432-434 1947 Ancient Corinth, A Guide to the Excavations, 4th Edition, Athens " The Corinthian Altar Painter," Hesperia, XVI, pp. 214-223 " Investigations at Corinth, 1946-1947," Hesperia, XVI, pp. 233-247 1948 "The Dorian Invasion: What Happened at Athens," A.J.A., LII, pp. 111-114 "Notes on the Xanthippos Ostrakon," A.J.A., LII, pp. 341-343 Symposium on the Homeric Period: Dorian Invasion, Summary, A.J.A., LII, p. 381 1949 "Measurements and Refinements of the South Stoa at Corinth, A.J.A., LIII, pp. 146-147 396 BIBLIOGRAPHYOF OSCARTHEODORE BRONEER "Plato's Description of Early Athens, and the Origin of Metageitnia," Hesperia, Supplement VIII, pp. 47-59 "Records of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens," The American Archivist, XII, pp. 42-44 1950 "Terracotta Altars from Corinth," Hesperia, XIX, pp. 370-375 Review of George Bakalakis, 'EXX1VtKa' rpaire,oopa, Thessalonike, 1948, Cl. Phil., XLV, pp. 138-139 RReviewof Frederick 0. Waage, ed., Antioch-on-the-Orontes, IV, part i, Ceramics and Islamic Coins, Princeton, 1948, A.J.A., L IV, pp. 85-89 1951 "Corinth, Center of St. Paul's Missionary Work in Greece," Biblical Archaeologist, XIV, pp. 78-96 "Investigations at Corinth, 1950," Hesperia, XX, pp. 291-300 Review of Carlo Anti, Guida per il visitatore del teatro antico di Siracusa, Florence, 1948, Cl. Phil., XLVI, pp. 68-69 Review of Dorothy Hannah Cox, The Excavations at Dura-Europos, Final Report IV, Part i, Fasc. 2, The Greek and Roman Pottery, New Haven, 1949, Cl. Phil., XLVI, p. 198 Review of Alan J. B. Wace, Mycenae, An Archaeological History and Guide, Prince- ton, 1949, Cl. Phil., XLVI, pp. 242-244 Review of R. E. Wycherley, How the Greeks Built Cities, London, 1949, Cl. Phil., XLVI, pp. 244-245 1952 " Odeion and Skene," A.J.A., LVI, p. 172 1953 "Isthmia Excavations, 1952," Hesperia, XXII, pp. 182-195 "University of Chicago Excavations at Isthmia," A.J.A., LVII, p. 105 1954 Corinth, Volume I, Part iv, The South Stoa and its Successors, Princeton "An Ancient Monument of World Unity, the South Stoa at Corinth," Archaeology, VII, pp. 74-81 1955 "Excavations at Isthmia, 1954," Hesperia, XXIV, pp. 110-141 "The Isthmian Sanctuary of Poseidon," Archaeology, VIII, pp. 56-62 "The Temple of Poseidon at the Isthmia," A.J.A., LIX, p. 170 BIBLIOGRAPHYOF OSCARTHEODORE BRONEER 397 1956 " An Archaeological Enigma," Archaeology, IX, pp. 134-137 " Athens in the Late Bronze Age," Antiquity, XXX, pp. 9-18 " The Enigma Explained," Archaeology, IX, pp. 268-272 " The North Slope Krater, New Fragments," Hesperia, XXV, pp. 345-349 1957 " Excavation of the Isthmian Sanctuary," A.J.A., LXI, p. 182 " Gods and Games on the Corinthian Isthmus," University of Chicago Magazine, XLIX, 4, pp. 10-15 Review of Pierre Amandry, La Colonne des Naxiens et la Portique des Atheniens and Jean Jannoray, Le Gymnase, Fouilles de Delphes, II, Topographie et Architecture, Paris, Cl. Phil., LII, pp. 126-128 1958 " Athens, City of Idol Worship," Biblical Archaeologist, XXI, pp. 2-28 " The Corinthian Isthmus and the Isthmian Sanctuary," Antiquity, XXXII, pp. 80-88 " Excavations at Isthmia, Third Campaign, 1955-1956," Hesperica,XXVII, pp. 1-37 Review of W. Vollgraff, La Sanctuaire d' Apollon Pythe6ena' Argos, Paris, 1955, A.J.A., LXII,- pp. 118-119 1959 " Excavations at Isthmia, Fourth Campaign, 1957-1958," Hesperia, XXVIII, pp. 298-343 " Excavation at Isthmia, 1957-1958," A.J.A., LXIII, p. 187 "Gods and Games on the Corinthian Isthmus II," University of Chicago Magazine, LI, 4, pp. 12-16 Review of Nikolaos Himmelmann-Wildschiitz, &oAnEXraoq,Marburg/Lahn, A.J.A., LXIII, p. 103 Review of Richard Hubbard Howland, The Athenian Agora, IV, The Greek Lamps and their Survivals, Princeton, 1958, A.J.A., LXIII, pp. 401-403; C.W., LII, p. 190 1960 " Isthmia, Campaign of 1959," Archaeology, XIII, pp. 105-109 " The Isthmian Sanctuary," AEXr.,XVI, Xpov., pp. 85-89 " Notes on Three Athenian Cult Places," 'ApX.'E+., 1960, pp. 54-67 Review of John Arthur Hanson, Roman Theater-Temples, Princeton, 1959, A.J.A., LXIV, p. 301 Review of Georges Roux, Pausanias en Corinthie, Paris, 1958, Gnomon, XXXII, pp. 297-303 398 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF OSCAR THEODORE BRONEER Review of R. E. Wycherley, The Athenian Agora, III, Literary and Epigraphical Testimonia, Princeton, 1957, Cl. Phil., LV, pp. 125-127 1961 " Isthmiaca, Investigations at the Site of the Isthmian Games," Klio, XXXIX, pp. 249-270 " The Isthmus of Corinth at the End of the Bronze Age," Atti del Settimo Congresso internazionale di Archeoloqia classica, Roma-Napoli 6-13 sett., 1958, I, Rome, pp. 243-249 Review of Henry S.
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