![VUFJNPOBT BFTUVBSJJ Sp. Nov., Isolated from Tidal Flat Sediment](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
The Journal of Microbiology, October 2008, p. 525-529 Vol. 46, No. 5 DOI 10.1007/s12275-008-0189-9 Copyright ⛠ 2008, The Microbiological Society of Korea -VUFJNPOBT BFTUVBSJJ TQ OPW *TPMBUFE GSPN 5JEBM 'MBU 4FEJNFOU 4FPOH 8PPO 3PI ,ZPVOH)P ,JN :PVOH%P /BN )P8PO $IBOH .JO4PP ,JN +VOH)PPO :PPO )FF.PDL 0I BOE +JO8PP #BF * 1 University of Science and Technology, Daejeon 305-333, Republic of Korea 2 Biological Resource Center, KRIBB, Daejeon 305-806, Republic of Korea 3 Environmental Biotechnology National Core Research Center, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju 660-701, Republic of Korea (Received August 4, 2008 / Accepted September 4, 2008) " OPWFM CBDUFSJVN #5 XBT JTPMBUFE GSPN UJEBM GMBU TFEJNFOU *UT NPSQIPMPHZ QIZTJPMPHZ CJPDIFNJDBM GFB UVSFT BOE 4 S3/" HFOF TFRVFODF XFSF DIBSBDUFSJ[FE $PMPOJFT PG UIJT TUSBJO BSF ZFMMPX BOE UIF DFMMT BSF (SBNOFHBUJWF SPETIBQFE BOE EP OPU SFRVJSF /B$M GPS HSPXUI 5IF 4 S3/" HFOF TFRVFODF TJNJMBSJUZ JOEJDBUFE UIBU TUSBJO #5 JT BTTPDJBUFE XJUI UIF HFOVT -ZTPCBDUFS ≤ 9BOUIPNPOBT ≤ 1TFVEPNPOBT ≤ BOE -VUFJNPOBT ≤ )PXFWFS XJUIJO UIF QIZMPHFOFUJD USFF UIJT OPWFM TUSBJO TIBSFT B CSBODIJOH QPJOU XJUI UIF TQFDJFT -VUFJNPOBT DPNQPTUJ $$::5 5IF %/"%/" IZCSJE J[BUJPO FYQFSJNFOUT TIPXFE B %/"%/" IPNPMPHZ PG CFUXFFO TUSBJO #5BOE-VUFJNPOBT NFQIJUJT #5 5IF ( $ DPOUFOU PG HFOPNJD %/" PG UIF UZQF TUSBJO JT NPM 4% 5IFQSFEPN JOBOU GBUUZ BDJET BSF JTP$ JTP$ JTP$ JTP$ JTP$ ωD BOE JTP$ 0) $PNCJOFE BOBMZTJT PG UIF 4 S3/" HFOF TFRVFODFT GBUUZ BDJE QSPGJMF BOE SFTVMUT GSPN QIZTJPMPHJDBM BOE CJPDIFNJDBM UFTUT JOEJDBUFE UIBU UIFSF JT HFOPUZQJD BOE QIFOPUZQJD EJGGFSFOUJBUJPOPGUIFJTPMBUFGSPNPUIFS-VUFJNPOBT TQFDJFT 'PS UIFTF SFBTPOT TUSBJO #5 XBT QSPQPTFE BT B OPWFM TQFDJFT OBNFE -VUFJNPOBT BFTUVBSJJ 5IF UZQFTUSBJOPGUIFOFXTQFDJFTJT#5 ,$5$ 5 %4. 5 ,FZXPSET Luteimonas aestuarii sp. nov., taxonomy T The genus Luteimonas belongs to the γ-subclass Proteobac- B1953/27.1 , obtained from CRBIP (Centre de Ressources teria, as first proposed by Finkmann et al. (2000). This genus Biologiques de l'Institut Pasteur), and Lysobacter gummosus T currently contains only two species (1997): Luteimonas meph- UASM 402 from KCTC. T itis B1953/27.1 that was isolated from an experimental bio- filter (Finkmann et al., 2000) and Luteimonas composti CC- .PSQIPMPHZ BOE QIZTJPMPHJDBM DIBSBDUFSJTUJDT T YY255 that was isolated from food waste (Young et al., The cell morphology was examined by light microscopy 2007). This paper aims to establish the taxonomic position (ECLIPSE 80i, Nikon) and Gram staining was performed by T of strain B9 isolated from a marine environment, through Gram staining method (Gram, 1884) and the non-staining phenotypic, genetic, and chemotaxonomic analyses. method described by Buck (Buck, 1982). Catalase activity was determined by observing bubble production in a 3% .BUFSJBMT BOE .FUIPET (v/v) hydrogen peroxide solution. Growth under different temperatures (10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 34, 37, 40, and 42°C) and #BDUFSJBM TUSBJOT pH (4.0~13.0 at intervals of 0.5 pH units) were assessed on T The novel strain B9 was isolated from tidal flat sediment TSB medium. The requirements and tolerance of various in Yeosu (34°47'26" N 127°34'01" E), Republic of Korea. NaCl (0.0, 1.0, 3.0, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0, 15.0, and 20.0%, w/v) con- The novel strain was isolated on TSBA [tryptic soy broth centrations were determined in R2A broth medium supple- solidified with 20.0 g agar per liter (Difco)], followed by mented with the appropriate concentrations of NaCl. API repeated restreaking to obtain a pure culture. For broth 20NE, API ZYM test strips (bioMe؉rieux), and Biolog GN cultivation, TSB medium was used. Bacterial cultures of the plates with GN/GP inoculating fluid were used to investigate isolates were stored at -80°C in the presence of 20% (v/v) enzyme activity and substrate utilization from sole carbon glycerol. The novel strain was deposited into the KCTC sources. T (Korean Collection for Type Cultures) as KCTC 22048 as well as the DSMZ (German Collection of Microorganisms %FUFSNJOBUJPO PG 4 S3/" HFOF TFRVFODJOH QIZMP T and Cell Cultures) as DSM 19680 . Reference strains used HFOFUJD BOBMZTJT BOE %/"%/" IZCSJEJ[BUJPO for DNA-DNA homology tests included Luteimonas mephitis Chromosomal DNA was extracted and purified using a TM DNA Extraction Kit (G-spin , iNtRON Biotechnology). Determination of 16S rRNA gene sequencing, phylogenetic Ȼ To whom correspondence should be addressed. (Tel) 82-42-860-4628; (Fax) 82-42-860-4677 analysis, and DNA-DNA hybridization were performed as (E-mail) [email protected] described previously (Roh et al., 2008). The identification 526 Roh et al. J. Microbiol. 5BCMF Characteristics that differentiate Luteimonas aestuarii sp. 3FTVMUT BOE %JTDVTTJPO nov. from its closely related species T Taxa: 1, Luteimonas aestuarii B9 sp. nov.; 2, L. composti CC- T T .PSQIPMPHJDBM BOE QIZTJPMPHJDBM DIBSBDUFSJTUJDT T YY255 (data from Young et al., 2007); 3, L. mephitis B1953/27.1 Strain B9 is Gram-negative, catalase-, and oxidase-positive, (Finkmann et al., 2000). +, positive; -, negative; w, weak; NR, not and can grow at up to 3% (w/v) NaCl and 40°C. Aesculin reported. hydrolysis and gelatin hydrolysis occured. A detailed species Characteristic 1 2 3 description is presented below and Table 1 shows a com- T Growth at 6% NaCl - + NR parison between strain B9 and closely related strains. NaCl range (%) for growth 0~3 0~6 NR 1IZMPHFOFUJD BOBMZTJT BOE %/"%/" IZCSJEJ[BUJPO The 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity indicated that a T Growth at 37°C + + - strain B9 is associated with the genus Lysobacter (≤ 97.2%), Xanthomonas (≤ 96.8%), Pseudomonas (≤ 96.7%), and Lutei- Nitrate reduction - + - monas (≤ 96.0%). However, within the phylogenetic tree with 16S rRNA gene sequences from members of the genus Aesculin hydrolysis + + - Lysobacter, Xanthomonas, Pseudomonas, Luteimonas, and other genus groups, which were selected according to the Utilization of a 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity, this novel strain falls D-Glucose + + w a within the cluster of Luteimonas species (Fig. 1) and is D-Galactose - + - a closely related to the type strains Luteimonas composti CC- D-Gluconate + - + T T YY255 (96.0%), and Luteimonas mephitis B1953/27.1 Enzyme activities (95.5%). The tree topology is also supported from different tree-making algorithms using minimum evolution, maximum- Esterase (C4) - + NR parsimony, and maximum-likelihood method. The result of β-Galactosidase - + NR DNA-DNA relatedness showed a DNA-DNA homology of α-Glucosidase - + NR T 23.0% and 15.7% between strain B9 and Luteimonas meph- β-Glucosidase + + - T T itis B1953/27.1 and Lysobacter gummosus UASM 402 , DNA G+C content 64.7 68.1 NR respectively. The characteristics of 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity and DNA-DNA relatedness values below the a et al. Data from Young (2007) threshold of 70% (Wayne et al., 1987) indicate that strain T B9 represents a distinct genospecies. The molecular phylo- T genetic analysis shows that strain B9 has the highest 16S of phylogenetic neighbors was initially carried out by the rRNA gene sequence similarity with Lysobacter gummosus T T BLAST (Altschul et al., 1997) and FASTA (Pearson and UASM 402 (97.2%). However, strain B9 is clustered with Lipman, 1988) programs against the database of type strains Luteimonas species in the phylogenetic tree regardless of of validly named species (Chun et al., 2007). The 50 se- different tree-making algorithms. Despite the each low boot- quences with the highest scores were then selected for the strap values (53~66%) of the four treeing methods used, calculation of pairwise sequence similarity using global align- supporting the branching point between the major Luteimonas T ment algorithm, which was implemented at the EzTaxon cluster and the strain B9 , most of the branching points re- server version 1 [http://www.eztaxon.org/; (Chun et al., 2007)]. mained unchanged regardless of the treeing methods, sup- T porting the affiliation of the strain B9 with the genus /VDMFPUJEF TFRVFODF BDDFTTJPO OVNCFS Luteimonas. The GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ accession number for 16S rRNA T gene sequence of strain B9 is EF660758. ( $ DPOUFOU BOE BOBMZTJT PG DFMMVMBS GBUUZ BDJE T The G+C content of genomic DNA of the strain B9 is %FUFSNJOBUJPO PG ( $ DPOUFOU BOE BOBMZTJT PG DFMMVMBS 64.7 mol% (SD, 1.1). The value of genomic DNA G+C GBUUZ BDJE content in the validated Luteimonas species, Luteimonas T The G+C content was determined through triplicate experi- composti CC-YY255 is 68.1 mol% (Young et al., 2007), ments by a fluorimetric method using SYBR Green and a which is similar to the value of novel strain. The predom- T real-time PCR thermocycler (Gonzalez and Saiz-Jimenez, inant cellular fatty acids in strain B9 were iso-C17:1 ω9c 2002). For quantitative analysis of cellular fatty acid com- (19.2%), iso-C15:0 (16.8%), iso-C11:0 (16.0%), iso-C17:0 (10.7%), position, the novel isolate was cultivated on TSBA at 28°C iso-C11:0 3-OH (10.1%), and iso-C16:0 (8.7%). C17:0 cyclo and for 2 days and cells were harvested. Cellular fatty acids were iso-C13:0 3-OH were absent or rare as described by Finkmann saponified, methylated, extracted, as described by Sherlock et al. (2000) in the description of Luteimonas mephitis B1953/ T Microbial Identification Systems (MIDI), and analyzed by 27.1 . There were no C18:1 ω7c and iso-C17:0 3-OH in the genus gas chromatography (Hewlett Packard 6890) and identified Luteimonas, although these two fatty acids were detected in using the Microbial Identification software package (Sasser, the genus Lysobacter. Luteimonas strains had higher con- 1990). tents of iso-C11:0, anteiso-C15:0, and iso-C17:0 than Lysobacter (Young et al., 2007; Park et al., 2008).
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