15156 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 152, Pt. 11 July 19, 2006 helpful both the Cyprus government powerful Nation in the world cannot and women of the United States Armed and the people of Cyprus have been even get its citizens out of Lebanon. Forces themselves, and their loved over the last week. It is time that we There is no excuse. ones, have expressed to myself and my return to the fair-minded policies en- We know the military, although it is colleagues, their sacrifices have not acted prior to 2005 so that we can fi- stretched in Iraq and elsewhere, is well been in vain. nally bring about real negotiations able to take orders and to move quick- Thus, tonight my colleagues and I that will finally reunify Cyprus. The 32 ly, and if it is not the military, then we will endeavor to emphasize but a por- years of occupation must come to an know that you can capture civilian tion of our noble military’s and our end. commercial aircrafts and direct them Homeland Security personnel’s vic- And so as we recognize this dark an- to be able to secure those who need to tories in defending our lives and our niversary, I hope that the Bush admin- get out because of medical emergencies liberties from our evil terrorist en- istration rewards the actions of Cyprus and other needs that would warrant emies. over this last week by returning to the them getting out more swiftly than To commence, I yield such time as he policies of the past. They were the others. may consume to the gentleman from right policies then, and they would be Mr. President, the United States Sen- South Carolina (Mr. BARRETT). the best policies now to foster an envi- ate and this Congress, this House, can Mr. BARRETT of South Carolina. ronment to end this division of Cyprus. do a far better job responding to this Mohammed Atef aka Abu Hafs Al- f crisis while protecting the American Masri, no longer a threat to the United people. It is a shame, simple shame States. AMERICANS STRANDED AGAIN that loved ones here in the United Ahmed Homood Al-Khaldi, no longer The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a States are still facing this crisis with- a threat to the United States. previous order of the House, the gentle- out knowing whether their loved ones Mohammed Abdul Fattah Moham- woman from Texas (Ms. JACKSON-LEE) can be returned home safely and se- med Kiram, no longer a threat to the is recognized for 5 minutes. cure. United States. Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. Madam Hurricane Katrina was a dastardly, Hanan Abdullah Raqib, no longer a Speaker, I spoke of this earlier in the devastating experience for this coun- threat to the United States. discussion of the resolution regarding try. In fact, there is no excuse. We can- Hassan bin Hamid Hazimi, no longer the statement on Israel, but I think as not defend the incompetence of the de- a threat to the United States. Ali Kudhair Fahd Al-Khudhair, no a member of the Homeland Security partments that were responsible for longer a threat to the United States. Committee and having experienced just evacuating those citizens from the gulf Ali Al-Khudair, no longer a threat to almost a year ago the watching of coast, a natural disaster. Now we have Americans in the gulf region, Lou- the United States. been at war in conflict and crisis for Al-Iyadiyah Ahmed Mohammed Al- isiana, Alabama and Mississippi re- six, seven, eight days, and there are main stranded for days upon days, as Sayyad, no longer a threat to the Americans still stranded in Lebanon. I United States. confusion continued in how to evacuate hope that will be a wake-up call and Americans who looked to the Federal Hisham Mubarak Al-Hakami, no that we will get a response imme- longer a threat to the United States. Government as their umbrella on a diately. rainy day, the images of Americans sit- Hani Al-Sayegh, no longer a threat to My door is open. My number is avail- the United States. ting on rooftops, floating in water, and able, (202) 225–3816. We want to be of the terrible stories that were told as Abdul Monim Ali Mahfouz Al- help to those families who are strand- Ghamdi, no longer a threat to the many of them were evacuated to Hous- ed, and we also want to be of help for ton is still very, very strong and very, United States. a resolution of the conflict, of which Zubayr al-Rimi, no longer a threat to very potent in our minds. all of us are looking for an immediate the United States. It bothers me that we stand here engagement and the opportunity for Khalid Jehani, no longer a threat to again watching the newsreels report the U.N. and other bodies to be able to the United States. over and over again of the 25,000 bring a solution to this terrible trag- Badr Al Sobeii, no longer a threat to stranded Americans in Lebanon. The edy. the United States. seemingly slow process of reaching f Ghaidah Ahmed Mohamed Souidah, those particular citizens, families, chil- no longer a threat to the United dren, who are looking for relief from b 2300 States. the Federal Government. Fayez bin Awad Juhaini, no longer a I think it is imperative that there be TERRORISTS NO LONGER A THREAT TO THE UNITED STATES threat to the United States. some briefing of the United States Con- Abdul Wahab Adel Abdul Wahab Al gress immediately to detail how we can The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under Sheridah, no longer a threat to the swiftly move up the throngs of Ameri- the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- United States. cans who are begging to be able to uary 4, 2005, the gentleman from Michi- Qasim al-Raimi aka Qasim al-Taizi, come home. It simply seems untenable gan (Mr. MCCOTTER) is recognized for no longer a threat to the United that we do not have the resources nec- half of the time remaining before mid- States. essary to evacuate our citizens more night as the designee of the majority Ali Abd al-Rahman al-Faqasi al- quickly than it has been done. leader. Ghamdi, no longer a threat to the Many of them are in need of medical Mr. MCCOTTER. Madam Speaker, United States. care, many of them with young fami- throughout this unsought struggle, Abdullah Ibn Ibrahim Ibn Abdullah lies, and the stories are just heart- which is the world war on terror, our Al-Shabrami, no longer a threat to the breaking. Children who are left on the Nation’s citizen soldiers have expended United States. pier. The 11-year-old girl who watched their fullest measures of devotion to Eid bin Dakhil Allah Juhaini, no a ship go off and ultimately had to be our defense. The cost of their heroic longer a threat to the United States. redirected to a ship in the morning. sacrifices, especially our fallen sol- Khaled Ahmed Mohammed bin There is a conflict, there is a violent diers’ ultimate sacrifices, upon them- Sanan, no longer a threat to the United conflict going on. American lives are in selves and their loved ones has rightly States. jeopardy, and this administration been solemnly noted on the floor of Muhammad Atef, no longer a threat needs to provide to the United States this, the people’s House. to the United States. Congress their detailed plan of how The success of their heroic sacrifices Narseal Batiste, no longer a threat to they will evacuate Americans. We have in protecting our families and free- the United States. their loved ones in our districts. They doms, however, has yet to be fully Stanley Grant Phanor, no longer a are pained to understand why the most enunciated and honored, for as the men threat to the United States. VerDate Sep 11 2014 13:27 May 03, 2017 Jkt 049102 PO 00000 Frm 00263 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BR19JY06.DAT BR19JY06 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with BOUND RECORD July 19, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 152, Pt. 11 15157 Mohammed Ajmal Khan, no longer a Osama Nazir, no longer a threat to Mazin al-Qasir, no longer a threat to threat to the United States. the United States. the United States. Saif al-Adel, no longer a threat to Yousaf bin Yousaf, no longer a threat Mansor Hasnu, no longer a threat to the United States. to the United States. the United States. Major Khalid Hmood, no longer a Wahid Khan, no longer a threat to Saad bin Laden, no longer a threat to threat to the United States. the United States. the United States. Safwan al-Hasham, no longer a Mohammed Omar Abdel Rahman, no Ahmed Zaoui, no longer a threat to threat to the United States. longer a threat to the United States. the United States. Saif Alwahid, no longer a threat to Shamshad Khan, no longer a threat Qari Saifullah Akhtar, no longer a the United States. to the United States. threat to the United States. Yasser al-Jaziri, no longer a threat Mohammed Shafique, no longer a Abd al-Hadi al-Iraqi, no longer a to the United States. threat to the United States. threat to the United States. Mohammed Salah, no longer a threat Mohammad Hassan, no longer a Mohammed Mohsen Yahya Zayed, no to the United States. threat to the United States. longer a threat to the United States.
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